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A family enjoys nice night until the unexpected happens |
" The Legend of the Child Snatcher " Do you believe in such thing called a "child snatcher"? If so then this isn't a story for you. It is reported that over 800,000 children are kidnapped a year which means that more than 2,000 children are taken each day. I have a story to tell you today, I'm warning you this may be to hard for you to hear.You ready... One dark friday night on May 13th 2012 a couple's daughter went missing. Stefan and Elizabeth were two parents enjoying a nice quiet movie night, the night their daughter went missing. They were watching 2012 when all of the sudden an old video from 6 years ago popped up and started playing.They both ignored it thinking they clicked something on the remote but that was not the case. They then heard a door swinging, it was almost like a squeaky noise when all of the sudden [ BOOM!!] a door from the upstairs slammed shut. They had a daughter Anna who was 14 years old so they thought it could've been her. Elizabeth and Stefan went back to watching the movie when another video popped up. Now this time Liz and Stefan knew they didn't click something because the remote was on the table in front of them.In that time that they went back to watching the movie, and the video popped up, Anna got up and opened her door. What happened next shook us to the bone. The video disappeared, and they went back to watching the movie. The movie was so loud that they didn't hear the window in Anna's room squeak open, Anna didn't hear it either she was listening to music. Her mom paused the movie and went up and checked on Anna. When Liz got into Anna's room it was freezing because the window was wide open. " Why is your window open?" Liz said, " It's hot in here" Anna said confused, because she didn't know either. Liz walked over to the window shut and locked it. Then she went back downstairs and watched the movie with Stefan. Liz told Stefan what happened and they both decided to turn down the volume because they would of heard the window if the movie wasn't so loud. After they turned the volume down they heard a door slam and glass shattering. "What was that Stefan" Liz said. "I don't know Liz, I think it was one of the doors upstairs" Stefan said with his voice shaken. " What about the sound of the glass shattering" Liz said confused. "It sounded like a window" Stefan said. "ANNA" they both screamed in fear. "Anna honey, are you up there" they called. After they didn't get a response Elizabeth and Stefan ran up the stairs to see why she wasn't answering.Once they got upstairs they couldn't open the door but they heard someone walking on glass. Stefan kicked the door open and as soon as they walked through the door they got chill and heard in a low man's voice "SHE IS MINE NOW." They searched high and low for anything telling them who took Anna. They saw a rock laying on the floor so they know that is what smashed the window, and they saw a note on one of the pieces of glass. It said " you have until midnight tonight to come find your daughter or she's mine forever." Her parents heart sank to their stomachs. They both remembered that Anna's window was open a little when Liz came up. "That's why her window was open" Liz said angrily. "He was trying to get in before and i shut and locked the window it probably made him mad" Liz said crying. "You couldn't of known" Stefan said comforting her. "We need to go find her" Liz said wiping her tears. "Okay, let's go" Stefan said. Liz and Stefan ran quickly down the steps, threw on warm clothes and shoes and jetted outside like their life depended on it and they began their search. After about 3 hours Liz saw poor Anna helplessly and turned to tell Stefan when; they both heard something in the tree's, and when they looked up there was nothing there. When they looked back down she was gone. Liz sais in tears, "I saw her Stefan, I truly did she was standing over near that tree, but someone was standing next to her, the noise in the trees scared me so I looked up and when I looked back down she was gone. I shouldn't of taken my eyes off her." They ended the search for her that night because they knew it was over, they would never see their little girl again. Not saying a word to each other all the way back to the house, until Liz broke the silence. "Are we really giving up on our only daughter" Liz said devastated. " We have no choice, whoever took her is gone and she went with and we don't know who this person is. For all we know she probably changed her whole look just in case we went to the police" Steven said sadly. " You're giving up on her" Liz furiously. "No I'm not" Stefan said heartbroken to think Liz would say that. " I'm not going to argue about this because you are giving up on her but you won't admit it to yourself. I will never give up on our daughter Stefan, every lead that I get I will follow it. I am going back to where I saw her in the morning, you can come if you change your mind about her" Liz said strongly. When Liz went back in the morning she was searching for 5 hours no break, she was determined to find something. She was about to give up because she was searching by herself, Stefan showed up and said " you didn't see the tire track" "No I didn't i was looking for something of her's" Liz said trying not to sound desperate. "They lead to another cabin, so I searched it and found Anna's clothes sitting on the bed. I knew she was there so I searches even more and found a closet full of clothes but they were full of dust which means they haven't been touched in years." They went back home and more leads came in and they followed them but they were all dead ends. Two years had passed and Stefan was still following leads but Liz was done she couldn't do it anymore. After they got back to the house from the dead end lead they were following Liz finally said tiredly, "I'm done Stefan, I can't keep doing this it has been 2 years since she was kidnapped and that all we found was her clothes. All the leads we get are dead ends I do not know about you but I'm done." "What do you mean your done" Stefan said confused. "It has been 2 years can't we just let her go" Liz said. " Let her go, you're the one that wanted to keep going 2 years ago remember I didn't want to keep going but you changed my mind because she was our little girl" Stefan said. "Yeah, I remember what I said and that hasn't changed but think about it we would have found her by now. We went to the police, we did