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Rated: E · Documentary · Tribute · #2126941
know what you don't about his charismatic personality
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great lawyer, politician, and the founder of Pakistan. Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's creation on 14 August 1947, and then as Pakistan's first Governor-General until his death. He is revered in Pakistan as Quaid-e-Azam. Jinnah is recognized as a national leader of Pakistan but there are many hidden facts about his personality which have been revealed in this article. Some true facts about him are articulated as follows:
Muhammad Ali Jinnah's school records and birth certificate          shows his name as "Mahomed Ali Jinnah Bhai".
         The real birth date of Muhammad Ali Jinnah is 20th          October 1976. He later changed it to 25th December 1876, not sure          what was the reason behind it.          
         Jinnah's family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of          Shia Islam, though Jinnah later converted to Twelver Shia Islam.
         His mother tongue was Gujarati, however, at times he also          spoke Kutchi, Sindhi and English.
         Our trendy belief is that he did his matriculation from          Sindh-Madrasa-tul-Islam but that's not true. he passed his          matriculation examination from the University of Bombay.
         When he went England for further studies, He worked under Sir          Frederick Leigh Croft, who left a lasting impression on Jinnah's          life. Jinnah also followed his dressing and communication style and          regarded him as one of most favorite personalities in his life.
         Jinnah got married to Emibai from Paneli village. The          marriage was forced on him by his mother as she was afraid that if          he went to England, he might end-up marrying an English girl.
         Jinnah's first wife died just a few weeks after their          marriage.
         Jinnah fell in love of Rattanbai, a Parsi young lady.          Shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Rattanbai converted to Islam          and adopted the name Mariam. Two months later, on April 19, 1918,          they got married.
         Ratti and Jinnah loved each other till the end of their lives          but unfortunately their marriage failed just after few years. Ratti          wasn't happy with the fact that Jinnah was working over-time and          wasn't able to give time to his family.
         Rattanbai died due to cancer on her 29th birthday          and was buried according to Muslim rites. Jinnah sat like a statue          throughout the funeral but when asked to throw earth on the grave,          he broke down and wept. Later, Chagla said, that was the only time          when I found Jinnah betraying some shadow of human weakness. 
         As a young student in England, it had been one of Jinnah's          dreams to play Romeo at The Globe. It is an unfortunate reality that          his love story that started like a fairy tale ended as a haunting          tragedy to rival any of Shakespeare's dramas.
         Dina Wadia was the only child of Jinnah and Ratti. In an          interview, once Dina said that she never enjoyed a good relationship          with her aunt Fatima and she saw her as a wall between herself and          Jinnah.
         When Dina got married to a Parsi businessman Neville Wadia,          her father was strongly against her decision to marry a non-Muslim.          The relationship between Jinnah and Dina degraded to its lowest          level when Dina asked for his permission to marry Neville Wadia.
         After Dina's marriage, Jinnah reportedly told all his          social circle that he is going to cut all his relations with Dina          from that date. This never happened though, as we've discovered          that Dina was always in touch with Jinnah as we've discovered that          Dina was always in touch with Jinnah.
         Jinnah had two grandchildren, Nusli          Wadia and his sister (name not found).

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