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Growing girls everywhere |
The day started like any other for Alanna, as always she woke up in her bed feeling despair for the life she lived, for some reason she found her existence rather boring, leaving many people she knew absolutely stumped as to why as she had everything a girl could ask for, she had beautiful streaks of blonde hair that weaved between one another perfectly, giving it a sensual wavy look, behind that however lay a perfect face, beautiful and unparalleled by nearly anyone, wondrous blue eyes that could tame lions or pierce souls with a single stare, and that was just her face. Being apparently blessed with a figure girls and guys dream of having she wasn't just a looker, she was tall at 5'10" and had a rather hefty pair of DD breasts and a huge ass to compliment, her figure defined these features even more, and to top it all off she had a thick English accent that drew many men to her. In short she was near enough sheer perfection, which is why many of her family and peers wondered all to much as to why she didn't enjoy life, she had everything bar a fancy house and a couple of million pounds to spend. But for Alanna it was much simpler to see why, she was stuck in a dump of a house, mostly alone with the exception her cousin would pop round every now and then and working in a dead end nightclub in a rather quaint and pleasant town. Today was just another day, getting up she began to get on with her life, luckily however her job wasn't until rather late so she never had to rush anywhere. First on her list of to do's was a simple one, pick up some milk and a few chocolates, because who doesn't love chocolate. On her way to her closest shop she noticed her cousin Shania walking on the pathway, probably off back to her house after dropping off her two children. Shania, as said, is the cousin of Alanna who in the past two years has had two children, she doesn't like to talk about who or how and this makes her family situation seem even worse, with Alanna especially who somewhat envies her sex drive and at the same time as despising the fact she has had kids and still behaves so recklessly, keeping up her nightlife despite her responsibilities, much like Alanna however she was tall at 5'8" and shared a bust size with her at a DD, and an average rear, not too large yet not too small, she had fake blonde hair that was rather bland and straight, coming past her shoulders and keeps herself plastered in tan and makeup, foundation and the likes, not having a job either she still lives the party life, almost every night ends up at the club that Cousin works at. Scowling as she drove past her she also went past Leah's house, a content 16 year old girl with blue eyes, dirt blonde hair and a rather petite figure, she wasn't blessed with endowments either with a rather flat ass and A cup breasts which left her cast out from many major friend groups, but alas she was content. Living with her father who worked most of the day and night meant she was home alone mostly too, which she found to be alright. Alanna carried on her merry way, passing swaying trees and decreipt buildings, eventually arriving at her job in the nightclub, she pulled up and parked, turning off the engine and just looking at the entrance, "Here we fucking go again", she scoffed, Getting out of her car and putting on her work jumper she began walking in, turning heads as she did, her beautiful, sensual body caught the eye of both man and woman in the club line. She made it inside to behind the bar and just as she had suspected, was met immediately with drunks and freaks alike, each one asking her the same question, telling her the same things, it made her pity them, she had lost all thrills herself though, and as the night went on she continued to think about what she could do with her life other than this, to make this small and pitiful town see her in true light. She served drink after drink to man after man, every question from a stranger meet with condescendence and sarcasm, some part of her like being above them, dominating them, but she didn't have time to focus on that. The night was over, the sun rose over the horizon and shed light on the small dead end establishment, light shone through the windows and signalled the end of Alanna's shift, bouncer's began to hurry people out of the door as Alanna cleaned up around her, the manager was already leaving when he turned to her, "Hey Alanna you staying a little longer?" He asked as the last of the people were hurried out, "Only a little longer, just going to clean up a bit" She replied, "You can lock up then!" He shouted to her, throwing her the key and walking out, Alanna simply looked down at it with a smile almost, until she heard the uncomfortable groan from someone on the other side of the room, leaning on a toppled table with her hair over her face, Alanna simply sighed and went over to her, "Come onnn, time to get up, time to leave.." She said, bringing her head up to look at her, revealing the face of none other than, her cousin Shania, "Oh for fuck sake Shania, how many times do I have to drag you out of this damn place!" "Oh heyyyy cus! I-Im fine I swa'er" "Yeah thats what you said last