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The place where I will put my Game of Thrones things |
This will be a collection sort of like I had last year where I create things for Game of Thrones. This game is so worth the work of playing. It's time to kick some "enemy" booty. ![]() |
A cat, a Dog and A Lizard August 30, 2017 at 3:25pm These three animals are very special you see.
They each have their own life
and one life they live with me.
The cat came to me one day
she came as a stray
The dog I found while I was
wondering around the pound.
I saw her and I knew she was mine.
The lizard was something different
he was on sale, about to be put
to death, so I saved him and
now we are just one weird family.
We all get along, each in our own way
living this crazy thing called life
each and every day.
Wor... [Read more] I'm Bleeding help me. August 30, 2017 at 3:19pm There was a time when I was all alone.
No one around me. I wanted to get something
out of my soul, but I didn't know how.
I knew there was something I had to say.
The words were just on the tip of my tongue.
No one wanted to listen, so I became silent.
Yet still had something say.
I found another piece of myself that day.
It was a day of freedom I had never found.
Paper and pen connected and my hands soon becme
black like the ink.
It moved up my fingers to my hand. I couldn... [Read more] Imagination August 30, 2017 at 3:11pm Fluffy pink elephants standing on white cotton ball type clouds.
Princesses standing in the tower looking longingly out for their knight.
Princes fighting raging waters, sucumbing to the water fall
Robots becoming smarter than humans.
Spaceships with little green men coming to take you away.
Starships with hyperdrives and technology that isn't understood.
Fighting an enemy that you can't see, taste, hear, smell or feel.
Going to your happy place for some peace and quiet.
Givin... [Read more] Wrong turns in life August 30, 2017 at 2:54pm We are taught as children what's right and what's wrong.
While these truths may not be what we always listen to.
There's something inside us while we are quiet that says
that's wrong and you know it or that's the correct way
take it.
Making the wrong decision is not really a bad thing.
What you do after the decision is what matters.
Are you going to own up to what you've done
or are you going to try and get away with what
you've done.
Most of the time we wo... [Read more] Confidence in many forms August 30, 2017 at 2:09pm Confidence has many forms,
there's confidence in oneself,
that being that you are confident
in what you can do and how to get
the job done.
How to gain confidence?
Gaining confidence in yourself is
to set a goal for yourself that is
attainable, manageable.
There's confidence in others,
a matter of trusting someone else
with information or with a job to do.
How to gain confidence?
This takes the most time and can be
the most problematic. Trust and communication
are key ... [Read more] Week 5 Prompt 3 August 30, 2017 at 1:52pm G reatful for the
R est of the year
E veryone gathered for the feast
Y earning for the end
J esting about everything that had happened
O overjoyed by the relationships created
Y esterday is gone, all we have is today.
Word Count 42
Line Count 8
Form: Acrostic... [Read more] How to gain confidence August 30, 2017 at 11:23am Last year, 2016 when I played Game of Thrones, I was on team Greyjoy. As much as I stayed to myself, I really enjoyed the game, and the challenges it provides. The battle reviews were interesting and took a lot of communication between the players and timing to complete. The reviews and writing pushed me out of my comfort zone as well as the time constraints on what was going on in the game. At the time I was still learning the ropes of the site and what was expected. I was not completely confid... [Read more] Delicious Tears August 30, 2017 at 12:08am What if tears weren't salty?
If tears were delicious
I think we'd see more people
crying. Crying for no reason really
Crying just to have a reason to
drink their tears.
Line Count 6
Word Count 31
Form: Free Verse
... [Read more] That's just not true August 30, 2017 at 12:06am Anyone who makes you cry
isn't worth your love.
That's just not true.
When you lose a loved one
you cry. Were they worth
your love to begin with?
When your children do
something that makes you
shed tears of joy.
Were they worth your love?
When you miss a friend or
loved one that you haven't
seen in a long time. Are they
worth your love?
You can't put a price on love.
Line Count 15
Word Count 74
Form: Free Verse
... [Read more] Midnight Prayer August 30, 2017 at 11:44am I see the moon
the moon sees me
God bless the moon
God bless me.
Line Count 4
Word Count 15
Form: Rhyme abab
... [Read more] Watching where you're walking August 29, 2017 at 6:25pm What would happen if you actually tripped over your own shadow.
Do you realize how clutzy you would be?
To trip over something you assume is there but can't always see?
Think about it because there's not much else to do.
Take the time one day and pay attention to where your shadow lands.
Would you be tripping all over it?
I bet you would definitely pay attention to where you were walking,
trying to decide how to get around when the sun shines high.
Your shadow is not always b... [Read more] The ghost in the castle August 29, 2017 at 6:15pm The walls all looked the same.
The corners she took lead to the same place.
She was lost in the castle
Finally she decided that yelling
was not something that was useful.
No one seemed to hear her or if they
did the echo of her voice reverberated
so well they couldn't tell where she was.
So she sat down next the wall on one of the
platforms that led to a staircase.
Being patient was her best quality, so she
waited. Finally, footsteps sounded in the
hall, coming closer to her... [Read more] The stars have disappeared August 29, 2017 at 6:18pm The stars are gone from the sky.
No one knows where they are or when
they may come back.
Oddly at times you only see them at
night when all the light is gone
Millions of white dots fill the night
sky. Only when things are completely
dark to they light your world.
