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The history of the damned begins and ends with the Blood Prince. |
Prologue Egypt -3500BCE Zara didn't like sneaking around but something about Lilith's reaction to the tablet had struck her as... well, off. After feeding in town, she'd returned to the library even more determined to decipher the tablet. She had to read the last paragraphs on the ancient tablet. Earlier in that night... The sudden flickering of the torches and loose pages flying off the table were the only warnings Zara received before Lilith breezed into the library. "There you are," Lilith exclaimed. "Here I am, indeed," Zara said before bending over to collect the fallen pages. She'd hidden in the library, hoping Lilith would go hunting without her. Several hours had passed without disturbance and she'd started to believe she'd succeeded in her endeavor. She should have known better. "What in the world are you doing closeted in this dusty room all by yourself?" Lilith asked. She clicked her tongue, her disapproving gaze on Zara's dusty scrolls. "Everyone else has already left to go to town." Zara gave Lilith a resigned smile. There would be no more working tonight. Before Lilith arrived, she'd been studying a particularly interesting ancient tablet. She was sure it dated back to the great flood. "Come, my pet!" Lilith called a touch impatiently. "How are you supposed to learn about your new life as an immortal if you're always locked away amongst these dusty old books?" Lilith stared at Zara who stubbornly continued to huddle in the corner, nose deep in the stone tablet. Even as a human, Zara found history fascinating. Born to a chief priest in the temple of Sekhmet, the goddess of destruction and healing, she'd had access to valuable ancient texts. She would get lost in the scrolls for days on end. When she'd been turned into a vampire, her love of books had only amplified. The vampires had the earliest and most valuable world texts gathered over their long lives. Many predated the texts she'd read as a human. Lilith had a treasure she didn't appreciate. The ancient writings weren't as important to her as the piles of precious metals and jewels. The tablet Zara was studying was special. It wasn't another piece of human history but instead spoke of the beginning of vampirekind. She'd found it in a small sealed pot amongst other, grander vessels. The tablet was small, four hands in width and length. It was wrapped in thick cloths. Inexplicably her heart had leaped when she unwrapped it. Somehow she'd known it wasn't an ordinary item. Perhaps she could learn the origins of the vampires ...if only she could read the worn letters. The little she'd deciphered was very exciting. Like the humans, Zara believed in a beginning. The tablet spoke of an original ancestor, the very first of their kind. "Couldn't you leave me behind--just for tonight?" Zara pleaded. "I've never come across anything like this. The lettering is difficult to read in some places but I'm confident I can decipher it given time." "You have all the time in the world," Lilith said, from directly behind her. "The writing is centuries old, it can wait another day. Whereas you need to feed." Zara was surprised when the tablet was snatched out of her hands. "I swear you're more of a hermit than an immortal," Lilith said in exasperation, holding the tablet well out of reach. Her eyes narrowed on the text. "I don't think you've heard a single word I've said. Let's see what has you so engrossed." Zara saw Lilith's expression change from nonchalance to shock before she could mask her reaction. Zara regarded her sire, the oldest vampire in existence and wondered what she was hiding. "Where did you find this?" The question was casually asked but Zara could sense that her answer was very important to Lilith. "It was in one of the earth pots amongst your treasures," she replied, her tone mimicking Lilith's casual tone. "It's an interesting tale isn't it?" "As I said before I've never come across anything like it," she replied. "Lilith, may I ask you something?" "Of course, my pet," she answered distractedly. Zara noticed that her fingers were gripping the stone tablet tightly. "You know I'll answer any of your questions." "I've always wondered how vampires came to exist." To the human hunters, vampires were nothing more than soulless bloodsucking demons from the deepest pit of hell. For the larger part, they were right. Yes, they consumed blood and killed more often than not, but Zara had also found good amongst the bad. Surely there was more to being a vampire. She wanted there to be more. Lilith carelessly threw the tablet onto her work table. "Don't be deceived by this old fable." If Zara hadn't seen Lilith's initial reaction she would have dismissed the