Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2109413-Quit-bitching
by adust
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2109413
A girl who about to find out the consequences of acting the way she does. (animal tf)
Rianne was a tall slender young woman who had shoulder length blond hair and greyish almond shaped eyes within her early twenty's. She is great with animals especially dogs seem to get her attention as she spends most of her time training and playing with them at the local animal shelter. This might seem to make her look like a sweet innocent girl with a great hearth for animal and people at first sight, but appearances can be deceiving.

It was Friday evening and after about a month of work at the animal shelter Rianne finally had sometime for herself which she was about to spend with her friends at the night club. They had planned this now for about a month ahead as that was the moment that anyone was able to come. But as the evening was finally there, her friends weren't able to make it in time because of a traffic jam and they had no idea how long it would last. But as Rianne didn't want to wait she decided to already go ahead of them.

As Rianne entered the club a young girl who probably had to use a false ID to enter the club bumped into Rianne causing her to split her drink all over her. "Oh no, I'm so so sorry" the young girl apologized. But Rianne looked furious at the girl. "Look what you have done you little prick!" Rianne yelled at the girl who was terrified, "I ... I ... it was a" but before the girl could finish her sentence Rianne interrupted her "Don't come with excuses you bitch, oh come on stop whining you little prick" Rianne shouted at her she saw the girl running away with tears in her eyes.

As Rianne tried to calm down she suddenly got interrupted by another girl which was about the same age and went by the name Rosalin. She had long copper coloured curly hair with goggles on top of her head. She also wore a long brown leather trench coat, underneath her coat she wore outdated clothes which belongs to what looked like if it resembled from the 1800s. And she wore knee length leather boots to match her coat. ""Was that necessary?" she asked Rianne. Rianne looked with despite at Rosalin standing in front of her before saying "What did your time machine break down?" Rosalin just rolled her eyes "Sort of, but why did have to be so mean towards that kid?" she asked trying to be nice. "That's none of your business" Rianne said annoyed while trying to rub the stain away. "Maybe I can help you with th..." but she got interrupted by Rianne "No, just leave me alone" Rianne said as she pushed Rosalin aside. "She is kind of bitch isn't she" Rosalin said to herself while smiling as she grabbed a tiny glass bottle with a vivid pink colour to it out of her pocket "I knew this would come in handy". She said as she looked how Rianne made her way to the bar

Not much later as Rianne was still waiting for her friends to arrive she noticed that Rosalin said down next to her. "What do you want?" Rianne asked angry. "Wow calm down sister I'm just here to get a drink" she said as she ordered a beer. "Don't call me sister you freak" Rianne said as she looked away again to see if her friends had already arrived. This was Rosalin her change as she quickly dropped a few droplets into Rianne her drink. Suddenly Rianne wrapped her hand around her glass. Rosalin looked shocked at Rianne, but luckily for her Rianne was still looking into the other direction. "That was a close one" said Rosalin as an empty was put back right next to her.

Rosalin looked at Rianne in excitement, but nothing really seemed to happen. Except for Rianne who smiled a few times while looking at her cellphone. Rosalin her excitement slowly died as nothing really seemed to happen, until Rianne suddenly stood up and walked towards the exit. "What is she going to do?" Rosalin asked herself confused. So she decided to follow Rianne. As she came outside she immediately noticed Rianne standing outside in an empty alleyway which was across the street will holding a cigar between two fingers. "Are you following me!? What are you a stalker!?" Rianne shouted at her. "No of course not" Rosalin said will act like if she was going outside for another reason. "Then way are you everywhere whe..." But before she could finish her sentence her tongue rolled out of her mouth as it had become big to fit in her mouth.

A terrified Rianne who was now unintelligibly tried to get her tongue back in her mouth. "Not so potty mouth any more now are you" Rosalin joked as she looked at Rianne who was struggling with her tongue as she didn't even seemed to notice that her cheeks became all saggy and that her ears had gained some size as well as they now hang alongside her head covered in black fur. Suddenly Rianne could feel a tingling sensation in her nose as it began to deform. Her nose became rounder and her nostrils became wider. Also, the texture of her nose began to change as it began to become leathery and colored to black. Rianne Squeezed her eyes as she began to grunt and pant heavily as she collapsed and landed on all four as she now was pinned to the ground unable to get up as her hands and feet began to cramp. Her slender fingers became shorter while dark colored pads began to form underneath her new formed paw. Also, her nails seemed to change as they became sharper and changed in colour.

Rianne looked down as she saw black fur cover what used to be her hands and slowly began to spread over her arms up towards her body "You did this to me didn't you?" Rianne said in some sort of gibberish as she tried to look angry. But it didn't really looked that threatening as her tongue was still dangling out of her mouth while her face was also slowly forming into a muzzle. "Sorry, what did you say I can't understand you?" Rosalin said while laughing but Rianne just let out a growled.

As Rianne her slender arms and legs now were changing to fit her future new body, she could feel a tingling sensation ran down her spine causing her back to arc a bit as it went through on its way to her tail bone. As the sensation arrived their Rianne suddenly let out a very dog like yelp as an in black fur covered tail burst out of her jeans and immediately hide between her legs. "Oh come on don't be afraid, you make such a lovely dog" Rosalin said as she tried to pat Rianne on her head as her own blond hair was slowly being replaced by black fur. But Rianne just growled and slowly backed up as she wasn't able to speak like a human any more. "Oh come on let me free you from those clothes" Rosalin tried again in a babyish voice, as she sat down and gently pointed her hand in Rianne her direction. Even though Rianne her human side just wanted to flee and run away her animal side became curious and wanted to get to Rosalin.

Rianne tried to fight the urge but she couldn't help it and slowly moved towards Rosalin. “Your such a good girl” Rosalin said as she began to scratch Rianne behind her floppy ears causing her to wag her tail as it felt so good and she sounded so nice to her. After removing her clothes She pet Rianne some more and even though she tried to fight how good it felt she rolled over on her back allowing Rosalin to rub over her belly. Rianne her colorful vision slowly began to fade as it got replaced by a colorless one as her grayish almond shaped eyes began to become rounder and gained a rich brown colour meaning that the transformation was coming to an end.

Rosalin noticed this as well as she smiled and stood up "Come on... uh... Come... I never asked your name...but don't worry I can probably find your name some were" said Rosalin as she made her way to towards her pile of clothes. "No...not that's it either...ah yes this is it let's see your name is...Rianne" She said as she looked at the Rottweiler that was wagging her tail by hearing that name. "Okay Rianne let's bring you to your new home" She said as they walked past the queue on their way to the local animal shelter.

Two girls got out of their car "I hope Rianne won't mind us being so late." one of the two said. "I don't know she can be a real bitch" the other girl laughs as both girls entered the club.
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