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As Bob ventures out on his mission, he learns he must denounce his faith in God. |
Highway to Hell and Back A man named Bob gets this mysterious phone call. His mission? To defeat the devil himself. As Bob ventures out on his mission, he learns he must denounce his faith in God to defeat the devil. Bob agrees and sets out on the most dangerous killings in all of history. Chapter 1 Bob scrambled to get to the phone. “Hello?” “Yes. I have a very important assignment for you.” “Yes?” Bob answered. “You are on a mission to kill the devil himself.” Bob look perplexed at hearing the phone call. He was a devoted Christian but had no idea how to even attack the devil. All he had was his sturdy cane. Bob was in his 50's and had solid hair like any other young man would. He also wore a fancy jacket because it was raining very hard outside. Suspense stories with action and horror Bob always loved to read though he himself would never have dreamed of getting into one himself. Bob wasn't a assassin nor a part of the S.W.A.T team. But he did have one capability. He was able to sense the presence of evil everywhere he went. This adventure seemed to puzzle Bob. Although he was perplexed at the mysterious phone call, Bob knew what he had to do. He got to his Bible and read Ephesians 6. Bob had to put on his armor everyday which he would use the most powerful tool to fight against the nemesis. The Sword or the Word of God. Bob got on his knees and prayed, “Lord God, please give me the strength to fight against the devil's schemes. Amen.” He got up from the ground earnestly wanting to win this battle. The phone rang again. He was scared it could be the devil himself. “Hello?” he answered. “Why are you still sitting there?” the mysterious voice said once again. Bob quickly got up and put on his nice clothes. He wore a Christian t-shirt with a Bible on the front. Eager to win his first battle, Bob knew that the devil knew his only weakness. He then prayed to God his Creator once more, then hurried out the door from his apartment on Main Street in a town where he lived. Chapter 2 As Bob strolled down the sidewalk in the rain with his broken umbrella, he noticed a peculiar fellow. A fellow in a nice top hat with a Amish looking beard. “Hello!” “Yes. Hello there!” Bob ran over to the man not caring if he got wet or not. Bob said to the man, “I am on a mission to fight and destroy the devil. Do you have any idea where he might be?” The man looked at him with a confused look. “I might not know who you are talking about, but I have one idea where you might look.” He told Bob, “In the very pits of Hell itself.” Bob was very afraid. He had never been to Hell before because he was certain he was going to go to Heaven as a devoted Christian. About that time Bob knew what he was getting himself into. He answered looking frightened, “So how do I get to this place called 'Hell'?” The Amish man told him he must denounce his faith in God so he could go to Hell itself. But not to worry, though he would be able to come back being born again. Bob was very confused. “I don't want to denounce my faith in God!” “I have been a Christian for a very long time!” “Hell is a very bad place, I don't want to go too!” The Amish man told Bob he must if he wants to survive. Bob learned he needs to live life like there is no God. That is how he would go to Hell to defeat the devil. Bob agreed to take on this quest though he had trouble with his own sins, he knew he would gain eternal life back again. Chapter 3 As the days went by, Bob kept thinking about what the Amish man had truly said. Bob had to live life as if there was no God. It wasn't that easy. Time to go with the mission he thought to himself. It was still raining and Bob decided to go back to his apartment complex. As he went up the elevator, a woman in her thirties asked Bob about the Bible on his shirt. Bob wanted to answer because he was a Christian. But he had to denounce his faith right in front of the woman. The woman had long black hair and was a model trying out for a part she really wanted. Bob told her about the Amish man all that he had said that he had to defeat the devil himself and in order to do that he had to denounce his faith in God to go to Hell. The woman didn't look surprised. She was a Atheist. “That is alright.” she said. “I know just the secret in going to Hell. You must not pretend act as if there is no God.” Bob was totally out of his mind. Why did he take this mission? “How do I act as if there was no God?” She told him, “The only way is to become a Atheist like me.” Bob learned all there was about he needed to know about Atheism. As the elevator went up to Bob's level, he said thank you to the strange woman and walked to his room. When Bob got into his room, he looked at the pictures of Christianity on the wall. All the books, and even his Bible. He didn't want to denounce his faith in God. If he did he would be lost for eternity. Chapter 4 This wasn't easy for Bob. This task was truly hard to take. He nearly had been a Christian for 50 years. Bob prayed to God once again. The telephone rang. “Yes?” Bob answered. “How was your talk to the Amish man and the woman?” “Very pleasant.” Bob replied. “So are you ready?” “Yes.” Bob was ready to denounce his faith in God just for this short time. As night came, Bob put on his soft pajamas and went to bed. As he slept, Bob had this weird trauma in his heart. He tried calling for a ambulance. But suddenly his heart gave way and he died. This place called Hell it was too dangerous for anyone to go to. Yet alone a non-believer who didn't believe in God at all. Hell wasn't for Atheists alone. It was for any person who denounced God who was Lord and Savior over all the world. Bob felt loneliness in Hell. He also felt shame and guilt tons of it. Bob said hello but no one answered. Bob then saw a light in the midst of the darkness. It was two red bulging, bloody eyes. “What are you doing in Hell? Aren't you supposed to be a Christian?” The moment Bob began to answer, the devil told him all about who he was. “You see, I perceive to be this beautiful Angel of Light. The Amish man you just met that was me. The beautiful woman you talked to that was me as well.” Bob was very angry he wanted to get out of Hell. Satan or the devil showed his full appearance to Bob now. The creature looked like he had 10 horns, and what looked like a enormous red dragon. Bob didn't know how to fight this creature. All he had was nothing except himself. Chapter 5 The devil began to make his move. Bob dodged the attack. He kept dodging here and there trying not to get burned. Though the devil tried everything he could muster against Bob, Bob kept missing the slashes from the claws. He didn't know even how to destroy the devil. He was just gigantic. Bob knew what he must do. He got on his knees in prayer. The devil stopped suddenly. “What are you doing!?” Bob prayed as hard as he could. Suddenly there was a light shaped as a silvery, sharp, sword. It stuck through the devil's heart and then what looked like a hand it thew the devil to the Lake of Fire. Bob knew that was a Angel of Light protecting him. “Bob rise up!” Bob stood up with both feet on the ground. “Why did you denounce your faith in God?” “I needed too in order to fight the devil!” Bob answered. The Angel of Light showed mercy and compassion just like Jesus would to him and Bob was raptured or taken out of the pit. Bob still in bed regained his heart beat back. He breathed heavily while the phone rang. Bob answered, “Hello?” Nothing. The mysterious voice on the other line was only something Bob knew. He knew he had defeated the devil and his Bible and other Christian pictures were still in his apartment. Bob knew the victory belonged to the Lord. He still had his faith in God to this very day. John 14:6 (Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.) |