tablet as heresy. "There is nothing mysterious about our vampirism. My immortality was a gift from the great god Anubis." "Some say you're the cursed wife of the first man. Human's worship you as the dark godess of witchcraft and seduction. Some believe you're a demon from the lowest pit of hell," she said. "Why do you let everyone believe so many things?" "Why?" Lilith laughed derisively, indicating the tablet with the wave of a hand. "It amuses me no end how creative people can be in their quest to explain our existence. I must admit the story of the blood prince is their most colorful one so far. Believe me, the blood prince is nothing more than a myth. I should know as I'm the first of our kind. Before me, there were no others. My immortality, your immortality ...are gifts from Anubis," she smiled. "Come on, there are only a few hours of night left. The fable can wait but the thirst can't." Taking Zara by the hand Lilith hauled her out of her chair. It was like being a child all over again. Zara was twenty-five years old, a fully grown woman. But by vampire standards, she was a child. ~~~ "There it is," she whispered, reading by the light of the moon. "The blood prince disappeared into obscurity as if he'd never been. Only the great blood portrait remained proof that he existed. A great painting made with the prince's own blood...oh, my God!" She expelled a shocked breath. She'd seen such a portrait! It lay under the palace. She remembered marvelling at the extraordinary lifelike detail of the portrait the first time she saw it. The tablet clattered onto the tabletop, but Zara didn't stop to check for damage. She rushed out of the room no longer worried about keeping her activities quiet. She sped down to the bowels of the palace. Lilith was a collector of beautiful things. She had mountains of gold and silver, sparkling crystals and precious gems. The things humans valued so much. Whenever something caught her eye, she moved heaven and earth to acquire it. Her hoard included objects of value, artwork, religious artifacts, and ancient writings from the Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, and other prominent human tribes. Lilith's treasure was awesome to behold. But Zara wasn't interested in the mountains of treasure. On three sides of the four-walled room stood floor-to-ceiling shelves, completely filled with scrolls and tablets, many very old. She'd spent many hours going through their texts but tonight, Zara wasn't interested in their age-old wisdom. The object of her desire stood at the back between two pillars where it had always stood... Yes, the artist had managed to capture the essence of the man. It was as if the man could step from the painting and come to life. He was tall, towering over Zara's modest five-foot-three frame. And everything about him spoke of power. It was the eyes, she thought; a weird yellow, they seemed to burn out of the white stone. Drawing closer Zara couldn't tell if it was done in blood. With the tip of her finger she traced the lips and gasped. her finger came away moist. When she looked at it, it was crimson with--blood. Driven by curiosity she brought it to her lips. Immediately, she felt the subtle vibrations of power along with the sweet copper taste of blood. She gasped again, her tongue feeling as if it had been branded by a hot iron. A mouthful of silver might have had a similar effect. Zara stumbled back as a great horrific darkness swallowed her. She heard no sound, saw nothing but an endless black void. But she felt--him. Felt his unquenchable thirst. Their consciousness touched and became one. He probed her, searching out her secrets exposing her vulnerabilities. When he was finished, before she could really feel fear she was back in her own body. a sheen of sweat dotted her brow and her heart beat a rapid tatoo. Reaching out again, her shaking hand made contact with the portrait. Unlike before the painting remained dry. The tingles on her tongue told Zara that she hadn't imagined the whole incident. A day later the tablet and the portrait disappeared without a trace. Most people longed for immortality but they didn't understand what it meant to be alone for centuries. It was a cold existence. Chapter 1 Zara could no longer fool herself. Rising slowly to her feet, she walked around her cluttered room. Ancient texts and artifacts lined the shelves, fighting for space. Her collection of ancient objects rivaled Lilith's, in uniqueness if not in quantity. The research she loved so much could not push away the stark, raw loneliness of her existence. The fifty centuries of her existence had been filled with study and exploration. She had read every single text on paper and on stone, traveled the world countless times. For so long Zara's search for the blood prince had