Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2123832-Men-Out-Of-Time
Rated: GC · Script/Play · Sci-fi · #2123832
First sequence from a screenplay written by me and another writer. Not formatted properly.

EXT. LAS VEGAS -- DAY (2130)

Casinos long since been abandoned, the neon dead in the desert sun. Building walls crumbling, peppered with bullet holes, shell burst. Graffiti decorate what's left, leaflets float around. One leaflet, posted on a wall, reads:


A team of high-tech soldiers, dressed in urban fatigues,
armed with high-tech rifles, run through the empty streets.

They are:

CAPTAIN MICHAEL "GUNNER" ROSS, 30. He’s the hulking, tough leader of Unit 1, years of action written on his face.
LIEUTENANT DANIEL GREEN, 29. Muscular, smart, and all business.
SERGEANT ROBERT FLOYD, 29. Linguist and cultural specialist who’s seen more action in the intelligence offices than on
the field.
TECH-SPECIALIST MYLES WASHINGTON, 30. From the streets of Chicago, MIT grad.
WEAPONS SPECIALIST DONALD BASCO, 24. A Unit 1 greenhorn with a heavy Southern accent, he’s a behemoth of a man, a physical specimen.

The team chases a MAN dressed in scrappy clothing and carrying a high-tech rifle.

The man dashes through a casino entrance, the team close behind. Gunner flashes hand signals. Everyone spreads out
and finds cover. A shrill NOISE. A shell bursts in front, followed by machine gun fire and pulse bursts --large waves
of energy that ripple through the air and tears apart anything it comes in contact with. Gunner finds cover behind a pillar. Floyd and Green duck behind rubble. Washington crouches behind a wrecked hovercraft. Basco huddles behind a low wall.


FLOYD: We’ve got EMP bursts.

GUNNER: Activate remag.

The team pulls switches on their weapons. Waves of energy envelop them, then disappear.
Gunner dives behind a concrete planter.

GUNNER: Where are they?

Washington looks around the side of the vehicle.

WASHINGTON: I’ve got two positions, seven floors up -- north side of the building.

GUNNER: Can you get them?


GREEN: Robert and I have a line of fire, sir.

GUNNER: Alright, boys -- Green and Floyd advance. Washington and Basco -- cover. Copy?


GUNNER: Basco?

No response. Basco cowers behind the wall, shaking and nervous as hell.

GUNNER (through earpiece): Basco! Do you read me? I said copy, Goddammit!

BASCO (stuttering): Copy.

GUNNER:Go get them.


Basco and Washington fire up at the positions in the tower. Green and Floyd run underneath the canopy of a moving walkway
and jet out underneath the positions. They each fire a shell from their rifles, and the positions explode. Gunner and Washington advance. Basco stares, pleased at the damage. They join Green and Floyd and advance into the casino, Gunner at point.


The interior is a shambles. Dust blankets the upturned tables and chairs, paper flies everywhere like tumbleweed. Floyd checks his scanner.

FLOYD: Target’s ten meters below.

Gunner looks at Basco and points to a spot on the floor. Basco takes a small, triangular box from his belt and places it on the floor. He twists and taps it. The team backs off. An EXPLOSION. There is now a huge hole in the floor. Washington looks at the room below them. He gives a silent ’all clear’ signal and Green drops down, followed by the others.


The vault has been converted into a control room --computers and monitors line the solid steel walls. Through a window the team can see Man in the old vault control room. Gunner aims, fires, and shatters the glass. The team lays down more fire. Man flees.
Washington checks the monitors.

WASHINGTON: Lookee here -- he’s in the east corridor.

GUNNER (to Floyd, Washington, and Basco): Go get him!

The three take off. Gunner looks through drawers, files. Green inspects the room -- he’s impressed.

GREEN: Astonishing work. No wonder they’ve had us hunting them the last ten years.

Green picks up a unopened bottle of beer. He looks at it, hands it to Gunner. Gunner smiles, opens the beer, takes a
gulp. He hands it to Green. Green takes a swig, gives bottle back to Gunner.

GUNNER: Bingo.

Gunner holds up a small, black data disc.

GUNNER: Hopefully this will help end it. (beat) California, here I come.

Green smiles.

GUNNER: Danny -- you should come. You can use the R&R.

GREEN: Thanks, but no thanks.

GUNNER: I could order you to.

GREEN: But you won’t.

Green looks up at the monitor.

GREEN: Christ, they’re pinned down. Why didn't they flank? (beat) I’ll take care of it.

Green runs off. Gunner, looking at the disc, slides it into the computer. His eyes go wide as he watches the screen. He drops the beer.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2123832-Men-Out-Of-Time