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Questions to answer and related scripture incomplete |
I'm considering using these questions as a starting point for my devotional project. They are: 1. Who is God? ![]() 2. What does He say about Himself? ![]() 3. What do we say about Him? Good and bad. 4. What does this say about how He views us/ feels about us? 5. How does this reveal how we should think about ourselves? 6. How does this reveal/demonstrate how we should think about our relationship with Him? In the book of Job, chapters 38-41 are the challenge God presents to Job. This challenge is a rebuke/reminder to Job of just how great the Lord and his ways and abilities are compared to Job's own. Almost all of this is a series of questions and comments from God, largely about God's ability to create and control nature. But, there is one verse where God speaks plainly about Who He Is. He is the creator of all things. "Everything under heaven is mine." Job 41:11 NLT Later on: * Best Answer: Moses asked him that queston. At Exodus 33:18 he said,"Cause me to see,please,your glory." In reply,God answered: "Jehovah,Jehovah,a God merciful and gracious,slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth,preserving loving-kindness for the thousands,pardoning error and transgression and sin,but by no means will he give exemption from punishment." The first thing Jehovah God reveals about hiself is that he is "a God merciful and gracious,"(Verse 6) According to one scholar,The Hebrew word rendered "merciful" bespeaks God's tender compassion,like that of a father to his children." The word rendered "gracious" is related to a verb that "depicts a heartfelt response by someone who has something to give to one who has a need." Clearly,Jehovah wants us to know that he looks after his worshippers as parents look after their children - with tender love and deep concern for their needs. - Psalms 103:8:13. Next,Jehovah says that he is "slow to anger." (verse 6) he is not prone to become angry with his earthly servants.Rather,he is patient with them,putting up with their shortcomings while giving them time to change their sinful ways. - 2 Peter 3:9. God continues,saying he is "abundant in loving-kindness and truth." (verse 6) Loving-kindness,or loyal love,is a precious quality by which Jehovah forges between himself and his people a bond that is steadfast,unfailing.(Deuteronomy 7:9) Jehovah is also a wellspring of truth.He can neither deceive nor be deceived.Since he is "the God of truth," we can have complete faith in everything he says,including his promisses for the future. - Psalms 31:5. Another great truth that Jehovah wants us to know about himself is that he "pardons "error and transgression and sin."(verse 7) He is "ready to forgive" repentant sinners.(Psalms 86:5) At the same time,Jehovah never condones badness.He explains that "by no means will he give exemption from punishment."(verse 7) The holy and just God will not leave sinners unpunished.Sooner or later the consequences of their sinful behavior will catch up with them. See also: - John 17:3 Romans 1:20 Revelation 15:3b. Excluded from this explanation is an analysis of the phrase Preserving lovingkindness for the thousands"{/c:navy}. *From Watchtower magazine, a Jehovah's Witness publication. |