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Stargate meets the X Men |
“Do you know the man?” Storm whispered to Jack. Daniel spoke up. “I’d take a guess and say he is the equivalent of Annubis. He’s probably a Goa’uld. When they came to earth thousands of years ago, they enslaved most of the Egyptians, and forced them to worship them as gods.” He looked at the X-Men and shrugged. “It’s a long story.” “And you do not have time to tell it.” Jean had swung around and was staring at them, even though they were hidden in the shadows of the tunnel. Jack’s heart sank as he realised that she had probably been tracking them as they made their way through the corridors. It meant that she had been unconcerned by their numbers and powers. Annubis took off his mask and revealed his cruel but handsome face. He had a little half-smile which meant he was in control, and SG1 was in trouble.Jean slowly walked towards them. Sam brought her weapon to bear, and Jean laughed and gestured. A second later the gun skittered across the floor. Daniel looked ruefully at Sam. “I could have told you she was going to do that.” Jean came close to them. She scrutinised them one by one. Psylocke had at last come round, and met her look. Jack felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as there seemed to be an internal battle waged. Surprisingly, it was Jean who broke eye contact first. “So, my Lord Annubis,” And her grimace at the words gave lie to the honorific. “I have brought them as I promised. And some more besides, it would appear.” “They are known to me.” Annubis came to stand at her side. “This is Colonel Jack O’Neill. Daniel Jackson. The woman is Samantha Carter. And the traitor, Teal’C. They would also make good hosts, but without the advantage of the powers.” “Perhaps as pets then,” The woman laughed. Annubis’ smile slipped for a moment. Jack seized the opportunity. “Yes, that’s how she’ll come to think of you, Annubis. As a pet. An inferior model.” Annubis backhanded him. “Silence!” he roared. The others took this as a good distraction. Angel soared into the relatively large space, Storm also. She struck from above with a lightning bolt that Jean was only just able to deflect with her telekinesis. Sam threw herself at her discarded gun and came up ready to fire. Teal’C fired a bolt from his staff at Annubis, who was already protecting himself with his energy shield. By an unspoken agreement, the two teams split, Jack, Sam and Daniel harrying Annubis with their weapons, Teal’C firing with his staff weapon. Jack, remembering a successful ploy in the past, threw his knife. Annubis though deflected it with his hand. Catching on, the rest of the team also drew their knives, and for a moment, they saw fear on Annubis face. He opened his fingers around his ribbon device that obligingly glowed amber, and Daniel was sent flying. Jack’s heart plummeted, as once again, his friend lay insensible on the floor, a scenario that had been played out so many times in the past. Jack ran to him, and crouching, turned his machine gun on Annubis once more. Jean was being hammered by blows. Angel buffeted her with his wings and fists, Storm sent bolt after bolt at her, staggering her with winds as well as lightening. Nightcrawler struck her only to vanish in a puff of smoke, Psylocke’s signature flared around various team members, protecting them, and it was only Wolverine who seemed reluctant to come near Jean. He knew he was afraid. Not of Jean, not of her power, but of really hurting her. He knew how much he cared for her, and could not bear to do any real damage. And yet he felt that perhaps he was the only one who could get near her. Surely some feelings of the host remained? He released his claws, heard the soft ‘snickt’ as they slid into place, felt the brief pain as they parted skin. He was about to leap forward when he caught sight of Daniel being flung to one side. He growled in frustration, but he felt a protectiveness towards the innocent archaeologist, and he ran to cover him from Annubis. Jack kept firing his weapon, knowing it to be useless, but unable to leave his friend without some protection. He saw the Annubis stretch out his hand, the ribbon weapon glowing, and he knew he was dead, when a body intercepted the bolt. More than that, despite the pain, the figure got up, and threw himself at Annubis. His claws seemed to