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Some group fun. |
Emma stood with Mari looking at Liddy, wondering if she was in any trouble after explaining what happened at the jail. “At least you waited until after the client was serviced before doing your own thing.” Liddy fired a quick glance at Hannah. “Also my compliments on your manipulative skills.” “Thanks, I just figured since she got busted for doing our job she might want to do it on the ship legally.” “Do you?” Liddy asked Emma. “Well… I mean yes. I did it because I needed to, but I liked it well enough. But I don't think you would be willing to actually hire me.” Emma was almost trembling as she spoke. “Why not?” Emma glanced at the door making sure she had an escape route. Then pulled back the braids in her hair and revealed her long sharp pointed ears. Liddy gasped. “You’re an elf?!” her hands covered her mouth. Emma was shaking and shifting her stance back and forth switching between stay or running. Hannah decided to speak up. “Hey, Easy! Get up here!” Standing between Emma and the door to keep her from bolting, Hannah waited for Easy to come up the stairs. “Show the Elf what we do with emberborn.” Emma winced without looking. “She really doesn't look like she's in the mood for the kind of things Mari does to me. I think the sex can wait.” Confused Emma opened her eyes to look at Easy. Then they opened wider as she noticed the wingspan. “I… umm… don't really… I mean. I prefer just men but…” “It's alright little elf.” Mari gently gripped Emma by the shoulders to comfort her. “It just means you are more than welcome here. Also, Liddy almost orgasmed just from your ears so I’m thinking you are hired if you want to be.” Emma looked at Liddy who, still with her hands on her mouth, nodded quickly before lowering them to speak. “Yes. So very much. I can keep you with male clients only, but no promises about your fellow harlots.” “I… well thank you. I accept.” Emma bowed slightly. “Well then.” Liddy composed herself. “Next bit of business is that we are taking some rest. A lot of work needs to get done on the ship and we can't be entertaining clients while they work. I'm having one of the working rooms converted into a marble bathhouse. The last of the repairs to the hull and walls are getting done. Also, the laundry and kitchen are getting installed under the bridge. With all of us working we should be done a lot faster. As much as I could keep us here with clients I want our reputation to spread and that means a new port of call.” Unlike the last round of repairs, there was no need for gags to keep mouldy wood dust out of your lungs. Liddy replaced almost all the wall panelling with fine hardwood and the same for the floors. The hull was stained primarily a pale brown with the structural supports a deep chestnut. A forward deck lounge was built so that guests could be entertained in the open air. The large metal laundry bucket was gone and in its place was a pair of mechanical washers and a pair of dryers. A small kitchen opposite the laundry was a welcome change. Soon after the final addition of the bath was installed and the workmen left. The ship took off towards its next destination and six naked women slid into the warm water. Easy was only in for a moment before sitting on the edge instead, given that her wings needed space to move. Water dripped from her body and Mari sat between her legs with her head tilted backwards to catch the drops coming off the fairy’s breasts in her mouth. “Whoever's idea this was originally was really on to something,” Liddy spoke softly. Hannah and Mari exchanged glances wondering between them whose idea it actually was and coming up blank. “This sure will make things more relaxing,” Hannah added. “What do these dials do?” Ving asked as she turned said dials. Panic ensued as jets started blowing water and causing everything to froth and bubble. Liddy remained relaxed and motionless except for the wry smile forming on her face. “Thank you, Ving,” Liddy said cheerfully. The rest of the women calmed down quickly as the motion in the bath became quite soothing. “You little bitch. You did that on purpose.” Hannah mock scorned Ving. “Well no. I just…” Ving started to explain. Hannah brought her leg up to the surface and used it to flick a bit of water at Ving smiling. “Touch me,” she said. Ving, finally getting that Hannah wasn't upset, shook her head and slowly moved from her seat to the middle of the bath to hold onto Hannah by the foot. Hannah responded by lifting her other leg and Ving held both, massaging one in each hand. While holding Hannah by the feet, Ving pressed them against her breasts lightly attempting to tickle her with her nipples. Hannah giggled and clenched her feet before relaxing them to clench again each time her feet were touched just right. Ving licked and sucked her by the toes and kept Hannah’s feet resting upon her breasts as she worked her hands up the legs. Massaging her calves and kissing her feet Ving cried at how open she could be with her desire for female contact. Nobody noticed of course, with the water hiding those tears, but for the first time in a long time, Ving was happy. Emma on the other hand still felt very much like an outsider. It wasn't that the girls hadn't welcomed her. In fact, it was the opposite. Also, Easy being so friendly to her and being treated so well by the other girls, Emma knew she was safe. It was just all the walls she had spent so much time putting up to protect herself would take a long time to tear down. Not everyone can feel the relief as easy as