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A compendium manual of all things Yndyre. |
The Yndyre Field Guide Welcome to Yndyre, a land of abundance and adventure. We hope you’ll find your exploration of the land pleasant and perhaps indulge in some of its pleasures. We have created, for your convenience, a traveler’s field guide to this realm to help you find your way around and get acquainted with its inhabitants. Enjoy! Trampltrum and GodofRevels Contents: The Five Regions Gods, Goddesses, and Demons Species and Cultures Wildlife Magic Known Characters The Five Regions The land of Yndyre can be divided into five major regions, each with its own unique climate, landscape, and native species to be found. The North: The north is known for being a harsher landscape, but what it lacks in agricultural goods, it makes up for in its natural resources of iron in the Lava Reaches and Overvektige Peaks and in its modest fleece production in Racovania. The creatures and humans to be found in the north are as hardened as their homelands and are not to be taken lightly. Racovania The only thing close to a city in the north are the villages that make up Racovania. This is the primary location for humans in the region, most of whom are small livestock farmers. These villages are generally poor and rely on the patronage of the local vampires, who serve as really the only political leaders in the area, and negotiate trades with the neighboring regions to secure agricultural goods for the humans. These services do not come free, however. In exchange for these services, the vampires, almost all of whom come from the illustrious Stranken family, can have their pick of the local maidens to keep as “cattle” for themselves. Overvektige Peaks Home to the highest mountains in all of Yndyre, very little is known about the Overvektige Peaks. They are considered very inhospitable, and the only humans who live around the area are the iron miners. However, it is considered home to a substantial population of harpies at its highest peaks. While the caves hold minature cities where the goblnis dwell. The locals are wary and do not venture too far up the mountains, but that does not stop some foolish travellers. Lava Reaches Just on the southernmost edge of the Overvektige Peaks lie the Lave Reaches, the barren wastelands at the bottom of a dormant volcano. Some lava wells near the base are mildly active, but it poses no threat to Yndyre. While there are some rich iron mines nearby, many would rather avoid this area as it is the known home to demons, who enjoy nothing more than torturing and tempting whatever victims they can find. Spekkfitu Tundra In the farthest region of the north, even further north than Overvektige Peaks, lies the Spekkfitu Tundra. A harsh, cold, and uncaring environment, only the toughest adventurers dare go there, and only the hardest people live there. The Tundra is fairly uninhabited except for its populations of Northmen and Dark Elves. Tuchnyy Bog To the east of the Tundra lies the bogs of Tuchnyy. It's a land filled with abundant plantlife, but also a stench of decay. The noxious gases that rise from the fens can choke a man, and the less said about the creatures that dwell there the better. Only humans have had the flexibility to full colonize the land, but other less friendly races can also be found eking out an existance here as well. The East: Lush and overgrown, the eastern region is a land of bounty and abundance. Various forests and meadows cover this area, making it seem like a veritable paradise. Most parts of the east would be paradise if it wasn’t for the protective and sometimes hostile native species who live there. It should be noted that none of them are like the monsters of the north who desire to torment victims; they would just rather be left alone. Pyknos Verge Just on the border with the central region, the massive forest known as Pyknos Verge is almost like stepping in a fairy tale. Elves and satyrs make up the sentient population in this area. Until now, they had been at war with each other, but have since settled into a steady peace. The forest is home to a large variety of plant and animal life, and the humans are slowly starting to encroach more on this territory. The Ookh Dustbowl The only portion of the east not overgrown with plant life, the Ookh Dustbowl, the steppes of the area, lie just on the border with the north. This land is home to the various orc clans, who prefer to be left alone, and the locals would like to keep it that way too. Futotta-Machi Really the only urban area of the east, the meadows and smaller mountains of this hidden gem of a city are just as peaceful as any part of the lush eastern lands. The city is fairly secluded, but the locals are friendly and willing to welcome guests into their home, as is traditional custom there. However, one should beware of the cleverly guised Futakuchi Onna who may eat you out of house and home. Kitsune also heavily populate the area, with only their best and brightest staying at the nearby monastery to study and become closer with the gods. The South: With the exception of some swampy jungles in its northernmost area, the south is particularly dry. It is however a hub for major trade routes. Spice trade is the major export of this area, but there are some other goods too. Just like the hot deserts though, beware the hot tempers of its inhabitants. Samin Desert Perhaps the harshest climate in the region, the Samin Desert is not an easy place to live. That however, hasn’t stopped its inhabitants. Various warlords stake their claims out in the sands and will battle with each other for precious resources. Some of the best warlord are known to have the conjuring powers of a vessel-djinn in their possession as well. Natural-djinn also live in the area, forming cities and societies of their own where they can pursue their endless quest for knowledge. Roiling Bay Found in the southernmost tip of the land, Roiling Bay serves as Yndyre’s major trade hub. This bustling city is home to many species, but the demographic is mainly made up of human pirates and sea traders as well as the handful of adventurous merfolk who trade with them. Just what lies beyond the southern seas? Well, that is for our pirates and sea farers to find out, but it is rumored that sirens might lie nearby. Motee Marshes Connected to the border of the eastern region, the jungles of the Motee Marshes are steeped in mystery. It is quite easy for one to become lost in this vast jungle. However, it is not devoid of civilization. The naga clans build massive temples and stone structures in the heart of this land, forever devoted to the gods. Rakshasa tribes run and hunt on the fringes of the area, trying to find the biggest and baddest game out there. The West: The west is fairly isolated from the rest of the realm. The large canyons and caves that surround the area are very good at keeping people from its greatest secret: Dew-Drop Forest, a haven in the wilds. None have yet survived the creatures of the canyons and forests to get close enough to this forest to discover its secrets and who lives there. Dew-Drop Forest The best kept secret in all of Yndyre, the Dew-Drop Forest is even more vast and varied than its eastern counterpart. This land is home to fiercely religious druids and the fairies, who are believed to be messengers of the gods. No sentient creature outside this forest has ever set foot in here, and to the inhabitants, it would be a disaster if they did. Catacombs of Blood Pocketed within the canyons of the area, the Catacombs of Blood are home to the lamia, who are sometimes considered to be crude, feral versions of the northern vampires. Many a traveler has tried to make their way across the canyons, only to become the victim of the lamia, who are only too eager to feast on their blood. Unfortunately, it is the only travel route to successfully lead from the south to the central region without going through the jungle. Caverns of Sarkos Along the northern border of the region are the various caves that make up the Caverns of Sarkos. The labyrinth created by these caves is almost impossible to navigate, and is even more frightening when you realize its only dwellers are the gorgons. Frightening statues of past victims line the paths of the caves. Safe to say, you should turn around now. The Central Region: The most urban of all the regions, the central area is home to the kingdom and various noble lords who control the land. The area is a bustling hodge podge of species and cultures, though it is mostly populated by humans. Other creatures are slowly beginning to immigrate here to learn about their ever increasing neighbors. The Plains of Grobland The farmlands surrounding Adinah are home to the human serfs and minotaurs who toil the land to provide enough food to the city and the palace, which is no small job. The people here can be a tad superstitious, but only because they are occasionally plagued by small werewolf packs. Adinah The main city of Yndyre, Adinah is where all the action is. Bustling and thriving, you can find any pleasure you desire in this city. Taverns and brothels dot the area along with the usual markets and homes. Satyrs have journeyed this far to see how much the humans can have to offer in the way of pleasures and revelries. Bosch Keep At the center of the city lies Bosch Keep, the king’s palace. There is no party or feast that can hold a candle to those held at the keep. The king is very eager to show off his wealth and property as well as his massive harem of buxom women from varying species. Adinah is a land of plenty and the king wants to make sure everyone knows it. Gods, Goddesses, and Demons There are many gods and goddesses who make up the pantheon of Yndyre. While many could and choose to worship one major deity, most prefer to worship special trinities of gods depending on their needs and social stature. Each god or goddess is represented by a particular animal, and many noble houses use some of these animals as coats of arms for their house. Temples to these gods can be found all over the land. The Four Primordial Gods (Creators of the Natural World) Faldir – God of the skies. He is the eldest of these creator god siblings and created the heavens first. He is symbolized by the hawk, which he is sometimes known to turn into to oversee the world. Ciros – God of the sun and king of the gods. When the world was finished, he fought with his brother, Faldir for control of the world. His trusted pet lion easily bested Faldir in his hawk-form. Husband to Nilheia. Nilheia - Goddess of the moon and queen of the gods. Wife to Ciros. Her silver mare pulls the moon across the sky. Yva - Goddess of fertility, nature, and herbivores. She is the primary goddess of the druids. Long ago, her human male consort, and father of her twin children, betrayed her, and fell for another. As punishment, she transformed him into a stag to forever be dependent upon her. The Second Generation (Creators of Civilzation) Araris - Goddess of wisdom. Daughter of Ciros and Nilheia. Wife to Aphenar. Among all animals, Araris saw the goat as the only one to aspire to loftier heights than its lowly birth, so