Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2119940-Reality-or-Theory
by BeccaT
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Psychology · #2119940
Is what your feeling real or theoretical?

I sit in the Autumn evening looking back on life and how un-bearable circumstances affect our perspective visual of ourselves and others. As the beautiful autumn colors blend to camouflage the very ground so does the result domestic violence illuminate our damaged soul. Just as a single piece of paper Falls aimlessly in the Wind so does our corrective being shift undirectional through life with every puff of wind, roadblock, and discontentness. Seeing how rape and domestic violence causes one to question their own morals and values as the abuser snatches it like a dried sponge thirsty for a drink. The very thing survivors crave is contentment, safety, and normalcy which is what all might be searching. Just as each snowflake Falls differently, so does the outcome of construe internal processes that rush through our minds like the Raging tide during storm.

A person might conclude to the thoughts that Scamper as maggots exposed to light, to question if what is perceive to be a delusion or reality. Survivors are fragile as crack China , but has persevered, found strength and inspired others because they stood firm as a tree by water Roots extending to Uncharted Territory. As the grape vine blossoms with nurture and care so will our internal Soul Spike with sound/stable Direction and corrective of nurturing. The storms that rage inside our being from the Innocence that was wrongfully taken by barbaric individuals is as a landslide tumbling on a house made of toothpicks. To stop this vicious cycle that plagues our thoughts, well-being and happiness, will need moral support direction, and the tools to overcome the Never-ending Mountain we currently climb.

As we let our thoughts Wonder on a downward spiral to your personal hell, there is a mustard seed of hope within our grasp. Unanswered questions May restrain us from the lighthouse Refuge seat like the what is the what ifs. what is it that keeps us going? What if we latched onto very thing that is opposite of what you received like hope, safety, and awareness? Like an advocate that represents ones angel, along with a direction safe from harm like The Stairway to Heaven. how will we break this heinous cycle violence do we have it in us to overcome? Will the cycle be broken with me or generations to come? we seek answers like the scholars looking for the next cure, with shoulders made of iron will stand firm to get the Boost I needed. sometimes keeping reality from others Theory can construe our perception of others and the world as it really is.

now that our thought processes are stoked like a raging fire, let us clear the attic clutter and smooth our perception like the Sailor sanding his boat. Is it that our fear is merely ones Theory or is it reality that the eggshells we walked up on our turn to dust. In the midst of the Raging hurricane inside of us, we find strength because we still exist.
the guilt and shame present inside overwhelms as to the extent of not being worthy and lowered self-esteem, just as a steam engine puffing for the last time. Rest assure awareness and knowledge sticks to us like a leech from a pond, so look up ahead and take back your confidence just as the sun brightens our day. Silence turns deadly and Harm's, just as our voice shatters the cycle that binds us. what is it that brings fear and induces nightmares maybe it's the cries of our children, mom's and loved ones that keeps us some turmoil. is it the cold harsh hands punishing us for being ourselves or is it a theory we dreamt like a hallucinating on LCD. wake up my loves it's not real, but your bridge to freedom awaits you beyond the Everest you just climbed.

hindsight is 20/20 so look back at the road done traveled. knowledge gained and steps taken to survive through your hellish world; with knowledge comes understanding, with understanding comes awareness, and awareness comes our Voice shattering the cycle of rape and domestic violence. silence can be deadly, just like having a voice will lessen the cycles bond, along to enhance safety, security and educational stance. who will Advocate you in times of desolation and direction, to steer you clear of unwanted clutter and help heal the way to happiness that shines like the Desert Sun. Change is difficult and may leave you feeling numb, just a thought hum in your head causing us to feel vibrated like the ride at the fair. is this just a theory for you or is it your reality as you live today? Only those who have traveled the same path knows the path is beating down to dirt. Do you see the path? You are not alone in this journey but know that grass and flowers are brighter on this side because it's been nurtured and tended to.

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