Ving could. Emma sat in the water watching how simple it was for the rest to relax. It was a bit of a struggle for her to just keep her head over the waterline, she was so petite. “Emma. If staying afloat is so troublesome how about you sit on my lap?” Liddy suggested. “I… will you be expecting me to do anything?” She responded. “Oh, darling,” Mari spoke up. “Liddy, while almost certainly wishing to ravish you, probably just wants to check out your ears.” “I… everyone wants to look at them but nobody… sorry. You aren't like those other people. But I’m ok where I am right now if that's ok with you.” Emma answered sheepishly. “I’m sorry.” Liddy apologised. “I shouldn't be suggesting anything to make you feel pressured. Yes, I love those ears but I know there is more to you than that. Also, sitting on the lap of a naked woman might not be the most comfortable thing in the world for you.” “It's alright. Actually, you are the least intimidating woman here. Everyone else is just so much… bigger.” “Liddy's taller than Easy,” Mari commented. “I think she means breasts.” Ving chimed in separating her tongue from Hannah's feet briefly. “Oh. Yea I suppose we all have Liddy beat.” Mari realised. “But you got a lovely pair on you miss elf.” “Well, you think that. But that's just because my frame is so small. Compared to....” Hannah interrupted. “Don't compare. Can't change it. Just enjoy what you have and enjoy what others have.” Hannah punctuated her point by lightly kicking her feet against Ving’s breasts to make them bounce in the water. “She's right,” Mari added. “All that really matters is that someone somewhere wants them and will pay for them. The only way our sizes matter is for who is attracted to them. Yea, mine are big. Doesn't mean Liddy won't be getting clients when I'm available.” “Also, you have your own traits we don't share.” Liddy carried on with the lesson. “Lots of men would love to be with a girl they can lift. Like you said, on your frame they are most ample. More so than mine, that's for sure. You have a sweet innocent look about you and no hint of an attitude problem.” Liddy gave looks to Hannah and Mari in only slightly mock accusation. “And those ears. Those sweet, sweet ears.” Liddy lost her train of thought and Emma was left wondering if she was going to say anymore. “What she means is that…” Hannah took over. “You got things that we can't do. So work with that. I can't imagine the trouble those ears have caused you in the past but you got us watching your back now.” “Thank you.” Easy wasn't totally convinced but happy that she might actually believe it one day. Deciding to take a tiny step out of her comfort zone she moved over to Liddy and sat on her lap. She felt hands running up her back and over her ears. Then the gentle pressure of hips lifting her. Emma never understood how women could be attracted to other women but it felt nice just to have someone limiting themselves to what she was comfortable with. Now on Liddy, she was much higher out of the water and her breasts were more visible. Emma could see the eyes of the other women on her except for Ving who was lost in ecstasy at Hannah’s feet. Yet the discomfort was a great deal less than when she had first stripped naked in front of them to get into the bath to start. Slowly eyes glanced away back to each other or off into space while they relaxed. She wasn't the centre of their attentions. Just something they enjoyed observing and moved on. Emma relaxed and let her body lay against Liddy whose breasts pressed into her back. A tongue slowly moved along her ear and Emma wasn't sure how to feel so she just continued to relax and let Liddy continue. Hands wrapped around her belly gently and she smiled. After the bath, Liddy cranked a handle on a cog on the wall to open the vent in the ceiling as part of the new glass skylight. The steam from the bath, while pleasant, would not do well saturating the ship. After getting dried off and dressed Ving went to go check the helm to make sure they were still on course and not heading into a mountain. Easy took Emma to her room to help her finish settling in. Neither of them ever really had a room to call their own before, so both had to adjust to the idea. The trip to Valley Hub was almost luxuriously relaxing. Their eventual arrival was greeted with far more suspicion than they were expecting. Not only were they told to land outside the city docks but were told to expect inspectors. Liddy made herself clear in no uncertain terms that such treatment was unacceptable. Upon landing at the docks she presented the dock-master with the token Hannah had received from Elsa, the noblewoman who had gifted Easy to her. That seemed to be enough to placate the man. While Liddy got to work on letting people know of her ship and services, Ving approached Hannah from behind. A tight embrace with one arm around her belly and the other across her chest to grab her breast, Hannah knew who it was. “I was wondering how long you could restrain yourself.” “I’m sorry,” Ving whispered as she gripped tightly to Hannah’s breast while her other hand slid downwards. “Hannah, I find myself so happy when I touch you. This is ok? Right?” Hannah turned around and took Ving's Hands into hers. “Ving. I understand that you haven't been able to be yourself for so long. That I’m the first woman to really be with you. And you are a beautiful woman I very much enjoy taking to bed. But I’m getting the feeling you might want this to be something… more. You don't act this way around anyone else.” Ving trembled. “I love you. I don't know how