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Article about body shaming |
Skinny Bitch Written By: Ashlie C Harris-Kiel Let's lose some friends today, shall we? I am going to touch on a subject that has been in the media's limelight for quite a few years now. Body shaming. Oh, wait, I mean fat shaming. Because, let's be honest here, nobody's really going around causing a huge uproar over "skinny" girls being treated unfairly or discriminated against because of their weight (or lack thereof). But, contrary to popular belief, it happens. I am here to stand in the face of adversity. I am verbally flipping off every person who has ever called someone a "skinny bitch". If you have ever expressed your displeasure over how unfair it is that a mother has lost all of her baby weight in the first few weeks after giving birth, while your child is going on 7 and you're still wearing maternity clothes- or excluded someone from your plans because you didn't want them nearby in fear someone may do an 'all-important' body comparison- or told someone to 'put some meat' on their bones, said the wind was going to blow them over, 'go eat a sandwich', called someone a 'twig', 'beanpole', 'stringbean', 'chicken legs', 'knobby knees', 'scrawny', 'freak of nature', and my all-time favorite 'whore!' (because small means loose?)- then you, my friend, have won a spot on the receiving end of this verbal bird-flipping. It's time we break the stigma. It's NOT okay to shame someone for their body type, no matter what that type happens to be. It's not my fault I have four kids and weigh 110lbs soaking wet. It's not my friend's fault that she weighs 210, even though she practically starves herself. I force myself to eat. I can eat just as much as the next person, and yet not gain any weight. I'm not bragging. I have to buy my clothes in the kids section. Can you say, Mary Kate & Ashley? I'm almost 30 years old, and I have to dress like I'm 12. Shirts that I find in the 'women's' section? Yea, they don't fit. Thanks to these mosquito bites pretending to be breasts, I wear an "Almost A". Yes, that's a real size. Now, while I understand society tends to push the skinny image as being what is generally accepted as the "attractive norm", I disagree. Like every woman, I have issues with my body. My bones stick out and make me look positively skeletal. I'm like the living corpse bride. It's disgusting. I also have issues with sitting. Yes, SITTING. My tailbone protrudes so much that I am literally grinding it down to a nub, little by little, every time I do something as simple as SIT DOWN. And try sitting sensually on your significant other's lap, while your razor sharp tailbone pokes and prods them through your pants like a teenage boner. I get, I really do. There are so many diets out there to help people lose weight; and more people need help with it today than even ten or twenty years ago, thanks to the ease with which we can get fast, and fattening, food. Just remember, the next time your start complaining about your muffin-top and mean mugging your size 0 co-worker, EVERYBODY has body issues. Not one of us has a perfect body, and almost all of us absolutely hate parts of our bodies. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is probably the sexiest way to shape yourself. Be healthy, but be okay with being you. |