consumed her, providing solace in an otherwise lonely existence. But they no longer did that. It only added to her loneliness and showcased the barrenness of her life. She had nothing. No one cared if she lived or died. Lilith didn't count. Not even Hiro's quiet presence was Cainugh. Zara felt like an insignificant drop in the ever dynamic stream of life. There was no purpose to her life. Just endless time. Even the mystery she'd set out to solve had been a failure. Yes, fifty centuries was a cold existence. The knock on the door came as a surprise. She had been so consumed by her thoughts she hadn't heard the approaching footsteps on the tower's stone steps. "Come in." Taegaris Lilith's assistant entered the room and stood just inside the door. "The queen wishes to see you," he said. Zara sighed with weariness. "What is it this time?" she asked. She was already in a gloomy mood she didn't need Lilith's dramatics to add to her melancholy. "I have just arrived. Can't I have a few hours to myself?" "It isn't my place to question." Taegris didn't bother to answer the latter question. Everyone knew that what Lilith wanted Lilith got. "Perhaps lord Grigori and his hunters have brought news." "Grigori?" Zara's brows climbed up almost to her hairline. She didn't particularly enjoy the company of Lilith's arrogant hunter. With his handsome Nordic heritage, he was a man to sent women's hearts a-flatter, any woman but her. "What has that fool done this time?" She didn't really expect an answer to her question. Her disdain for the elite hunter wasn't shared by most of Lilith's subjects--especially the females. "It seems the guardian stronghold in Scotland has been taken over by Grigori's hunters. Without reinforcements, their other safehouses easily fell to our forces." Zara stumbled back her hand flat against her rapidly beating heart. The guardians were the vampire's bitterest enemies. Countless centuries ago long before Zara was made, their ancestors had taken sacred vows to exterminate all vampires from the face of the planet. Custos castle in Scotland was their headquarters. Protected by strong ancient spells it had never been penetrated until now. Nothing evil had been able to enter its ancient gates. Without further ado, she left her tower and followed Taegris down the stairs. The south tower was her private domain in the four-towered castle. Its size allowed her to store her artifacts and treasures. It was a haven she could escape to when Lilith's court became too much for her. With the turn of the eighteenth century, Lilith acquired land in the icy north pole. The guardians were killing vampires by the hundreds. With their numbers severely decimated it became necessary for them to set up somewhere remote, not easily accessible to the outside world, somewhere far from humans and hunters alike. Hidden away from the guardians they had grown strong again. For centuries the guardians were the only threat until humans developed sophisticated weapons, weapons capable of destroying immortals. Retreat had been their only option. They let their existence fade into myth. When they fed they did so carefully never leaving evidence that could be traced back to their kind. "Did anything else happen while I was away?" she asked as they walked down the lushly carpeted stairs. "The bearer of the sigil has been found," Taegris said. "Hold on...What?!" Zara snapped, she let out a loud impatient breath. "You didn't think I'd want to know that bit of news." "I must admit it has been a particularly interesting fortnight," Taegris shrugged nonchalantly unfazed by her outraged glower. "You should stay home more often," he admonished her instead. "Come on Taegris I was only gone for a month." "Be that as it may, a month is far too long for you to be gone," he said gruffly. "I missed you too," her tone softened. She barely stayed at home and when she did she preferred her own company to that of Lilith's courtiers. Realizing that Taegris actually noticed her absence when she was gone touched a part of her she thought was dead. "I think I'm going to be staying closer to home from now on." "That's good," he said clearing his throat. "I am sure the queen will be delighted to hear it." "How is she dealing with the sigil issue?" "Not good at all," he sighed. "The hunters she sent out were unable to recover the girl. It did not go over very well. But I'm sure the second group will do better." Zara rolled her eyes at the understatement when things didn't go according to Lilith's plans that usually meant death or torture at best. By now they were in the corridor leading to Lilith's receiving room. She couldn't help but notice a large number of hunters stationed around each corner they had passed. She'd counted eight hunters so far. They came across another pair before