she named it her sacred animal, making her somewhat a favorite of certain satyrs. Aphenar - God of love. No known parentage. Husband of Araris. He chose the bull, a powerful masculine sexual energy as his sacred animal, making him a favorite of minotaurs. Omes - God of war, murder, and unnatural death. Son of Ciros and Nilheia. One day, Omes stepped on a scorpion, which stung him and poisoned his foot. Because he was a god, he did not die, but came to respect the scorpion all the more. Meremok – Messenger of the gods. He would sometimes turn himself into the guise of a fox to make himself swifter, and to occasionally play tricks on his fellow gods. Ardoid - God of the hunt, predatory animals, and natural death. His arrows strike down those when it is their time to go. Son of Yva and twin to Enkoia. Ardoid turns into a wolf to go on hunts with his prized predators, making him a favorite of the werewolves. Enkoia - Goddess of water and sustenance. Daughter of Yva and twin to Ardoid. The pike, a strong and independent fish, is her choice of sacred animal. She is favored by the merfolk. Third Generation Damus - God of death. Not the cause of death so much as the collector of souls to the underworld. Son of Aphenar and Araris. The rat, the devourer of all, became his favored pet. Zolneas - Goddess of fire. Daughter of Omes. Sometimes is represented as a serpent with a tail on fire, who causes destruction. Favored of the gorgons and naga. Jynera – Goddess of revelries and indulgence. No known parentage. Is actually a foreign goddess who came from unknown lands. Many of the traditional priests do not recognize her in the pantheon and consider her a passing fad. That has not stopped many, including the king himself, from worshipping her. The king has even made her sacred animal, the pig, his coat of arms. Jynera supposedly travels all over bringing the gift of fermentation, good food, and good times to any who will welcome her. The Trinities Many of Yndyre’s inhabitants worship a specific trinity of gods who symbolize their needs and social status. Here are just some of the more popular ones. Life Cycle (Yva, Enkoia, Ardoid) - a trinity chosen by those devoted to nature and its process. Particular favorite to druids, elves, and satyrs. They represent the cycle of birth (Yva, the fertility goddess), life (Enkoia, whose waters give life to all), and death (Ardoid, whose arrows strike us down). Death (Ardoid, Omes, Damus) - a trinity favored by werewolves in particular, but really for anyone who fears the afterlife. For the werewolves, they worship Omes to help them slaughter their prey, worship Ardoid to grant them swiftness in the hunt and natural death when their own time nears, and worship Damus to protect the souls of those they kill so that they may not haunt them in the realm of the living. Political (Ciros, Omes, Zolneas) - those who hold positions of power choose this trinity to worship. Ciros, as king of the gods represents power and justice. Omes, god of war symbolizes how one keeps that power. And Zolneas, goddess of fire, represents what started civilization in the first place (fire). Philosophical (Aphenar, Araris, Damus) - debating life, love, and the meaning of it all, those of the scholarly class turn to this trinity, who are also a small family unit within the pantheon. Araris, goddess of wisdom, no doubt belongs in here, but Aphenar, god of love, and Damus, god of death, are also things which give us pause to think. Warrior (Omes, Araris, Meremok) - for the warrior classes, this is the triad to worship. They represent all aspects of war. Omes, god of slaughter will vanquish all foes. Araris, goddess of wisdom helps us strategize. And Meremok, messenger of the gods, helps armies communicate on the battlefield. Celestial (Ciros, Nilheia, Faldir) - for those who practice the magical arts, such as djinn or fairies, this may be the trinity of their choice. Symbolic of the movement of the celestial bodies, and therefore fate, these three are chosen as the loftiest of the gods. The Demons/Shadows From the moment the first rays of sunlight touched the earth, so too came the first shadows. The shadows of the gods were a wicked and destructive race, so much so, that Faldir attempted to lock them away from the world to keep peace upon the gods' creation. Through trickery, and the curiosity of mortals, the shadows were released upon the earth and took their physical form as demons. To this day, the demons walk upon the earth, wreaking their torment upon mortal kind as the inverted opposites of the gods. Though they are no where near as powerful as their divine begetters, they are still very powerful, and very persuasive towards mortals. The Four Primordial Demons (Destroyers of the Natural World) Moodruoy - The destroyer; what Faldir makes, he breaks…through mind or body. Moodruoy knows that it is destruction, which leads to the possibility of creation. He is sometimes worshiped by dark alchemists. It is believed that it was he who bound djinn to their vessels for the vessel-bound are the “broken” remains of potions. Lives in the Samin Desert. Looks like a man with the head of a raven and six black feathered wings. Solas - So beautiful is he that his form radiates like the sun, blinding mortals. Ciros’ pride is that of Solas’ times ten. The boastful demon is the unofficial ruler of the demons and loves commanding his brethren to wreak havoc upon the earth. He lives on the highest peaks of Overvektige Peaks. Often appears wearing golden armor that only makes him radiate further. Annihila - Looks like a dark-blue centaur with white hair and stars patterned on her. She can manipulate gravity's effects on things and carries a scythe. Long ago, she created the race of centaurs, until mortalkind wiped them out. She now seeks revenge. She hides in the deepest recesses of Dew-Drop Forest. Glustra - Demon who loves feasting on nature. To her everything nature creates is a banquet in her honor, and she has grown fat on its bounty; during winter she grows even larger, her belly stretching taut and red as she gorges. Looks like an obese woman with chewed tips of her ears, clothed in nothing but animal skins and her mouth constantly drips with blood. Lives in a longhouse deep in the Verge. The Second Generation (Destroyers of Civilization) Cicifus - Demon of idiocy, enjoys tricking intelligent mortals into acting like fools. Looks like a man with many curled horns in the shape of a jester’s hat and a goat’s horizontal iris’. He convinced the mortals to release the shadows onto the world. He also gave the satyrs their raucous and silly nature to offset the wisdom Araris gave them. Likes to roam the Plains of Grobland. Dulate - Loves nurturing mortals with her many breasts, her end goal is to make mortals fat and helpless without her. Is also the mother of all the succubi; she looks like a succubus but with six breasts, wings on her arms as well as her back and six horns. Lives in the Lava Reaches. Sentimess - Demon of unnatural love, enjoys the pleasures of the flesh, especially from those who balk at her hideous appearance. She has the body of a woman with four scorpion legs instead of two human ones, many eyes, a long tail with a stinger and mandibles inside her mouth. She is also incredibly defensive of her scorpion army, which she considers her “children.” Can be found near the Ookh Dustbowl. Phagii - Demon of horrifying tricks, loves sick jokes that involve toying with mortal heartstrings. Just as Meremok is the god of communication, she is the demon of lies. Looks like a woman whose back-half is made of shadowy wisps. Her skin is a dull gray/blue and she makes no sound wherever she steps. Lives in Futotta-Machi. Derria - Demon of laziness, cannot be bothered to waste relaxation time gathering food for herself. Looks like a woman with hairy legs and longer hair on her armpits. Her back is covered in hair, moss and even fungi. Her ass is gigantic to cushion her sitting on it all day. Lives in the Motee Marshes where the big game are slower and easier to trick mortals into getting for her. Delva - Demon of over-sustenance. She is greedy and never shares her power with anyone else, constantly growing more and more obese with each day as her form swallows her castle. It is believed that she started the discord among the merfolk politics to gain more power for herself. She has the body of an obese seal with a human torso coming out of the neck. Her hair is long and seaweed-colored. Can sometimes be found near Roiling Bay or the nearby islands. Third Generation Manniaq - Has no control over the souls of the dead, but can control the souls of the living. His favorite game is to make 2 mortals swap souls and sees what happens. Human mortals made a deal with him in exchange for immortality. These are now the vampires. Looks like a man in a hooded robe; has rats paws for feet and a rats tail under his robes. His realm exists near Racovania. Infurnace - A Demon who tries to create using fire, has many burned sculptures. Perhaps that’s why mortals can somewhat sympathize with her. She is a demon who believes if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Though, her frustrations do get the better of her. Looks like a pillar of flames in the shape of a woman, but with a long forked tongue of flame that constantly lolls out. Lives and studies the sculptures of Caverns of Sarkos. Plesura: Her appearance has her with pitch-black pig hooves, pig tail and pig ears, but nothing else. The rest of her is a lithe supermodel. She lives in a whore-house in Adinah that she runs from the shadows. Very few of the staff know who or what she is. Where Jynera is the alluring beauty of excess, Plesura is the lust for it. Species and Cultures By now, you must realize that there are a variety of creatures and cultures that exist in the land of Yndyre. Here is but a brief explanation of each one. Dark Elves: It would be easy to mistake an Elf and a Dark elf, for their physical differences are minor. But as soon as a Dark Elf opens their mouth you know exactly to which one you are speaking; for while an Elf speaks to you, a Dark Elf speaks at you. To a Dark Elf there is only one person in the world, themselves. Dark Elves do not care very much about others of their own kind, and see their own pursuits as the number one priority. They are callous, cruel and very hedonistic. Long ago a group of elves traveled to a part of the Spekkfitu Tundra that bordered the realm of the Peaks. Here it is both a windy wasteland and bitterly cold, with very little in the way of sunlight. Black hair and lighter, almost ghostly white, skin became more common among the Dark Elves, creating a great physical divide between them and the Elves that still dwell within their lush forest. Be careful around a Dark Elf, for murder is a common a retort to even a slight insult. And the depths they will sink to for their own pleasure know no bottom. Djinn: There are two types of djinn, the natural-born, and the vessel-born. Natural-born djinn are born of smokeless fire and are not bound to any item, or anyone for that matter. They have formed advanced societies to engage in the scholarly pursuits. Masters of conjuration