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This is a Harry Potter fan fiction. Its unfinished and a full description inside. |
What if Severus had a son that he did not know about. What if they got targeted by Death Eaters? This is to explain what happends in the First Year after the War ended. The Leaky Cauldron New Years Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter but I will use them as my own. Tom moved through the bar cleaning tables and chairs then placing the chairs on top of the table. Looking around the bar and seeing some stragglers he sigh. “Alright you lot, bars closing for the night time to move. You need to get home before you get locked up for being out past curfew. Come on lets go.” Getting them out the door and locking it behind them. Hearing the bells going off as a warning for the emergency arrivals. He was one of the few who knew that some of the Death Eaters who want to save as many of the people they attack that they can. They send them here and then onward to somewhere else when it was safe to move them. Holding still as the wards expanded and contracted and then stopped looking over and seeing the loan figure shaking and sobbing down on his knees. Then there were these cases the children who were saved last minute and had no immediate family to help with the trauma of the attack. Walking to the bar he pulled out two phials one of Calming Draught and one of Dreamless sleep. Moving back to the child and placing the phials on the table he knelt down next to the child. “Child I have a couple of potion’s I want you to take here this one first.” Moving the first potion up to the child’s mouth and waiting for him to drink. Smiling when he saw the child gag at the taste. “Good now what’s your name child.” Moving to place the empty phial on the table again. “Xavier.” He mumbled not looking at Tom as tears formed in his eyes. “Alright Xavier do you think you could stand for me.” Seeing the boy nod he smiled, “Good because I am an old man and crouching down is not in my bones anymore.” Standing up and then helping the child up he grabbed the second phial and helped the child over to the stairs. Heading up them he moved slowly to help the child up the stairs, knowing he wasn’t paying attention. “Come on lad let’s get you some sleep shall we.” Reaching the top of the landing and moving down the hall to a room. “I can’t sleep right now.” Was a mumbled reply and all Tom could do was laugh. “No worries child I told you that I have a couple of potions and unless my memory is fading faster than I thought you only have had one.” Nodding at his inquiry Xavier noticed they stopped at a door. Tom moved his hand opening the door bringing the child through and to the bed pulling the blankets down. Sitting the child on the blankets he handed over the last phial for the child to drink. “Make sure you drink all of it.” Receiving a nod and another gag he pulled the phial from the child’s grasp and placed it into his pocket. Laying him down on the bed he pulled the blankets up to his chest. “Why am I so tired.” Laughing quietly he watched the child fall to sleep without responding. As he headed towards the door he felt the wards expand and contract once more. Closing the door and heading down to the bar area he sigh when he saw that it was Severus standing by the door. Having just been with the child and now looking at the man before him he sigh. There were defiantly similarities between the two. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on.” Tom moved towards the bar and pulled out a bottle of Firewhiskey and setting it on the counter. Looking over as Severus stepped forward. “The Dark Lord called me to him and said I had the time now to join the raids. I think he was testing me seeing if I would come up with an excuse. I didn’t really have one with Hogwarts being on Christmas hols I agreed after the meeting Draco approached me informed me that I could still send the ones I could to you with that in mind several raids where planed for tonight. I went on one to a muggle village on the outskirts of Surrey. During the attack it was noticed that there was a magical home at the top of the hill so after the others where done playing we headed to the home.” Pausing in his description he took a drink from the bottle and sat back rubbing his face. “The door was destroyed and we entered the women was sitting there, just sitting there waiting for us. She must have had wards that notified her we were on the premises I looked at her, thought I recognized her but I couldn’t remember really but she knew me. She started talking about our night together and she wanted me to remember the others took it as she was begging and decided to play around.” Taking another drink he sigh and shook his head. “I figured she was right one of those nights after Lily… I would get drunk so much so that I would forget my own name let alone who I was with. I looked hard at her tried to remember then I saw her eyes travel behind me and widen. Just slightly I’m sure if I wasn’t watching her as closely as I was I wouldn’t of even noticed so I turned and fallowed her gaze to the stairs and that child was standing there watching the whole interaction. He looked at me focused on me and his mouth moved I could barely make out the word.” Stopping again for a drink he could tell it was going to be a rough night, looking up into Toms eyes he continued. “He said ‘Dad’ I couldn’t believe it I was in shock I turned back to the women behind me and she nodded out of the corner of my eye I saw him leave the stair case. I announced to the others that I was going to search the house and see if I could find anyone else. I fallowed the child upstairs and into the room grabbed a stuffed animal made it a portkey and sent him here. I waited for a few minutes before heading downstairs and stated there was no one else in the house the women was