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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Dark · #2091055
Real Life Vampire Richard Trenton Chase
Looking out of his apartment window Richard saw the “Goth” kids sitting in the green park grass talking. “Fucking role players,” he snarled to himself. “They don’t know what it’s really like,” he grunted to himself in an angry tone, just barely audible. The involuntary shaking he was currently experiencing had gotten worse throughout the day. “They choose to live this way; I didn’t have a fucking choice!” Richard continued as his low mumble became a yell. He became frenzied as he rummaged through the filthy apartment. Sifting through the carcasses of small animals and rodents he had assembled, he finally found one that was to his liking. Standing in the middle of the room, he held his head back, and drained into his mouth the animal’s last drops of blood. Mentally frenzied, he hurried about his apartment looking for more blood. He could feel the blood within his veins gradually turning to dust. “I have to stop it!” He yelled out loud. Just when all seemed hopeless he spotted the squirrel he killed earlier. “Yes,” he exclaimed as he cut the rodent open and devoured his entrails.

He thought back at how they laughed at him when he tried to explain the theft of his pulmonary artery. At the hospital, they scoffed at him when he shared fantasies about killing rabbits with the staff. Sitting in his favorite chair; a urine scented, blood soaked, easy chair, placed in the center of the room, he remembered how his roommates had given him an ultimatum about moving. Wanting to be rid of Richard so desperately, they left him and the apartment. He was glad that they were gone, now he was free to bring the animals in that he needed. He was now free to concoct his special life giving recipe. Richard had found that mixing the raw organs with Coca-Cola in a blender and drinking the concoction prolonged his life. Richard, now relaxed, could feel his heart expanding back to its normal size; breathed a sigh of relief now that he also felt his blood starting to re-liquefy. He looked over the fine array of creatures that had unwittingly helped him prolong his life and began to sob. In his mind he knew that the only blood that would cure him permanently was human blood.

The conspiracy that he had fallen victim to so many years ago was now beginning to take its toll on him; so he thought. Reading about the exploits of the Hillside Strangler; Richard felt that he too had fallen prey to the same despicable alien experiments and that they were both kindred spirits of sorts. Breaking into a hysterical laughter, he recalled the looks of horror on his neighbor’s faces after he’d devoured their beloved rabbits, dogs and cats. Smearing their life giving blood all over his pale white frame brought Richard to an unparalleled state of euphoria. He wondered what level of ecstasy a bath of human blood would elevate him to.
Feeling erotic, Richard disrobed and slit open all of the remaining animal carcasses. Caressing himself with the rotting animal parts he began developing his plan for attaining his crimson gold from a human contributor. The attempts he had made previously had ended in failure. The first time Richard shot wildly into the home of a Sacramento woman. A police search of the woman’s home found the slug in her kitchen; no one was harmed. The next attempt came in the form of a drive by shooting. The victim was Ambrose Griffin, a 51-year-old engineer and father of two, who was helping his wife bring groceries into their home. Richard had killed him but could not collect the “ingredients” from his victim to prepare his elixir. Lying naked on the floor of his apartment covered in blood and rotting animal flesh he devised his next plan.

Walking through a neighborhood to enact his strategy, he attempted to break into a home but found the door locked so he left. As he walked he spotted an old high school classmate, Nancy Holden. He asked Nancy for a ride, but frightened by his disheveled appearance, she declined and drove away. Richard continued down the street. Arriving at the home of a young married couple, he broke in and stole some of their valuables. Angered by the woman’s absence, Richard urinated into a drawer of their infant’s clothing, and defecated on their son’s bed. The couple came home while he was still in the house; the husband attacked him, but Richard escaped.

Angered by his lack of success Richard continued walking until he came across the home of David and Teresa Wallin. Spotting the pregnant Teresa carrying garbage from her home he deduced that the home probably lacked a male presence. Gaining entry to her home, Richard shot the woman once in the hand and twice in the head; killing her instantly. Giddy with the obvious success of his objective, Richard dragged her body to her bedroom and raped it post-mortem while repeatedly stabbing it with a butcher knife. When he had finished, he carved the corpse open and removed several of her internal organs, using a bucket to collect the blood and then taking it in the bathroom to bathe in it. He then sliced off her nipple and using an empty yogurt container as a drinking glass, drank her blood; before leaving, he went into the yard, found a pile of dog feces, and returned to stuff it into the corpse’s mouth and throat. Moving quickly through the night, he returned to his apartment. Reclining peacefully, he continued to devour the fruits of his labor and smeared the remains on his exposed frail physique.

