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Rated: 18+ · Novella · Paranormal · #2123215
Taiga has finally stepped inside the magical dimension for the second time in her life.
© Copyright 2014

Flare Guns and Magic I.5: Sanity Vs. Insanity Book 1.5

A story about supernatural beings coming together to help the people who they love, a story about war and grace...

© Copyright All work is property of LadySra any duplication or reproduction of all or part of the work without explicit permission by the author is illegal.

All RIGHTS RESERVED, this story is completely mine so please DO NOT claim that this is your story because it is not. All rights are reserved to LadySra and I have the right to pursue action against those that infringe upon my rights.

No part of this publication maybe reproduced, or transmitted in an form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy sweets.


LYSANDRA's MEDIEVAL OUTFIT swept across the floor like skilled ice skaters on the run with their hard fitted skates on. As she made a hasty walk towards the Flare Queens conference room.

It took us a while to get there, considering the amount of soldiers that we had to walk through but we got there.

What I didn't know was that I was going to be in there for a long unfair meeting that only centered around Lysandra's personal affairs. Actually I did know it had something to do with her, I just didn't know that it'd be unfair.

As we walked in, it was as I could vaguely remember. The whole room was black. Black tinted chairs, walls, floor, and the conference table. Nothing shined in the room but the strange ornament that stayed in the middle of the table. It was round and looked exactly like a snow globe. Then there was that weird light that shined in it and if you looked closer into it- you could see black snow.

Here's how the conference worked and how the black snow globe revolved around the meeting.

First if all no one talks at all until Lysandra says that the meeting is starting. No, no one is allowed to talk until she gives that signal, that permission that revolves around that strange black snow globe.

And when it starts Lysandra gives the topic about the meeting and passes the black snow globe to someone so that it is their turn to speak.

I know it may sound foolish or like an adorable little game but this 'game' stopped anyone from speaking out of turn. And Lysandra always said to never speak out of turn- only speak when spoken to.

As Lysandra and I walked into the conference room we witnessed that everyone was doing their own thing.

Grace, the Flare Queen of the monks was painting her nails red furiously. She sat plainly across from the conference room entrance. She had her legs up on the table but paid no attention to whoever entered the room.

Even though she was known as the queen of monks- she had a heavy reputation to live down. She was known as the promiscuous queen who spoke her mind freely and was very sneaky.

She got whatever she wanted because she slept around basically and sneaked and peeked half the time.

To be completely honest I felt like Grace's face actually covered who she was. It covered her promiscuous ways because her face and small figure screamed: Preppy person! Virgin. Annoying church girl! Loner.

But she was none of those things.

Grace actually dressed decent sometimes. But she dressed in all black or white from what I can remember. She was even dressed in all black right now. If her legs weren't firmly onto the conference table then I wouldn't be able to see her whole outfit.

The light that shined from the black snow glove made her pale skin shine out like snow. And as I took my seat in the overly comfortable cushioned chair, I took my time to process her whole outfit.

It was slutty like always- remember she sometimes dressed decent. I like her shoes though, they say that women always liked shoes first in another persons outfit- well I could see why now.

She had on long black heel boots, and it wasn't just black it was leather too.

Her dress was nice too but it was way too short and I wouldn't be caught wearing something like that. Maybe if I was drunk out if my mind though.

The dressed looked like it was cut up everywhere with spaghetti straps front to back. Then there was the naked left shoulder that the dress didn't cover.

She had white clothing underneath the dress. A plain white bra and panty- this was how much I was taking in the outfit. But in the outcome I could tell that if she decided to bend down and get something then her whole ass would be out, then maybe I'd get a clearer view of her underwear.

Her hair was freely worn down and perfectly black. Heavy makeup worn out onto her face as she refused to acknowledge anyone's presence and continued to paint her beige nails over with lipstick red nail polish.

Then there was Genesis. She sat on the left side of Grace and continued to play with her long blonde hair which reached up to the end of her breast.

Genesis was known as a hippie. She was calm never actually serious from what little memories I had of her since the last time I came here. She was the priestess Flare Queen so she knew what she was doing to keep the peace.

Genesis was a bright blonde that smiled a lot. She had dark grey eyes that looked like they were mixed with a weird pond green color. Yeah, the color of a pond, grey and something else with it.