magic, the djinn really want for nothing, but trade with humans for ancient scrolls, which only they can read. With all this studying, they have no time for baser needs such as exercise and extensive travel. Vessel-born djinn on the other hand, are a bi-product of alchemy, and are bound to whatever vessel the potion from which they were born was stored in. This can include bottles, hollowed rings, and even old oil lamps. They must obey the wishes of whoever possesses their vessel, and whenever they get a new master, their skin is magically branded for each new one. Vessel-born are not as intelligent as their natural-born cousins, but do still learn a lot from having extended longevity and learning from various masters. While the djinn respect the gods' powers, they do not consider them all-powerful creators, but rather powerful beings who co-exist with all life. Druids: Known to worship primarily Yva, but also the whole Life Cycle Trinity, the druid society is all women, so it seems. Each woman is accompanied by a wild cat companion. It is believed that the druid women have magic to turn their husbands/mates into these cats as pets and protectors. They only transform them back when they must mate to reproduce. The women believe in keeping their bodies large and fat to accentuate their culture’s abundance and to please Yva as well as accentuate their maternal figures. Dwarves: The Dwarves are a warm and kindly folk that dwell within their mountainous holds deep inside the Overvektige Peaks; there they mine for precious resources which they use to trade with other races. This trading system is the most interaction Dwarves get with others outside of occasional visitors. They like to keep themselves to themselves and do not worry about the troubles of the taller folk. Dwarves are, as their name suggests, generally pretty short. The tallest Dwarf is a bit shorter than the stoutest human; although Dwarves are generally wider. Their stocky build is down to a thicker bone structure and a lifestyle that includes plenty of high-calorie mead. Red and brown hair is the most common, with men creating fine beards with them that droop almost to the floor; while the women have small fuzzy mutton-chops which they style just as much as the men’s beards. Elves: Elves up until now, had become a dying race. Wars with other species of the forest kept them from really thriving, and therefore being able to eat enough just to survive. They have thinner, more willowy forms, for now. Recent peace has allowed them to finally grow, repopulate, and enjoy the bounties of nature. They are therefore not used to the idea of having more than enough to eat, having very little to do, with no wars, and raising large families. Many will not notice the effects these changes have on their culture, and even more would choose to remain in denial about their sudden "growth." Their diets consist of mostly naturally growing fruits, but they are not opposed to hunting for meat when necessary. They consider themselves the stewards of nature, and protectors of the natural life cycle, represented by their worship of the life cycle trinity. They therefore fear and have very little to do with the other humanoid species who know nothing of nature's will. They have grown curious about humans as more and more of them encroach on their territory. Don't be fooled by their whimsical appearance. A mother elf with a baby strapped to her back is more deadly than any predator out there, when threatened. They are slowly sending scouts to human villages to observe them, and determine how much of a threat they are. Fairies: considered by the druids to be messengers of Yva, the fertility goddess, herself, fairies are well respected in the western woods. Elves may think they are the stewards of the land, but they have not seen the powers wielded by fairies. Capable of keeping the land alive with their powers, the western woods knows no want of lack of food. The land blooms with their touch. While the druids do use the fairies as messengers among themselves, the fairies actually do not understand their language; they're just good mimics. The fairies speak their own language, which is considered to be an offshoot of the language of the gods. Despite their overall happiness with their place in the natural order, the fairies are fascinated by their druid friends' unusual ritual of gaining massive amounts of weight, and desire to try it for themselves to see if they can understand its purpose. While they never figure out its religious and spiritual significance, they do find it quite enjoyable, especially since it's so easy to over indulge on the nectar of the flowers they so love. Futakuchi Onna: The futakuchi onna are tricksters by nature. They like to disguise themselves as beautiful women that have become lost to enter into peoples’ houses. Once inside they will wait till the owner is asleep and devour every morsel of food they can before leaving as swiftly as possible. They are extremely nomadic and have little in the way of culture, preferring to take from others rather than create anything themselves. Their long malleable hair makes them highly valued as dancers, so some people lay out massive feasts for them in their house to try and capture them. Giants: Standing on the opposite of the size spectrum from Fairies, Giants are, as their name suggests, giant humanoids, ranging from 20 to 40 feet in height on average, with males generally reaching the higher limits of size. While they do not have many significant features besides being large in size, their bulk not only allows them to lift much heavier objects than most races, but it also insulates them in the winter, allowing them to live in the northern parts of the world with ease. They therefore only need wear simple furs for minor warmth. Giants usually live together in closed off villages to prevent their size from harming other races, and they are usually a peaceful sort of race. To mark distinction between villages, giants often bear tribal tattoos to mark their home tribe. However, some Giants leave these villages, wanting to explore the world despite the damages they could cause by simply walking around. Goblins: One of the smaller inhabitants of Yndyre, the Goblins are a race of roughly three and a half foot humanoid creatures; with green skin, sharp claw-like nails, zig-zagging sharp teeth, massive pointed ears and black-to-dark-green hair. They are found in the Overvektige Peaks...literally. Their civilisation survived, despite their small size, by building great stone buildings and palaces into the very rock, creating a network of tunnels and caverns. They are a very inventive race, and quick to make use of an opportunity, as they lack the raw physical strength of even the Dwarves. Goglins are a close relative of Orcs, but nobody is sure which came first. Culturally the Goblins are quite erratic, spending long periods of time lazing around, followed by short bursts of activity. Male goblins often shave themselves bald, while females wear their long hair in big buns, ponytails and beehives, to make themselves appear larger. They have a matriarchal society, where the eldest daughter is made queen (who wears a tall towering crown). Goblins mostly wear small amounts of clothing, preferring loincloths or pants, but uncovered torsos, while decorating themselves with golden trinkets and wrappings around their wrists and ankles. There is also a separate population of goblins that dwell in the Futotta-Machi region, but their skin is red rather than green. Gorgons: Living in derelict temples in the Caverns of Sarkos, their diamond-hard claws help them carve away at the stone to form more complex structures, including the labyrinthine structure of the caves. The gorgon’s society revolves around a high priestess who voices the will of the gods to the people. Priestess's are chosen by committee and are forced to spend their lives listening for the whispers of the gods and accepting any offerings made to the gods through themselves. This leads to a lot of priestess's becoming fat due to their lack of activity and pampering. A gorgon looks like a human woman covered in scales. Their four toes are split into three thick ones in a splayed out formation at the front, tipped with a black talon, while the fourth dangles uselessly higher up the ankle. A long thick tail drags just behind their legs, and their hair consists of slithering serpent tails rather than actual strands of hair. Their skin color can vary between ghostly-pallid whites, to coal-black and virulent greens; with all manner of stripes covering them. Harpies: The highest peaks of Yndyre are home to the Harpies; these winged all female creatures make their homes in the caves found in the top, where their thick feathers provide insulation from the biting winds. These same winds help the Harpies glide for miles across the Yndyre skies, searching for their next meal. The far-roaming Harpies are graced with long elegant feathers on their arms, tipped with clawed fingers, tufts of shorter feathers on their head and thighs, wide feathers for a tail and large four-clawed scaly feet, with three taloned toes pointing forwards and one behind to help them grasp. Harpies also have a seemingly bottomless stomach, meaning they are constantly in a state of at least mild hunger. This is believed to be because they are supposed to be emissaries of the gods, sent to punish those who insult the deities by eating all their food, hence the bottomless stomach. Practically this is quite a drawback to the race, as often when they find a large amount of food they will gorge until nothing remains, leaving some incapable of picking their swollen bellies off of the ground, rendering them temporarily flightless. Harpies can tell their families apart by feather color and orientation, meaning roosts of them are often a carpet of a single bright color. And despite their intelligence and sentience, Harpies feel little need to build homes any more complex than a pile of sticks; though they will take to living in a more elaborate home if offered. Humans of Adinah: The city-dwellers believe that life’s too short to worry about the little things and believe in enjoying life to the fullest, none moreso than the king. The king is known to engage in his own pleasures by keeping a large harem of even larger women to show off his wealth to his vassals. Even his daughters are kept well-fed to marry them off to even wealthier lords. The main city works just to keep the food demand for the castle stable. There is no worry of a revolt though. Between all the trade with the other neighboring lords, the southern clans, and their own agricultural abundance, they are able to stay more than afloat. Hybrids: What's fantasy without hybrid species? In the world of Yndyre, such occurrences are uncommon, but do happen occasionally. Most of the species we talk about here are humanoid, to an extent. Therefore, it is the human genome which can intermingle with the other species of Yndyre. In other words, a human and an elf can yield a child. A human and a kitsune can yield a child. But an elf and a kitsune cannot have children. Also, depending on what traits carry over, no two