everything we were supposed to do to find her and she is still missing. She is making it perfectly clear she doesn't want to be found. When she wants to be found we will hear about it trust me" Liz said. "yeah , you're right this has been going on long enough and if she returns we will hear about it because she will either go to us or the police. But I will never let go" Stefan said. "I won't either let go back home and relax" Liz said softly. Seven years later and they still haven't heard anything so they decided to pack up Anna's room.They didn't want to keep being reminded of their daughter that was gone and not coming back. When they finished packing Anna's room up they sat down and relaxed. There came a knock at the door while they were cooking dinner, Stefan went to get the door to see who it was. Stefan opened the door and saw the police standing with this little girl that looked a lot like Anna. " I'm sorry to bother you Mr.Martin but we have some news about Anna" the police officer said. " Come on in" Stefan said shocked. " I thought you guys gave up." "We never give up" the officer said. "Honey come in here please this officer has news about Anna" Stefan said to Liz. "We have news to believe that Anna might be dead by the lack of communication and appearance. This little girl was dropped off at the police station this morning by an anonymous person with a note saying 'give to Mr. and Mrs. Martin, here take good care of her.' We are still looking at the surveillance cameras, but we don't know what we are going to find." "Hi sweaty, what's your name?" Liz said to the little girl. "My name is Anna" said the little girl. "My mother dropped me off and told me to tell you she is so sorry" Anna said. "Stefan did you hear that" Liz said with tears in her eyes. "What honey" said Stefan. "Listen" replied Liz, "go ahead honey say it again." "My mother dropped me off and told me to tell you she is very sorry" said Anna. "What's your mother's name Anna?" questioned the officer. " She said it was Anna" Anna said answering the officer. "She's alive" they both said. That night every police officer in a 100 mile radius was on the lookout for Anna. But she was nowhere to be found again. So Elizabeth and Stefan took in the little girl but renamed her, her name was Belle. Belle is going to grow up to be an outstanding woman. One night while she was fast asleep there was a loud bang outside and Belle's parents rush down to see what it is. When they opened the door they saw their daughter Anna standing right in front of them, next to her was a tall handsome man. When Anna saw her mom she ran into her arms Elizabeth started to cry, when Stefan heard Liz crying he ran to the door to see what she was crying over. He saw her, his daughter that has been missing for 9 years. They both were crying.Anna then backed up and introduced the tall man. "Mom, Dad this is my husband" Anna said. "Hi I'm Jason , it is very nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Martin" Jason said. "Where is Anna mom" Anna said. "Her name is Belle Anna Martin" Liz told Anna. "Beauty loving Martin" Stefan said, "she's asleep." "Where have you been Anna" Liz said shyly. "I wasn't kidnapped that night" Anna said scared. "WHAT!!!!!!!" They both said in shock. "Well I was but then I escaped and I was looking for you all over the town but I realized we were not in the same place. So I went to the cops but they saw me, so I rented a car and and drove and when my car broke down I was stranded and had nowhere to go, so I stood by my car hoping someone would drive by. But hours had passed and still no one. Then I saw a car and I was scared what if it was him. Not thinking I started to run fast, the car was faster though and it pulled in front of me and a guy got out and it was Jason he saved me. We were driving around all night talking about what had happened to me and what I was going to do, I was all alone. He kept telling me I wasn't alone anymore. We got to know each other more and more and we started dating and then he just popped the question and I said yes. Then we had Belle and we weren't ready so we found our way back and dropped her off and I left that note so that you would know I was okay. But my kidnapper found me because Jason was in the car he knew I would come back here I started to scream Jason's name he couldn't hear me though, so I screamed even louder and he finally heard me, he got out of the car and saved me again. He whispered in my ear "I will always save you" I started to cry and we got in his car and left. We found a hotel and stayed a couple nights but I wanted to come home I was missing everyone. Now I'm here." Anna explained in full. "Why now, why choose to come home now" Stefan said. " I have something to tell you" said Anna. She opens the front door and Jason is standing there with a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed baby. Anna said " this is my baby". Elizabeth and Stefan were very happy not only that there daughter came home but that she was safe.Liz ran upstairs and woke up Belle and said "Do you want to meet your birth mother", she picked up Belle and went downstairs and sat her down and said " Belle meet your birth mother Anna". Belle's face lit up and she was so happy she started to cry. A few months had passed and it was time for Jason and Anna's wedding day everyone was dressed up Anna's mom was crying so was Stefan but everyone was happy, there was police in the crowd just in case. One person showed up a little late and to our surprise it was him he went after Anna while she was saying her vows and Liz jumped with fright waking herself from the horrible/weird/happy/sad dream. In the very next moment she heard Anna scream, Elizabeth woke Stefan up and said Anna was screaming, so they both ran to Anna's room hoping she was still there, and she was. Anna then woke up and her parents were sitting on her bed and Anna said " I had a bad dream, that I was taken and you searched for me, and I met this man that saved me and we had two kids and we got married and the kidnapper was there and attacked me again." "WOW, that's strange sweetheart I had the same exact dream, but we are okay no one is here to hurt us" Elizabeth said a little scared of what might happen. No other words were said. What does this tell you if they had the same exact dream. That it wasn't a dream and he wanted revenge for Anna escaping. Or that it didn't happen YET! But the one question that we all are still wondering is, who is the child snatcher, and who will he go for next? |