else to explain how I feel when I think of you.” Hannah was expecting something but not quite that. Many men had professed to love her after one night in bed when they didn't even remember her name. Yet this was different. “Ving. I love sex. I want it from men and women. If I want a woman and you are around I will take it from you. If you aren't around I will take it from someone else. I appreciate how you feel and I care for you. But aside from Mari who’s more like family to me, I don't have any special feelings beyond friendship with anyone on the ship. I can't reciprocate the depth of your feelings.” “I know,” Ving stated as firmly as she could while still shaking. “I may be just your friend who you play with for fun. I know you will be with many men and women as clients or as flings. If I see you and Liddy or Easy or whoever in bed while I stand apart, I can live with that. But you will always be the woman that made me feel like there wasn't anything wrong with me after so many years of doubt.” “I'm so very glad I was able to do that for you. But as much as I care, sex for me is about using others to make myself feel good. For me, a close bond is someone I don't have sex with. Mari and I found that early on. With you, at first, it was to humiliate you and teach you a lesson. Then I used you again when you were emotionally vulnerable. The bath, again just fun to amuse me. If anything I’m a terrible friend. I should treat you better but you also seem to like being treated that way.” “Men always humiliated me. Fucking me on a stage. Letting friends watch. Telling me to do things and taking bets to see if I would do it. Being told how many times I had to fuck them to be worth the help they were giving me. Maybe that's warped me. Why just seeing clients who want to fuck and move on doesn't do anything for me. Being a bitch racer who gets ‘taught a lesson’ is just how I was raised to experience sex. Other women were competition, not friends. Talking with Liddy helped with how I work here. I’m fine with that. But the way you use me. It treats me how I think I should be treated. Not just used but made to be degraded.” “Women are generally conditioned to be submissive and weak compared to their male partners. By taking a strong woman like you and making you submissive to them it feeds their need to dominate. Taking a weak woman is expected almost but taking a strong woman and ‘putting her in her place’ feeds that fantasy. Of course, you were conditioned to think you could only be strong until someone you saw as stronger came along. At first, it was the men, but now it's me.” “Yes, you did. You showed me my place. I know you wouldn't have done so if you knew how I would have been treated. But I don't want you to stop. I want to be used, made to wait, to serve, to be dominated. Just only by you. Maybe I will change how I look at things the longer I examine myself. I still like being a bitch. But I’m your bitch.” “Ving I think you need to be your own bitch. Own yourself. Dominate your own life.” Hannah realised that it was easier said than done. “But that's a hard thing to do if you don't have any experience with it.” Ving watched Hannah desperate for her to finish her thoughts. “Alright. While I enjoy the occasional role as a submissive you are more seriously damaged by how you were treated. There is nothing wrong with preferring a submissive role as long as you enjoy it. You, on the other hand, were conditioned to think that was simply your place. That's not right. You are doing it for the wrong reasons. So fine, you are my bitch.” Hannah gripped Ving by the breasts. “These are mine now. They belong to me. When clients cover them in cum they are doing so on my breasts. Not yours. “Yes, Ma’am.” Ving gasped as Hannah put her hand between her legs. “This is also mine like the rest of the body you have the privilege to live in. Only I can fuck you. When someone stuffs their cock inside this, they are fucking me.” Hannah pushed her hand hard between Ving's legs. “I enjoy cock inside me so no more complaints. You will revel in the act of sex because it is what makes me happy.” “Yes Ma’am” Ving choked as Hannah abandoned her breast to grip Ving by the throat. “Now, know that no man anywhere has any right to make you feel like they know what's best for you. Only I can tell you that. No other woman can make you feel the way I can. Nobody has any power over you but me.” “Yes Ma’am” Ving responded as Hannah broke contact allowing her to catch her breath. “Of course, we also don't want to stop doing what Liddy tells us but that's business. Get that sweet ass of mine ready and we keep this between ourselves. The others won't really understand.” “Yes Ma’am” Ving answered yet again before rushing off. Hannah sighed wondering what she was getting herself into and if she would be able to help Ving shake the grip the abuse she had suffered had on her. Everyone met up in the lounge so that when Liddy came back, they were ready. “Alright. So apparently someone declared martial law and put harsh rules down about visitors. Having the token saved us a lot of trouble. So expect to see troops on patrol within the city instead of regular guards but otherwise we should be free to conduct ourselves however we wish. Easy, you made an impression on your first client. So much so that he notified some friends of his. Can you handle a group? Six men want a turn and are paying a lot to have it.” Liddy briefed. Easy while shocked and surprised couldn't suppress a grin. “Well, maybe once I stop imagining how incredible that would be!” “Good,” Liddy smiled