dead and we left. I then reported to the Dark Lord like everyone else and came here as soon as I could.” Finishing off the bottle of Firewhiskey he sigh. “How is he.” Severus stood back up on to his feet ready to leave. “He is asleep and so shall you be in a few minutes.” Moving the bottle away and to the trash he grabbed a key. “Come it is far too late even for death eaters to be out and about you can stay the night.” Tom wrapped an arm around the young man’s back and helped him up the stairs. “I don’t even know if the child is mine though.” Severus let himself be led up the stairs. “The timing fits that’s for sure “ As Tom led him to the door of a room and unlocked it he heard the man speak up. “Well you could always ask the child tomorrow when you wake.” Tom helped the young man into his room and on to a bed. “I can’t talk to him the boy will hate me I let them murder his mother and did nothing to stop them.” Tom nodded his head in understanding. “This may be true but he might understand that you had no choice you won’t know until you speak with him will you. So sleep in the morning I will stop by and bring you to his room yes.” At Severus’ nod he walked out of the room and back to his own to rest for the night there was lot’s to do in the morning and he would need his sleep. The next morning Tom walked to Severus’ room, like he said he would, to find it empty with a note on the bed. The cost of a night stay in galleons lay on top, with a sigh he opened the note and read. Tom, Sorry I inconvenienced you the night before with the impromptu stay in one of your rooms. As you are no longer renting out the rooms I figured the last price I heard would be sufficient. As for the child I will send instructions at a later date. Again I apologize for the intrusion. Severus Tom folded the note back up and placed it in his pocket before leaving the room closing the door behind him . Walking to the boys room next door and opened it before stepping in, he had a few hours before he could open the doors to the Cauldron and he wanted to explain to the boy exactly what was to happen. Looking around he noticed the bed was empty, then looking to the bathroom he saw the light on. Waiting a few minutes he heard no movement so he knocked getting no response he called out. “Xavier are you ok in there.” After no response he sigh and stated he was going to make entry. Opening the door he moved his head in side and looked around, stepping in he got a look of the whole bathroom. Seeing the child on the floor and blood seeping out of the wounds in his wrist, hurrying in all the way he picked the boy up and headed for the bed. “Stupid child.”He murmured as he summon his supplies, laying the child on the bed he set to work pressing some gauze to the slits to stem the blood flow he tapped them down checking the phials of potions that he had he sigh he only had one phial of the blood replenisher. Summoning is ink, a quill, and some parchment he wrote a quick letter to his daughter Laila. Laila, I recently took in a child to care for and he’s not fairing as well as I would have hoped maybe a women’s touch would help the healing process. Tom Checking the child’s wrist and seeing that the wounds were clotting he removed the old bandages and replaced them. Then spelling the blood replenisher into the child’s stomach he watched the color slowly return to the child’s face. Now all he could do is sit and wait with the child in hopes that there wasn’t a whole lot of damage done. When he felt the wards move to allow his daughter entrance he stood and headed for the stairs. Once downstairs he called her to fallow him back to the room the child lay in. Opening the door and letting her pass through in front of him. “I did what I could for him I just wasn’t sure if it was enough.” Nodding the women crossed to the bed, sat down. “Go get the bar ready father it’s almost noon, I will stay and help him recover.” As Tom walked away an closed the door she sat on the bed. Unraveling the gauze and checking the wounds she transfigured a stool into a desk and pulled out several potion phials. Picking up a particular phial she moved one hand to her lap and applied it to the wound directly. Once that was finished she re-wrapped it in clean gauze and moved to the other one repeating the process. Adding a few more blood replenisher potions to his system and a dreamless sleep she was officially done with what she could do now, sitting with the child as the day progressed changing the bandages when needed she pretty much relaxed. Was the night had fallen and the bar had closed she watched the door open. “How is he.” Her father asked as he stepped through the door and into the room. “He is doing better. I just hate that there is no one left for him to go to that is not a life for a child.” The tears building in her eyes as she looked back at the boy that was in her care. “There is someone left, his father, who is unfortunately a Death Eater.” He crept over to the bed sitting down behind his daughter. “They attacked one of their own, no one is safe.” She uttered in disbelief shaking her head. “No he didn’t know he had the child much less the dark lord. Once he figured it out he sent him here without the dark lord knowing of him.” Tom said softly rubbing Laila’s back as she processed the information. “Then who’s child is he.” She turned from the boy to face her father. She knew that there were some Death Eaters who tried to help the families they attacked. “Severus.” Tom said quietly looking her in the eyes. “Mum.” The boy muttered in his sleep throwing his head to the side. Laila reached forward and grabbed his hands. “Will you be sleeping in this room as well father.” She asked her attention on the child completely. For his answer he transfigured two beds for the two of them to sleep on. Sliding into his he waited as she moved to the bed and slipped under the covers. |