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The story of how Marge Simpson (Character of the Simpsons) got into a big laughing proble |
As mentioned before, I don't own the character Marge was at home washing the dishes when suddenly someone knocked the door. knock knock knock! Marge:coming! Marge opens the door. Man: Hello miss, I was wondering if a young and beautiful lady like you would like to hear a proposal. Marge: How sweet thank you!. What kind of proposal? and, who are you sir? Men: well actually I'm not allowed to tell you my name unless you accept the proposal. And after that you have to finish, only then I will tell you my name. Marge: That's weird and it doesn't sounds safe so i would have to say no thank. Man: Miss, at least listen to the proposal, and if you dont like it I will go. Ok? Marge: alright, so, the proposal, what is it about? Man: well first. Does any machine in your house needs to be repaired? Marge: yes, my washing machine. Man: Perfect. we want to offer you to repair your washing machine for free. Marge: great! wait, is this a prank? Man:No, it is real. We will fix your machine for free, but you have to accept the deal. Marge: and what is it? what do i have to do? Man: you just have to endure some challenges and thats all. Marge: greate, that sound easy. Man: so, is it a yes? Marge: Yes of course. Man: good, follow me to my car, i will take you to the place where the challenges are going to take place. Marge: all right. 20 minutes later they arrived to a house, when they entered to the house the man told Marge that first she would have to take a shower and that she obligatorily will have to use a certain shampoo. after 15 minutes Marge returns from her bath and the man said that she had to sit on a chair , so Marge sat down, then the man explained to marge that he would tie her up, that it was important she stayed still, so Marge let him tie her up. Marge: all right, you already tied me up. when do we begin? and you also haven't told me what are the challenges. Man: we will start soon, and don't worry, i will tell you in a minute. Then the man pressed a switch that was in the chair where marge was tied, and it started to move. Marge's arms and legs started to move. her arms were now over her head and her legs were at the level of her waist and started to spread. the chair went in a position between vertical and horizontal. Then mechanic arms came out of the chair and ripped the dress Marge was wearing and they took off her shoes, leaving her beautiful feet exposed. Marge: Hey! whats going on? Why am i only wearing my underwear? Man: we are ready to begin. Marge: what are you going to do with me? Man: i only have one question to ask you Marge before we begin. Are you ticklish? Marge: Oh god no. please. DonĀ“t you dare start tickling me. Please anything but that. my body is extremely super sensitive, even the most lightly touch can make me feel a tickling sensation. Man: How much tickling do you feel in a scale 1 to 5. Marge: 10! Man: well let me tell you the shampoo i gave you makes your skin more sensitive, now the tickling that you felt before is multiplied by 10. Marge: what! No. please don't do this please don't tickle me! Then the man pushed another switch and one arms with a feather appears and the man said: Level one start. and the feather began to tickle marge's stomach. Marge: hahahahaha nohoho, please, stop! it tickles! hahahahahahahahaha! it tickles it tickles it tickles! hahahahahahaha stohohohohop hahahahahahahaha. this continued for 10 minutes. then the feather stopped and the man said: level two start. Marge: No wait wait wahahahahahahahahahahaha! two hands began to tickle the ribs of Marge. hahahahahahahaha nohohohohoho hahahahahahaha stop it ahahahahahahaha. this continued for 10 minutes. then the hands stoped and two feathers appeared. Level three start. and before Marge could say something the feathers bega to tickle marge's feet. the feathers were tickling her heels, her arches, her feet soles, even between her fingers. Marge: hahahahahahahahahaha! not the feet! hahahahahahaha! no more! hahahahaha! ohohohoho nohohohohoho! not between my toes! hahahahahahaha! Please not the toes! not the toes! hahahahahahahahahahahaha! stohohohohop it! hahahahahahahahahahaha! this continued for 10 minutes. The feathers stopped. Marge: please, no more. no more tickling. Please let me go. Man: level four, start. and the arms withs feather moved and ended on the armpits of Marge. Marge: Please don't. don't tickle my armpits. That spot realy tickles me. the feathers began to tickle Marge's armpits. Marge:Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Nohohohohoho! Stop it! Stop it! Hahahahahaha! it tickles a lot! Wahahaha wahahaha! nohohohot in the armpits! hahahahahahahahaha! please! stop the tickling! hahahahahahaha! this continued for 10 minutes. the feathers stopped. Marge: please. let me go. you already have