Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2122621-The-Flower-of-Desire--
Rated: GC · Short Story · Fanfiction · #2122621
This one's an really old fetish-based story. There's extreme weight gain if you like that.
It was a quiet day, a fair princess with blonde hair and a beautiful pink dress sits on her red velvet couch playing video games on a flat screen TV. She struggles through the level she was on trying to get to the goal point; suddenly, a death sound is cried from the TV and she throws the controller at it.

"Damn! Stupid game... ", she thought to herself, "What a rip off, that was just the third level..."

She tried again and again, but it was too difficult, she then paused it and went to the fridge in the kitchen... at the second floor; all she saw were fruits, vegetables, water, and a bottle of chuckola cola. She takes it and drinks it all up, her golden crown with blue gems falls off and she picks it up and puts it back on her head; she returns to the expansive living room with the black and white checker patterned floor and continues playing the game, as she plays, a dark mist forms around the room with glowing white eyes, she looks at it and yells at it for getting into her way, then, it engulfs her and she disappears.

After her abduction, a short elderly figure enters the room where she was missing, he wears a beige cap with brown spots on and wears a purple vest with gold button on it, he looks around and notices and starts panicking. He runs around the entire castle and no sign of her, he finally calls someone on the phone.

"Mario Brothers! Princess Peach is gone... AGAIN!", he said.

"Really!? This must truly be the 1000th time... alright... I'll be on my way..."

"Alright! But HURRY! Who knows what Bowser may do to her!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever... also... is my chuckola kola still there...?"

Meanwhile, in the barren desert where flaming snakes realm, the princess and her kidnapper are trudging through. She constantly beats the brute but no budge. They go through more sand and rock until they reached a castle with a oasis-like them to it, the kidnapper throws her down. The princess gives another look at the black figure... then, it throws away what was actually a black sheet revealing another princess, she had red hair and a yellow dress and had flower earrings.

"D-Daisy!?!?", she replied.

"Yes, Peach. It's me!"

"Why did you kidnap me!?!?"

Daisy was looking around the air, but she gave out no answer, she giggled a little and ran away upstairs. Peach chases her to a hallway that was open outside on the left with arches. They ran and ran around the castle until she finally catches her. She starts yelling at her about the reason she was captured, Daisy steps backwards with a comic "I don't know, girl!" look. Peach takes a step every time Daisy took one, the she hits the wall with no where to go. Peach creeps onward; but then Daisy picks up a white vase next to her and throws it at her, leaving her unconscious. Everything was black and Princess Peach finds her self on a grey table with her clothes nearly stripped off of her, then she sees Daisy, wearing nothing more but a bikini.

"Daisy! What's going on!?!?", she said dramatically.

"Oh... something special...", she sang, "But first..."

Daisy gets onto the table and crawls near her vagina, she pulls down her panties, exposing it. She then gently runs her vagina, giving Peach a good amount of pleasure. But she fell into a slight resistance, desiring to escape, instead. But it was futile for her as Daisy embraces more and more of her vagina, they felt great pleasure from their actions. Daisy then crawled onto her whole body and starts kissing her.

"Daisy... stop...", Peach moaned, "You're... being... stupid...".

She fainted, giving Daisy a chance to do what wanted to do now, she walks to a huge closet door and opens it, revealing a life-time supply of food, from dinner to desert. She then puts a ton of it into a wagon and brings it to the Princess. She forced her mouth open and shoves food into her mouth as if she was a trash can. This food she gave her was quite fattening as by the time she was done with all of the food, she started gaining weight, starting with her belly. Then Daisy brought her more food, forcing it down her throat; her belly, breasts, and legs swelled more and more as she was fed. Eventually, she gave her so much food from the vault, that her whole body swelled up with fat; Peach then got too heavy for the table and crashed through it, but Daisy was not done yet.

She brought out a machine from the dark basement, it can be described as a giant funnel connected to a hose, she put the hose in her mouth and dumped more and more food until it weighed five tons. She then activated it and when the loud buzzing sound went on, Peach woke up and saw what was happening to her; but with the hose stuck on her mouth and now too heavy to move, she was in deep trouble. The food went in rapidly and ballooned her up, she gained more weight faster and faster, her fat rises and swells into a blob, but her bra is still struggling her cover her breasts, but she she got bigger, her bra snapped and her breasts were free to move a little lower on her belly. She almost reaches the ceiling with her new gelatinous form and Daisy stops the machine; she climbs up her belly, pulls the hose out, and gives her more food.

"Daisy!", Peach said as she is forced to eat more, "This...*munch... munch...* ...is insane! I demand that you... *munch... munch... much...* ...stop this now and put me back into my original... *munch...* sexy form!!!"

"Sorry, Peach! But I find you sexy THIS way...!", Daisy gives her more food.

"Daisy, I don't want to be this! I got other stuff to do like sports or video games or racing! I don't want to be this... soft... fat... pig...", Peach halts her ranting and lets Daisy feed her more.

"Looks like you're enjoying this are you?"

Peach shakes her head up and down as best as she can with delight.

"Well then, my big fat little princess... I'm going to make you even more happier..."

Daisy puts the hose back in her mouth and turns the feeding machine back on, she puts it at its highest speed, making more food go inside more quicker; Daisy runs back up and down to throw more food into the funnel, Peach was gaining weight more faster, enough to crash into the ceiling and continuing growing from there, she covered Daisy's entire castle with her entirely fattened body, then the desert, then an entire continent, she had grown so fast that she has crushed and killed everyone and everything on land, water, and even sky. She then covers the whole planet with her fat and crushes it down, destroying it. But she didn't stop there, she still grew with the machine floating on her belly. As she got fatter, another woman who wears a light blue dress and blonde hair sees this and reacts negatively.

"WH-WHAT IS THAT!?!?", she flew near Peach's fattened up behind, "STOP! STOP GROWING!!! Y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!! I AM YOUR GODDESS AND I COMMAND YOU TO-"

She then gets farted on, the fart from Peach was so powerful that it wiped her out instantly. She was free to grow until she stopped, she was the size of a solar system, one which can be seen from miles and miles away. Princess Daisy and Princess Peach then kissed with all their sexual desire.
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