make no impact and yet Annubis was clearly worried. “Keep hamerin’ him!” snarled Wolverine. Jack obediently turned his gun on him again, but in short bursts as Wolverine threatened to get in the way. Sam and Teal’C however had no problems, and suddenly Annubis cried out in pain and fell to the floor, his shield gone. Teal’C stood guard over him, and Sam ran to Daniel’s side. Jack looked to the X-men. Jean was gradually weakening. Her defence shield was only partly blocking Storm’s lightning, and Nightcrawler had managed to land a few blows. Storm had evidently been injured, her arm hanging loosely by her side, but she continued to strike at her friend. Suddenly, Psylocke ran forward. Jean threw a Psi bolt at her, but it passed straight through her. “Damn you Shadowcat!” shrieked Jean, and suddenly one woman split into two and Kitty dived to the floor as Psylocke struck out with her most lethal weapon, a blade of pure focused Psi energy that protruded from her hand. She stabbed it deep into Jean’s mind and everyone felt the reflective power of Jean’s telepathy as she collapsed. The X-men came to a sudden stop, all breathing heavily, exhausted. Leaving Kitty on guard, the other X-men gathered round SG1. Angel had also been knocked unconscious and needed Wolverine’s assistance to even stand. Jack checked on Daniel. He had at last woken up, and was attempting to sit. Jack squatted in front of him. “Not again, Danny-boy! We should issue you with a safety helmet. Or a notice ‘Please do not strike the head’.” “Yeah, how about the shoulder? Oh no, done that.” Retorted Daniel sarcastically. Jack smiled. ‘Daniel arguing’ equalled ‘Daniel fine’. He grabbed an arm and guided Daniel to his feet. Not wishing to seem the weaker of the two races gathered about him, Daniel refused to lean against Jack. Jack gestured at the Angel. “How bad?” Storm’s eyes flickered over Angel and then she responded. “He will be fine. How about your team?” “They’re just peachy.” She looked pointedly at Daniel. “Oh, don’t worry about the Space Monkey, he’s used to this.” Psylocke stepped froward. “May I?” She held her hands out to Daniel’s head. “Wha…..” He managed. “I just want to do a surface scan. I won’t probe any deeper, but I’ll be able to tell if there is a serious injury.” Daniel was terrified, but he refused to show it, and allowed her to settle her hands around his head. Carter felt the others were somehow intruding and she walked away to join Teal’C. Wolverine and Angel seemed to catch a sense of this, and as Angel was by now standing without aid, they went to watch over Jean. Daniel felt cool waves of something pulsing through his head. Psylocke’s power signature flared around her head, and it was almost as though she were smoothing over his injury. He relaxed, and his headache subsided. *I’m just making the pain a little less. Think of it as an aspirin, straight to the point where it hurts*. He had opened his eyes at her voice, just to get that little shiver down his spine at the fact that her lips didn’t move as she ‘spoke’. Then she dropped her hands. “There. You’re fine.” “Thanks.” Daniel watched her as she went to join the group standing vigil. Storm smiled at him. “I am glad you feel better, Daniel.” His name on her lips. He felt ridiculous that such a small thing should mean so much, but he could not deny he wanted to move heaven and earth for her, just to hear her say, “Thank you, Daniel.” He swallowed, and covered his embarrassment by looking at Jack. Which didn’t help much as Jack was looking at him with some amusement. “Now what?” He drawled at Storm. Daniel did not feel that he had been let off the hook. “Now, we have a problem.” Storm moved gracefully over to the others, Daniel and Jack trailing her. “Psylocke, can you do anything?” Psylocke knelt down, and placed her hands on Jean’s head. She remained there a long time, Jack’s knees aching in sympathy with her position. Finally, she let go, and turned to face Storm. “Ororo. This presence in her mind. It is so strong, it dominates her thoughts and emotions, so much so that I am afraid to try to dislodge it. How will I know which is human and which Goa’uld when I’m too busy fighting it? Any mistake might result in Jean losing part of her personality.” Storm turned slightly away from them, frowning. “Um…” Daniel spoke up hesitantly. Storm turned on him immediately. He could not speak