On January 23rd of 1978 Richard awoke in extreme pain. “It’s happening again,” he yelled aloud! Richard felt the sensation of what he perceived to be the excruciating pain of his heart shrinking. His deteriorated mental state allowed him to see his blood turning to dust before his own eyes. Frantically, he thought of a way to save his life. Richard purchased two puppies from a neighbor, both of which he immediately killed and drank the blood of. He then left the bodies, like discarded soda cans, on the neighbor’s front lawn.
Four days later the unrelenting sensation returned to Richard and he knew that mere puppies would do nothing to quill the pain. On January 27th, Richard entered the home of 38-year-old Evelyn Miroth, who was babysitting her 22-month-old nephew, David. Evelyn’s six-year-old son Jason, and Dan Meredith, a neighbor was also in the home. Richard confronted Dan first and fatally shot him twice in the head at point-blank range. Hearing the commotion, Jason ran to his mother’s bedroom, where he was found and fatally shot twice in the head. Richard then found Evelyn in the bathroom and fatally shot her once in the head. He dragged her corpse onto the bed, where he simultaneously sodomized it and drank its blood from a series of slices to the back of the neck. He then shot 22-month-old David in the head.

Richard’s debilitating mental capacity enforced his delusions of his shrinking heart. His depraved mental state formulated only one solution. He stabbed Evelyn’s corpse at least half a dozen times in the anus, the knife penetrating her uterus. He stabbed her in a series of vital points on the body, which caused blood from her internal organs to pool into her abdomen, which he then sliced open and drained into a bucket; he then consumed all of the blood. Still unsatisfied, Richard retrieved David’s corpse, split its skull open in the bathtub, and consumed some of the brain matter.

A knock on the door startled Richard, a play date young Jason had planned came calling. Richard grabbed Dan’s car keys and David’s corpse and left through a side door. The child saw Richard leaving and informed a neighbor. The neighbor broke into the Miroth home where he discovered the bodies and contacted the authorities. The police found that the perpetrator left perfect hand & fingerprints in blood on the walls, as well as footprints on the floor. At home Richard removed David’s penis and used it as a straw through which he sucked the blood out of the body. He then sliced the corpse open and consumed several internal organs and made smoothies out of others. He finally disposed of the corpse at a nearby church.

For a week Richard was at home secluded and oblivious to the on goings around him and concerning him. Still marveling in his “accomplishments” a knock on the door startled him. Richard adamantly refused the police detective’s request for an interview and slammed the door. Unbeknownst to Richard was the ballistic results that linked him directly to each murder as well as the fingerprint evidence that led the police straight to him. Richard, dressed in his bloody clothes, left his apartment for the last time. Officers arrested him and found every inch of his apartment to be soaked or covered in blood. Body parts, mainly intestines were found in Tupperware bowls as well as on shelves in the refrigerator. “I was forced to do this,” he told the officers at the station. “I need a radar gun then I could show you,” he told FBI profiler Robert Ressler. He continued, “With a radar gun I can go arrest the Nazis and UFOs and THEY can stand trial for the murders.” Richard than proceeded to hand Ressler a hand full of macaroni and cheese that he had saved in his pants pocket.

On May 8th, 1979 Richard was found guilty of 6 counts of first degree murder. The defense asked for a clemency hearing, in which a judge determined that he was not legally insane and was subsequently sentenced to die in the gas chamber. On December 26, 1980, a guard doing cell checks found Richard lying awkwardly on his bed, not breathing. An autopsy determined that he committed suicide with an overdose of prison doctor-prescribed antidepressants that he had been saving up for the last few weeks
Such was the life, crimes and death of Richard Trenton Chase; the Vampire of Sacramento.
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