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our choices in life determines the position of what and where we get to in life.. |
Choice Mom : Joseph, would u like some pizza and ice cream? Joseph : No mum;Am on a diet,trying to burn down my “Tummy-fat”. I know you’re already salivating for some.but for joseph,it was a choice(decision) he had to make knowing fully well it won’t go well on the journey of “Burning Tummy fat”. Choice is defined as an Act of choosing between two or more possibilities. There are four underlined key words in that definition…. Let’s meet them. Act: Anything done, been done, or to be done,deed, process of doing. Choosing:To prefer or decide, pick by prefrence. Between: in the position or interval that separate(Two things) Possibilities: state or fact of been possible. Do you want to own a house, a car, become a father, name it,is all by choice be it Yes or No.choice is something that takes place internally ( in the mind&brain) which is been displayed by thoughts and Action,taken internally or outwardly. We have made choices in life that has placed us in the position or situation we are at the moment. Most times we feel irritated and angry at some and some point we are happy and fulfilled we made the right one. We never or tend to rise to our greatest potential or being all we can be because of our choices. Like one of the bestselling Author(John C maxwell) says in one of his works “the only person who can stop you from becoming what God intends u to become is you”.which means YOU BECOME THE CHIOCE(outcome) You CHOOSE. Choice is a priceless possession God Almighty gave to man.“Free will is a precious gift from God for it let’s us love him with our WHOLE HEART because we want to” Matthew 22:37. When we begin to understand that our choices determine what we become, then we begin to “Think inbetween, pick by preference knowing well that it's of great importance and very much possible”. They are factors tbat determines human general choice. • Environment • Experience • Personality (self esteem, pride). Most times it comes to a point in our lives where we decide to make brilliant choices but then the above factors comes into play and we are discouraged. Until we understand that the above factors are just bridges to move on to greater height, and learn to deal with certain issues and circumstances, we remain unrepentant to make brave choices to attain your desired spot. The real difference between the successful and the poor isThe CHOICE Each of them made making them whom they are...First step to greatness is making a choice…. Getting to choose what u desire to become while walking through the right process. How can I make a choice and still get the choice with so many distractions. • Get to know you ( limits and strength) • Feed your focus • Believe and stay positive NB: You can never become the choice when you’ve not defined it and known your purpose for life. 1. Get to know you(limits and strength) : One of the problems faced recently,is that people do not examine themselves before making choices. They don’t know their limits and strenght.Do you know you? Only 5 out of 30 reading these can actually and truthfully say YES!!. We must understand that the basic problem facing man is “Himself”.and until we realize whom and what what we are , we remain pushovers and allow others make choices for us. How often do you sit yourself down and ask questions? How well do u know the great potentials and abilities you posses? Do you know you can overcome that hardship and become great again? Do u know you can become that which people says you cant? YES YOU CAN!! Replace the word YOU with “I”. What do u get?? Say it again….I believe, DO you believe? OK then go ahead and make that brave choice. 2. Feed your focus : I know who I am and what am destined to be!! What is that? What did u say? Ok,then go ahead through the process of becoming one… You must learn to feed your focus and avoid every distraction if you want to make a choice as well as become the choice…it is only when a supposed Engineer learns or yearn to scartter and try to make repairs himself, would he become a great one. Likewise other aspect in our life’s. One who dreams of becoming a doctor but always found in the mechanic workshop, would end up being like one(A Mechanic). 3. Stay positive: Am am not sure if it will work out well!! Yes it won’t work out well. Because you have giving the brain and mind a Negative feedback. What you feed your mind is been displayed by thoughts and it determines how you react or take action in making certain Choices. You know the story of the 3 brothers in the bible in Daniel chapter 3, who made positive choices and were saved,praised and promoted and remembered for ever, so also will you be saved,praised,promoted and favoured till the end of time.Did I hear an Amen.its only possible if u make positive choices as well as stay positive in accomplishing and getting a better result. We are always scared which makes us make wrong choices.is it right,would it work, what will people think?. Stop those saying!!stop giving those negetive vibes or you will get a negative result.your thought should be. It will work, I will succeed, I do not care of what others say or think. Say those words again! Again ! Are u done? Are u positive that you can?then go ahead and become that which you wanted be by choice. Make the Right choice today or regret Tomorrow. #Creative Joe®™ |