Seeing the designs that are
created, Orion, Poseidon,
Gemini and the Bear, each
intricately placed to help one
find where they are going in the dark.
Word Count: 79
Line Count: 13
Form: Free Verse
... [Read more] Let's get Nosy August 29, 2017 at 3:23pm He found a journal on the train.
Wonder who's this is?
Opening the book, he looks at
the inside cover to find a name.
Kady Lane
Simply written there. Wonder who
she is or where she is at this point.
He looks around for a lady
who might look like a Kady.
No one else on the train at this
point. So he took the book with him.
As he emerged from the train
he began searching for the
author of the book he held.
Suddenly the book was snatched
from under his arm. He now wished
he&... [Read more] What happened to me? August 29, 2017 at 3:04pm The school year began and the students came back
Vacation was long but now was time to get into
a new routine.
Sleeping in and staying up late were no
longer an option for most.
Football practice and Band seasons
had started.
My mind set was a bit off when I began
my position. The students
didn't know me well enough to really listen.
One student didn't want to listen, I'd told
him all class time to sit down.
He chose to argue.
I escorted him down to the office
w... [Read more] Look me in the eye August 29, 2017 at 2:56pm Don't make eye contact,
is shows a lack of respect.
It can be difficult when you
want to know what someone looks
There are times when you have to
make eye contact because it does
show respect.
While this too can seem difficult
to do.
Word count 46
Line Count 12
Form: Free Verse
... [Read more] Devil went down to Wewoka August 29, 2017 at 5:01pm The Devil went down to Wewoka. He was lookin' for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind 'cause he's always behind and was willing to make a deal
When he came across this woman writin' a story and writing it hot.
And the Devil sat down beside her and said "Girl, let me tell you what."
"I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a writer, too.
And if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you.
Now you write a pretty good story, girl, but give the De... [Read more] Final Cut #1 Free Verse August 30, 2017 at 11:39am The use of parsnips
and ginger in her
dishes was normal
herbs from her
garden proved useful
for success in life
love making and
even upset stomaches
There were a few other
things that she had
items like dream shade
or hemlock that would
make you ill and kill you.
She could mix carefully
adding only drops of
those poisonous things.
Everything tasted wonderful
WC 64
LC 22
Form: Free Verse
... [Read more] One last Adventure August 28, 2017 at 4:00pm Kindred stood in the tallest tower the castle held and wondered how his life had come to this. As he looked out across the early afternoon sky he wished beyond everything to escape. Escape the life he was born to, escape the arranged marriage proposals that he'd sat through that morning.
Every single one of the ladies were a daughter of someone who just wanted physical things instead of wanting him for who he was. The daughter of the duke, the oldest daughter of a rich lord, and a power hun... [Read more] Back to School time August 28, 2017 at 3:19pm You know for some the back to school time is easier than others. For some they are starting college or Kindergarten. For my family it's a time of starting new routines and learning the ropes of what is expected of them this year. Some would say that I have actually six children including my husband but he's not in school right now, unless it's the school of hard knocks. He's learned a lot about himself and what he's capable of this last year.
Let's start with my oldest... [Read more] The Time Traveler's Change August 28, 2017 at 2:23pm "Hey girl. It's your Fairy Godmother here to give you one wish."
"What's the catch?"
"Catch? Oh yea. I can't kill anyone, I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone else. I can't give you more wishes. I can't make you younger either."
"Is that all?" I asked skeptically.
"Yea. Let's get this done. What do you want? Money? Jewels? New Job that you absolutely love? The knowledge of a degree?"
"Can I travel through time?&... [Read more] What book would you choose? August 28, 2017 at 1:02pm She stood before the portal just waiting to see what would happen. Wanting to walk through and experience the scene but unsure if she'd be able to pull herself out of it.
This library was unlike any other. All a person had to do was place a book inside the clear water-like door and then step through, they'd be transported into the book.
Fiction stories, the person would watch the book come to life yet unable to change the course of events like a ghost in a memory.
Non-fiction books t... [Read more] Procrastination Quote August 28, 2017 at 11:58am You think, I've got time
while the seconds
tick away never to
return. Soon, before
you realize there's a
minute, an hour
Oh, my a day.
Putting things off
till tomorrow, what
you could've done
today. It's an old
master's saying.
Once you've lost the
time you had, you
can't get it back.
Now you look at
your unfinished
project, the dead-
line coming fast.
Will I finish?
Can I do this?
The last words
typed just before
time is up. Posted
... [Read more] Wheel of Torture #9 August 27, 2017 at 7:29pm 9. Write 20 story prompts and 20 poetry forms for the House of Black and White. ~ 10000 ~ Cadie Laine-House Greyjoy!
Story Prompts
1)Pick your favorite Love Song and write a story to it without using the lyrics
2)You wake up one morning with no memory. What happens next?
3)If you could go back in time and change ONE thing about your life what would it be? What changes would this one change have caused. Speculate if you wish.
4)What are the best things you've acquired second ha... [Read more] Three choices, which one to take. WC 766 August 26, 2017 at 6:12pm
This HUGE game is a month long and takes everything you've got plus some to get through. There's reading of all genres and types, with reviews to follow. There's writing of all sorts that can be done. Each person playing is on a house team. The House teams are named for the HBO tv show Game of Thrones which was created from the book series. While you don't have to watch the tv show, or read the books to figure out how to play the game, even if you do it still doesn't help... [Read more] |