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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #2112143
A scorned female who has been gifted the opportunity of vengeance. Will she follow through
The sudden chill from cold water splashed across his face startled Kingsley out of what he thought was his beauty sleep. For a brief moment he was suspended in limbo trying to align his thoughts the room was dimly lit so it took him longer than normal to register his environment.
He made to clean his face but alarmingly discovered his right hand was restrained. He tried to move his left hand also but that also was restrained now alarm turned to terror as he also tried to scream but only a muffled grunt escaped his lips, he was gagged also. He could not move his legs as, he was spread-eagled on the bed and stark naked!
How could this be? His mind questioned, how could I be in this position? Did I not put up a fight? Who could have overpowered me without me putting up any resistance? His helplessness infuriated him and he made another futile attempt to free himself. His bonds were so tight that each movement brought searing hot pain all over his body.
He could barely turn his head to his left side, then through the corner of his eyes, he could make out the silhouette of a lithe figure crouched over a table. Upon the table was a lamp, but her posture blocked the full rays of the light from the lamp. The lamp was the only source of light in the room.
Suddenly as though on a cue, the lady stood erect and turned around to face him. She was holding a glass of water which was half full- probably the other half is what woke him up- in one hand while the other hand was behind her back. She was dressed in a white bath robe her hair was wet and clinging to her body, it was unusually long and hid part of her face but even with her face partly concealed he immediately recognized who she was and felt his heart sink.
With nimble steps she closed the distance between them and sat by the edge of the bed beside him. For a brief moment their eyes interlocked hers were totally expressionless, clear white and almost bulgy she had high cheek bones which added to her demure look.
She was still holding the glass of water in one hand while she hid the other hand behind her back. For a brief second she pursed her lips as though deep in thought then she casually brought her right hand forward to reveal a dagger which she calmly placed on his chest.
He could feel his heart jump and tried his utmost once again to wriggle free from his fetters. ‘What is this all about?’… He wanted to say but instead he heard his voice mumbling gibberish as he almost choked from the piece of cloth put in his mouth.
She let out an icy throaty laugh and mimicked his gabbled attempt at expression. “grrrrshjskfsbkfeifierurstgkinmulykgfiaergyr!!! What were you trying to say? Lover boy”, she mocked at his failed attempt at vocal expression. Her melodious voice did not betray any bitterness or malice.
He wanted to plead with her, negotiate with her, outmuscle her, threaten her do whatever he could not to be in this position
‘Ooh! See the tears roll down his cheeks like an innocent baby. She started stroking the hair on his chest and brought her head closer to him so she could whisper into his ears. ‘I told you when we started that it would be forever. Today I’ll make good my promise. Remember we promised, do you remember?’
Of course he remembered how could he forget that extremely hot afternoon in post harmattan Maiduguri in Borno state of Nigeria! In fact the weather forecast for the day put the highest temperature at forty two degrees centigrade. The air conditioner could do little to stave off the onslaught of heat. Humidity was low though so he was not sweating but the day was boring and the sound of the telephone was a welcome distraction from the drudgery of the day. He picked up the phone and the voice at the other end was a female voice-one he immediately fell in love with. It was love at first hearing!
That voice aroused several intriguing thoughts of adventure for him but alas she was in faraway Kano and any thought of getting in touch with her was banished when the bank they both worked in collapsed. He had to return to Lagos and promptly forgot about her.
But strangely in one of those queer coincidences where it seems our lives are nothing but pawns in a big chess game where strategy is hidden until played out, he had a chance discussion with a man who not only knew her but also knew her family home in Kano. He gave some more information about her which only served to feed his curiosity and because he would be embarking on a trip up north the next day he decided to add Kano into his itinerary.
They would eventually see on Sunday morning in her church and her mien did little to belie the voice he had been listening to several months before, she fit smugly into what he physically desired in a woman; tall-she was at least five feet and ten inches, light skinned, slim and very pretty. To crown it all she was a leader in her church. He was smitten. She was the one, his missing rib.
