Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2093939-A-Willing-Meat-Girls-Meats-Her-Butcher
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Death · #2093939
Dolcett themed, consensual Snuff, cannibalism, fantasy, but realistic.
I went to Ankara, and to the coordinates posted. I doubted she’d be there. However, it appeared I was wrong. I saw her outside, wearing a red shirt with a purple hair tie. I decided to watch from a distance. She was very pretty and looked tasty. To occupy her time, she was either gaming, reading, or on social media on her phone. I saw her light a cigarette, and let the smoke trail from her mouth.
While I was watching, I fantasized about living in a world where I could drop her on the spot, walk over, strip her clothes, cut her head off to bleed her out, then gut her, sling her carcass over my shoulder, and walk away with her meat and her head. Even if she was not serious about her post, this was a great fantasy for me.
I kept watching for a while, to be sure she was alone, and that it wasn’t a setup. I decided the time was right to approach her. “Hi, I’m Butcher, are you waiting for me?”
Her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide. She looked me up and down, and said, “Why, yes, I thought you’d never get here.”
I asked, “Do you have a passport?”
“Are you serious about doing this, and are you willing to come with me back to my country?”
“Yes, I am… I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.”
“Good, we’ll get you a tourist Visa, then buy plane tickets and we’re on our way.”
When she had her visa, I told her to pack her makeup and her sexiest shoes, but wear casual, nondescript clothes, and that she had to leave her phone and everything else behind. She protested about the phone, but I told her she was now a meat girl and didn’t have a say in the matter. I didn’t want there to be any electronic way to track her and I together.
I also told her that if she changed her mind, to tell me and I’d send her back home with no hard feelings.
On the flight home, we talked very little. She was very docile and submissive, and I didn’t want to get too attached to her. We got to my house fairly late, so I decided I’d do it in the morning.
I had her take off her clothes, and I thought about going ahead and throwing them away, but decided to keep them in case she backed out. I told her she could not eat, but that she could drink as much as she wanted. I put a collar on her with a chain, laid a blanket on the floor by the bed, and made her lay there to sleep.
I woke up early, and was excited and anxious to get started. I prodded her awake, and told her to get up, take a nice shower, do her hair and makeup, and put on her stripper shoes.
She looked fantastic. I got a non-wifi, non-Bluetooth video camera, had her hold today’s newspaper, and explain that I was doing what she wanted done, and was fully aware and eager to be the victim.
I gave her a few drinks to get relaxed, grabbed the hunting knife I’d bought a long time ago just in case I ever had the chance, and led her into the large walk-in shower, and told her to keep her shoes on.
I got a large mirror and propped it up a few feet from the drain, then had her get on her knees in front of the mirror. I made sure her knees were spread so she wouldn’t fall over to either side. I asked her if I needed to bind her wrists, and she shook her head. I shook a cigarette out of her pack and put it in the corner of her mouth and lit it.

I thought I’d likely get quite of blood on my right hand, so I slipped on a clear food-service glove, so I wouldn’t have to stop to wash my hands to handle her head once it was off.
It was time. Since she hadn’t said she had changed her mind, I gave my knife a final honing with my sharpening steel, then placed the blade between my teeth. I gathered all her hair in my hands at the crown of her skull to expose her tender, slender neck. She was smoking, and seemed to be shivering a little as she looked at the two of us in the mirror.
She was so wet I could smell her, so since her hands weren’t bound, I told her to get herself off one last time, and I’d try to end her right as she came.
I first leaned her head a little forward, and saw the vertebral bump at the base of her neck where I wanted to make the cut. I drew the knife across the back of her neck, scraping the bone and exposing the sexy, yellow fat. A little bit of blood started trickling down her back.
Then, I pressed my left knee against her back and bent her head back a little to stretch out her neck, braced her with my right leg, then cut shallowly down the left side of her neck, then continued around until I had cut through the skin all the way around. Dark blood trickled down her chest, over and between her tits, and she was moaning from being turned on at the sight. She was moaning, smoking, and rolling her hips, but hadn’t lost a lot of blood yet. Her pussy juice smelled so good, and she neared climax.
I didn’t know how easy it would be to cut, so I pressed hard, and the knife was the full blade-width into her neck. It was obvious when I hit her jugular because a torrent of dark red blood suddenly splashed down over and between her breasts. I stopped cutting then, because I knew it would only take a few seconds before she lost consciousness. Since I controlled her head, I made sure she was pointed at the mirror so she could see herself. I could tell she was having a massive orgasm, partly from the head rush of blood loss.
