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Mileena may be on the incredibly weird and unusual side but she means well...I think. |
If I were limited to the use of two words to describe Mileena, they would be “crazy” and “psychotic”. She made me feel small whenever she was around. She was always energetic and straightforward. One time she at a mouse in front of everyone at a party. I puked and everyone else was just in shock. Oh, and it was a live mouse. Meaning, it was still squirming as it was in her mouth. She killed the thing by crushing it with her teething before finally swallowing it whole. So it’s no wonder why I put on my cheesy smile when she shows up. She’s dressed in her usual tank top, mini skirt, and stockings with her purple highlighted hair. Her navel piercings showing along with her tongue stud whenever she spoke. She was all smiles when we invited her in and gasped when she saw Amelia. “This is her? The cyborg you guys just got? She’s so life like.” I nodded my head. “We want to take her out to one of those cyborg cosmetic shops to change her hair and clothes but we can’t just go out with her wearing nothing but underwear.” “Why not?” She replied almost instantly. Mileena also had a habit of mouthing off before she even processed what was said. She turned to me and my annoyed look. The woman then let out a laugh and waved a hand at me. “I’m just messing around, Cass, you know me. So you want me to lend some clothes to her? Or rather to you.” I nodded my head again. Mileena walked around Amelia checking her out and giving a poke here and there. “Could you please at least not do the poking?” “Dude, this cyborg feels so real! She’s even warm.” Mileena exclaimed. “I know right?” Tera called back. Mileena them clasped her hands and turned to me. “I’ll lend you some clothes, real quick, but you have to let me go with you.” My heart dropped. “Why would you want to come with us?” Mileena scoffed. “This is a once in a lifetime thing. People I know got their hands on a cyborg and none of us are rich! I feel like the aunt to a newborn child. I promise I’ll be good this time.” She came over and embraced me but I felt like she was trying to submit me into making her go. Her embrace was crushing me and I could barely whimper out that I agreed to let her come. Then she was out the door to get some clothes and was back in less than five minutes. That was pretty short considering she lived on the floor above us. She brought down a corset, a tank top, slim jeans, and a short skirt with fishnet stockings as well as fishnet arm warmers. She laid them all across the couch we had in the living room. “Take your pick. I figured this would be fine for the short period the cyborg will be wearing them for.” I cocked my head to the side ever so slightly, picturing these clothes on Amelia. I wasn’t keeping up with fashion trends. I thought about letting Tera take charge of picking out what to wear for Amelia but then flashes of her own wardrobe, in my mind, quickly made me turn to Mileena. “Why don’t you pick something out.” Mileena showed an expression rarely seen on her face; surprise. “Seeing that they are your clothes and all.” Her usual smile returned. “Well, then do you want your cyborg-” “Amelia.” I cut in. “Is that German for something?” “No, the cyborg’s name is Amelia.” “Then do you want Amelia to attract attention? Because she definitely has the body-” “NO!” Both Tera and I yelled in unison. Mileena narrowed her eyes at both of us and sat down on the couch, comfortably. “I’m not budging until one of you tell me what’s going on. I overlooked it before but just the fact that you two have a cyborg is strange. And your behavior is different than normal.” Tera and I exchanged looks and I nodded. Mileena may be strange but she was still a friend and was still trustworthy. We told her everything that happened. I think I actually saw her smile get bigger as our story went on. After we finished our story Mileena actually laughed. “This was bound to happen when you go around playing superhero. I told you that from the start.” Mileena said. The fact is that I’ve been doing things like this for a while. Finding bad guys and, either, screwing them over or just outright turning them into the police. But before tonight it was never anything more than petty thieves or small-fry. When I heard there was something big going down then I thought I was ready to step up my game. Tera even, reluctantly, agreed. So now here we were but I didn’t think I’d be stuck with a next generation cyborg. “It’s simple though.” Mileena continued. “If you are being chased then all you have to do to stop it is,” She made her hand look like a gun, pointing her thumb and forefinger at me. “shoot down the big guy chasing you. That’s how it always is in the movies.” I rolled my eyes. A typical response from Mileena. “This isn’t a movie, Mileena. These people are gangsters and organized ones. And I can’t just kill every person that comes up to me until I get to the boss.” Mileena’s smile disappeared and her face got serious. “Why not?” She asked. The question threw me off as did her sudden attitude change. “They are people. Plus, I’ve never killed anyone before. It’s not something I can just do like in video games.” “You may not have a choice, Cassandra. You wanted in with the big criminals. Big criminals kill for the things they do. You will have to make adjustments if you want to stay alive at this point. You’re not Batman and can’t afford fancy gadgets to keep you from getting killed. Mercy is not something you can do and still live.” I think it’s at this point the reality of what I’ve done and am doing sets in. My heartbeat starts to quicken as I think about all the consequences I’ll, most likely, have to face.” Then Mileena turned to Tera. “And you. Since you agreed to help then get ready to match up with hackers that are just as good as you if not better. You’ve had easy passes so far. But I guess so far you’re fine if you managed to crack the code holding her.” Mileena pointed a thumb towards Amelia. “There is one factor you have not mentioned.” Amelia spoke. Mileena was surprised since this was the first time hearing my cyborg. “You have failed to consider me as an ally. It is my duty to protect Cassandra and her friends by any means necessary. I am able to engage in combat against humans. If Owner permits me to, I may even use lethal force. As long as I’m by her side she won’t have to kill. I will do so instead.” “Holy shit…” Mileena whispered. Her smile returning to its usual ferocity. “This is like some movie magic going on! But in real life. We have our fancy gadget right here.” Tera raised her hand. “I’d hate to interrupt this revelation but we should hurry and get to the customs shop before they close.” |