half-human hybrids are alike. Where one half-elf may inherit pointed ears, another may not. So, what species can interbreed with humans? Here are the following species that have that capability: Elves, Kitsune, Merfolk, Orcs, Satyrs, Minotaurs, Rakshasa, and Futakuchi Onna. Bear in mind, while humans don't really see a problem with it, each individual culture may have issue with these hybrids, reducing the frequency of such occurrences. Jorogumo: Sometimes nicknamed "The Vampire of the East" these large creatures spend most of their time out of the bitter cold and snow of their homeland residing in caves, where they keep their prey. Jorogumo are a predatory species, catching anything that strays to close to their lair, brushing the silk trip-wires they leave across the surrounding landscape. Once they feel the vibrations of their webbing, Jorogumo race out of their caves with a scuttling of their many legs to catch the intruder. Using silky but incredibly strong webbing they bind their victims and drag them back. The Jorogumo do not directly eat their victims however, they instead use a weak form of magic to drain their life-force. Larger victims have often been found to contain more life-force for the Jorogumo to feed on, so they will sometimes find food for their victims, fattening them up to provide more food for themselves. However not all Jorogumo are this violent. Some live in the temples or even with humans, instead feeding on positive energy their hosts put out. Jorogumo resemble beautiful women from the waist up, dressed in silken finery; but with grey skin, sharp canines and a pair of slits above their red eyes. These slits are in fact another set of eyes, that they keep closed to try and fool potential victims. Below the waist they have the body of a large spider (approximately twelve imperial feet long), with eight strong legs powerful enough to carry incredible weights. Kitsune: Very prim and having mild magical powers, most of which are curses they can place on people that offend them, the kitsune like to put on an air of superiority and regality. If this is insulted or questioned they curse others. Like true foxes they can be very greedy at times, often eating to their absolute limit if offered plentiful food. Kitsune resemble human women very heavily, with the exception of their large nine tails that spring out from the bottom of their backs; these tails are the same color as the Kitsune’s hair, making them appear quite beautiful. They also have long pointed ears that sometimes stick out of their vibrant hair. Kitsune are also quite religious, with some devoting their lives to living within the snow-capped temples, where they grow heavy and fat on a diet consisting of vast quantities of rice. Lamia (AKA Low-Born Vampires): Cave dwellers by nature, the Lamia are not well known or documented by humans. What is known about them is that they have built vast cities within the walls of canyons where they lay in wait for unsuspecting travelers. With scales on their lower halves and massive claws, they strike a frightening figure. They are not picky and will choose any humanoid creature for their meals. They are not as generous as the noble vampires, but are not stupid either. They keep their prizes for somewhat lengthy amounts of time to fatten them for feeding an entire family. A Lamia will gorge on blood until way past full, and will hunt again when they are hungry once more. Of late, they have become lazier and more gluttonous. With more travelers frequenting their area, they have more than enough in blood to last for years, but choose to eat at will, having no restraint. The Lamia are not very religious and only offer small libations to Jynera, goddess of revels and excess, for providing them with their endless feasts. Lava Dwarves: Named after the Lava Reaches that they call home, this stout race carve their homes into the vast volcanoes that litter the landscape. Like their cousins these Lava Dwarves live a life of mining, but instead of precious metals they dig up the strongest of the volcanic rock and use it for construction. Unlike the Dwarves however, Lava Dwarves do leave their homes regularly; they are more inclined to explore, but are far less warm and kind. They are very self-serving and it is quite common for the Over-boss of a hold to have many slaves in their service. Physically they differ from Dwarves with their black braided hair and darker skin, but share the short and round build. They also have an inquisitive love of liquors, due to the difficulty of brewing any in their over-heated homeland. Merfolk: The merfolk supposedly have a very peaceful society with none of the social troubles of "land dwellers," or at least that is what the nobles believe. Only the noble merfolk, who live directly within their underwater city, find their home a utopia, and have more than enough to eat. The peasantry, on the other hand, has to rely on other means just to get by. The merfolk are actually an incredibly wealthy culture, but they just don't know it. Gathering sunken treasures, such as gold and silver from shipwrecks, they trade with land dwelling traders and pirates, for what are to us, mundane items. Yet, so fascinated by human culture, the merfolk do not seem to notice they have been swindled. However, as tensions between the haves and have-nots arises, the merfolk are fascinated by another aspect of human culture: the food, and are enjoying it more than they should. Revolt may be in the future for the merfolk if times do not change. Merfolk are devoted solely to Enkoia, the water goddess, who rarely makes her physical presence known, and for the most part, the merfolk would like to do the same. Minotaurs: Quite beefy and hard-working, the minotaurs live off the land mostly and are strongly religious. They can be seen as hermits by outsiders. This, combined with their bulk makes them common temple guardians in the cities. Despite being half cow they are not herbivores and actually employ a substantial amount of meat into their diet. Physically minotaurs resemble large humans, with cloven hooves on their feet, furry back-facing legs, a long tail with a hairy tip, large horns that jut out of their heads and a rather wide nose. In times of war Minotaurs are frightening shock troops, barrelling into enemy ranks and scattering them far and wide with swings of their huge horns and signature axes. Naga: Deep in the heart of the jungles, the naga build their civilization. Massive stone temples dedicated to the gods dwarf the large structures that make up their cities. The naga consider themselves a superior lifeform and think of all others as useful for menial labor. As a result, the naga are deeply imbedded in the slave trade and will gladly take any lower lifeforms to do their bidding. Due to the extreme changes in the jungles brought on by the fluctuations of the rainy and dry seasons, the naga engage in a bizarre ritual. They eat vast quantities of food during the rainy, harvest seasons, building up massive stores of fat to survive the dry season. Visually Naga are an all-female species with the torso’s of beautiful women, with four arms and small slit-like noses. Their lover-proportions however are like that of massive serpents, thick and muscular, with vibrant patterns running down them. "Noble" Vampires: No vampire can hold a candle to the illustrious Stranken family, whose progenitor, Eviana Stranken, is a cut above the rest. While very humanoid in appearance, they do not consider themselves in anyway "human." They wish not to be associated with the stupid cattle. At the same time, they recognize the sustenance these "bloodbags" provide, and consider themselves the protectors and patrons for these poor, defenseless souls. They will offer their protection and wealth to the neighboring villages in exchange for young, and delicious human maidens. Blood is like fine wine to these vampires, and they will often engage in blood trade to share vintages. These maidens are by no means tortured or kept cruelly. The most delicious blood comes from a well-cared-for and subservient "pet." It is also important to make sure there's enough blood to go around for a family. So, these maidens are often well-fed to increase their blood supply. At first, they live in fear of their masters, but the vampires are clever and eventually convince their victims that they are indeed only protecting them from the dangers of the world. A select few, only those of noble and unique blood, may be chosen by a vampire to be turned, but all transformations must be approved by Eviana herself, which is no easy task. Lower, or younger vampires, are groomed for their positions by at first serving in menial tasks such as protecting their sire from the sun. The vampires themselves, considering themselves perfect, try to maintain a perfect body. Excess weight is frowned upon, and those who indulge too much are considered outcasts. That doesn't mean that doesn't happen, and those vampires consider themselves even more perfect because they embrace their darkest desires, and are proud of their rebellious nature. Hm, perhaps Eviana may be persuaded to see things differently. In terms of religion, the vampires would almost consider themselves gods in of themselves, but do humble themselves somewhat to gods associated with death. Northmen: Far, far in the north are the aptly named northmen. A strong and hearty race, these people are well-adapted to the intense cold. The men hunt down magnificent beasts to provide meat for their tribes and fur clothes to stay warm. Still, furs aren't all that protect from the cold. The northmen are a heavy and stocky race, building plenty of layers of fat to keep warm. For women, this is especially important, as it's not only a means of survival, but it's part of what the men consider beautiful in their women. Young women, upon reaching adulthood undergo an important ritual to build up their extra layers. They are initiated into a fold of older female mentors who show them the proper techniques to bulk up. Upon her marriage, most women are expected to be as round as they are tall. Northmen are nomadic and move to follow the migration patterns of the big game they hunt. Strong, burly men help to carry the heaviest women, and such a position is considered a great honor. Northmen are also known for their thick dark hair and tough skin. Orcs: A nomadic race found all across the Ookh Dustbowl, the Orcs are on average a head taller than a man, have larger muscles and posses small tusks that protrude up from their lower jaw. They are also more sparsely covered in hair than humans, so bodily hair is reduced to a mohawk in the males and a plume of tall hair in the females. There is no strength or height difference between the genders in Orcs, so females join the males in raiding, hunting and leading their warbands. Orcs are built to survive on very little; their metabolism stores all their excess food as fat at a shocking rate, as there is little idea where their next meal will come from. They share their habitat with Gazelle, Boar (which the Orcs eat or ride to battle), Manticore, Wyvern and Chimera. While most of the time these massive predators are avoided, some