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I own no characters. All rights go to the creators of 'Miraculous Ladybug' |
Miraculous Ladybug Fan-fic
Marinette's P.O.V. "Alia! Slow down!" I yelled as Alia dragged me through the park. "Come on girl! Hurry up! You want to see Adrien don't you?" Alia continued to drag me. "Yes, but-" I was cut off by me falling over, onto my face. "Girl....what am I going to do with you?" Alia chuckled, helping me up. "thanks." I smiled. "Adrien is just over there." Alia pointed over a few feet where Adrien was in the middle of a photoshoot. My whole body froze. I couldn't move if I tried. I just watched. Adrien is so perfect, no wonder why he never notices me. Alia was on her phone, probably with Nino. They must be really good friends. They talk all the time. A crash and a few screams inturrupted my thoughts about Alia and Nino. Looking around, I found a place to hide, after finding Hawkmoth's latest victim. "Tiki, we have to transform." I whispered, opening my purse. "Whoever is doing this is keeping us busy." Tiki sighed. "Yeah. Tiki, spots on!" I smiled, transforming into Ladybug. Running out from my hidng spot, I notice Alia and a little girl are trapped. Trying to get them out, I feel a tap on my shoulder. "M'lady? Would you like some help?" A familure voice asked. "Chat...of course I would." I smiled slightly. It took both of us to barely manage to get them out. "Ladybug! Chat Noir! Can I get an interview?" Alia asked, holding her phone up. "We are a little busy right now. Maybe later." I grabbed Chat's hand, pulling him with me as I used my yo-yo to zip around, trying to locate the akuma that went by Stormy Weather. "M'lady! I can jump myself!" Chat yelled. "Sorry Chat." I giggled. -After the fight- "Pound it!" Chat and I fistbumped. "I have to go." I went to walk away as my miraculous beeped. "No! Ladybug, please stay. I won't tell anyone." Chat grabbed my wrist. "Chat, even we can't know who we are out of costume. You know that." I rushed my words. "I won't tell anyone. Just please stay." Chat turned me to face him, holding onto me. "Chat, please." I begged. He just shook his head, closing his eyes. *beep, beep* 'Oh no. I only have a few seconds.' I began to panic. I closed my eyes tightly, transforming back. Another beep was heard...it was Chat's miraculous this time. "You're about to transform back, Chat. Let go." I didn't open my eyes. "No. I don't care if I detransform. You already did." Chat chuckled at his words, never letting go. Hearing him detransform, I heard an unfamilure voice. "Wait...why are we still here?" The voice asked. "I'll explain later Plagg. M'lady, may I open my eyes?" Chat spoke. "If I can open mine." I smiled. "Deal. On three. One...." Chat started counting. "Two." I bit my lip lightly out of nervousness. "Three." Both of us opened our eyes, my heart pounded. I looked into his eyes for a second before realizing I could see his entire face too. "A-Adrien?!" I was completely shocked. The guy I like....all this time...was my partner. Talk about a surprise. "Marinette." Adrien smiled. "You're....you're Chat? This isn't a joke?" I couldn't possibly be any more shocked than I am right now. "I am....M'Lady." Adrien bowed like Chat does. Only Chat can pull that bow off flawlessly. "So....after all this time...you would out who your Ladybug is, huh?" His kwami spoke. "Yes, Plagg....I did, and I couldn't be happier." Adrien seemed to be looking into my eyes. "You...you aren't dissapointed?" Now I was confused. "Of course not, Marinette. I actually have something to ask you. Well, you and ladybug as myself and Chat Noir." Adrien smiled. "What is it, Kitty?" I let out a small giggle. "Well, bugaboo, will you be my girlfriend?" He looked so hopeful. "Of course." I smiled, acting like it was an obvious answer. "Really?!" Adrien picked me up, spinning me around. "Yes, now I need to get home. Tiki, are you ready to transform?" I smiled as Adrien set me down. "I'm ready, Marinette." Tiki was smiling. "Great. Tiki, spots on!" I transformed, smiling. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Chat." I smiled, looking at Adrien who had transformed back to Chat. "See you tomorrow, M'Lady." Chat quickly used his staff (or stick...whatever you wanna call it.) to jump home. Using my yo-yo, I quickly got home, landing in my room, detransforming as I landed. "You and Adrien, huh?" Tiki smiled. "Yeah....and Ladybug and Chat Noir." I fell onto my bed. "I think it's great, Marinette. I really do." Tiki zipped over to me, eating a cookie. "Oh crap! What about Chloe?" I sat up. "You can handle her, Marinette. If you can save the world, you can handle Chloe." Tiki reassured me. "You're right, Tiki. Thanks." I smiled. "We should get some sleep. You have a history test tomorrow." Tiki sat on my nightstand. "Yeah...I almost forgot. Good night, Tiki." I shut the lights off, getting back into bed. "Good night, Marinette." Tiki yawned. -In the morning- "Marinette, wake up!" I heard Tiki's voice. "I'm up." I jumped out of bed."We are going to be late for school. Come on." Tiki giggled. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. "I can't make it in time as me...but I could as Ladybug. Tiki, spots on." I transformed, quickly zipping my way to school. I quickly detransformed, fixing my clothes. "Hey girl." Alia ran up to me. "Hey, Alia. I'm not la-" I was cut off by someone putting their hands over my eyes from behind me. "Guess who." I heard Adrien's voice. "Hmm...Chat Noir?" I teased. "No, guess again, Princess." Adrien whispered with a soft chuckle, leaning closer to my ear. "I know it's you, Adrien." I smiled. Adrien moved his hands and spun me around. "Correct you are, Princess. Miss me?" He grinned. "Actually, yes I-" I was pushed out of his grip by Chloe. She immediately tried to kiss Adrien, making him try to get away from her with a slightly disgusted look on his face. He looked rather uncomfortable too. "Back off, Chloe!" I stood up. "What was that, brat?" Chloe looked at me. "I said back off. I thought that was clear." I pushed her away from Adrien. "Why? Adrien doesn't even Notice you anyway. Get lost, brat." Chloe spatt. "Oh yeah? Then why can I do This?" I smiled, kissing Adrien on the cheek. Adrien didn't even flinch or try to move away like he did when Chloe tried to kiss him. Adrien just smiled instead. "He didn't even flinch!" Alia yelled, clearly happy that Adrien didn't flinch when I kissed his cheek. I have no idea why she is so happy about it, but I guess it is a good thing. "But....but Adrikins...." Chloe was almost whining. "Sorry Chlo, but I love Marinette." Adrien smiled as he said my name. "Just back off Chloe. He's mine." I smiled, taking Adrien's hand in mine. "That was a nice surprise." Adrien started walking into the school. "What can I say? I'm just full of surprises aren't I?" I smiled. "That you are, princess. That you are." He smiled, lifting my hand up, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. "How did you manage to stand up to Chloe like that anyway? You usually just back away or don't say anything at all." Adrien turned so he was facing me, no longer walking. "I guess I'm just sick and tired of being pushed around all the time and bullied by her. She doesn't scare me anymore....especially now since I have the upper hand here." I gave a small smirk. "You know, I was kind of hoping that you would've went for a real kiss when you told her off...it would've made her even more mad." He soun me so that I was facing him instead of facing the way we were walking. I glanced around quickly, luckily to find Chloe watching us. Standing on my tip-toes, I smiled. "Then kiss me yourself, Chat." I whispered, loud enough so that only he would be able to hear me. "As you wish, M'lady." He smiled, kissing my softly. It was like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. Hearing Chloe stomp away angrily made me internally smile. Sure, I know I'm supposed to be the good-guy here, but what can I say? She made my life miserable, so now I'm returning the favor. It's a little thing called karma. Adrien broke the kiss slowly, both of us smiling like fools. "We should get to class. We don't want to be late and miss that test now do we?" Adrien smirked, picking me up bridal style with ease, as if I weighed nothing at all. "Adrien! Put me down!" I Shreaked, squirming slightly. "Sorry M'lady...I'm not putting you down until we get to the classroom." Adrien chuckled, walking up the stairs and to out History class. After a minute or two of him carrying me up the stairs, he finally set me down in front of the classroom door. "Finally. Thank you." I smiled slightly as he took my hand in his. "Ready to go take that test?" Adrien smiled teasingly. "No, but we have to take it anyway and just hope for the best." I faked a smile. I hate tests....especially history tests because I can barely remember to grab my homework in the morning before I leave for school. And it's right next to me bed! "Very true, princess." He opened the door, signing for me to walk in first. As I wlked, I felt my skirt sway slightly with the movement of my hips. Adrien walked in behind me, quickly catching up to me to give me a quick hug before sitting in his seat next to Nino. "Alright class, settle down. It's time for that test I promised you all." The teacher smiled. -After School- "Marinette! Wait up!" Adrien called after me. "Huh? What?" I turned around quickly, stopping in my tracks to see him running over to me. "Would you like to come over today? I'd like you to meet my father....if you want to. You don't have to." He asked, standing in front of me. "Y-you want me to meet your father?" I stuttered slightly. "Yeah, he may not always want to know everything about me, but I figured that he would at least like to meet you and get to know you. You are my girlfriend and you did design the hat that I featured in my latest photo shoot afterall." Adrien smiled, taking both of my hands in his. "Uh.....alright...as long as you meet my parents tomorrow." I tried to smile. "Deal." Adrien kissed my cheek quickly, smiling. |