they reached their destination. "Security has been beefed up since I was last here," she observed when another guard emerged from one of the many passages. "Ever since the guardian stronghold fell the queen feels certain an attack on us is eminent." By this time they had arrived at the huge double doors which a pair of hunters pulled open for them. Zara noticed that there were more hunters stationed against the room's walls. Lilith was seated on her magnificent throne-like chair talking to Grigori in hushed tones when they entered. They both looked up when the doors opened. A joyful smile broke on Lilith's face. Zara's steps picked up until she was nearly running. Her smile was just as large as Lilith's. For all her grumblings she loved Lilith with all her heart. She wasn't just her sire, their bond was as strong as that shared by a mother and her child. Lilith met her on the bottom step lifting her from the floor in an exuberant embrace. They laughed, wept and laughed again. To a normal observer, it would have appeared as if Zara hadn't been home in decades. "How I've missed you!" Lilith put her back on her feet and took a step back to examine her from head to toe. "You look wonderful." "And you look ravishing as always," Zara said. There was nothing modest about Lilith's dress, a magnificent red creation any queen would die to wear. The deep red color was a perfect foil for her raven locks. She was as beautiful and unchanged as the day Zara first met her all those centuries ago. "Come, come," Lilith said, leading her up the steps. "I have the most delightful news. Something guaranteed to keep you away from those dusty tomes you love so much." Some things never change, Zara thought, observing Lilith's pout with a rueful smile. She took her seat on the less grand chair to Lilith's right. Grigori was seated on Lilith's left side, a privilege he must have earned when he crushed the guardians. Zara noticed that he didn't leave once she and Lilith were seated. In fact, Grigori was in the process of undressing her with his eyes. And when he noticed Zara watching him he licked his lips suggestively. Eww! He was handsome, she admitted to herself. His muscled six-foot-three frame was folded casually on the chair. His wheat yellow hair fell to his shoulders in a messy-on-purpose kind of wave. She narrowed her eyes in warning causing his baby blues to darken with amusement. One day she would wipe that self-important smirk off of his face. He was, without a doubt, the sexiest man she'd ever laid eyes on. It was a pity the beauty was only skin deep. "Grigori." Zara acknowledged him with a snarl and curled upper lip. "Hey gorgeous," he replied with a leer. Zar rolled her eyes and endeavored to ignore him. If Lilith noticed their interaction she didn't comment. "Taegris has already filled me in on everything," Zara said moving her chair closer to Lilith's. "However did you manage it? Was it even us?" Lilith glared at Taegris who quailed in the corner of the room. "Argh, I would have preferred to share the news myself." Lilith waved dismissively refocusing her attention on Zara. "Really Zara what a silly question. Who else is formidable Cainugh to challenge the guardians and win?" she said with relish. "The werewolves can barely hold it together between full moons. The witches and the demons are too wrapped up causing mayhem to worry about anything else. We couldn't attack them from without so we poisoned them from within." "You infiltrated the guardian ranks?" Zara sputtered in disbelief. Lilith's first attempt at recruiting a guardian had failed. The vampire created on that one attempt had gone on to become the most feared guardian in vampire history. "It is safe to say the guardians are now under new management and those that remain resistant to change will soon be wiped out." Lilith gloated. "But that is not why I summoned you." Zara's eyebrow hiked up. What could be more important than the downfall of the guardians? Unfortunately, she didn't have long to wait. "You're to be married," Lilith dropped her bombshell. Zara sputtered in disbelief. Her eyes shifted to Grigori who looked happier than any man had a right to...oh hell no! The thought had barely passed her mind when Lilith confirmed her horrible suspicion. "I have chosen my best warrior Grigori, destroyer of the guardians to be your mate." Gag "He is perfect for you." She laid her hand on Grigori's arm who was still wearing a smug expression. "Wait! What? " she thundered before she could calm herself. "You have got to be joking!" Zara crowed. Her laughter verging on hysteria. Her outburst had carried across the room and now everyone's eyes were glued on them. Grigori's cheeks flushed and his lips thinned. Even Lilith's brows had lowered ominously. Zara forced her voice to soften