for a moment, until she smiled and gestured for him to continue. “If you didn’t just…’go in’ on your own.” The others looked puzzled. “I mean, if we all…I don’t know, linked with you? Came in to try and sort out which was your friend and which was the Goa’uld. Would that work? As she’s weak, surely your power will be enough?” “I can help.” Carter spoke up. “I had a Goa’uld inside me for a while, I might be able to spot some distinguishing marks.” “And couldn’t you lot help distinguish Jean? You know her, surely you can recognise which are her thoughts and which are not?” Jack’s help almost sounded sarcastic. “It’s not just you,” Daniel forestalled Storm’s angry retort. “Jack’s a charmer with everyone.” “Not me being charmed, though, is it Daniel?” Jack was silenced by the distinctive sound of Wolverine’s claws emerging, but the man also pulled out a cigar, and used them to trim it. The look he was giving Jack seemed to suggest that he was thinking something else however. Storm meantime had been giving the suggestion serious thought. “I wish Scott were here. “ She noticed SG1’s incomprehension. ”Scott Summers, Jean’s….partner.” She added. “He has a special link with her, a telepathic one, which has come in useful before.” Daniel turned to Wolverine. “How about you?” Wolverine’s expression did not change, but his teeth tightened on the cigar. “Whaddya mean?” He said. “I mean, do you not have a…..” He turned red at the thought of what he had said. “I just thought…..You might.” Wolverine let him squirm a moment longer. Then he snapped, “I’m in.” And went to sit by Jean, throwing the almost untouched cigar to one side. Psylocke shrugged and went to join him. Storm also sat down, along with Carter. The others were about to join them, but Psylocke indicated that she had enough help. The small circle joined hands, and Psylocke’s signature flared around their eyes, signalling that the battle had began. The group remained motionless, and Jack, ever impatient, went to check on Annubis. He had recovered consciousness, but as the end of Teal’C’s staff was rock steady in his grasp, he was not tempted to do anything. Suddenly, Shadowcat grabbed Jack’s attention. “Jack… Your friend…is he OK?” Jack’s heart sank. She could only mean one person. He turned to look, and sure enough, Daniel had stood, and staggered away from the group. The he sank to the floor, his face contorted with pain. He screamed, clutching his head, and Jack ran to him, shouting over his shoulder. “Stay with Annubis, Teal’C. No matter what happens, don’t take your eyes off him.” There was no response, but he trusted Teal’C enough to know that he would do exactly what he said. Angel had got to Daniel before him, and to do the man credit, he was trying to calm him down. Not that he was having any success. Daniel was almost convulsing, and Jack tried stupidly to hold him still, but he felt sure he would break Daniel’s limbs. Then Daniel raised his head to stare straight at Jack, and his eyes flashed. “Human.” He said, and his voice was that of a Goa’uld. “Release me.” “No. No way.” Jack shook his head. “You cannot fight me. Release me, and bow before your god.” He glared at Jack then threw back his head again and cried out. Jack glanced at the silent group and noticed that Jean was also thrashing about, her body convulsing in time with Daniel’s. He realised that the Goa’uld being ousted from Jean’s mind was using her power to try to take over Daniel. He imagined the damage the Goa’uld could do to his mind, realised that it was offering a threat in order to get Psylocke to stop. Even as he thought of trying to get her attention, he could see it would be useless. She was lost in the battle, face drawn and grimaced as she struggled against Jean’s immense power. He realised Daniel’s only chance lay with himself and he turned his attention back to the archaeologist. “Danny! Listen to me. Your name is Daniel Jackson. You are not a Goa’uld. Fight it, Danny. Remember Sha’re, remember what they did to her. Fight it, Danny!” He kept cajoling him, hoping that the Goa’uld would not be able to grab a foothold in his mind if Daniel kept fighting him. Eventually, Daniel lay still, a small trickle of blood running from his nose. Behind him, Jack heard the group beginning to stir. Wolverine broke away to retch in a corner. The others were equally shaken. “Carter?” She looked up as