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Chapter 2 |
It's 7:00 in the morning and I see Violet in her bed asleep it looks like I’m awake before everyone else is, all well I guess I will just get dress and go get some breakfast before everyone gets up. When I was done with getting dressed I went to the dining room to get some breakfast when I heard someone's voice behind me “I though on one was awake at this time?” I turn around and I saw that it was Kyo Hitachiin. He is the youngest brother of the Hitachiin family and his age is 17 years old like I am but we don’t have the same classes so I only see him in the hallways or with his older brothers. “So, what are you doing in the dining room at this hour?” “I should ask you the same.” “I ask you first” he has a point and with a sign I said “I woke up early and I want to get some breakfast before everyone gets up, what about you?” “I am always up at this time it’s easier to eat breakfast that way and I don’t have to worry about all the girls that like me saying that they want to feed me if what I mean” “no but I can imagine” after that he looked up and down then asked “so why are you all dress up; do you have a date or something?” “No, I don’t have a date” “So then why are you all dress up” “it’s not your business” he is noisy I mean we aren’t ever friends and I bet he does not know my name. I heard from other girl’s that he can be noisy and rude but I don't know about the rude part but he is noisy. But not a lot of girls think that, I mean he has a small fan group, some girls like a rude, nosy, good looking guy. So, that’s one reason that he has a fan group and the other reason is because he is always with his brothers it makes he's small fan group mostly a big group then a small one the girls think it is adorable that he wants to be like his brothers or wants to be with his brothers. But his brothers have more fans, but that's not the reasons why I like him or his brothers it's difficult to say. I not know if it is more of the lines of feeling like I want to date one of them or it is the lines of feeling like I want to be friends with them. “Is our little brother bugging you?” Said Rin and Akito they’re the Hitachiin twins both have the same looking face with blonde hair, blue eyes the only way that you know who is who is that Rin wears his hair spiked up and short will Akito wears his hair long and down so it touches his shoulder. It looks like there is a small group for girls with them and in this early of the morning. “Huh...No he’s not bugging me” but he is annoying me the twins look at each other and smile like they know what I was thinking but the girls just gift me a dirty look. “Well ok then we will leave you two now” “No it’s OK I’m just about to leave this girl I just had a question for her that is all” “hey this girl has a name!” they just walked away like they do not hear me. “What was that all about?” I said to myself ha, all wall I should just to get something to eat before anyone wakes up and the breakfast rush starts. So, I went to a table, then I sat down and started to eat when I did I started to think about the creature like what is it, where did it go and am I going to see it again? thoughts like those were going around and around in my minded. I look out the window and see if the creature is outside the dinner hall but it was not there. Then suddenly my friend Violet come and sat down beside me, she startled me “Hey so guess what?” Violet asked “What?” “Well I’ve heard that you get the chance that you talked to all the Hitachiin brothers is that truth and was it all of them?” I'm guessing that there is going to be rumors going around about me like the ones that Violet had or maybe there’s going to be no rumors “Well no and yes it started as one Hitachiin brother talking to me because I was in the dinner hell and then all of the Hitachiin brothers started to talk with me but that was a short talk” “Ok, so who was the one talking to you first and what did you guys talked about I want details?” “The first one was Kyo and it went like this” so I told her how it went “and then Rin and Akito said ‘is our little brother bugging you?” “And I’m guessing you said no he is not, you know you're a good person I bet he did annoyed you and how would blame you. He is mean and all you don't want a mean boyfriend it only makes you want to cry trust me I know.” Said Violet “I know, I was there every night when you were crying because that guy would say mean things to you. But then again we don't know if Kyo is mean or nice and if he is mean he might have a sweet side that maybe he doesn’t want to show to a lot of people which makes the person he loves feel super happy.” “well you sure like he, does that mean you know who you want to date and you do know that there a lot of girls that also want to date him?” “No, I still not sure if it’s a like, like that I would date one of them or it is just that I like them and I know that there is a lot of other girls that like him, beside he probably likes a girl already.” I sat up and was going to put my garbage in the garbage can but on my way a group for girls that I saw with Rin and Akito was in the way it looks like they want to make me one of their numbers or just want to take to me “Hey look it’s that loser that we saw talking to Kyo this morning” said Stella Paradise she is the group ring leader of the group called “the love for all the Hitachiin brothers” the name needs a lot of work I have to say, she is also the Queen bee of this school “look don't get too high of yourself, he and his brothers was just being nice to a loser like you”. I know if I said anything to them it would be pointless but I can’t just stand here and take it so I decide to said “So what! Kyo and his brothers talk to my first I was not the one that started the conversation and not only that but I don't have to listen to you. So, if I decide to be high of myself because they talk to my then its up to me. You have to be crazy to think that, all because they talk to you!” I put my stuff in the garbage and then I went to my sat that was the end of that because I was not going to talk or listen to they're little nonsense chatting, what they are going to say next there was no point to it and It's not that I care about that stuff it's just not imported to me anyway “So let me guess they were not impress that you got to talk with not just one but all three of the Hitachiin brothers?” Violet asked “yea something like that” I said. After everyone was done with their breakfast we all got on the bus, me and Violet was sitting at the front of the bus and was going to town. I was sitting near the window when Kyo asked Violet if he can sit beside me and if she would like to sit beside Rin, Violet said that she would love to sit beside Rin while winking at me, she stood up and went to the set that Rin was sitting at. “so now you get to set with me why not tell me why you are all dress up?” why do he want to know and who said that I want to sit beside him? “Who say that I want to sit beside you and why do you want to know why I’m all dress up anyways?” “will no one said that you want to sit beside me I thought that you would like to sit beside me I mean you are a girl and I don’t know why I want to know it's just that I like to know that's all, wait do you want to sit with me?” “I... I... wait what does I am a girl have to do with sitting beside you?” “will all the girls what to sit beside me.” “will not all girls want to sit beside you and you now know one girl that don’t want to sit beside you.” “O how is this girl?” “I don’t want to sit beside you.” I look at him with anger eyes but he didn’t move. He must be damp or he has a death wish or something “look you need to know that I’m not like all your groupings that will do what you say and that you think I want.” “ok if you say so” what’s that suppose to mean, after that we set in silence until we were in town. I went into town for a little bit to do some shopping with my friend before going home for lunch, when I get home my mother was at the door when I open it. She said that there is people waiting for me in the living room so I went into the living room but before I went in, I saw Kyo, Rin and Akito there sitting with my dad, grandpa and I guessing their mother and their father. I stopped my mom before she went in the living room and I ask “why is Kyo, Rin and Akito there in the living room?” my mom said “so you already know them?” “yes, I know them they go to my school.” “That’s great it makes things easier” “no it’s not great I go to school with them and if they see me here then I can say my school life goodbye” “so want sooner or later you will have to say goodbye to the school and be a full-time princess. Not only that but this country needs you to be a princess now which means that this is your only time to make a good impression.” “If you want me go in that room then I will go in with a different look” “why you look good the way you are.” “no, I have to change my look or they will know how I’m and the country can wait till I’m done the school year at least.” “*sign* fine go upstairs and get change but you have to hurry too because we have some important people that is waiting for you.” “thank you, I will be back ok.” I said that with a big smile on my face and went to my room to get change. |