with a head-shake. “Hannah, I want you going with her. It will be off the ship at a private club and nobody should go anywhere alone, let alone an Emberborn. Of course, nobody expects an Emberborn to be running around without an escort anyways so they offered to pay for the time of said escort. Provided they could blend into the formal surroundings.” “What!?” Mari shouted. “I can blend into formal high society!” Stifled laughter took a moment to subside before Liddy carried on. “Right. So put on something formal and expect them not to keep their hands to themselves. Keep an eye on Easy but you are as paid for as she is, so enjoy yourself.” “Not at my expense,” Easy smiled. “I want all six to myself.” Hannah shook her head. “Two at once is simple enough, five is generally a max if the guys don't mind getting close. Six depends on how good you are with your feet.” All the other women paused to consider how that worked. “Sitting on one man's lap for anal, one in front between your legs, another standing over you in your mouth, one in each hand. Leaving your legs to wrap around the one man to hold the sixth. Though as difficult as it is to manage, the fact is that it's harder to convince six men to get that intimate with each other.” Hannah explained. The rest of the women paused to contemplate it while Liddy continued. “As soon as the courier with the payment arrives you will head out. If anyone asks, you are a noble woman attending a meeting at the club with your servant. The rest of us stay on the ship to take care of any visitors.” Hannah dressed in a smooth silky red dress over black lace underwear that just barely edged out at her bust. Tight enough that anyone could see it was underneath but not visible through the fabric. The pattern on the silk in a slightly brighter shade of red gave it a more formal appearance of elegance. Easy was in her sundress to appear plainer and as a servant. Hannah told her to always walk behind her and refer to her with respect. To not let her eyes drift up and look anyone else in theirs. The courier arrived with ample payment and gave Liddy the directions Hannah was to follow. A carriage had been sent as well to take them to the club. Walking in like she owned the place Hannah simply passed the invite to the valet without looking at him. He guided her through a posh lobby past various men and women of status wondering how many would be hiring her someday and how many wives would never know. Down some gilded stairs of dark marble was a door that the valet unlocked to lead down a hallway. It was narrow and dark hardwood covered the walls and ceiling to make it feel more restrictive. Red carpet matching the dress Hannah was wearing covered the floor illuminated by the gas lamps on the wall. Past several sets of doors the valet stopped at one suddenly and knocked. Soon it was unlocked and the valet nodded with someone inside before showing the women in. On the inside was a slab of meat in uniform. Stunned when seeing the women walk in recovered himself to close the door after a few moments. Inside, their arrival was noticed by six men sitting around a hardwood table, not unlike the one Liddy and Hannah had used for the ‘interview’. Cigar smoke hung in the air as they all partook while they drank liquor worth more than what Hannah cost an hour. Easy, on the other hand, cost a lot more since she was supposed to be a speciality item. “Welcome, my lovely ladies. Welcome.” One man greeted as they all rose. They were all impressed by what they saw and Hannah could tell they were ready to start. Yet she also knew that some things are only proper for people of status if a little time is taken to get there. Hannah gave a slight bow while Easy made a full curtsy. “A pleasure to be here.” Hannah started as the men took their seats. “Always a pleasant experience to meet men of fine taste.” While not offended they were slightly confused and one man spoke up. “Taste in women?” Hannah smile. “Cigars. Southern Islands for sure. I would hazard a guess at the Lonely Flats but more likely the aquatic farm offshore.” Stunned silence filled the room until one man burst out laughing followed by his friends. “My dear I have never met a woman of any status who could guess the region of a cigar let alone the island it was grown on or near.” “It is actually a mixture of their island farm leaf with the weed grown on the ocean waters just offshore.” He passed the box across the table where Hannah could open it and pick out one for herself. “Most gracious.” She thanked as she expertly used a cutter to clip off the ends. “M’lady.” the man sitting closest to Hannah greeted as he gave her a light while taking a long look down her cleavage as she leant over. Taking a deep puff and blowing out the smoke into the air above the table she smiled at them giving them all a look as she showed that she wouldn't be coughing. The men exchanged pleased glances. “This is Easy.” Hannah introduced while Easy gave her wings a flutter. “A young eager girl who is looking forward to our time together.” “I must say.” Another man spoke. “When our friend told us of a fairy we could… enjoy. She was all we could think of. Now in the flesh, she is more than anything we could imagine. How do we…” He looked to his friend for help. “I’m ready and willing to do whatever it takes to shatter the limits of your imagination.” Easy explained as she slowly crawled onto the table. Easy adeptly avoided the glasses and bottles around her as she made her way into the centre of the table. Those in front of her watched her cleavage showing while those