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Follow Shade and her fabulous misadventures! |
Prologue: Part One The Heat Wave (Author's Note: This story will be primarily third person limited as in POV wise, though there will be first person flashbacks in the future. The rest of the will be posted as as it's written, I apologise in advance I do not post on any form of schedule as I often suffer trying to juggle too many stories at once. I do have more stories in the works.) It is an early autumn evening as Shade, a 5 foot 3 inch mightyena, prowls the plains near her den stalking in the tall grass as a way to alleviate her thoughts from her new and unexplained problem. As she crouches there, lying in wait to ambush the next unsuspecting meal to cross her path, she spots a small rattata scurrying about, scavenging the grasses and shrubbery for anything edible. She adjusts, aligns, and pounces, pinning the little rat under one paw as if to demonstrate her strength and power over the small rodent, whom was now squirming beneath the weight of her, rather large, paw. "Hello my little morsel." She taunts, having always loved the effect it brought upon her prey, the squirming, shifting, and anticipating. Though... she can tell something is different, he is calmer than the rest, sure, he is squirming and fumbling against his detainment, but she can tell he is doing so only out of discomfort. "How can you remain so calm knowing you are going to die here?" She inquires in interest. "I know you have something else in mind than eating me... but should you choose I really don't have anything I need to get back too..." He replies in genuine a calm. She can't understand what he means... until an itching, burning twinge distracts her from her catch momentarily as she winces and shudders in irritation and confusion while her mind is suddenly assaulted with images she can't explain, nor does she want to. "I see my analysis is correct then." The mouse squeaks as he notices her shudder. At this point, she simply wants him to shut up and let her think... but no such luck. "Go ahead, as I said I have nothing to get back to, play out that fantasy if you want to, eat me if you want to, I really don't care." At this, her instinctual lust of the season overrides her judgement and rational thought as she sits, inches from his menial form. "This what you were looking for little boy?" She teases. "Fine, I can play that game." She finishes, repositioning his head a mere few centimeters from her slit as the folds secrete her scent and prove her new intentions. It takes all of her remaining restraint, which was dwindling by the second, to refrain from scooting him any closer to her femininity as his breath taunts and teases the sensitive flesh, prodding the last of her resolve with a stick. She starts to give in, slowly sliding the purple pest towards her, now leaking, sex as lust, instinct, and now need override her thought and action, spurring her to do more than she ever even fantasized about with this little male. With a lustful moan, she rubs her parted pussy over the little guy's face and chest, his breath pushing her further as with a slight buck, his head slips within the hole between her legs causing her to moan out again before a steady pleasured growl takes its place. With her lust-clouded mind, she continues to play with the rattata, now more as if it were a toy than a living creature, she slips him within slowly until nothing is left outside save the tip of his tail, and then, moaning, pulls him out to his neck to start all over again. After a few cycles of this, she closes her eyes and focuses on the feeling, the relief filing in to take the place of the heated irritation, the insatiable itch dissolving with his every twitch, the reluctant squirming stimulating her, nearing climax. The muffled voice of the rat meets her ears, "Not as skittish as you were ten minutes ago, huh." She blushes a little thinking about her actions for the first time since she had started. A stranger engulfed in her twat, the lusty panting and moaning, and the greedy toying. At first she fells pathetic and sorry for him... but then she realizes in the world they shared, this was life, if it isn't her it will likely be some other predator. She moans as she contracts around his form, body spasming as she hits climax for the first time, her sex secreting her juices as she is contracting and clenching around her new toy dragging him deeper, and out of her reach to stop it, though she no longer cares. She sits there playing with herself, basking in the afterglow while her new little friend squirms and struggles, keeping up her pleasure as he approached her womb, her cervix blocking his path momentarily before letting him through, and locking closed behind him with a shluck. He writhes and squirms some more before curling