She had thin pink lips and I've never once seen her with heavy makeup like Grace yet.

Genesis wore a red strapless top containing no design at all, she wore this shirt with baggy red pants that crumpled in many way undefined to me.

Lastly is Liddell, the witches Flare Queen. She sat on the right side of the room in a chair that sat directly across from Lysandra's.

Liddell was really quiet and trustworthy. You could have a whole episode or war in front of her and she wouldn't tell a soul. Other than that, she was very musical, and right now she tuning her violin which was also black.

Liddell had a style of only black and tinted colors. Her style wasn't as bright as Genesis and it wasn't the black and white style that Grace wore. Her style was in the middle.

Today she wore a sleeveless shirt with tinted patterned colors on it. She had on a plain tight black business skirt. Her hair was as black and alive as Grace's, but it wasn't curly at all. It was shoulder length and very straight- she had a thick bang straight as ever that covered her forehead.

The leader of the queens was Lysandra, the illusionist Flare Queen. I respected her as my elder but after many stunts she pulled, I can't seem to see her as my queen. Or any queen as such in my eyes.

She took off all of her medieval cloths quickly. She walked around the table- clockwise to a white puma duffel bag she owned. There, she walked around the table shirtless, braless, but she still had panties on.

I looked around the conference table in surprise as no one paid Lysandra no mind. Genesis stared into an unknown space, a daydream maybe. Grace was done polishing those ridiculously long nails of hers but she was blowing onto them now- rushing them to dry quickly. Liddell just continued to tune up her violin.

I watched Lysandra carefully as she pulled up the duffel bag to her chest and fished through it furiously. But my eyes also wandered to her body attractions. She had a small collection of two breast and great skin, but I looked away from her before she could catch me staring at her body figure intently.

She would think that I'd admire her body and worship her more when I truly didn't. But I kept my eyes on the black snow shining globe- looks like the snows has sparkles in it if you look closer.

After that moment I heard Lysandra coming back to the conference table. This time she had on a heavy red jacket that was swede. The jacket was open and stayed that way as I saw she kept her violet panties on but didn't put on a bra though.

She moved into the main seat at the table, the biggest seat for a leader.

I sat in between Grace and Liddell.

Lysandra was the leader of the whole Flare Queens group and to the magical dimension society, people thought she was also a 'motherly figure. '

I strongly held back the burning laughter.

Lysandra has an ancient mind and is highly intelligent. She knows how to quickly turn issues on people and she knew how to quickly come up with battlefield techniques. She had everything good to be a great leader, but she wasn't though and I couldn't say damn thing about that either.


"ALRIGHT," Lysandra said as everyone's new focus turned to her.

Liddell quickly put away her violin, Genesis stopped playing in her hair and staring into space, and Grace put her nail polish away but kept her legs on top of the table. It looked like she didn't want to lose her comfort zone just for Lysandra's announcement.

Lysandra's fingertips were gliding against the glassy black table as she said, "We have an issue. " Her hands waved over to me to show that I was that issue. I looked at the rest of the queens in confusion as if to show that I did not know what issue Lysandra was referring to. Apparently my brain told me I had no issues whatsoever present in me.

"This issue concerns Taiga because she is not ready for the Flare War yet. As an illusionist myself, I can understand her issue. Her parents are dead, she doesn't care about the qualities that human life has to offer her. She only cares about getting the job done, which is training, killing enough targets, and getting into the war for her revenge."

Now she really twisted my words. I joined the Flare War to find answers- not revenge.

"And as you guys are my friends and fellow queens, you know that we do not train our Flares to be this way... heartless."


She crossed her arms across her chest and continued, "Now my fellow friends, can you give me an input on what decision we should make for Taiga." She now looked towards me as she asked for me to slide the dark snow globe towards her. I had to lean all the way to the middle of the table with aching ribs now.

I gave it a hard push towards her and she stopped it from going any further by holding it.

Lysandra looked towards Grace and asked to hear her input. She slid it gracefully her way in a diagonal formation.

Grace drew her legs from the table and planted them heavily on the ground as she stopped the globe with 2 fingers blocking it. She then crossed her legs together and fanned her nails after.

