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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2098816
A Brief Short Story About My Protagonist Teen Years
"The main principles of...oof"

Books tumbled everywhere as James man collided with a massive decrotaive planter that he hadn't noticed as we was far too busy reading. He gasped in pain as he bent over to pick up the books. His vision went slightly blurry."

"Are you alright?"

He felt a gentle touch to his shoulder.

"Yes...yes I'm fine" he tried to bend over again and another wave of pain washed over him "Um, at least I think I am."

"Stop trying to pick those up and take a moment." He nodded. "Take a few short breaths...that's it."

His vision started to clear a little and the pain seemed to be lessening.


He trailed off despretly trying not to flush red in embarsment when he was finally able to see who was helping him.

Oh Gods no...why? why? WHY? did it have to be HER!

"Are you Sure your alright.

He replied with a nod, he didn't trust his voice to not give away the complete humiliation he was feeling.

"Satha, over here."

She looked away from him towards one of her friends who had just entered the courtyard.

"Will you be alright now?"

"Yes I'm fine, I'm used to doing things like this now."

James, James, James, James, James, why didn't you keep your mouth shut.

She smiled and stifled a giggle.

Great now she's laughing at me. This couldn't get any worse.

"Morning Satha."

Wrong againJames.

"Is Little Lord Hector alright?"

James stiffened, he hated that nickname, He didn't like the young man who had said it much either, but was not brave enough to say anything.

"Yes Keron he's fine."

"Will you help me with Master Leather's assignment I'm more than a little lost."

"I would be happy to."

"Oh thank you so much you truly are a blessing from the Gods."

"Keron, don't..."

James watched as the older man led her away. James was left filled with a terrible swirling tumble of feelings, humiliation, anger, resentment and longing. He knew it was stupid, knew it was pathetic and hate to even think it but with her it had been love at first sight.
It wasn't just that she was beautiful and graceful and she was those things in abundance, it was her kindness. When he was brave enough to meet her eyes what he saw there always took his breath away. In her eyes he saw wisdom, strength and genuine care far stronger than even those many years her elder.

Now mostly recovered he carefully picked up and dusted off each of his books while checking them for damage. His earlier feelings had now been replaced with sadness. He knew he had no chance at all with her. He was small and weak, but worse still he was several years younger. He'd shown such an aptitude for his studies that his tutors and advanced him several years and applied to one of the most prestigious schools in the entire known world. The day he had been the accepted was by best reward of his life, he had been so proud as it meant he was able to go to the Vorteng Academy early.

If only he had known how difficult it would be then he might not have accepted. He shook his head at himself.

Don't be a fool. Of course you still would have accepted. No matter the cost. No matter what. Being here is a dream come true.

He restacked and picked up his books doing his very best to ignore the stares, pointing and laughter. He had no friends here, not unless you counted his teachers. But he didn't need them. He had his books and his studies, He didn't need anything else, not really. He loved learning, it was the breath of life to him. There was so much knowledge available here, it was such a very special place, that no amount of teasing or isolation could ever possibly dim that.


He nearly dropped his books again.

"Satha...what...I mean...I thought..."

Oh Gods help me, must I always be act like such an idiot around her.

"I just wanted to apologise for Keron. He forgets some of the time that you are from an older and wealthier family than he is. He is very foolish to make fun of you as are the others. You have so much potential, you are one of the most intelligent people here and they just can't see it..."
James was shocked to hear her say that, but what was even more shocking to him was that her cheeks had started to colour.

"It's alright. I understand. I mean I'm so much younger and smaller than everyone else. I must look like a lost child half the time."

"Don't say that. Though it might help if you put your books down once in a while and socialised a little."

"I...I do try, it's just that..."

He had no idea how to explain his situation to her. He also didn't want to admit to her or even himself that he just didn't know how to approach people, didn't know what to say without being boring, stupid, childish or a combination of them all.

"It's alright. I struggled when I first arrived here to." She touched his arm. "Why don't you come to gardens this evening."

James didn't know what to say or think. Most evenings a large group of students met in the gardens to relax and talk. He saw them on a regular basis as he crept quietly past on his way to the library. He had always wanted to join then, they looked so happy, but he had never dared to even try,

"I'd love to but...um..."

"It's alight James, I'll keep you safe."

For a moment words escaped him.

She wants ME to go with her. What in the world is happening, I must be dreaming.

"I'll come...thanks."

She smiled

"I will meet you outside the library. I know it's one of your favourite places."

With that she left an astounded James to try and actually take in everything that had happened in the last few moments.
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