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A makeover for a cyborg should, definitely, be on everyone's bucket list |
The salon was about the same size as one for humans. It was mostly made up of machines to do all the custom work on cyborgs. At the entrance there was an android employee. Tera leaned over towards Mileena. “This place doesn’t seem very lively.” She whispered as we walked up to the android. She looked up towards us, seeming to come out of a standby mode. As she spoke it definitely sounded like a speaker was placed in her throat. Hollow and dry. “How may I help you today?” She asked. “We want to customize our new cyborg.” I answered and Amelia stepped forward. The android took Amelia’s wrist and scanned it. A visible laser line, coming from the clerk’s eyes, revealed an invisible barcode on Amelia’s wrist as the laser passed over it. Immediately, my heart leapt in my throat. I imagined Tera and Mileena also felt nervous as we all exchanged glances. It seemed like the process we taking forever. I was already making up a plan on when the android noticed something was wrong when she spoke again. “Thank you for your patience. I have pre-selected the category of customizations that specifically fit your cyborg’s model at station number three. If you need any assistance don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for choosing Retalica Customizations.” The android then went back to a sort of standby, default, position. It was always hard to tell if an android was on or not when they are idle. A cyborg’s eyes will have a faint light and the iris adjust just like a human’s does but an android has none of that. They can be sitting completely still and then all the sudden be in your face with those hated emotionless eyes. The four of us went to station number three. It resembled a dressing room with the walls and door made of thick, foggy, glass. There was a large interface on wall next to the door. It was instructing the cyborg to step inside of the booth. “Okay,” Mileena said taking her place in front of the interface. “I’ll deal with her look.” I stepped in between her and the computer. “I think we, briefly, forgot that Amelia is my cyborg?” I said in a sarcastic tone. Mileena still had that damn smile plastered on her face. “Oh, dear, of course not! But since you need my expertise in fashion I’d suggest you let me work my magic.” “I know, I just want some say.” I retorted and Tera stepped in. “It’d be like customizing a character’s appearance in an MMO that someone else is playing.” Mileena gave Tera a blank expression and that smile actually disappeared for a second. Another reason I loved my roommate so much. She knew how to pause Mileena in her tracks, if only for a second. The most common way to do it was for Tera to talk about video games. Mileena never had an interest in them which makes me, constantly, wonder how the two are close. Mileena turned back to me. “Fine. I’ll let you help. I’ll give suggestions and you tell me what you think.” Mileena looked at her watch. “We have around forty-five minutes to put something together so let’s start.” When we finished and Amelia stepped out of the booth we were more than in awe. I guess it’s like if an artist’s finest creation stepped out of the computer screen-or out of paper if you’re old school-and stood before you. Amelia looked totally different than she did thirty minutes ago. She had ponytail dreads that were her actual hair instead of the normal extensions and long side bangs of black with neon green highlights. Her eyes were blood red which Tera insisted on. Her eyebrows were of a popular cyber goth style; a straight line for one and spaced out dots for the other, only Amelia’s weren’t drawn on. Amelia had several ear piercings and a nose stud which was mostly at Mileena’s request. The cyborg’s clothes were of cyber goth fashion since it was a very popular style in the city and it matched the way her hair was done. Fishnets, tank top with a cropped vest, pleated skirt, stockings, and boots is what made up of Amelia’s clothes and I don’t think I could be more satisfied. We paid and left the store in a hurry. We all loved the way Amelia turned out. With some of the looks she was getting we thought it turned out too well. We talked in excitement about all the fun things we could do with Amelia but soon our excitement died out as a more immediate and pressing matter loomed above us. We walked in silence for a moment before Mileena spoke what was on our minds. “So what do you plan on doing now?” Mileena asked as we made our way back to my and Tera’s apartment. I shrugged. I really didn’t have much of an idea. “This was way above what I was used to dealing with. Give me a couple thugs stealing a lady’s purse and I’m in my element. But I never felt like I was making a difference dealing with smallfry. So I decided to crank it up and do something big. Now I possibly just picked a fight with the mob or something. They probably have hackers, hitmen, big guns, you name it. And I’m their target.” Mileena nodded. “At least you have an idea of what you got yourself into. But we can’t sit on our hands. You don’t want these guys making the first move. You gotta hit them first. After all, we have our secret weapon!” Mileena pointed a thumb at Amelia who was walking behind us. “That’s cool and all,” Tera interjected. “But you gotta know who you are making the first move on and more importantly where they are.” “And you can find that out?” I asked and was taken aback by Tera scoffing. “Hell no! It’s not that I can’t but I really don’t want to because if they probably can afford a top notch hacker. And if they trace my activity and catch me…” Tera trailed off and her eyes got distant with a very worried look on her face. I’m guessing she’s playing through every game, movie, and show where the crooks caught middleman and what he went through to get him to talk. I felt bad for bringing Tera and Mileena in on my problems. But they wanted to be apart of this almost as much as I did. Mileena could have easily walked out on us after Tera and I told her everything. Tera could have refused to give me support during anything I did but she believed what I was doing was right. I still believe that and now I just had to think bigger. “But there is someone who can.” Tera speaking again shook me from my thoughts. “She’s the one that taught me everything that I know. She might be willing to help us.” |