Grace looked at me as she spoke, "Well I recognize the face of course because she was with that handsome young man. Oh by the way what was his name again?" She asked herself this because I really didn't feel like answering. She tapped the conference table annoyingly with red tips.

"What was his name Taiga, I would like to speak to him," she smirked flirtatiously and I frowned. She slid the globe over to me this time and I caught it strongly in return.

"He's my fiancé and why are you asking for him so badly?" I huffed out and slid the globe roughly without a care towards her way.

She shrunk back in her seat a little and pouted, "Oh, you're engaged...?"

I swear if Lysandra wasn't here...

Genesis reached for the snow globe- ripping it out of Grace's pouted grasp.

"We're on a first name basis here, I can't remember the face. So...what's her last name?" Genesis asked and her confusion spread across her face as she watched Lysandra for answers frantically.

Lysandra reached for the globe and Genesis slid it to her.

"Taiga Sabatini," Lysandra said as she nodded profoundly and passes the globe back to Genesis.

"Oh, the Sabatini's," she quipped. "That's why you say she is after revenge, because of her deceased parents?" She asked whilst twisting her eyebrows in curiosity.

This time Grace snatched the globe from her.

Grace let out a frustrated sigh, "Genesis, she already told us her issue in the beginning of the meeting," she shook her head at Genesis lack of focus. Now she looked at me.

"If what Lysandra says is right, you only want revenge and that you're heartless... then you need to go back to the human world and do every little thing that Lysandra tells you to do. We do not train our Flares to be emotionless strikers in the war."

It's too late anyway, and I'm not heartless- I'm only emotionless when it comes to killing targets. I was taught not to show them any mercy.

Grace now slid the protruded black snow globe back to Lysandra.

"Well I rest my case," she said as she let out a sigh of relief, I felt disgusted in her for a spilt second. I hoped nobody saw me but when I looked to the right, I could see Liddell watching me intently. She winked at me whilst giving a small smile, then turned her attention back to Lysandra.

Lysandra played with the black snow globe- rotating it in her left hand due to boredom.

Her bored stare turned to me now as she sighed and asked me, "Well do you have anything to say for yourself?" The globe was now easily slid over to me and I gave her a hard stare but she didn't flinch.

"I'm sure you've twisted my words enough Lysandra. I never said I'd join the war for this revenge you speak of to the rest of the queens. I said I'd join for answers about my broken up family. And what used to be a heartless soul in me was fixed by now newly found fiancé," I grounded out.

Lysandra pursed her lips together in my response to her actions as she let out a strong grunt and slid the globe towards Liddell.

"As you may know," she spoke slowly like she was trying to put the words on her tongue by quickly finding them in her head. Genesis and Grace watched her carefully while Lysandra kept her hands comfortably folded under her chin. She watched Liddell like as if she was scrutinizing the words that come out her mouth.

While Liddell was carefully choosing the words in her head like a game of chest, I wondered if the queens liked Liddell as much as I did. In fact I admire her narrator ways because she just observes, and it's interesting to see that she can put up with three blockhead queens.

Liddell leaned back in the comfortable cushioned chair that we all had the same of. Her lips pinched themselves together, and she finally starts.

"I always disagree with a variety of Lysandra's plans and sometimes discussions," as I listen to Liddell's wise words- my eyes slightly turned to see Lysandra's reaction and it was a nice flinch.

"The reason why I always disagree with her is because I feel like she has no morals sometimes. This idea right now is utterly foolish" she said as she looked at Lysandra and shook her head as if she was ashamed. Ashamed of having a leader like that. A leader who didn't understand the consequences in the many plans and discussions she made.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Lysandra fuming in her seat. Her nails were digging into her skin deeply, but she couldn't speak because the globe was not in her hands yet.

Liddell continued, "This plan that we're trying to come through with right now is ridiculous. You're here trying to drag an innocent girl into your own affairs Lysandra. These excuses about her not being ready to train for war when she obviously is ready! There's nothing wrong with the girl, she had a once distant cold heartless heart but her fiancé Hei fixed that. And Hei is good friend between me and you Lysandra, you know what he is capable of," she sighed and held onto the globe tighter.

Liddell looked towards me now, now that she was done trying to make Lysandra feel ashamed of herself. She was ready to pounce upon me.

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