Jack cam over to join her, and her eyes were streaming. “What happened?” “We…saw…terrible things Jack. The Goa’uld….the things it had done. We killed it. Well, Psylocke did, but we would have done if we could.” “She killed it? On her own?” “Well, no, Jean was trying to help. As we weakened it, she was able to fight. Then it tried to jump ship psychically – my god, how is Daniel?” “We need to get him back to the base.” They moved to his side, but he was still unconscious. Jack looked for Teal’C and only then remembered their other problem. “Annubis!” he hissed. Storm sighed. “I don’t know what to do with him either. We won't kill him, but it seems a bad idea to simply release him.” “No,” Commanded Jack, “We’ll take him with us.” He reached down to haul the Goa’uld to his feet, and then stopped at the sound of hammering on one of the walls began. “No, I don’t think you will.” Annubis gestured, and suddenly the wall behind them began to open, revealing hundreds of soldiers with dog-like masks. They could only enter a few at a time, but the gap was getting wider and more poured in. The X-men began beating them back, but Storm could see that numbers alone would overwhelm them. Psylocke called to her, “More troops are already on their way. They’ll arrive shortly - we must go!” Jack nodded in agreement when Storm looked for confirmation from him. Their fighting force had been decimated, Psylocke clearly still recovering from the telepathic fight with Jean. Teal’C immediately handed his weapon to Carter, who lowered it at Annubis. Teal’C gathered up the form of Daniel Jackson and headed towards the gate. Nightcrawler picked up Jean. He looked too small to carry her, but he solved the problem by teleporting a few feet away. “Why doesn’t he just teleport to the Stargate?” Asked Jack, thinking that Nightcrawler could get them all out one by one.“He can only do line of sight teleportations,” Kitty called out. The others began to run in the direction of the gate, Carter remaining to keep Annubis at bay. Storm created a small hurricane to sweep most of the soldiers off their feet, but the effort of this was costing her. Wolverine staggered past Carter and she asked if he were all right. “Head games. Always screw me up, give me a straight fight anytime.” He looked back at Annubis, then back to Carter. “Go on darlin’. He won’t follow.” She hurried after the others, Wolverine close behind her, Storm following him. She was now too exhausted to keep to the air, and ran down the corridor, stopping now and again to hurl lightning bolts. Between the small amounts of light these afforded and Wolverine’s guidance, Sam soon found herself catching up with the others. They stood around the Stargate, waiting. As Wolverine reached them, Jack slapped in the way home, and the Stargate obligingly opened for them. Carter triggered their signal device and they all stepped into the void, Jack being the last to leave, watching as the guards drew closer, the odd energy bolt from a staff weapon hitting the gate. He dived through as the first guards reached the DHD. He arrived on the other side in an undignified sprawl, but experience aided him to ensure he did not injure himself, and the iris snapped closed behind him. There were a few mysterious thuds as something hit the sheet of metal, but these ceased as the wormhole dis-established. They waited, frantic to know if they had been discovered, but no one dialed in their address. Jack turned to look enquiringly at Storm, who turned to Psylocke. “Ah. I was able to cloud the minds of the few soldiers who did see the symbols.” “Oh.” Was all Jack could manage. Fraiser came hurrying up to see to Daniel. “OK, colonel, what happened to him this time?” Jack was getting the feeling she was blaming him. “I said duck, and he didn’t. Look, what do you want me to do? I suggest armour next time, at least he’ll get a thrill out of the historical element.” He looked for help from the others, but they were all suddenly busy looking elsewhere. “Right. There was this Goa’uld. With Telepathic abilities, who tried to take up residence in Daniel’s mind. Satisfied?” “It had to be Daniel, did it colonel?” “I suspect Jean was using an already established Psychic path. She has been in his mind before, yes?” Psylocke offered. Jack nodded. “Yeah, the first time she came through the gate. There you go, Doc, not my fault.” Frasier was