behind leant down for a view up her dress. The first to move put his hand on her leg and moved his glass to the small arm table beside him. The others moved the other objects from the table quickly so that Easy was alone on it save for the hands reaching for her. Five of the men were standing and starting to unfasten their clothing in preparation for what was to come. The sixth man never stopped looking at Hannah. He was the one who had been most impressed by Her. She moved over to him and sat in his lap still smoking the cigar. He held Hannah by her bum and thigh, at eye level with her breasts that he had to look over to meet her eyes. Hannah smiled at him, pleased he was still bothering to look in her eyes. Easy gasped as someone put his hands on her ass and between her legs. Another had his hand on her face while her dress was being undone by someone who didn't want it in his way to her cleavage. Of course, another man didn't wait and already gripped her tightly with his hands down the front of her dress. “I expected a woman here to work. Not a woman of culture and refinement.” The man whose lap Hannah was sitting on muttered. Her attention drawn back to him she responded. “Even a woman of fine... breeding and status has desires like your own.” “Really?” He asked almost totally unaware that women can be just as sexual as men. “Of course. The difference is that we hide it because it is not expected of us.” Hannah took a sip from his glass. “Just as your friends here wish to use the flesh of my little fairy to bring them pleasure. Just as she enjoys the act of penetration from five different men.” They paused to view Easy, naked on display, taking a man down her throat while another lay below her horizontally to suckle from her breasts. She gasped loudly as another pushed inside her between her legs, gripping tightly the two other men in her hands. Rocking her body back and forth trying to time her movements to maximise their thrusting. Although most men don't coordinate themselves so well in such situations, she was making the best of it. “See how she craves it? Status didn't do that to her. Race didn't do it. No. Being alive does it. Everyone has their particular tastes, but while status might define the limits of fulfilling said taste, it doesn't mean a woman is without it.” “I see.” He said, but Hannah doubted it. “What kind of woman do you think I am?” “I expected some street commoner with a fine figure. Not… a refined woman. How…” Hannah cut him off. “Even a refined woman can desire the carnal pleasures of men like yourself. Outside this room, I am a Lady. To be respected, feared, and obeyed. In here, I am a body of pleasure. To give and receive. But in both places, I am a woman who craves it always. Like I said, status might define limits. Higher status opens doors that are closed to the common folk as we all know. Yet sometimes it closes them. I am tired of things being closed. Open them for me. Open my legs and give me what I crave day and night.” Hannah was lifted up as he stood and spun around. She started to lift her dress when it was pulled up faster for her. Quickly her legs were kicked apart and panties pulled off with the snap of their clasps. As she waited for him to fumble with his own pants she could see Easy’s tongue peeking out of her full mouth to try and lick the balls of the man currently keeping her from breathing. Not quite making it Hannah was still impressed with how long her tongue really was and considered asking Mari if she would mind if she had some fun with Easy. Hannah wondered about their relationship for a moment before her head was grabbed and pushed down on the man laying below Easy. His hard cock past her lips and deep down her throat as finally the man behind her got himself inside. Disappointingly small, his thrusts behind her were less than impressive but she went along with it. Hannah kept her cigar in her hand. However, a silent tension became obvious when Hannah was taken off the table. Apparently, her partner didn't want another man inside her while he had his fun so he threw her to the couch before climbing on top. Again disappointing, since he clearly had no concept of pleasing a woman. Almost unsure he was even inside her, Hannah moaned with each thrust when she wasn't taking a drag from her cigar, hoping he couldn't tell. His head was buried in her breasts and Hannah realised how short the man must have been. Her dress had been pulled down and her lace covered breasts bounced as his head bobbed between them. While she was being disappointed, Hannah watched as Easy got flipped, just as the man behind her had blown his load inside. Finished , he stepped aside as his friend moved in to replace him. Unsatisfied with simply being in her hand, he plunged inside Easy with enthusiasm. Gripping her by the one leg she had in the air, he rammed as hard as he could while she struggled to swallow what was being pumped into her mouth. Hannah suddenly felt her man climb up to kiss her lips, struggling to keep inside her as he did so. She leant forward to help and felt him grip her head and breast for leverage. Hannah was convinced he never had proper sex before as he started to lick her face. Sure some weird things are fun if you like it but it almost seemed like everything he did was because he thought that's what you were supposed to do. As if all his knowledge was second hand. Unknown to Hannah, Easy was gripping the man penetrating her pussy with the muscles she had inside. Jerking them off while they fucked her, neither knowing how unique she was in that ability. Quickly