reason coming to her rescue. "There must be a misunderstanding." "You understood me perfectly." Lilith's eyes flashed red fire. "Why are you doing this to me?" Lilith's eyes softened by a fraction. She didn't like to be defied not even by her. "I am not doing this to you. I am doing it for you." Her slender hands clasped Zara's face so that they were eye to eye. Her voice rang with truth. She genuinely believed what she was saying to her. "Being alone for centuries is not something any creature can bear. Eternity is not meant to be spent alone. Your constant melancholy is forcing my hand. You have done your best to hide it but it is plain for someone with eyes to see." Zara's gaze was the first to slide away. She couldn't fault Lilith for putting into words what she herself had been thinking. But... Gregori. She racked her brain for an answer to her predicament. "If you want me to marry I will but at least allow me to chose my own partner." "Gregori is a strong virile man. A good match for you. I didn't just choose him for his military prowess you know. His looks are to die for. You will be the envy of every woman in this castle including myself. Believe it or not, I actually put great thought in finding someone compatible to you. He will be good to you. I'll make certain of that." No one could fail to hear the underlying threat in Lilith's voice. "But--" "Hush," Lilith cut her off. "My decision is final." "Don't look so put upon Zara," Grigori looked at her top to bottom. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he was thinking. "I promise joining with me will not be boring." Zara doesn't bother to hide her revulsion and turned to Lilith with pleading eyes. "Is there no one else--anyone but him." "Are you trying to be funny?" Lilith asked with careful calm. Only the color of her eyes betrayed her growing anger. "Give me time. A month," she said her desperation making her suicidal. "Time away to clear my head. When I come back I will marry Grigori without argument." "You're not going anywhere. You will marry me immediately!" Gregori exploded. The lustful lecherous looks were gone replaced by cold anger. "When we're mated I will teach you respect." "Be silent Grigori. Is that any way to woo your bride?" Lilith said. "You do not hold authority in this room." For all his huffing and puffing the decision lay with Lilith. So she turned pleading eyes towards her. "Please, Lilith. A month no more." "Very well you will have a month to prepare. No more," her expression hardening on the last words. "Thank you," Zara whispered. The relief was instantaneous. Hopefully, a month would be Cainugh time to permanently solve her problem. Lilith's word was law and there was nothing Grigori could do to change that. The following month would be hers to do with as she pleased. "When you return all the arrangements will be taken care of." Zara nodded numbly rising to her feet. "If you don't mind I will retire to my rooms." "I know you don't understand but everything is for your protection," Lilith said softly. When she made to leave she added. "Have you no words to say to your betrothed before you depart?" "I will look forward to our marriage," she said with saccharine sweetness. "And I will await you return anxiously, my love," Grigori replied with the same sugary insincerity. Her duty done she walked away from the room. Her eyes fixed directly in front of her. Already the room was filled with a low hum of discreet whispers. No doubt the latest gossip would be shared amongst the residents of the castle by dawn. It was the only reason she didn't collapse in front of so many witnesses. How could Lilith do this to her, she thought. The path to her rooms had never seemed longer. Surprisingly when she arrived in her tower room she didn't collapse into a hopeless ball of hysteria. Her bag was already packed. She never had a chance to unpack. She added a few more things the only thing on her mind was to get as far away from the castle as possible. Everyone obeyed Lilith but she wasn't everyone. If Grigori wanted her he'd have to hunt her down and force her kicking and screaming to the altar. She heard solid steps on the stairs before her door was thrust so open so violently it splintered on impact with the wall. Grigori breezed in like he owned the place. The look in his burning eyes made her quake in her boots. The slap when it came was so unexpectedly that she fell back onto her bed. She tasted blood. "How dare you embarrass me in front of everyone." "Embarrass you?" she repeated stupidly. He soon followed her on the bed and held her down, one hand around her throat and his body covering her so that she couldn't move. The hard evidence of his desire thrust against her thigh. His other hand roamed freely over her flesh until he grasped her breast. |