almost not listening to him, and she wheeled Daniel off promptly. Jean became part of the convoy and they all trooped after her. “And the verdict this time, doc, is….?” Frasier was looking happier than the last time. She answered Jack with a smile, ”Both of them are going to be fine. Psylocke has checked them over, and says the damage is healing. I thought you might like to meet someone." And she went over the door and admitted a red-haired woman, who approached the rest of SG1 cautiously. She looked tired, but she put on a mask of confidence to face them. “Hello. My name is Jean Gray. You don’t know me, but I need to thank you for your help.” “That’s fine.” Jack said immediately. He rose, and pulled out a chair for her. She sat with a grateful smile, and he, never taking his eyes off her, sat in the chair next to her. There was a silence in the room, and Jack looked around to see everyone watching him. “What?” Sam was torn between amusement and embarrassment. “Scott Summers,” she coughed under her breath. Jack blushed and pushed his chair a little way back from Jean. Hammond put him out of his misery. “Well, Ms Gray…” “Call me Jean,” Prompted the woman. “Jean. What happens now? We need allies in our fight against the Goa’uld. Can we call upon your help?” She was hesitant. “I cannot agree unless the others are here. We’re a team and whilst we want to see the Goa’uld finished, our first thought must be to protect our world.” “So are you using the Stargates to explore or look for more help, or what?” “We are doing some exploration, but cautiously. At least we can eliminate some worlds directly, I can scan for details through the wormhole and this speeds things up a great deal. If the world is uninhabitable, or there are Goa’ulds there already, we won’t bother even trying to go to that world.” “Incredible.” Murmured Sam. Jack turned inquiringly to her. “Well, think about it, sir. The Stargate could be millions of light years away and yet she can send thought waves though it.” She snapped her attention back to Jean. “Is this how you knew about the iris on our gate?” Jean looked away for a moment, and Sam remembered that she had not been with the group when they arrived. “I would imagine so.” She replied softly. Hammond took pity on her. “I suggest we reconvene when we can all be here.” He stood. “Ms Gr – Jean, we have guest facilities here. Let me show you to a room.” She smiled gratefully, and followed him out. Jack stood staring after her. Sam and Teal’C exchanged glances, although Sam had trouble reading Teal’C’s. “Tough lady, Jack.” He started. “Yeah. Nice hair though.” He deadpanned at her, and left. A day later, the two teams were seated in the SGC meeting room. Hammond and Storm faced each other down the length of the table, and Hammond put to her the suggestion that the two teams could work together in eradicating the Goa’uld threat. “I am sorry, General. It is not that I do not agree with you, it is simply that we have to consider our world first. I –“ “Wait a minute!” said Jack forcefully. “You have hundreds of mutants, people wielding incredible powers like yourselves, and yet you feel that there won’t be enough? Even with just your help, we could really do some damage against the system lords, maybe put off the threat of Annubis and people like him for years.” “Do you not see?” And Storm’s cobalt eyes glistened with unshed tears. “It is because we have so many mutants that we cannot spare us, we cannot stop what we are doing in order to help you. Our world must be so tempting to the Go’a’uld now that they know of it. Just one telepath, controlled by a Go’a’uld, took all of us to subdue her. Imagine ten telepaths, or ten people who can create fire, or lasers or explosions – we have all of these – in the hands of such creatures that feel no pity or remorse for what they do? Without a warning, without our knowledge, there will be no hope for our people, nor for the people the Goa’ulds kill.” “I will not take the risk.” Jean spoke up, “Under this creature’s compulsion, I would have killed all of you, without mercy, and looked for more victims. I was going to use Annubis to get to his planet, enslave him and a queen, and then infect all of you“ And she gestured towards the X-Men. “Then kill him, as he would have been – as you said, Jack, a pet. I am sorry that you will have to fight on alone, but you must understand