another man added his seed inside her. Unable to contain himself the man in her hand blew his all over her breasts, covering them. Easy rubbed her breasts and spread it around so they were glistening in the light. “Just like that?” The man on top of Hannah asked and she needed a moment to figure out what he meant. “So very much. Thank you.” She responded once she realised he had finished without her even knowing. Easy meanwhile got off the table to sit in the lap of the last man and use her wings to rise and lower her onto the swollen cock penetrating her. He tried to hold her but she kept his hands down so that all the work was done by her wings and he loved it. He almost yelped when he finally went and each rise and fall of her body let him and his friends leak out of her. Hannah remained with her bra exposed and her dress lifted as she sat with her client pretending to enjoy the cuddle. Nothing ruined a cuddle like redressing quickly. Easy was exhausted from the effort of using her wings so much she just rested on the lap leaning against the man still inside her. She leant her head back over his shoulder to kiss him while he was finally allowed to grip her breasts again. Ignoring how uncomfortable it was to have her wings pinned between them, Easy made noises to the contrary. Seeing one of the other men holding himself in his hand and how hard he was getting, she glanced at Hannah getting the nod to proceed. Hannah watched as Easy crawled along the soft carpeted floor to the man who had penetrated her like a dog and took him into her hands licking up and down his stiffening shaft. She could taste herself on him and used her long tongue to wrap around his head as she took it into her mouth. While she kneeled before him another man got up and walked over to Hannah. Determined to finish what he started with her mouth he pushed inside her once again, and this time they wouldn't be interrupted. Hannah rubbed herself between her legs with one hand and her left breast with the other as she drew her head back and forth working on the cock in front of her. Leaning back on the couch to relax and enjoy the feeling of the eyes on her. Her cigar rested in a nearby tray while she had something better to suck on. When lips began to kiss the hand between her legs she moved it to behind the head and directed it to her clit. Once again it was a poor attempt but Hannah was desperate to actually enjoy something while she was there. Looking past the man pushing into her mouth she could see someone had lifted Easy and held her by the legs as he fucked her while she still sucked the man in the chair. An awkward looking position but something Hannah made a note to try sometime. Fluid burst into her mouth, but not a lot. Most having been spent on Easy. Hannah swallowed quickly before urging the man eating her pussy up to take his place while pointing to the other to get on his knees and continue. This man used his fingers inside her and worked them quickly while his tongue went to where he thought it was supposed to be. Close enough, Hannah sighed enjoying what she could before another burst of fluid went down her throat signalling the end of that. Easy was back on her knees as a man standing over her worked furiously to cum again aimed at her face. She smiled as whatever he could manage splattered on her face as she worked her own fingers over her clit. Unable to limit himself to using just his mouth, Hannah was quickly mounted by the thankfully better-endowed man who at least had made a good effort between her legs. Thrusting into her Hannah could at least tell he was there and lasted a few minutes. Long enough for Easy to be back on the table pouring booze on her body for the men to lick up. Seemingly ignorant that one of them had cummed on her and had his seed rubbed into her skin. Easy giggled as the tongues tickled. Finally finished inside her the last man got off Hannah and she could take another drag from her cigar. Spent and exhausted from their brief efforts the men sat back in their original chairs. Hannah got up and pulled Easy onto the floor where she could try her tongue out on Hannah. Fixing her bra and dress Hannah smiled as she felt Easy reaching deeper inside her than any tongue before could. She mentally shrugged at not asking Mari but figured it wouldn't be a big deal. Mindful of taking too long, Hannah stopped when someone handed her panties to her. She stepped back from Easy who stood to retrieve her dress. Hannah snapped the clasps to put her panties back on and smiled at the men assembled, still smoking her cigar. The short disappointing client motioned to the guard at the door. “Take them somewhere to clean up.” Too tired to speak or rise, the men just nodded at Hannah as she did the same. The guard lead them out of the room and back towards the entrance. The first door from the end of the hall was a lavatory from the sign posted. “In here M’lady. Showers and facilities,” he said. “Do you require anything else or shall I signal your carriage?” “Your cock,” Hannah responded flatly and let him stare at her blankly for a moment. “She took the brunt of the effort and I was left wanting. Get in here with me and satisfy me now.” “But a noblewoman… that's illegal,” he muttered obviously caught between given orders to obey and said orders being illegal. “I'm a harlot. Not a lady. I work for my wages just like you.” He pushed them both into the lavatory and while Easy went off to shower Hannah tossed the cigar in the sink and slid off her dress. While he still unfastened his uniform Hannah did away with her