daring Orcs try to hunt them, as the prospect of feeding their tribe for months is sometimes a risk they are willing to take. These heavily scarred, battle-worn Orcs then decorate their Yurt huts with the skulls and other bones of their kills. In relation to toher races Orcs have a bit of a love/hate thing going on. Orcs will trade with or raid different races on a tribe-by-tribe basis. For example the Fang-Fist Clan see Humans as weaklings they can enslave, while the Gut-Burst Clan see humans as a valuable trading partner. Pirates: Perhaps the most democratic of the human societies, the pirates of the southern coast believe in a policy of “all for one, and one for all.” They will never cheat each other, but will gladly cheat the greedy southern traders or the naïve merfolk. What’s more important to the pirates though, is adventure. They desire nothing more than to explore all the world has to offer and to find what lies beyond the borders of Yndyre. While they only have human captains, the pirates will accept any species willing to work among their ranks. Rakshasa: Living in crude huts in the jungle, the rakshasa are proud hunters. They often try to outdo each other by bringing back larger kills than the rest of their pack. While males tend to be very aggressive the females can be seen as much more placid, but really are just more careful with when and how to employ their aggression. Complete kleptomaniacs and hoard anything shiny they can get their paws on; their shabby huts are lined with large gold supplies, the rest of it is decorated on their person. Are easily bribed with sweet foodstuffs. Visually Rakshasa resemble tigers that can walk on their hind legs; with massive sexual dimorphism present between them. Males resemble little more than tigers with opposable digits; they are heavily hunched over and brimming with muscle. Large jet-black horns strike back from their skulls, and thick tusks protrude from their lower jaw. By comparison the females are very thin and lithe; standing fully upright unlike the brutish males. Their faces are more human as well; the easiest difference between a female Rakshasa’s face and a human woman’s is the larger, almond-shaped eyes, small tusks and the petite black nose. In hunts the genders perform different roles based on their different physiology. While the females harass and frighten prey, raining arrows and spears from the treetops; males bulrush them in an ambush on the ground. Satyrs: Born with the top half of a human and the bottom half of a goat, Satyrs roam many parts of Yndyre, but are found most heavily in Pyknos Verge. They have a wild and carefree nature, often turning up wherever they find celebration and merriment; although Satyrs have a habit of getting completely and utterly drunk, so are not the most ideal party guests. Society in Satyr culture is very simple, Satyrs gather together in herds of about 20-30 individuals, mostly comprised of families; they are then lead by whoever among them has the largest and most impressive horns. Disputes are often settled with insult slinging contests, or if that does not resolve things, the dueling pair will lock horns and wrestle. Whoever hits the ground first loses. Satyrs can be highly variable in appearance, bearing multiple different skin tones, fur colorations and horns that vary from simple nubs, to elaborate whirling spikes. Sirens: Fish-eaters that live on rocky cliffs, the sirens are very inquisitive by nature and love to use their beautiful singing to draw people over so they can investigate them. Depending on the individual, their motives may change. Some promiscuous Sirens band together to draw sailors over for orgies, while others do it to pamper and fatten up their "victims" just to keep them around as company. They spend their time making beautiful lyres to aid in their singing and if captured by slavers are often bought up for bars to use as singers. As they have no use for money people pay them in food, mostly their favorite, fish. At first glance a Siren could easily be mistaken for a Harpie, and while they are related, there are some subtle differences. For starters Sirens have both wings and arms, unlike the harpies which simply have clawed wings. Next, Siren’s far more colourful feathers cover far more of their bodies; leaving only their faces, neck, chest, stomach, hands and thighs free of them. The last difference is how the feathers on their heads are arranged. Harpies have feathers that point upwards, while Sirens feathers flow down, almost like human hair. Sirens also lack the sharp pointed teeth of their inland cousins. Southern Warlords: These warlords fight amongst themselves for goods, but rarely vie for each other’s total destruction. Among the most notable attributes are the voluptuous wives of these clan lords, who are treated as the greatest treasure the gods have given them. Because these wives are the bearers of their sons and heirs, they are pampered like nobody’s business. The most powerful warlords are known for having the powers of at least one or two gorgeous djinn at their disposal. Succubi: Hedonistic creatures that dwell within the harsh wastelands. Legend states that they are the product of demons and mortals. They take everything to the extreme, trying to connect to their demonic roots, and have even been rumored to bathe in the lava of the wastelands. They view other beings as little more than playthings, capturing or manipulating them at will. They LOVE more than anything else to share their hedonistic nature with others, watching as it corrupts even the purest soul. Human princesses are a favorite target. They believe they are fulfilling their demonic parentage's will in this way, fueling their arrogance. While the stunning beauty of the succubus is legendary, few are stupid or reckless enough to try and catch one for a harem. And those that do soon learn that the succubi are more keen to be there than their "masters". They are very obviously different from humans and any other race in Yndyre thanks to their vibrant dark-tinged skin, horns, and wings. Coal-black hooves help them walk effortlessly across the magmatic wasteland they call home, and needle-sharp horns are used as style points along with their just as black hair. Werewolves: The werewolves live in familial packs and can range from small immediate families to large packs of extended families. All their kills are in sacrifice to their primary god, Ardoid, god of the hunt, but that doesn’t stop the fact that they do get carried away. The largest of these packs is run by the Red Bane, a fearsome beast who is very discerning about the victims he chooses to hunt. Visually, a fully transformed Werewolf is a wolf-large creature; standing 10 imperial feet tall, hunched over as it's knuckles drag on the floor, each finger and toe tipped with a flesh-rending claw. A Werewolf's strength is derived from its human form, with all the humans fat and muscle-mass creating a more powerful creature. To become a Werewolf, a human has to sleep under a Blood Moon. As the human's tired body tries to draw in energy, the magic of the Blood Moon fills that void, forcing them to transform every full-moon into a bloodthirsty monster. Wildlife There are a great many wild creatures in Yndyre, and it would be best for any traveler to familiarize themselves with them before going on an adventure. You never know what you might find. Bat: Small flying mammals that are found throughout Yndyre, but their largest population is within Racovania, where these flying creatures even come out during the day. Bear: Found only during the warmer months, bears are large omnivores that can be found throughout most semi-forested regions of Yndyre. They even come in a variety of colors; brown, black, black & white. Birds of Paradise: There are many nameless birds that live in Yndyre’s forests, most of them stunningly beautiful and extravagant and the rest are downright bizarre. Boar: Easily one of the most common animals in Yndyre, Boar are still very dangerous. A mother with her stripy piglets is dangerous foe indeed. Camel: The standard mode of transport in the Samin Desrt. Camels however are rude, stuck-up and they spit…a lot. Chimera: A real horror among animals; the Chimera has the hind-quarters of a reptile, front-quarters and head of a lion, a goat’s head in the middle of its back and a snakes head on the end of its tail. A large sack in its gut produces flames when mixed with the air, allowing it to spew fire in all directions. They are found in the Ookh Dustbowl and are seen by Orcs as the ultimate test of courage to face in battle. Chort: Hulking creatures with the torso of a man, and the head and hindquarters of a goat. Blessed with great size, these fierce quadrupedal carnivores stalk the fenlands looking for prey. When they find it, the Chort charges forward, smashing the target with it's horns, before pinning it to the floor with it's hand-like forelimbs and delivering the killing bite. Cow: Beast of burden or milk-maker, the cow serves many pivotal roles in Yndyre. Crow: A common bird in just about every region. Large amounts of them can be seen as a bad omen. Deer: Hoofed herbivores that populate just about every forested region in Yndyre. This has led to them being a popular food source for nearly every race. Dog: Canine household pets; smaller breeds are kept as status symbols within high society (or those trying to mimic it) while larger breeds are used to help with farm work. Dragon: Serpentine reptiles with long whiskers, short squat legs and a brush-tipped-tail that dwell within the Futotta-Machi region. Despite possessing no wings, Dragons have a large gas bladder that is filled with a substance lighter than air; this gives them the power of flight; it can also be breathed out and ignited by churning their back-teeth together, letting them bathe targets in flames (it also helps them keep warm in the snowy region). Elephant: A gray-skinned animal that lives in dry climates. Females are docile, but the males have a foul temper and are eager to fight any challenger. Fish: These form the main-stay of the diets of all races that live by the ocean. Sirens are practically addicted to the taste of their flesh. Fox: A medium-sized canine that can be found just about anywhere where lush plants grow in Yndyre. They have also started popping up in large cities to raid people’s trash. Gazelle: Where deer cannot live, Gazelle flourish. Longer-limbed and with thin horns instead of the antlers that crown their cousins heads, these fast plant-eaters mostly live in the Ookh Dustbowl, where they are the number one food-source for Orcs. Giant Elk: A massive deer that lives in the Tundra. Each antler is as wide as a man is tall, and edged with thick dangerous prongs. Gigantopithicus: A gigantic orange-haired ape that lives in the Motee Marshes, several times the height of a man. They are strict herbivores but are very powerful, so should be avoided. Goat: A medium-sized bovid that dwells in almost any region in Yndyre, even its tallest mountains. Hawk: A predatory bird found throughout most of Yndyre. Its keen eyes are envied by all. Homunculus: Not so much a wild animal as a creation of magic. Homunculus