Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2099077-The-Gift-of-Prayer
Rated: E · Poetry · Environment · #2099077
Hurricane Matthew harmed the Eastern seaboard last weekend. We are glad it wasn't worse.
How wondrous is the gift of prayer,
to bring petitions to
The One, Whose Heart can fully care
for thoughts of me and you!

Just one week past there loomed a storm,
whose intent was our coast,
We winced as much impending harm,
laid 'fore his windy boast.

He ravaged islands of the sea,
three hundred did expire,
Then when the East was faced with he,
just few, whose fate was dire.

We prayed as all on God depends,
and in this way were wise,
But then the warnings, loud, He sends
to heed and not despise.

"Evacuate! You must be gone!
Stay not the little time!
"Your bags within! Your seat belts on!
High'r land you may need climb!"

Saint Matthew showed the Savior low
in manger made of hay,
But Matt, the 'Cane with gale force blow,
his Judgment did display.

But even in this deadly time,
God's Mercy was quite real,
For never did a landfall prime,
big devastation seal.

Each life we lost is keenest felt,
by those, whose feeling's keen,
But more would be the lives thus tell-t,
by staying, words unseen.

Our thankfulness can know no bounds,
amid these trying times,
For when did come the "All Clear!" sounds,
then lift we songs and rhymes.

"O, God of Grace and Mercy rare,
we thank You for the day,
"The fam'lies' whole and free from care,
and Hope is on display!"

Line Count: 40

by Jay O'Toole
on October 10, 2016

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