They wasted no time starting a relationship they were both mutually attracted and with passage of time their chemistry led them towards marriage and this is where their relationship hit a snag! Financially he was still limping but she was on a high in her career gaining promotions and earning bonuses she easily was far more buoyant than he and this did not escape the notice of her family and friends.
He earned the epithet of gold digger and this put a strain on their marital plans such that her brother rejected everything he brought to fulfil the marital rights. She feigned indifference and wanted to press on but his pride was hurt and the weight of public opinion swayed him away from his commitment to her and he put a stop to the relationship after four years.
Their break up was tumultuous and calamitous she did not take it lightly but he stood his ground he would never accept the sobriquet of a woman’s lackey and though she spoke contrarily he could no longer take again her short fuse, acerbic nagging and high taste for pleasure. More so her family despised him so there was no point going on.
She wept and wept; he saw how she ached and became a shadow of her once boisterous self, she called him severally offering alternatives that would inveigle others into thinking he was the man but he walked out on her and all communication ceased between them until today.
He was surprised to see her telephone number when his phone rang it was four years since they had last spoken, courtesy fuelled by curiosity made him to pick her call.
She said she wanted his professional help to purchase some computer products and accessories she needed; she had heard he is now an executive with a computer company and he should please assist her for old time’s sake!
He obliged her request; heartily relishing the opportunity to show off his new status and change in financial fortunes. He could now relate with her on equal terms.
She prayed him to come pick her up in her hotel since she did not know her way around town and she is carrying a lot of cash.
She was waiting for him in the hotel lobby gorgeously dressed in a black skirt suit and white camisole. Her high heeled shoes really gave her a professional look and when she saw him her face remained expressionless as though confused.
She extended her hand as he walked up to her curtly saying “good morning…” he smiled and took her hands, she seemed taken aback by his warmth and she smiled back “…I didn’t know what your reaction would be when you see me”
“Time heals every wound; we cannot continue to keep grudges after all these years” I smiled as feelings I thought had died began to bubble up inside me again. We got engrossed in some chit chat about non-specifics, both of us covertly skirting around issues of the heart. I once again was taken in by her openness and conviviality, traits that endeared me to her in the first place that I made a mental note to spend the rest of the day with her even if uninvited.
As if she read my mind she invited me to her room insisting I shouldn’t refuse if truly bygones are now bygones. I followed her without any resistance playing out in my mind what the day would pan out to be in the end. Her hotel room was expansive – it was a business suite, so I sat at the table while she went to fix us a drink. She said it was Vintage Dom-Perignon 2004 a drink for the super-rich. I made a mental note to shop for this drink to stock up my bar at home. I took a sip from the drink and rolled it around my mouth with my tongue because of its exquisite taste and that is the last I remembered until the splash of water on my face!
My heart was beating faster than usual in trepidation of her next move
“Remember the story of the rose flower I used to tell you when we were still in love? How life is a bed of roses what seems beautiful could ultimately hurt you just like the thorns of a rose”
How could he forget her favourite storyline her singsong each time she talked about together forever?
“You should have known better than to trust a reconciled foe. The pain and humiliation you caused me can never be erased while you are still alive…”
The import of her statement caused him to start jerking violently hoping he could free himself but his bonds were so perfectly done he could hardly move his body. He began to cry but helpless tears cascaded down his eyes he wanted to plead, beg for his life at least pray to God to change her heart.
“…Kingsley, I loved you with all my heart and I will always love you that is why I cannot live to see you with another woman neither can I give my heart to any other man because I held nothing back from you… she leaned forward to whisper into his ear “…I have nothing else to give any man so its best the world sees us both no more..” She briskly kissed him on his cheek and picked up the knife and raised it above her head ready to strike “Goodbye love, see you at the other side” Then she brought her hand down to a loud shout from the film director “CUT”
A round of applause rang amongst the film crew while the producer told the director “you see, I told you she’s a natural. We have a star on our hands. Great job”

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