how we feel.” “Two weeks,” pleaded Daniel. He spoke to Storm. “We know places to look. I’m sure we could find the major armies of the Goa’uld’s with your help, and you would only be away for that long. Please?” She came over to him. “As much as my heart grieves for you, Daniel Jackson,“ She whispered, her eyes boring into him. “My answer must still be no.” She forestalled his next words, by taking his hand. “I do not need telepathy to know that there is someone you miss.” “My wife.” And she flinched at the knowledge of his marriage. He could find no words to say as she stood and left the room. Jack put his head in his hands. “Oh Danny boy. Always the lady-killer.” “Excuse me.” Daniel stood and went after her. He found her in the gate room. “Storm. I know I must seem….callous. It’s not that I don’t miss Sha’re, it’s just that….I miss her.” He finished lamely. Storm turned to face him, and he saw to his relief that she was smiling. “What you mean is, she is not….alive to you at this moment in time?” “Yes.” He said slowly. “She is not…here. And you are.” “Love for the moment? In this world, did not one of your writers say ‘Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds?’” She became serious again. “I would be doing us both an injustice if I stayed, if I tried to take the place of one you love so dearly. What would you do when you find her again?” “I don’t know!” Shouted Daniel desperately. “We can’t free her, and you can!” “Ahh. So perhaps you want me to stay, because then my team will, and you would have a cure for Sha’re?” Daniel felt about two feet tall. She crooked a finger under his chin and forced him to look at her directly. “Find her. And when you do, let us know.” “How?” “We will give you the co-ordinates. Send a signal through. We will come back to you. Now, let us solve the other problem.” They returned to the meeting room. Storm stood to face Hammond. “General. I have given the matter some thought, and I will consider the proposal of lending my team for two weeks. It may be to our advantage as well as yours. I must however, insist that we return for a short while to our world. I have to speak with Professor Xavier, our mentor, and the others would no doubt like to see their families before departing again.” Hammond nodded. “No time like the present.” Wolverine was first to the door. The two teams waited in the gate room whilst Storm gave the co-ordinates to the technicians, then she joined them. She shook hands with the other members of SG1 and then came to face Daniel. “Goodbye for the moment.” He felt incredibly shy around her, but she leant forward, and brushed her lips against his brow. He could feel Jack’s amused eyes on him, and he whisked off his glasses in confusion. The others said their various farewells, and Wolverine came to shake hands with Daniel. He could see Jack dying for a kiss from Jean but she forestalled him with a handshake. Then, one by one, they left through the gate, Jean last of all. “Well, soon be seeing –” Jack’s words were cut off by a scream which seared through their minds. It brought with it an impression of heat, of fire, of explosion. It came from no one in the room, and stopped the instant the gate disappeared. “What the hell was that?” Jack said hoarsely. “I would speculate it came from Jean, or Psylocke.” Teal’C answered. “I think there was an explosion of some kind on their world”. Hammond swung round to look up at the technicians. “Get a gate re-established for those co-ordinates!” They hurried to obey, and SG1 waited as the chevrons were counted off. “Chevron five encoded….Chevron six is locked, chevron seven…..will not lock!” And the rumbling of the gate died away. “Try again!” shouted the General. “What’s the point?” Daniel said quietly. The General stopped and looked at him. “If the Goa’ulds have succeeded in taking over mutants, we may well have to face them in the future! We need to know what happened.” “Their gate is gone. What is it you propose we do? If we’re lucky, the explosion took out any Goa’ulds there. If we’re unlucky, we will run into them. But there’s no point in worrying about it. Let’s just……” and the grief overcame him, and he turned to go. Jack put his arm around his shoulders. “I’m sorry.” He said, but Daniel did not hear him as his mind was filled with the memory of eyes the colour of a summer’s sky, and of gentle lips on his brow. |