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Rated: E · Fiction · Mythology · #2125009
Chang'e displeased the Jade Emperor and found herself banished forever from Heaven.
In the palace of the Jade Emperor lived a beautiful young woman. Her beauty and grace pleased the Emperor who loved to watch her dance. She was called Chang'e.

Chang'e was married to the great hunter, Houyi. Houyi was renowned for piercing the sky with his arrows and creating stars that lite up the night.

One day, the Jade Emperor summoned Chang'e to dance for him. In her haste to please the Emperor, Chang'e tripped and fell. She knocked over the Jade Emperor's favorite vase and broke it. The Jade Emperor banished Chang'e to be a mortal on Earth. Houyi gave up his immortality to be by her side.

The Jade Emperor's ten sons became unruly and transformed into ten suns, scorching the Earth from high in the Heavens. Chang'e no longer danced. The Emperor commanded Houyi, the great hunter, to stop his sons and teach them a lesson.

Taking an arrow from his satchel, Houyi aimed at one Sun and knocked it down from the sky. He continues to fire his arrows until he had cleared the skies of nine Suns leaving one to light the Earth for half of its day.

Houyi, as a great hunter, was soon reviled as a Hero to all mankind. His happiness was not complete as he watched his beloved suffer. Chang'e found life as mortals hard and miserable. She feared the death that awaited all mortals. Houyi longed to return Chang'e to the Golden Palace in the heavens and gain immortality for them both.

Houyi recalled that there was an immortal Queen Mother of the West who lived on Earth. She had a rare supply of the Elixir of Immortality. The hopeful hero left on an arduous journey to seek her aid.

After numerous difficulties, he finally reached her palace on sacred Mount Kunlun. Learning of their plight, the merciful Queen Mother gave Houyi two things. One was the Elixir; the other was a warning.

“Drinking half the Elixir will grant everlasting life. The entire Elixir, however, will make one ascend to heaven as a full-fledged immortal.”

It was all Houyi could have hoped for. With half the Elixir for his wife and a half for him, they could live for eternity on Earth and never fear death. As a banished deity, she could no longer return to heaven.

Houyi returned and began planning a celebration where he would surprise Chang'e with the Elixir. They would become immortal together.

Chang'e found the Elixir in Houyi's bag while he was hunting and became enraged. Her heart was broken by the thought that Houyi would return to the Golden Palace without her. In her misery, she took all of the Elixir leaving only a drop in the bottle.

Chang'e was lifted to the Heaven's and stood at the entrance of the Golden Palace. As the gates opened, she found herself on her knees. The Jade Emperor was infuriated by her selfishness and banished her to the Moon for eternity.

Houyi returned and found Chang'e had taken the Elixer. That night, he looked to the heavens and saw the moon and his beloved. Knowing he could not join her, he used the last drop to send a white rabbit to keep her company for all eternity.

Isolated on the Moon, Chang'e and her rabbit watched bitterly as her husband, Houyi, lived the rest of his days on Earth as a mortal man. He was reviled and honored as a hero by all. Chang'e was enraged when the Jade Emperor rewarded Houyi for his selflessness and honor by welcoming him back to the Golden Palace.

For all eternity, Houyi resides in Golden Palace and Chang'e with her white rabbit, forever banished, lives on the moon.
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