can be any size or strength the summoner wishes, and obey their masters instructions to the letter. Just be careful what you say around them, they take everything spoken literally. Horse: The basic beast of burden in Yndyre. They are considered extenct in the wild, as it is said that almost none are left that roam free. Hydra: A very rare monster, some do not believe it even really exists…but that is more due to the lack of survivors. Even the Hydra’s breath is a foul toxin. Hydras are massive stocky reptiles that resemble large lizards, but with a multitude of long snake-like necks tipped with a viper’s head. They say cut off one head, and two more shall take its place. Imp: Mischief-makers and nuisance-mongers are the nicknames people give these wiry creatures. Imps are generally black or dark gray to allow them to hide in shadows and darkness, with small horns and long whip-like tails. They are easily distracted by anything shiny, which they will try to acquire and collect. Komainu: Dog-like creatures that live in the Futotta-Machi region that have skin with the texture and durability of stone. These stocky beasts are often domesticated and used to guard important buildings. Kraken: A ten-armed beast from the depths of the ocean. Their eggs are a treasured delicacy, but no fool will swim to the lair of this titan to get them, so people resort to waiting for them to wash up on beaches. Kraken are known for mistaking ships for prey and attacking them with their long tentacles and razor-sharp beak. Lamassu: Face of a man, body of a bull, wings of a hawk. The Lamassu is seen very rarely and only appears in times of need in the Samin Desert. During their war with the Orcs, the then king of the Samin Desert made a plea to the gods. But when no deity seemed to answer him a Lamassu seemingly descended from the heavens. Allowing the king to ride his back, the Lamassu spat powerful curses at the orcs while the King slew them where they stood. Now the Lamassu is the royal heraldry of the region. Leopard: Forest-dwelling predatory cats that are found within the deepest forests in Yndyre. Some rare Leopards are pure black in color. Lion: A large predator of the Samin Desert. Highly revered and respected, this beast is the king of his lands. Mastodon: A close cousin of the Mammoth and Elephant, but with a long straight back. It primarily feeds on leaves, instead of grasses. Mammoth: The largest herbivore of the frozen tundra; this cousin of the elephant is covered in thick shaggy woolly hair and has a pair of gigantic tusks that are used as snow plows. Nightmare Hounds: Favoured pets of the demons, these magma-skinned canine-shaped monsters prowl the Lava Reaches in search of any lost travellers. The unlucky ones they find are brought back to their masters, the even more unlucky ones become the Hounds next chew-toy. Owl: Small flying predatory birds that eat rodents. They are seen as wise and often incorrectly associated with the goddess of wisdom; however Owls have such large eyes that it leads them to having rather small brains… Pig: Domesticated boar became this obese and rather slothful animal. Ironically the meat from this fat beast is now the reason much of Adinah is as portly as it is. Pteranodon: Large flying reptiles that live in the Mo-tee Marsh. Their wings are each broader as a man is tall, and their beaks as sharp as a lance. These colourful reptiles soar above the canopy, where they nest is still a mystery. Rat: Vermin that are found in large quantities within Adinah’s sewer system and occasionally raiding market places. Scorpion: A rare sight in most of Yndyre, the scorpion becomes suddenly very common in the Ookh Dustbowl and the Samin Desert. Seagull: Flying pests that are known for stealing food and raining their droppings on people’s heads. They are sometimes known as “Filthy-flying-poop-factories”. Shark: Large fish that serve as the top predators in the oceans…at least below the waves that is. Smilodon: Nicknamed the Saber-Toothed-Cat for it's gigantic fangs, this feline is the largest of it's kind. And it needs to be when the tundra wildlife grows extra-large to cope with the cold. Snake: Small reptiles with varying amounts of venom. They generally avoid people and like to live in the crags between rocks. Toxodon: A hairy hippo-like animal that lives in the Marshes and the Dustbowl. They are mostly harmless and devoid of natural weaponry; their greatest danger is if one sits on you. Triceratops: A large three-horned reptilian herbivore with a feathery tail that lives in the Mo-tee Marsh. Their massive size means they are constantly searching for ground-based plants; this can include uprooting trees in their quest for food. This helps keep the forest plant-life in check, the forest never over-extends as long as the Triceratops keep looking for food. Tyrannosaur: The top predator of the Mo-tee Marshes, Tyrannosaurs are bipedal predators with a coat of proto-feathers covering their back and neck, which they use to both communicate with others of their kind and to help them blend in with the vibrant plant-life of the marsh. These massive reptiles have tiny little arms, but are compensated by a massive skull that can crush bones like twigs. Unicorn: Rarest of the rare, this horse with the tail of a lion and a spiral horn is said to dwell only within Dew-Drop Forest. It is said that the unicorn will only appear to one that is pure of heart. Warg: A large predator that is both canine and feline. This hairy predator has a hunched back and a stout powerful jaw full of teeth. Water Buffalo: A large bovine native to the warmer wetter climates. Wolf: A large canine predator found in grasslands and deciduous forests. These beasts were domesticated and became the dogs’ people use today. Wyvern: Flying reptiles found chiefly in the Ookh Dustbowl, they possess a pair of wings and two legs, some have been recorded growing to almost fifty feet in length. They have a thick-set head and a septic bite which they use to immobilize large prey. Orcs often try to prove their mettle by challenging them to fights. Yak: Horses are not enough to trek through the snowy landscape of Futotta-Machi, that is where the Yak comes in. This hairy bovine is tough enough and hairy enough to shrug off the deepest winter chill like it is nothing but a slight breeze. Yokai: Spirits that are attracted to Futotta-Machi by its many temples. They like to have fun by possessing small household objects and causing havoc. But they really hate the smell of the Komainu, and generally stay far away from a house guarded by one. Magic Magic in Yndyre is a bit unique. Most magic is limited to certain "schools" or magical traditions that only certain species can master. Humans have made limited progress in mimicking these magics, but are not able to use the full abilities. These are the most popular schools of magic. Alchemy - In their quest to achieve what they cannot using conjuration, most human wizards turn to alchemy. Alchemy is the art of taking apart something and breaking it down to its most basic parts and then reassembling those parts to make something new. Often this involves small-scale potion making, the residue left behind creating Vessel Djinn. However, most alchemists are really philosophers sharing their secret knowledge with other members of their guild. Alchemy is as much a magic of knowledge as it is minor conjuration. Still, many alchemists seek to achieve the impossible: turning items into gold. Animism - The act of bringing the very earth to life, animism is the preferred magic of Elves and Fairies. Both species consider themselves the stewards of nature and use their abilities to protect and encourage land to grow. Fairies have a stronger animist magic than their elven counterparts though. Humans have very little interest in this magic. Conjuration - A magic favored by Djinn, they want for nothing because of their gifts in the art of conjuration. Conjuration is the act of summoning material goods on a whim. Because the Djinn do not care for material goods, summoning basic needs is easy for them. Humans do prefer conjuration magic to study, but they have only had minimal success. They can summon small things such as basic foods, but they desire most of all to achieve the ability to summon gold as the Djinn are able to do. Divination - The ability to see into the future and hear the advice of the gods, the best prophets are the Gorgons. Divination is not just any magic, it is a gift from the gods, and only their chosen are allowed to be privy to their conversations and know the will of fate. Telepathy - Telepathy can mean many things. Mostly, it is used to either read the minds and memories of others, or even control their decision making. Vampires use these abilities to make their victims more vulnerable or even hypnotize an annoying werewolf who gets too close. Some pirates believe that a form of telepathy is being used when sirens use their song to lure humans to their coasts. Human wizards may or may not have abilities towards telepathy, but given its dark uses by the vampires, many dare not involve themselves with it. Transfiguration - The druids women are known for using this kind of magic to transform their mates into wild felines to protect them. The Futakuchi Onna also use this ability to maintain their disguise as beautiful women. Transfiguration is the art of changing the physical properties of an object or living thing. Transfiguration does require more than just magical will. The druids use various talisman necklaces to maintain control of their transfiguration magic over their mates. Humans have a very limited knowledge of transfiguration magic, and have rarely seen it in action. Known Inhabitants Dark Elves Raldva: Leads a raiding band of dark elves who attack and steal from any rival tribes or northmen they encounter. Most of the spoils go to her, and she's unabashedly greedy. She's not stupid though. She'll take out anyone who she sees as a challenge to her authority. Djinn Jamila: A vessel-djinn born of an intoxicating love potion, she has seen her fair share of the world through various masters, all of whom find Jamila's enchanting beauty too hard to resist. Jamila's beauty and charming personality entice men and women alike. There's no one who can resist her spell. After enough changing hands, she ended up in the possession of King Roland as part of a war bounty. Little did he know how lucky he was when he found her bottle. Ketis: Though small and of a slight build, she is slowly developing a wider frame as seen in her beginning love-handles. She was a traveling scholar from the Samin Desert, but was inadvertently captured by the Lamia during her travels. Despite her predicament, she is fascinated to learn more about the Lamia culture as no one has lived to do so before. While she may be highly intelligent, her fatal slip may be thinking she’s too smart for the Lamia. Druids Lalsini: Accompanied by her companion/mate, the black panther, Ajax, Lalsini is the high priestess of the druid clans, but is incredibly humble despite her high position. She lives in the great temple with her many daughters (you don’t get to be high priestess for nothing, you know). She does