She and I both watched her bleed, and I saw her eyes get glassy within seconds. I could tell when she stopped breathing, because she stopped exhaling her cigarette smoke. At this point, I let her body slump against my leg, and went ahead and cut through her windpipe, around her neck, cutting until I could tell there was nothing but the spine. I leaned her head to the left, and probed with the knife until I was able to begin sliding it through the joint. The crunching and popping sounded very sexy, as I could feel it starting to separate.
Finally, there was a little ‘pop’ from the last tendon, and I was holding her beautiful head by the hair. It took only about a minute for her to go from woman to meat.
Wow! I just beheaded a woman. It should feel like murder, but because it was something she really wanted, I didn’t feel bad. Her head was a little heavier than I expected, but not bad. My right hand, and the knife were really blood drenched, so I was glad I’d worn the glove, and I slid it off. Before anything else, I wanted to take a selfie with her, so I used my camera and held her head so we were cheek-to-cheek, and snapped the picture. Her neck was dripping blood on my shoulder, but I didn’t mind.
Her headless body was slumped against my legs, blood welling at the hole between her shoulders. Most of the blood was in front of us, and she hadn’t bled much on her shoes, so I pushed her forward, she landed on her tits and blood cascaded forward like I’d tipped over a bucket.
I took the cigarette from her mouth and kissed her lips, and then tipped her head back. Her neck was very bloody, but it was easy to see her esophagus, so I used two fingers to spread it, and guided my dick into it. It was still warm, wet and silky. It felt fantastic, and looked so sexy to have my dick sliding up her throat. Some people are creeped out by a death-stare, but I was turned on by hers.
Since I hadn’t cut her carotid until she was dead, her head wasn’t bloody. Long ago, I’d deliberately bought paper towel holders that consisted of a flat wood base and a simple wooden dowel, hoping that someday I’d be able to put a woman’s head on it. I had one in the bathroom, so I took off the paper towels, and slid her head onto it, so I could admire it while I worked.
The first thing was to be sure she was completely drained, so I shook and massaged her arms and legs and flopped her body around to get the last of the blood out. Her shoes had some blood on them, but not much. I took them off and set them outside the shower stall. Then I turned on the shower and used a soapy washcloth to clean her up. It was fun and sexy, especially since she was still fairly warm. Once I had her nice and clean, I toweled her off, put her shoes back on and played with her for a few minutes, posing her different ways.
I was hungry, and eager to taste her, so I went to the kitchen and started the oven preheating to 375 degrees. Then, I cut around one of her deltoids until I hit bone, then lifted the arm to cut around the armpit. Then I put my foot against her ribs, and pulled her arm out of the socket, then cut the last tendons to free it. I did the same with the other arm, because symmetry is important to me. Her pink meat was already looking delicious.
I grabbed one of her arms, then her head by the hair, and went to the kitchen. I took the kitchen paper towels off the holder, and slid her head onto it. I got out the broiler pan and meat cutting board. I laid her arm on its side, and felt where the elbow joint was, then cut through it, until it separated just like a chicken wing. Her upper arm, skin on, was going to be my first meal. I decided to not season her, because I really wanted to find out just what she tasted like. I cut a small slit through the skin on her bicep, and slid the probe for the meat thermometer into the deepest part of her muscle, then rubbed extra virgin olive oil all over her arm. The reason for the broiler pan is because even lean women have quite a bit of fat, and I wanted it to drain away. I slid it into the oven, and set the meat alarm for 160 degrees. Her hand was still attached to her forearm, so I decided it would be fun and look sexy to go ahead and cut her hand off. I held her hand, and cut through her wrist. It was fairly easy, but there was a lot of crunching, which was a real turn on.
I decided to do the rest of the dismemberment in the kitchen, so I left her head there. Her headless, armless body was lying tits up on the plastic sheet I’d spread out, so I gathered it at her ankles and just dragged her into the kitchen. Every time I went over a door threshold, her tits jiggled.
Once I had her in the kitchen, I rolled her over. I grabbed her left ass-cheek, and felt for the hip bone. I cut the meat away from the bone, working my away around. I left just a bit of margin at her asshole, and cut at the wrinkle of her leg by her pussy. Once I had cut all the way to the bone all the way around, I rolled her on her side, held her leg by the ankle, put my foot on her side, and pulled her leg out of the socket, then cut it free. I held it up, and that meat looked delicious, too, and it was surreal and sexy to hold her leg by the ankle with her stripper shoe on and her toenails painted, it still had a nice shape, but was now just some meat.
