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Originally written as a children's poem. Now a short story. |
"Sniff! Sob!" "What's the matter Rudy, why are you so upset?" "Sniff! It's all my fault, I did it. Santa's will hate me, so will all the Elves. He's going to send me away to the Land of Misfit Toys. It's where I belong. Do you have a tissue, my nose is running. If I don't get it wiped off, I'll have icicles hanging off my nose. Bawaa!. I'll look like a blubbering walrus." "Come on Rudy, snap out of that funk. It can't be all that bad, you didn't kill anyone, did you? DID YOU?" "NO!" "See, that's good. Come on Rudy, cheer up. Is there anything I can do to help you? Want a cookie? I have one in my pocket, we can share." "If only you could help, but Tasty, you're a kitchen Elf. You help Mrs. Clause feed everyone. I would love a bite of your cookie. Thanks Tasty. It's a very good cookie." "Your welcome. What If we spoke to Mrs. Clause? She solves all the Elf''s problems. She may be able to solve yours." "Okay Tasty, let's go. Thank you for coming with me, I feel much better." Meanwhile outside Santa's workshop, all the elves are gathered. "What are we going to tell Santa when he wakes up?" "How should I know, Marcus? You're the Elf in charge of everything. You figure it out." "That's right Marcus. You speak for all of us." "Yeah, that's why you get the extra cookies each mealtime." "All right already. He's not going to be happy once I tell him the tree is gone. He just might bust a gut when he learns we have to cancel Christmas because someone stole our beacon." "I'm glad I'm not you." "Me too. I don't think I want to be in your shoes Marcus, but I'll go with you to speak with Santa." "Thanks for covering my back, Dorfman. Well, times a wastin'. Might as well do it now. Maybe Mrs. Clause will be able to keep him calm. Lets talk to her first. Think he'll fire me?" "I hope not. I'm second in line for your job. The extra cookies are not worth it, besides you're gaining too much weight as it is." "I am?" "Yes you are." As Marcus and Dorfman head toward the main house, the other Elves go back to work. Meanwhile, inside the kitchen with Mrs. Clause, Rudy and Tasty tell her their problem. "It was all my fault Mrs. Clause. Tasty is just here giving me moral support. I didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident. You know how slippery it is outside, well me and the other little reindeer, were outside prancing around, practicing our running leaps. We all want to pull Santa's Sleigh someday, and that's when it happened. Waah! Sniff!" "Come here Rudy, let me wipe your nose. You're starting to look like a walrus. There that's better. Go on finish your story." "The three trees had just been delivered. The big one was set outside, and the two smaller ones were brought inside. One was put in the main house, and one in he workshop. The Elves had just finished setting up the big tree outside, and putting on all the lights. They went inside to warm up before, setting up the other two trees. Well, it was getting late and the other deer went back to the stables. The temperature started dropping and it was getting super cold really quick, and slippery. All the snow was frozen solid. It became a solid sheet of glass out there. I decided to take one last practice leap, before I joined the others in the nice warm stable. Sob! And that's when it happened. I'm so sorry, it was an accident." "Rudy, now stop that blubbering and tell me what happened." "I was running at full gallop, tried to take a big leap, instead my hooves started to slide on the ice, they slid out from under me. I began to spin, I had no control. I slid all the way to the big tree, and I crashed into it, knocking it down. It fell so hard, it fell through the top layer of ice, and sunk under the snow. Then all the snow fell off the roof and covered it more. It buried me too. By the time I dug myself out, I was so cold and tired. I walked to the stables, and instantly fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I looked for it, but couldn't find it. I didn't mean to do it, it's just my hooves keep sliding on the ice, and I can't stop. Do you think Santa will send me to the Land of Misfit Toys?" "I don't think so Rudy. It was a accident. I'm sure Santa will forgive you. Tasty, I have a very important job for you, are you up to it?" "Yes ma'am." "Good, I want you to round up all the Elf supervisors, and tell them to meet me, and Santa in a half hour outside the main building. While you're doing that, Rudy, and I will explain what happened to Santa." "Do I have to? Couldn't you do it?" "No Rudy, you need to tell Santa which direction the tree fell." "Sigh! Alright I'll do it." "That's a good little deer. We haven't much time left, Santa leaves tonight to deliver the presents. The tree must be up, and lit before Santa gets back, or he might get lost. The tree has special colored lights that shine so bright, it helps guide him home safely. Your dad's nose isn't enough to guide him back home through this frozen white