tickled me everywhere. so please stop tickling me. Man: I haven't tickled you everywhere. Marge: What? Man: level five start. Two hands appeared and began rubbing Marge's groins. This made Marge experience a sensation that she had never felt. Marge: Hahahahahahaha! what is going on! hahahahahaha! Please stop! Hahahahahaha! I have never been tickled there! hahahahahaha! Please no more! Not in the groins! nohohohoho! it tickles so bad! hahahahahahahaha! This continued for 10 minutes. Then the hands stopped. Marge: Pleas, no more. seriously. I am realy ticklish. and the shampoo made my skin more sensitive and it makes me feel more tickles than before. Man: but there's more. Marge: No! The man pressed a switch and one arm ripped Marge's bra. exposing Marge's big, beautiful and sexy breasts. Then two arms with electric toothbrushes appeared and they placed each toothbrush in front of Marge's breasts, almost touching her nice nipples! Marge: No! I am topless! you can see my breasts! its embarrassing! And what are those? Are those toothbrushes? And why are they in front of my breasts? Specifically. What are they doing in front of my nipples? Man: Thats the spot for the next challenge. Marge: What? Man: Yes, your breasts are the next place where you are going to be tickled. Marge: there is no way you can tickle me there! I don't think that the breasts of a lady are ticklish. There is no way. You can't tickle my breasts. Man: actually the breasts are one of the most sensitive parts of a woman body. And the nipples are the most sensitive area of the breasts. Thats why we decided that instead of tickling the entire breasts. we are only going to tickle the most sensitive part. And Marge, let me tell you that the shampoo you used combined with the electric toothbrushes is an extreme tickling combination. Level six start. Then the brushes were put over Marge's nipples, and the man turned them on. The bristles of the brushes began to move in circles while they were touching Marge's nipples. Marge: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Nohohohohohoho! turn them off! hahahahahaha! how can this be possible! hahahahahahahaha! I didn't knew that the breasts of a woman were ticklish! hahahahahahahahaha! And i never thought that my nipples were able to feel all this tickling! hahahahahahahahaha Please! Stop the tickling now! hahahahahahaha! it makes me even more tickles than the last one! hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh! Nohohohohoho! Please, don't tickle my nipples anymore! hahahahahaha! they are realy ticklish! hahahahahahahahahaha. This continued for 10 minutes. then the brushes stopped and got away from Marge's nipples. Marge: thank for stopping. i can't handle it anymore tickling. please, let me go. Man: why would i do that? Marge: because there's no point on keeping me tied anymore. Man: why are you saying that marge? Marge: well at the beginning of the first challenge, where you were tickling my stomach with a feather, I thought that it was a little pervert what it was happening and that you were a little naughty, and also that the thing of the washing machine was real. And i kept on thinking that until you had finished the tickling with the feathers on my armpits. But when the hands started to tickle my groins, I realized that it was a lie the thing of the washing machine, i discovered that it was a trap and not any trap, it was an extreme tickle trap, and i fell on it. That made me realize that you enjoy the act of tickling the young women just like me. And I also know that when you want to tickle a woman, you like to tickle her for a prolonged time, you have been tickling me for an hour or more. Also you like to use different tools to tickle women. For example, You have tickled me with hands, you have also use feathers for tickle me and even you have used electric toothbrushes to tickle me. But thats not the end. By own experience I can affirm that you like to tickle the entire body of a woman, you tickle every parte of her body. And i say "by own experience" because you have tickled me in the stomach, in my ribs, in my feet, between the toes, in my armpits, also in my groins and you even tickled my nipples. You already tickled my entire body, you vigorously tickled every single part of my body. there's not a single part of my body that you hadn't tickled. you already tickled me everywhere, there's not a single new place where you can tickle me. thats why you should let me go, you wouldn't like to tickle me in the same places, would you? it would be boring for you, so pleas let me go. I swear that i won't tell anyone about what happened here and i won't tell what you have done to me, just let me out of here, and please don't tell anyone this happened it is so embarrassing. Man: Well, lets make a deal. Marge: yes, yes, yes. What is it about? Man: i know you won't tell anyone because you are embarrassed for the fact that i saw you