underwear so she could be naked for the beefy man. Easy watched from the shower as he lifted Hannah with one hand on her ass and the other on her leg. Hannah gripped his arm and neck as he slammed her onto him. Able to keep her up in the middle of the room he slammed his manhood into her over and over while her breasts bounced for him. Finally, Hannah felt like she could enjoy herself. Feeling her body ache to accommodate the assault on it, she shivered with each thrust. Unable to contain herself, Easy stepped out of the shower as clean as she expected to be and placed her hands on the edge of the sink bending over. Letting out a pitiful whimper the bodyguard took the hint. Without skipping a beat he hoisted Hannah up to put her legs around his shoulders so he could eat her. Holding onto his head and also the ceiling, Hannah bucked her hips against his face. Easy felt strong hands grip her hips as suddenly the largest cock she had ever had shoved its way into her. No effort was needed for her to maximise the thrusts as each one was strong and powerful. Soon he began to grunt ready for his finish when Hannah gasped in desperation. He pulled out of Easy and slid Hannah back down to put his cock back inside her. Then leaning her back so that Easy supported her like a table he held Hannah by the breasts to put every ounce of power behind his final thrusts. Easy held herself in place to keep Hannah in position feeling each thrust. Soon he let loose, pumping himself rapidly as he filled Hannah with all the seed that he had been holding in since he first saw her. Watching her and Easy being used and unable to release himself until then. Easy could feel the seed almost pouring out of Hannah and onto her own exposed flesh where his cock had recently been. Still unfinished he actually pulled out of Hannah and penetrated Easy again so she could have some direct from him as well. Hannah didn't know when she had climaxed as it all felt as though it was one long orgasm with him. “You may summon the carriage now,” Hannah stated with a smile. He bowed before redressing and bowing again before leaving. Hannah turned to kneel behind Easy and return the favour. Easy had her seventh climax with Hannah trying to drink her clean. Both got into the shower and kissed while their hands cleaned the other. After finally cleaning up, the girls headed out of the club much like they entered only with a slower pace to take it easy on their bodies. In the carriage, they quietly watched as the city passed them by. Talking within earshot of the driver would not go over well with their reputation. Finally getting to the docks they got off the carriage and noticed a heavy duty truck with a canvas covering the rear compartment. “What's this here for? Did Liddy order more stuff?” Easy asked. “No,” Hannah replied with suspicion. “It's a military troop truck. Don't follow me inside.” Easy stopped and waited, not quite understanding what was going on. Hannah walked inside, not with the graceful stride of a sensual woman, but with the determined steps of someone with their guard up. Her heart sank when she stepped inside. Mari was on the floor cradling the side of her face while Emma sat in a chair. Hannah could see Ving on the bridge through the glass window that separated it from the lounge. What she also saw were the seven soldiers with them. One stood to her right near the door with another at the opposite door. Dressed in fine grey uniforms with bolt-action rifles slung over their shoulders. Black helmets protected their heads and bandoleers of ammunition ran from their shoulder to their hip. Two more were in the lounge with one standing over Mari who had the rank pins of a sergeant. The other standing behind the chair Emma was sitting in with his hands hanging over it to hold Emma down. Three more were on the bridge with Ving but Hannah couldn't see them very well. “Well damn. You girls are all just different kinds of tasty.” The Sgt spoke getting approving smiles from his men. Hannah felt the soldier beside her run his hand along her arm to feel her skin. “What's going on?” Hannah asked. “My boys and I were informed that a ship full of women showed up who needed some manners taught to them.” “We carry a token that should earn us more respect than this.” “That's just what the blonde bitch said. But she's being taught a lesson now. War is breaking out and we can't afford to let anyone slip through. Now I hope we can skip beating some sense into you.” He glanced at Mari. “And get to what you are good at.” Hannah sighed at the inevitable and took a few steps putting a smile on her face. He took a few steps closer grabbing her breast as soon as she was close enough. Hannah gasped in a false pleasure knowing the only way to get all the girls safe from them would be to do as he said and show them what she was good at. “I am very good at a giving a good hard ramming.” Hannah uttered in a hushed seductive voice leaning in for a kiss. The Sgt leant in savouring the taste to come when he had to ask. “Giving?” Hannah smiled a wicked smile devoid of seduction as she ripped the bayonet from its scabbard at his belt and rammed it into his throat right under his chin. The long metal blade pierced right through the other side at the base of his skull severing the spinal column. While still getting blood his brain only had fourteen seconds before it died. Hannah crouched and rammed her shoulder into his chest to push him backwards as she reached for the revolver at his belt. He stumbled back helpless to watch as his gun was used to fire two rounds into his squad-mate