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Vanity is a supernatural detective who has a vision to die for |
Vanity was sitting at her desk when the vision began. She hadn't been prepared for the strength that accompanied it but the content was all too familiar. The woman was sitting on the floor with her back to the bathroom door where Vanity stood looking in. There was a large amount of blood but Vanity couldn't begin to determine where it was coming from. Feeling helpless, Vanity stood waiting for the woman to acknowledge her presence, to give her an idea of what was happening. No sooner had Vanity completed the thought than the woman spoke. "Who are you and what are you doing here? Who let you in? No one is supposed to be here! I want to be left alone. Leave now!" Vanity was surprised at the outburst because normally there wouldn't be any type of dialogue between her and the entity in the vision. Vanity decided to try to answer the woman. Maybe it would clear up the confusion. "The 'door' was open and where is 'here'? More importantly are you hurt? Can I help?" "It doesn't matter where you are, it only matters that you keep right on bleeding sweetie pie. That is all the help I need from you." The woman stood, turning, pointing at Vanity's arms where rivulets of blood were flowing down both arms and giggling. "You really didn't think you would go unpunished for committing murder?" Vanity was watching her life's blood leave her body as she listened to this woman speak to her as if she were responsible for a death. She was curious as to who the woman was and why she would accuse her of such a heinous act. Vanity decided that she would ask before she woke up. "Who did I kill? I don't know you or anything about a murder. Did it involve you or someone you knew?" "I am going to answer your questions Vanity because you have to know the extent of your crime. You were pregnant a couple of months ago but you didn't want a child so you had an abortion. Yes I know the pregnancy wasn't planned but that is really no excuse for killing an unborn soul. The powers that be decided you would be punished in a manner equal to the crime. Are you following the conversation so far? Can you still concentrate on what I am saying?" The woman asked staring hard into Vanity's eyes. "I am following the conversation but it doesn't explain you. What is your name? Are you some kind of executioner?" Vanity realized two things simultaneously; she was freezing and she never felt any type of change during any of her visions before. What in the world was happening here? This can't be real. "I don't know what name you would've given me. I am the woman that your unborn child was going to be, so I suppose that makes me your executioner. Isn't karma a wonderful thing?" The woman smiled as Vanity comes to the very real conclusion that she isn't having a vision. "So I am literally bleeding to death right before my own eyes and there isn't a thing I can do about it. It is so final and cold." Vanity slid down the door frame on to the floor in a seated position watching as her blood continued to pool around her. "It is isn't it? At least you get to speak to your killer before you die. I didn't know your name and I certainly wasn't able to speak to you before you killed me. As for being cold, well I didn't get to voice my concerns so that is a moot point. I must confess I am curious to know something. Did you ever consider a name for me when you found out that you were pregnant or was my death an instantaneous decision?" Vanity considered the questions, especially the name part, before she answered. "Your name would've been Taylor but that name had been chosen long before I had ever conceived you. As far as my decision to end your life, that was instant. No need to waste time with the maybes and what ifs. My visions take up my time so a child would've been in my way. Does this answer your questions?" Vanity's eyes were glazed over at this point. Death wasn't far away now. "Actually it does. You thought that your visions were more important than giving life. How do you feel? Do you like knowing you killed yourself? My soul felt heavy with guilt because it felt there was a defect with the physical form and your body rejected it for your physical well being. Knowing you intentionally forced me to leave, I no longer worry about my soul's future because I will get another chance at life. You, on the other hand, will be dealt with for an eternity. Maybe if you're a good little soul, the powers that be will allow you to come back as a bug and work your way up the ladder again. I am so glad we got to chat but your time is up. Good bye Vanity." By this time Vanity's soul had already left the shell but it had heard everything. Killing yourself always had severe repercussions but to take two souls? It will take more than one eternity to atone and many more before the soul is allowed another chance to take human form. Even then there is no guarantee the soul will be allowed to live. Freedom of choice is a human frailty after all. The newspaper carried the obituary of Vanity Nicole Simple and the birth announcement of Taylor Jill Cray in the following day. |