see her immense size as a blessing and indication of how well she has pleased Yva, the fertility goddess, and wants to continue to please her. Elves Dhasca: The eldest daughter of an elven king, many have come to offer for her hand in marriage. She also has a beautiful singing voice that attracts an audience from miles around. Just who will get to marry the elven princess? That is up for you to decide. Glesheri: A happy-go lucky elf, who is known for speaking her mind. She has chosen to marry the human scholar who has encroached upon elven territory, and she's not ashamed of it. Still, she can't help but admit that one of the reasons she loves her husband so, is that she does love human cuisine. Isallia: She is in quite a pickle. She has a newborn son that she is trying to raise on her own, as her mate is currently dying of exposure to human disease. She is asked by the village elders to go out on the latest scouting party, having been known to be a reliable scout. Reluctant to leave, she really has no choice and entrusts the care of her son to a trusted friend and promises to return by nightfall. That doesn't happen. She is being taken to the palace to be sold for gods know what. However, she’s incredibly desperate to return home. Phania and Lessya: Elizabeth's ship's boys (or in this case, girls). They usually have the job of keeping the ship cleaned, as they are the youngest and less experienced. They don't like working and, when Elizabeth isn't around, they play pranks on the crewmates. Phania wears an eyepatch just to distinguish herself from her twin sister (really, sometimes she even switch the eye on which the eyepatch is) Fairies Na'alie: Rather bored with the forest and longing to explore, who knows where Na’alie will go next. She is a bit cheeky and very loud, has a habit of humming while she flies, and can be known to have a bit of a gluttonous streak Quixee: A curious sprite that yearned to study the others races of Yndyre, and is now living with the Harpies in the mountainous regions. However, she is finding the Harpies difficult to study, so she might be with them a while. Unfortunately, it is very hard for her not to have the gluttonous creatures’ appetites rub off on her... Futakuchi Onna Licsoku: Among her kind, she has been having a bad-luck streak recently with tricking people for food because she is too fat! It is a total giveaway! She might have to get a bit reckless soon. Though initially sweet, she can be easily enraged. Gorgons Kakomathi: Always full of herself, Kakomathi was devastated when she was snubbed for the role of high priestess. As her anger settled, Kakomathi came across the largest human city in all of Yndyre. There she learned of a place even more pampering than the role of high priestess, as the King's favored concubine... To the rest of his concubines' horror, he brought Kakomathi into his fold, from there she demanded to have her every need met or else. Medea: She has been chosen to be the next high priestess by her clan but fled due to the pressure and fear. She now seeks a new home outside the caverns. However, the locals are scared of her as Gorgons are heavily feared. She is super friendly...really! Phoebe: She has been selected to be the new high priestess after the last one vanished during the night, and has taken up her new role with dignity and relish. She is quite keen on all the extra food the offerings to her will be made from. Harpies Kaerie: Not very bright, even for her kind, and known to be very easily distracted, she is still very inquisitive and friendly, eager to make friends with others even outside her own kind. She has a tendency to ruffle her feathers up and pout when she gets annoyed. Winona: She's the look-out of Captain Elizabeth's crew, looking on the horizon from the top of the crow's nest. She's not the smartest of the crew and is really gullible, but she is one of the most trustworthy and would never betray her crew. She's also possibly the friendliest and less aggressive of the crew. Humans Aiasha: She was given as a peace offering from her village to prevent an Orc warband raiding their village. Her new masters have her work as a barmaid and belly-dancer, but her mistress prefers her belly-dancers to have a bit more "belly" to them. Arlene: The chef of Elizabeth's ship, and has the job to make sure the crew is always well fed. While Elizabeth is the captain of the ship, in the kitchen, Arlene is the undisputed ruler, with a voice so loud that reaches even the deepest parts of the sea. According to a rumor, she used to be a sex-slave for a warlord until she killed him in his sleep. Naturally, she loves cooking and, even if she isn't the best cook on the sea, the crew never leave leftovers despite her habits of making too rich portions. Captain Elizabeth "Sea-Legs" Robin: The captain of a (stolen) pirate ship, she is seeking to make her fortune in adventure and plundering. However, she is known to be headstrong...a little TOO headstrong. What adventures and possible trouble could she possibly get into? Fumiko: She's a wannabe wrestler who currently lacks the figure to participate, and will do anything to get to the highest ranks; the Yokuzuna! She can be very brash and headstrong, often gets herself into messes. Katy Wetfield: She's Elizabeth's most trusted crewmate, and the one with the highest authority behind the captain. She and the captain are like two close, but sometimes caty, sisters and often insult each other but ultimately get along pretty well. She's also very greedy and always tries to get the biggest share of the treasures they find/steal and loves alcohol. She's almost always seen with a bottle of rum in her hand and if she doesn't, she's asking for one. Kiffiri: She’s a new wife to a clanlord, and can’t wait for the pampering that comes with such a position. But, she has yet to reveal her secret that she is infertile, which could prove problematic when her husband wants a son, but for now she’ll milk this thing for all it’s worth. Don’t be fooled by her lazy demeanor. She’s more ambitious than you think. King Roland De Kover: King of the central regions, King Roland is perhaps one of the most ambitious and mysterious of rulers. The king often gets what he wants, be it land, gold, or women, and he has ample supply of each. The king is known for his peculiar tastes, which stem from his need to show off his wealth and how well-fed he can keep his women, servants, and people. The problem is, he's a of a two-edged sword: one minute he's kind, sympathetic, and charismatic, the next he is demanding, forceful, and sometimes downright beastly. Margery Thorpe: Margery was once a most faithful maid to the king. No order he made was too great or too small for her to perform. That is, until the king's way's got to her. With even the servants well-fed, years of service were no match for her appetite, and she became slow, then clumsy, then barely movable. Not wishing to fire his most faithful servant after all she had done for him, the king instead gave her a new role within the castle. Now, although Margery can barely lift herself without the help of new servants, she does find the kings attention very much more...pleasurable than before. Menlie Lenan: A devotee of the demoness, Plesura, who seeks to serve her in anyway possible. She is willing to do anything to serve her master, and seeks to make her own form please her. She is also on the lookout for potential followers/victims for her cult. Olga Forgedotter: A sweet sort of girl, something of a rarity in dreary Racovania, Olga only dreams of a better future. After her father passed, she picked up a job at Bleakfrost Tavern as a barmaid. She's quite the cutie, and gets paid good money in tips from appreciative diners. Unfortunately, she's worryingly trusting! Rihan: She's the main muscle of Captain Elizabeth's crew, and arguably the tallest, even more than Katy, so much so that some mistake her for an orc (a mistake she doesn't forgive). But despite this, she's also very smart, as she's the ship's carpenter, who has to repair it after every battle or adventure. She really gets along with Phania and Lessya and is the only one who's never the target of their pranks (especially because it isn't very convenient to make her angry). Vasha Sukruv: She is the prized “pig” of Eviana Stranken herself. She has lived among the vampires for many years providing sustenance. At first, like any newly acquired “pet,” she feared her vampire masters, but has grown to trust them and be totally dependent upon them. She is still fearful of how they look hungrily at her, and knows something big is coming, but can’t figure out what. Hybrids Kimiko: Much like her mother, Vuko, Kimiko is used to getting what she wants. She's also the oldest of the king's daughters, and sees herself the head of the hierarchy among the king's various daughters. Though raised by maids and nurses, Kimiko still inherited her mother's sense of self-importance and her father's ambition (along with his infamous gut). But, she does have a bit of a laziness streak in her that is all her own. She may have the ability to think of creative ways to get what she wants, but it's mostly so that she doesn't have to do any of the hard work. She's grown very used to seeing her every need met by servants, and she isn't going to be giving that up anytime soon, even if her father has no intention of leaving her the crown. Kimiko is determined to make her own way and have it all, that is if she can get everyone to bend to her will. Kojina: Born out of wedlock betweeen an orc and a human, she was left in an orphanage. She passed the time reading maps and has a great knowledge of Yndyre's geography. She earned herself a position as Captain Elizabeth's navigator. Sometimes she disagrees with Elizabeth's choices but doesn't have much of a spine to reply to her captain. Some say she's in a relationship with Katy, but the two deny it. Komma: "Trouble" is Komma's middle name. From a young age, the half-satyr always knew how to get into places she wasn't supposed to be or did the things she knew were forbidden. Having inherited her mother, Mitera's roaming spirit, and her father's love of revelry, she is the wild-child times ten. Among her favorite activities these days is sneaking away from her guards to go frequent the local brothels and taverns of Adinah. Still, she isn't hidden for long. One need only listen for the ruckus which usually follows her wherever she goes. Komma lives for attention, and having an attractive, curvaceous figure certainly helps that. Will she ever find a party wild enough for her? Lahodny: Lahodny is the daughter of the king and his concubine Morfil. By the time she came around, the king had had several children. Thus, she was used to not being the only one competing for her father's attention, and has a much meeker personality than some of the older children. She has her father's empathy and caring nature towards others and her mother's playful spirit, though thankfully, not her air-headedness. Lahodny easily makes friends with everyone. Hm, perhaps she's just as good as her father at making alliances. Jorogumo Misothe: She is married to a Shogun and is very well off and quite