and friend who had been standing at the door the red-haired woman had entered. So numb he was confused about what was happening. Why couldn't he move? Why didn't the woman just do what she was told? Was that another gunshot? Where did it come from? Why was the room getting so dark? Slamming his body against the opposite door guard, Hannah had him pinned long enough for her to fire two more rounds over the chair Emma was sitting in to fell the soldier who was still too stunned to have gone for his weapon. The Sgt, slouching slightly as his body went limp like a doll before it died, allowed the pinned guard to reach out and grab Hannah by the wrist holding the revolver causing her to fire a round into the ceiling. With her free hand, Hannah struck him in the nose quickly and pulled his helmet down over his face to the sound of another gunshot going off somewhere else. Then she gripped the helmet with her palm and slammed it into the glass window, cracking it. Letting go of her wrist gave Hannah the chance to reach over the body to put the muzzle of the pistol under the helmet and fire. Instantly his struggle stopped as the glass shattered, and all around the hole in the window was blood. Dropping to the ground Hannah dashed over to where the body had fallen behind Emma and picked up the rifle. Down the starboard side hall to the back of the ship, Hannah sighted her aim firing the moment she saw a grey figure move. The massive boom from the rifle resonated throughout the ship as it sent a round down the corridor. The shot hit the corner blasting into a small cloud of fire. The rifle had been loaded with Ember 'immolator' rounds. Skipping any inklings of being impressed by the expensive ammunition Hannah rapidly worked the bolt action to chamber another round. Movement and the sound of a door opening behind her Hannah whipped around to aim, mindful that Easy may have decided to come in. Instead, Ving stood covering in the doorway holding a pistol of her own. “Cover this hallway,” Hannah ordered in a clipped tone. Hannah grabbed the bayonet from the dead soldier and affixed it to her rifle. Moving to the port side hallway she spared a glance through the bridge window not seeing any grey form standing. Arriving just in time to see a grey soldier running down the hall Hannah had him without cover and fired. The round slid between his teeth to hit the back of his throat. The round burned away the flesh on his head in an instant, causing him to tumble forward and land with his charred skull twisted at an odd angle. Hannah dashed up the hallway jumping over the smoking corpse working the bolt action again. Two more rounds sounded behind her from Ving in response to a rifle round sent at her. Another soldier appeared at the end of the hallway and Hannah shouldered into the working room closest to her shattering the latch. Recovering she ducked out to fire again but missed the rough shot. Another round chased her as she ducked back into cover and was followed up by a third. However, Hannah wasn't taking cover by the door. She had opened the wall panel Liddy had installed for the mirror system she planned on having. Hannah slid down the small space and kicked open the panel in the bedroom below her. Fitting the rifle down was tricky but Hannah gauged the angles well enough to do so quickly. She knew for sure that no well-muscled man would be following her. Silently she exited the bedroom and checked the lower hall thankful for it being empty. Moving softly to the aft staircase, she sighted up the stairs getting spotted by the soldier smart enough to check all the angles. Yet not smart enough to always be aiming the direction you are checking. Hannah sent a round into his torso causing it to burst into flames on the inside before he could bring his rifle to bear. Working the fifth round into the action of her rifle Hannah stormed up the stairs to see the soldier who had been trading rounds with Ving stare in surprise at her sudden appearance. Wounded in the leg he tripped as Hannah fired causing the round to immolate his shoulder. Still a fatal wound eventually, Hannah worked the action again on her rifle having decided she didn't want to wait for him to die. The click of an empty chamber told her she was empty. Suddenly the doors to Liddy’s bedroom opened to a confused soldier who was even more surprised at the redhead holding the rifle with a bayonet who somehow lodged it in his left eye socket. Hannah dropped the rifle letting its weight carry down the man it impaled as she went for the pistol at his hip. She brought it up in time to see an older well-muscled man sitting on the edge of Liddy’s bed. Hannah would have fired but the reason he wasn't moving was because blood was pouring down his chest from his throat. Puncture wounds appeared at his chest as metal protruded before disappearing inside him only to emerge elsewhere. A small woman's hand was on his shoulder and once his body fell forward onto the floor Hannah could see Liddy with a long stiletto in hand. Naked save for the blood spattered on her pale skin, Liddy looked up to see Hannah crouched at the door with the pistol in her hand slowly lowering. “Oh. Hannah. And here they thought their boys had gotten drunk again.” Liddy smiled. “And here I thought you needed a rescue,” Hannah responded. Liddy laughed. More to relieve the stress of what had almost happened then because anything was really funny. Hannah stood up and walked over the body near the stairs with the blasted shoulder. Still alive, Hannah levelled the pistol to his skull and fired one final shot. |