into a ball and getting comfortable while catching the inkling he is going to be there for a while, and he's right as they both drift off to sleep. A few hours later Shade awakens to a shrill cry piercing the plain. As she looks up to identify it, she spots an eevee and zorua staring at her horrified, both wearing red bandanas around their necks. "Wha-" Is all she can get out before the eevee starts screaming. "You killed him! You killed Tyler!" She yells, her voice probably permeating the entire plains. She starts charging at Shade causing her to reflexively hop to her feet and take a defensive stance, ready to strike if necessary... which it wasn't. The zorua catches her friend by the tail and holds her there. "Even if she did what's this going to do, get you killed too?" She questions through the mouth full of fur. "It's better than living with the loss." The eevee replies. "He's not dead..." Shade finally pipes up, beginning to blush as she remembers what she had done a few hours ago. "But..." The eevee starts as she stares at the bulge in Shade's undercarriage, then notices the blush. "Wait... no... did you..?" At this point, she stops pulling against the, now confused, zorua, and it releases her tail. "Can someone tell me what you're on about?" She questions, staring at the eevee. "Sh-She... T-Tyler..." The eevee faints, falling over yet landing quite gracefully. The zorua stares at her friend, then turns back to face the mightyena before noticing the same bulge and blush... "Oh, that's what happened." She remarks blushing a little herself. "He has always enjoyed that... but he was worried Sarah would be scared for him." She states nodding toward the eevee. "I'm Jade by the way." She states blush fading slightly, only to return in force at the mightyena's reply. "S-So, you've done it too... with him?" She inquires blush turning more than just her cheeks red. The zorua nods. "Hmmm... I'm Shade." The mightyena replies. "It's nice to officially meet you." Jade states, her blush subsiding. "It would be best for our party if you were to return Tyler before Sarah wakes up." She continues. "I would... but I don't know how... to be honest this is my first time..." Shade replies sending Jade reeling. "Wait, you are such a high-tier predator and you never done that before?!" She almost shouts in response. "You must be young... Maybe even your first heat." Jade observes aloud. "How could you tell?" Shade asks curiously. "Because to most of your kind, female mightyena that is, that little incident is a common pastime." Jade explains. "At least, that's my experience." "So... how do I get him out?" Shade questions. "That depends on how far he went." She states. "All the way." Shade informs. "To the womb?" Jade inquires. "Yeah..." Shade responds. "Well then... I guess we have to go in after him..." Jade states, her voice trailing off slightly. "Wait... What?! You are voluntarily going to crawl up my snatch to get your friend?" Shade hastily questions in a cocktail of confusion. "I would ask if you were crazy... if I wanted to die, so no, I am not going in... we are." Jade replies as she nudges the, still unconscious, eevee. It awakens with a start and glances back and forth between them, either trying to judge the situation or suffering from short-term memory loss. "I'm just going to need you to hold her tail." She concludes as the eevee begins to stand. "What did you sign me up for..?" Sarah questions almost worried. "I signed you up for extraction detail, myself included." Jade replies seemingly somewhat excited for the proceedings. "E-e... extraction detail?" Sarah fumbles concern and fear etched across her face. "Yea... getting him out..." Shade clarifies not wanting there to be any surprises. "HIS NAME IS TYLER!" The eevee shouts before realizing that this meant he was still alive for sure... that and the muffled yelling of the mouse that none present could understand, granting Sarah some level of relief. "Anyway we are going... spelunking you could say... as in we are going in, to pull him out." Jade explains briefing Sarah on her plan, blush forming an all of their faces. "How do you know she won't just stuff us in?" Sarah replies, still more concerned than relieved. "Because losing control the first time was embarrassing enough..." Shade responds hoping to alleviate the eevee's worries as much as possible as not to have a canine flailing around in her most sensitive of areas. "What do you mean you lost control?" Sarah questions almost angrily as she turns to face the mightyena. "Sarah... this is her first heat, don't you remember anything about yours?" Jade inquires thoughtlessly. "No... I don't remember it..." Sarah states, much to her friends disbelief. "Maybe it's for the best... I wish I were lucky enough to forget..." Jade returns solemnly. "What happened?" Shade inquires