tundra. That's why we only light this tree once a year. It's to keep Santa safe, and guide him home. There is a special piece of equipment installed in Santa's Sleigh that homes in on the special tree lights. Now let's go wake Santa, he needs to start getting things ready for his trip tonight." "Mrs. Clause, we have a major problem. It's about the big tree. Someone stole it. We can't find it any where. What shall we do?" "Marcus, you got here just in time. I want you and Dorfman to gather all the shovels you can find, and meet us out in front of the main building in a half hour." "But what about the tree?" "Not to worry, it's being taken care of as we speak. Tasty has everything under control." "What a relief. Mrs. Clause can fix anything. Tasty? Did she say Tasty has everything under control? What can that little pipsqueak of an Elf do? He is the youngest, and smallest Elf here in Christmas Village." The ten Elf supervisors murmured nervously about what Santa was going to do about the missing tree? When Santa appeared he didn't seem upset. He was the calmest one there besides Mrs. Clause, who had a huge smile on her face. "May I have your attention please. It seems we have a missing tree, but not to worry, it is not missing any longer. I want each of you supervisors, to go back to your stations, and do what you do best. But first you will send me anyone that is absolutely not needed to complete tonight's preparations. I need at least two Elves from each of you, to do some very hard physical labor. I need them now. Now off you go, don't dawdle." "That was wonderfully done darling. You have such a way with them. Now go inside and get some food. Tasty will bring you something hot to eat before you have to leave. I can handle the rest." "I'm sure you can." "Rudy you wait here with me. We have important work to do. Look here comes Marcus, and Dorfman with a cart full of shovels. Is that your dad pulling the cart?" "Yes, It is. I told him what happened, and he volunteered to help. I thought he would be angry with me, but he said I was brave to go to you, and explain what happened. He touched his glowing nose to mine and said, he loved me. I started to cry, all over again." "Marcus, as soon as everyone gets here, I want you and Dorfman to pass out the shovels. Rudy will tell you where to have everyone dig. You are in charge, Marcus. Tell everyone to go slow we don't want any more of the lights broken. Once the tree is uncovered, everyone might have to dig with their hands. Make sure, those that dig with their hand are wearing special hand warming gloves. I hope not too many lights broke when the tree fell. We do have replacement bulbs, but I'm not sure how many. After Santa leaves, get the rest of the Elves to dig in shifts. The remaining reindeer will help to pull the tree out. This is going to take all night." "Santa honey, it's almost time to leave. The digging is coming along nicely, we can actually see the branches. The reindeer, not going with you tonight, are hauling away carts full of dug up snow. Once you leave, the rest of the Elves will take turns digging. Everything is under control. The sled is all loaded and your stops are already programmed into the navigator. The navigator still doesn't work here at the pole, too much interference, but once you are far enough away it will light right up." "Martha, do me a favor and have the cobbler make these for me. Here are all the measurements. I will need four in all. When he is finished, have him put them in a gift bag. It must be ready when I return. It's a very special gift." "It will be all done as you asked. This is just another reason why I love you so. Now off with you. You have children waiting on you." The Elves, and reindeer labored all night. The tree was finally uncovered, and reset in a new place. It was a miracle that only a few handfuls of bulbs were broken. The new bulbs replaced the broken ones, and the tree began shining as brightly as it should. Everyone went inside to celebrate the completion of their task, to get some much needed rest, and mostly to warm up. Tasty served all the frozen Elves some much needed hot cocoa. Everyone that is, except for Rudy, who stayed outside under the tree waiting for Santa. When Santa returned, Mrs. Clause handed him the package, and pointed him in the direction where Rudy slept. "Rudy, time to wake up." "What? Oh! Santa you're back. I'm so sorry for what happened to the tree. If it wasn't for me everyone wouldn't have had to work so hard all night. Can you ever forgive me?" "Of course I can. And to prove it, I have a special gift for you, look inside." "What are they?" "Here, let me help you put them on. Take a couple of steps Rudy. How do they feel?" "Wonderful! Hey everyone, look what I have. I have new leather boots with tiny spikes on the bottom to keep me from sliding. Watch me run and stop. Thanks Santa, you're the best. This has got to be my worst Christmas ever, and my very best Christmas ever." "HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas Rudy." Word count 1911 |