I could now smell her cooking, and hear her fat sizzling as it dripped into the pan. I had time to do her other leg before it was time to take the meat out of the oven. Her arm still looked like an arm, but her skin was golden brown, and I tented it with aluminum foil to let it rest for 10 minutes before eating.
I didn’t have time to gut her, so I just played with her headless, armless, legless torso until it was time to eat. Her head was setting there where I could look at it, and I picked up her arm like a big turkey leg. I peeled back the skin and bit into her deltoid. It was so tender and delicious, the best thing I’d ever tasted. I ate ravenously, getting her juices all over my hands and face, until I was stuffed.
Looking at her headless, armless, legless torso, I knew this would be my last chance to fuck it, so I rubbed some olive oil on and in her pussy, and grabbed her sides just above where her legs used to be, and fucked her hard. Her tits swung back and forth as I pumped her.
After I came, I knew I needed to go ahead and gut her. I decided her skin would tan up nicely, so instead of cutting her belly open, I decided to skin her first. I cut her skin up her sides from the hip to the armpit, then across her shoulders to the hole where her neck used to be. I used a small boning knife, and grabbed her whole pussy, and cut it away from the pelvis. I then switched to a skinning knife, and still holding her pussy, cut her skin away from her torso, until it came off in one nice piece. One nice big piece of leather-to-be, featuring her pussy, some trimmed pubic hair, navel, and tits.
Now I was able to cut open her belly and gut her. Her torso no longer looked human at all, it really was just meat. I positioned the knife, blade up, at her pubic bone, and cut just enough to slip two fingers in alongside the knife blade. As I cut towards her sternum, I used my fingers to push the intestines down and away. Next I picked up a hacksaw to cut the sternum away from the ribs, and lifted it off like a lid.
There were all of her guts. I used a small knife and reached inside her to cut her colon away from the anus, and held it pinched shut as I scooped everything out. Now there was still blood and some other juices pooling around her spine and ribs, so I picked her up and held her over the sink to let it run down the drain. Then I set her back what would’ve been face down, and skinned her back. If she’d had tats on her back, I would’ve planned to tan this too, but even though it was nice skin, I decided I already had enough leather trophy.
So, now she was one head, one and a half arms, already dismembered, two legs, and a skinless, gutted torso. All still looked sexy.
I filleted her legs, and cut the meat into about one-pound chunks, each in a freezer bag, and did the same with the remaining one and a half arm. I cut out her collarbones and shoulder blades, and then cut away all of her abdominal meat. Then I used a hacksaw to cut the front half of her ribs into slabs, then to cut off her back ribs. They would be four nice slabs to slow smoke.
Now she was just a spine and pelvis. It would be difficult to bisect her spine with a hacksaw, so I decided to just cut all of it into chops, so I sawed it into some thick, and some thin chops. Once I packed all of the meat into the freezer, there was just her head on a stick, her skin, her hands, her feet, a pile of guts, and her pelvis.
I cut down the dowel on one of the paper towel holders so her head would slide all the way to the base, then put a wig cap over all of her hair, and set her head into my 3d scanner/printer. This would make a positive mold for her head mount. After she was scanned, took one last good look at her, because it would be days before she was this beautiful again. I cut her scalp from the crown of her skull to the end of her neck, and peeled the skin off her skull. Once it was off, it didn’t look very pretty at the moment, but I knew it would after it was tanned and mounted. Her skull looked really garish. Her glassy eyeballs still were in the sockets, and without any lips, her teeth looked enormous. I scraped the bits of meat off her face, and cut her tongue out. I would put it into a jar of grain alcohol, and I hoped it would be something I could take out and suck on.
I cut open her skull and pulled out her brain. I needed it to make a solution to soften her leather.
I carefully scraped all flesh off her various skin pieces, and salted them and her hands.
I pulled all of her teeth, not as souvenirs but because they wouldn’t burn. Then I took what was left of her out into the back yard, gathered some dry wood, soaked it in kerosene, and set it on fire. Since I lived in the country, I didn’t have to worry about neighbors.
I was done for the day. Tomorrow, I’d go through the ashes of the fire, crush up all of the remaining bone pieces, and burn again.
I couldn’t wait to have her mounted head and her nice skin to lie on, but that would be several days.
© Copyright 2016 MerleHill (merlehill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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