curiously, blush once again covering Jades face as she asks. "Let's put it this way... I fit in that..." She states nodding in Sarah's direction. "W-Wait what? I don't believe it." Shade responds. "Neither did I... until Henry showed me the tape..." Jade agrees. "Wait, HENRY HAS IT ON TAPE?!" Sarah explodes startling everyone, Shade's passenger included, causing him to squirm some causing Shade's legs to grow weak and forcing her to lay herself down once again. "Well... you seem to be relaxing again, are you ready?" Jade questions a little too eager. "I'll be heading in first so he doesn't get defensive seeing Sarah's concerned mug, she'll hold me, and you'll hold her. Everyone clear?" Shade nods while Sarah seems to have a minor meltdown, eventually conceding and nodding herself. "Good, assume the position." Jade barks in Shade's direction and in response Shade rolls onto her back, legs spread but relaxed as not to create tension. "Honestly I'm surprised you didn't even growl at me... maybe that's why this was all that happened to him..." She muses walking up to Shade's sensitive hindquarters. Without hesitation or forethought Jade nuzzles the mightyena's slit slowly as to assure minimal resistance, conscious or not, to her entry, which elicits her a sensual moan of approval from Shade. Without much force at all Jade's head slips between the folds as Sarah begins to pace in worry, though it's futile as no indication of harm came upon her friend as she watched Jade slip ever so slowly deeper into the canines confines, Shade moaning the entire time. "Sarah wake up and grab my tail!" Jade shouts from her new fleshy prison, as soon her tail is all that's left, the rings of muscle effectively consuming her frame, much to Shade's satisfaction. "Right..." Sarah murmurs before latching onto her friend's tail, still worried and slightly irritated with the situation. "Don't, mmph, worry, I won't hurt you~" Shade moans out as she slowly draws the eevee closer and closer to her warm nethers, though in response the eevee only manages to roll her eyes, muzzle already embedded within the now squirming Shade. With a jerk from within Sarah was pulled headlong into Shade's birth canal causing Shade to yip before it dissolved into a long, low moaning murr. She feels a yell from within drags Shade back to conscious thought again. "Almost there!" Jade's voice calls, permeating the ears of the surrounding pokemon. As she finishes the pressure relieves and Shade reasons her cervix had finally loosened up to accept her new addition. "I GOT HIM, OKAY PULL US OUT!" Jade calls again... to no response, as Sarah's legs continue to slip slowly deeper within the mightyena's contracting confines, causing Jade to become worried, and Sarah to grant an "I told you so" chuckle. Sarah's hind paws near, and then breach the large canine's sex leaving only her tail free as Shade indulges in the feeling, the fur brushing past ring after ring of muscle, the heat of their bodies against her inner walls, and the, now ever-present, squirming stroking and stimulating her lust, until she reaches climax. While holding them all in place by keeping a grip on Sarah's tail, she allows herself to enjoy the feeling as ring after ring of muscle contracts and spasms in an attempt to pull them deeper, and release her sweet fem-cum around them. "Ahhh~" Shade moans at the release, then remembering the situation begins to pull against Sarah's tail, pulling her back out with her friends as she blushes in embarrassment. Still thinking about what had just happened, keenly on how much better it felt than with Tyler alone, and soon enough they are all free of her confines, leaving her feeling empty but much better than before. She watches astutely to study their actions and emotions hoping not to have lost them, or at least Jade, as a friend. After stumbling around for a bit Jade and Sarah collapse, barely able to so much as turn around without flopping down again, but they manage to get turned around to face Shade, who had been pacing beside them almost worried about their lack of strength, and Jade smirks up at her. Sarah smiles happy to have survived, and to have retrieved her friend in the process, while Tyler keeps watch with Shade, clearly used to whatever affects Jade and Sarah were currently experiencing. "They'll be fine." Tyler states eliminating the look of worry from Shade's muzzle, which she replaces with a smile. "Alright, then all is fine." Shade smiles lying down but remaining watchful, earning her a smile from Tyler, who had pulled his bandana from the tuft of fur on his chest, and put it in around his neck. "If you want, you can join us." Tyler offers; Shade glances around the group and smiles. "That would be great..." She trails off as she herself passes out from the emotional and physical drain of the day's experiences. |