naked and i also tickled you. But if you want me to not tell it to anyone, you will have to let me tickle you once a week in the exact way as i did today. Marge: What? there's no way i can handle all this tickling every week, its too much torture. It is an extreme tickle torture that no one could ever handle. Man: well, i guess everyone will know that a stranger was able to trick you, then he tied you up, took your clothes off and he also tickled you entire naked body for an hour. Marge: Okay, Okay! I will let you tickle me once a week. Now please, let me free. Man: No, we are not done yet. Marge: What? What are you talking about? Man: there is one more place in your body that i didn't tickled Marge: No, there's not, you already tickled in my stomach, in my ribs, in my feet, in my armpits, in my groins and in my nipples. You already tickled me everywhere. Man: you will see it soon. Then he pressed a switch and Marge's legs started to open until they almost form a perfect line. Then one arm appeared and ripped Marge's panties, and the arm transformed into twenty little arms. Each one with a small electric toothbrush at the end. And they got in front of Marge's vagina. Five of them were touching Marge's right labia major, other five were touching Marge's left labia majora, other four were touching Marge's right labia minora, the other four were touching Marge's left labia minora, one of theme was touching Marge's lower union between the right and left labia minora, And the last one was touching Marge's clitoris. Marge looked at the man with a confused expression in her face, but before she could say a single word, the man said: level seven start. Marge: Nooooooooooooo! Please don't! The bristles of the brushes began to move in circles while they were touching Marge's vagina. Marge: hahahahahahahahahahaha! Nohohohohoho! This can't be happening! hahahahahahahahahaha! Nohohohohohot again! hahahahahahahahaha! Why me! hahahahahahahahaha! Why does this happens to me! hahahahahahahahaha! Stop it! Stop it! hahahahahahahahahahaha! Please not there! hahahahaha! Not down there! hahahahahaha Why! hahahahahaha! Why does it tickles so much! hahahahahahahaha! Oh Gohohohohohod! hahahahahahahaha! Too much tickling for me! Wahahahahahahaha! Please stop it! hahahahahahahaha! I said stop it now! hahahahahahahahaha! Stop the tickling right now! Then the man pressed a switch and the brushes started going faster. Marge: Ohohohohoho my Gohohohohohohod! hahahahahahahahahaha! Ohohohoho my Gohohohohohohod! It tickles so bad! Ahahahahahahaha! This is the worst! hahahahahahahaha! how can it tickles so much! Yahahahahahahaha! Stop! hahahahaha! I have never felt so much tickling! ahahahahaha! it is insane! hahahahahahaha! Please stop tickling me down there! I Can't take all this tickling anymore! hahahahahahahaha! I am being serious! hahahahahahaha! you have to stop tickling me down there! Ahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahaha! The man ignored Marge and pressed another switch, and the speed of the brushes increased again. Marge: Oh! Gohohohohohohohohohod! Please! Stop! Yahahahahahahahahaha! Why does it tickles more than before! Ahahahahahahahahaha! I can't stand it! I can't stand being tickled there for so long! Wahahahahahahahahahaha! I can't stand the tickling any longer! ahahahahahahahahaha! Gohohohohohohod! please stop this tickle madness! Hahahahahahaha! All this tickling is driving me crazy! Wahahahahaha wahahahahaha! this is to much torture! hahahahahahahahaha! Please! stop it! you promised you would stop tickling me! Hahahahahahahaha! Please! I beg you! Yahahahahahaha! I am begging you to stop! Yahahahahahaha! No more Tickling! Yahahahahahahaha! Then the man pressed the last switch. And the speed of the brushes increased one more time. Marge: Nohohohohohohoho! Ohohohohohohohoho Gohohohohohohohohohohohod! Those where the last words that Marge said after the man pressed the last switch and before he stopped the Tickle machine. Because the bristles of the brushes were moving so fast that it caused the worst and biggest Tickling sensation that Marge had ever felt in her entire life. And this tickled Marge so much that she wasn't able to say one single word. Marge was laughing so hard that the only sound you could hear was her hysterical laugh, caused by the extreme tickle torture that Marge was getting. Marge: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Wahahahahahahahahahaha! hahahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Wahahahahahahahahahaha! hahahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahaha! Yahahahahahahahahaha! This continued for 20 minutes. The man turned off the tickling machine, untied Marge and drove her home. He told her that he would go to her home all fridays at the afternoon to take her to the same house so he could tickle her. Marge didn't wanted to be tickled like that again but it was a deal and she had to do it. |