Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2125879-A-Blessed-Land
by Mac1
Rated: E · Article · Political · #2125879
A blessed land that time forgot
Once upon a time , there was a blessed land. On this land, the Divine creation of nature was beholden and cherished. Everyday it's people lived life proudly, and in liberty pursued their happiness. One day a tyrannical king arrived from another land with an army of people who were compelled to obey his every command. The king looking to his army armed with powerful weapons , contemplated the simple farmers of this new land and quickly decided to devour his new trophy. Standing on a far hill top with his army at his sides, he declared to the people that he was now the new ruler of this land and demanded all of the people to abide by his rules and jurisdiction. Do not be afraid, the king said " I know what is best for you. You are working too hard on these farms, all on your own. Life is to be enjoyed, I have some candy for you. My army will take care of your farms and you may rest and have the candy that I will provide". Some of the farmers scratched their heads, others squinted and rubbed their chins. We are working too hard ? The king with his army will give us some candy ? Life is to be enjoyed ? Up until now life had taught us to work hard and be proud of the fruits we cultivate. Now we are to sit and eat candy. Because of that the farmers formed their own groups, one group that liked the free candy named themselves Dunderheads , and the other group that wanted to keep their farms named themselves Handshakers. One farm at a time the king took hold and handed out more candy. Soon there were so many Dunderheads taking more and more free candy. The Handshakers could no longer manage their farms as the king handed out so much free candy no one would work anymore. Suddenly, the king started running out of candy. The Dunderheads wanted more. The Handshakers were afraid to make themselves known as the Dunderheads blamed them for the lack of candy in the land. Until finally, the Trumpeteers arrived , sounding a declaration to stop the madness throughout the land. The Trumpeteers attacked the king and burned all the toxic candy, the Dunderheads shouted hysterically , the Handshakers counted whatever heads of corn they had left. And after the sugar overdose had dissipated, and the Trumpeteers restored the farms back to the people of the land, a nation was born. A nation founded for its people to live proudly, indivisibly, respectfully with integrity. A nation governed by its own people with principle duty to protect its borders from foreign kings. A nation that allows its people to own their property. A nation which imposes common sense laws that are simple and equal for all. A nation whose government is not a financial institution which enforces taxes. A nation whose government does not facilitate the formation of monopolies for its own financial gain. A nation that respects the inalienable right to freedom for all citizens to live Life in Liberty and to pursue happiness. Not only in words, in actual principles. I pray that once again we may collectively attain this dream the framers died for, not too long ago. Ultimately it is up to each one of us to practice our expectations, respect is earned first, then received. So give it all you got, and pursue the gift you have in your heart.
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