pampered. She is very sweet and loves her husband dearly, and enjoys the gifts of foreign dignitaries, especially the yummy gifts the humans give her Kitsune Ozami: A high member of the Futotta-Machi Monastery. She’s known for using cooking as her way of meditation. Unfortunately, she has been bluffing about her religious experiences of late. Maybe she just needs more practice at her meditation. She is sweet as they come and can’t say “no” to anyone. Vuko: Vuko was once a monk in the far-east, but grew bored of her life there. On hearing from a visitor to her temple about a King that treats those that merely offer their services to him as near-gods she traveled to find him. On meeting the King she instantly offers herself to become one of his concubines, offering to even let herself be ravished in front of his entire court if that is what it will take for him to allow her in. Since becoming one of his most favored concubines, she considers herself higher than her peers and almost thinks of herself as queen. She is also known to have atrocious table-manners, but the servants are too scared of her to say anything. Lamia Letilla: Known to be jittery and overexcited easily, she is still like the rest of her kind has no restraints on overindulging. She does have the odd habit of releasing her victims when their blood runs low and their obesity makes them hard to keep, only to catch new ones soon after. Lava Dwarves Dazzolda: Known as a heavy drinker, Dazzolda often has to be dragged home from the bars. Her mouth is as loose as her mind on liquor. She often says the wrong things, getting her into a lot of trouble at the taverns. Despite everything, she lives life to the fullest, looking for the ultimate in the demon's nectar. Merfolk Morfil: The once waifish Merfolk maiden was always getting herself into scrapes thanks to her whimsical and lackadaisical nature; trying to pet large monsters, eating toxic undersea plants...and eventually getting caught by slavers. After passing through several owners (each finding her brainless attitude more irritating than the last) she finally found her way into the kings palace, being presented as a rare gift. Of all the things she enjoys as a concubine of the king is the food. Not once did Morfil stop to think of the consequences of her eating, even when it cost her the use of her legs. Now she has to be underwater to move, but still she eats like she has been starving for months. Xochitl: She works as the go-between for other races and her Mermaid village. Known to be calm, collected and proud of her job, she has to accept many offerings made by the various people who wish to trade with the merfolk. Minotaurs Bullha: Always having a pleasant well-meaning demeanor, she is very open and welcoming. Normally, she can be found working and toiling the farmland, but is starting to get the itch to travel. She has the motto "Nobody should ever go hungry" and wishes to provide for everyone, especially herself. Grargi: A conman covered her in red makeup to pass her off as a rare demon and sold her to a noble from the city for his harem. She is very meek due to being the runt of her family, so she will take any food put before her. Despite her predicament, she has made her life better by befriending her fellow harem members. Naga Coatzintli: Former Princess, now queen after the passing of her mother, Coatzintli is finding that her responsibilities as queen are about to get big. It is her duty to birth the next generation of Naga; luckily her wife is right beside her. However, she is strong-willed Naga who is not used to a life of extreme luxury and pampering befitting her status. Hextia: Hextia is lazy to the nth degree, even moreso than a normal naga. She wastes most of her gold reserves on buying more slaves, and ignores the natural feast/starve cycle and just comfort eats day-in and day-out. Quessa: The high priestess and advisor to Queen Coatzintli. She serves primarily in the Temple of Knowledge, and is always seeking to learn new things. She has a strange fascination with humans. Though kind and sweet at heart, she can be a bit perky and overly energetic for some. Northmen Astica Ulrissdottir: She has just reached marriageable age and will undergo the ritual of fattening to become the perfect bride. In truth, she hates the idea of going through such a ritual. She would rather be a proud warrior like her brothers. She's just a tomboy at heart. Orcs Bralga Head-Crusha: A warlord who controls many of the local tribes of Orcs, she is power-driven and very stern; her wild look is all about intimidation. Has been bored with lack of challenges recently, which could spell trouble for the locals. Mahl Shatter-Spear: A disgraced member of her clan, she has adapted to the snowy climate of her new home and stays at Snowfall Inn. She now hires herself out as a professional mercenary/bodyguard. The loss of her identity as an Orc and proud warrior has left her surly, with a taste for adventure, booze, and comfort food. Staerk Beast-Strangler: Staerk was once a noble warrior from her homeland. No beast or soldier ever stood a chance against her. As hard times fell upon her clan's lands, and food became scarce, Staerk knew sacrifices had to be made. A king just south of them was known for striking up deals for resources in exchange for some of his own demands. For the greater good of her clan, she sacrificed herself to the king's harem. Since then, Staerk still remains strong and resistant, though the king coyly calls her "hard to get." Rakshasa Ayiri: She was once the greatest hunter in her clan. No one could bring back bigger catches. But, she has decided to hang up her hunting gear and settle down, but she won't settle for just anyone. She demands a good provider. She has challenged anyone to bring back a bigger catch than her to win her hand. Careful, she certainly is tricky. She's going to string along a few suitors to get free food out of this challenge. Tejral: One of the few rakshasa to have communication with humans, she has abused that gift as she pretends to be a vengeful deity to fool the local humans into giving her divine offerings. She has a cheeky personality, is getting lazy, and enjoys being spoiled. Her figure is starting to get to the point where she is becoming too fat to hunt properly. Satyrs Fiberia: A rather lazy and cowardly type, Fiberia ran away from her homeland to avoid the wars. Too bad she doesn't know they're over. In the meantime, she has become hopelessly lost in the Verge. She's near starving, and she'll do just about anything for food. Gorthia: The leader of a herd of Satyrs on revels through the forest and to the realms just outside it. She is an albino as well as having the largest set of horns for miles, and is a rowdy party-animal; revelers travel for miles to attend her parties. Mitera: Mitera, like all satyrs in their youth, desired to explore the world, wandering in search of life's greatest pleasures. Among her first stops on her journey was the city of Adinah. From there, she took a job at a local brothel, where she gained the favor of the king. There, Mitera found that things could get better, and the parties could get bigger...much bigger. Mitera has since let all the wild out and has settled nicely into her new role as pampered concubine and mother to one of the king's daughters. Tanca: Unfortunately, she has recently lost control of her herd and is an outcast from Pyknos Verge. So, now she just loiters around the bar she rents a room from in exchange for her success in various quests. She is well known to the locals and is treated well by them. Torgher: She is a happily married woman to a Minotaur, and toils in the fields with her spouse. Despite how happy her life seems, she secretly is worried she is not enough for her spouse and is desperately trying to pack on enough pounds to equal their weight. She is generally warm and motherly despite not actually being a mother. Sirens Jocasti: She is a signer at a tavern, and is the attendees favorite by far. Using her alluring voice, she is able to score many dates, which are just ruses for her to get free food and drinks, making her a sly, cunning person who always wants to push the envelope. Vampires Cameena Stranken: A third-generation in the Stranken line, she is the vampires that possess one of the fattest "cattle" in the realm. She is known to be quite liberal with draining her fatty blood, as Cameena has quite the sweet-tooth. She is, however, trying to hide her recent weight gain from her peers, as it is currently seen as unsightly. Eviana Stranken: The head of the Stranken line, she is the progenitor of all vampires in Yndyre. Her tastes and styles are incredibly discerning. Everything the vampires do must go through her, and more often than not, her answer is no. However, perhaps with the right persuasion, she may just have a change of heart. Layla Stranken: If there is one appropriate way to refer to Layla when it comes to vampires, that would be "Princess of the Night". She's got all the qualities; she has a perpetual cool smirk on her lips, she's always collected, she always has a glass of wine in hand (which could actually be blood, for all we know!), she wears the most luxurious form-fitting dark robes, she's always got a fan in hand, and, her most distinguishing trait, her unrivaled beauty amongst all new generations of vampires. Oh yes, especially that last one; Layla's beauty is her most distinguishing quality, and she knows it. There's not a creature in all of Yndyre that can resist her charms; one bat of those rich eyelashes, and you are under her spell! Naturally, this has made her quite vain, bordering on narcissistic. She and Cameena have always been rivals in just about everything, especially when it comes to collecting humans. Layla has more "cattle" than any other vampire (a result of her seductive conduct), but Cameena always comes out on top due to having "higher-quality" (read: fat) blood sources. That, and Layla is always happy to pick on Cameena for putting on weight, something which is frowned upon in their kind. This, of course, only provides an easy way for Cameena to get under Layla's skin. Sonja Stranken: Ahhh, Sonja. Now this one is a riddle wrapped up in a mystery box inside an enigma. Even amongst her kin, Sonja keeps to herself. No one really knows what's her story or where she even came from in the ranks of the clan. The only tidbit of her disclosed is that, whatever the angle of her origin, it all leads to Eviana; it's not a coincidence Sonja sits close to the Great Vampire during meetings. Another possible point of her origin is how she noticeably abstains from the Stranken tradition of partaking in the "Feasts of Blood"; Sonja is never present, and has been known to voice her disapproval of vampires ganging up on lone humans and draining them dry to the point of fatality. "We are Nobles, not Lamia," are her biting words. Besides her distaste for that family tradition, she seems to want to promote a more moderate use of humans. It's thanks to her that the likes of Cameena and other members of the clan have servants in their castles, rather than just "meal guests". That's all! Go out and explore the wonders of Yndyre! |