time.. Before you threw up on my back seat.. Fuck sake, let's go come on!" Alanna said, throwing her sister over her shoulder.. Almost, toppling down with her she decided a simple soldier drag would do the trick, putting her arm around her she brought her out to her car and lay her on the back seat, going back inside and putting the tables back in place and finally locking up. Getting in to her car and getting ready to leave, starting the ignition and setting off, going to Shania's. On the way back the two engaged in conversation, "Shania, why, with all your responsibilities do you still choose to be a colossal fuck up?" "Becuase I don't want them Alanna, I want to be free!" "Then why fuck a man twice unprotected, run away from him and then try and raise two kids yourself hm?" "Well.. My mother helps look after them!" "Oh so you can waste your fucking life at pubs and clubs and -" "Alanna the road!" Screamed Shania, Alanna's eyes snapped front again, but it was too late, the two screaming as they drove straight in to the side of a truck, slamming in to the tanker on the back, and making it burst, the liquids filling their car and bursting out the back too, covering Leah who was also out on her lawn right at the second if the incident, the 3 were knocked out instantly, Shania and Alanna up to their heads in liquid as it then began to pour out of the door. The 3 woke up without scratched outside of Leah's house left on her porch they all got up and shook themselves down, Leah the first to move as she went inside her house leaving the other two outside, the odd green liquid dripping down them, the truck and her car gone, it was all so strange, both Alanna and Shania looking around clueless, "Dude, where's your car?" "That reference isn't even funny Shania, that's my fucking car!" "Don't have to be like that, look just come back to mine" "That's the last thing I would do Shania, I'm walking you home then I'm going home myself, okay?!" Alanna scowled, The two walking for a few more minutes until the reached Shania's home, Alanna letting go of her and watching as she went down her path to her home and began walking off herself. As soon as Alanna brought herself inside she had but one thing on her mind, or maybe two, one being "What the fuck is this stuff im covered in?" And the other being, "I just want a bowl of breakfast". She decided of course to focus on the food aspect first and go in to the kitchen, turning on the light to hear a buzzing sounds coming from it, passing it off she carried on making her cereal when the light shattered right behind her, she squealed as the glass went everywhere, "Are you fucking kidding me? Shall i just add that to the list of shit thats already happened today?" She said in a condescending tone, "Well i'm going to have to fix this sooner or later.." She said to herself and opened the draw that had her spare lightbulbs, grabbing a chair from the living room to get herself high enough to change it, she unscrewed the old bulb and as she started putting the new one in time seemed to slow for a few seconds, she didnt switch the light off at the switch, as soon as it clicked in to place Alanna was greeted with a large electric shock that knocked her off her chair and on to the floor, nearly knocking her out cold, despite hitting her head on the counter she had never felt better, she got up almost immediately after and just shook it off, everything seemed normal except for one thing, that bulb had also broken, she rolled her eyes and scoffed at it, getting back on the chair to take it out again when all of a sudden her tits bulged forth in 3 separate surges, first straining the top, the next ripping it, and the last destroying her bra and top giving her a GG cup for sure, she got off the chair and screamed, her boobs were huge now, but just as she ran her hands over them and shuddered with delight, her muscles all over her body all detonated at once, her arms grew first, shredding any remains of her top as her biceps grew larger and larger with every second, Alanna was too shocked to do anything, she just leaned against the side and let herself grow, her abs bulged forth from her stomach, a gorgeous 8 pack detonated in to existence in a second, her ass and tits began growing anew, pushing her away from the side, and as her height began to increase the pleasure washed over, "Oh, OH, Ohhhhh yeahhhhhh!" She groaned sexually as she bit her lip, falling to her hands and knees as she reached 7 feet in height, and then 8 feet, her ass bulged out again, pushing her forward, her tits surged even larger, her nipples poking in to the floor, she looked at her arms either side of her as they bulged, then bulged again, and again, each bicep now bigger than a litre bottle, she moaned as her pussy began to drip, cum seeping out and squirting back every few moments, she grunted and forced herself to stand, biting her lip so hard it nearly bled, "OHHH YEAH! MORE! I'VE TAKEN SO MUCH SHIT FROM EVERYONE, FROM EVERYTHING, NOW ITS MY TURN, OHHHH FUCK YEAH *Bulge, grow, surge, expand* I WANNA TOWER OVER GODDAMN FUCKING SKYSCRAPERS, I NEED THIS!" She screamed in ecstasy, she felt something else though, something in the back of her mind, like she was connecting the dots, and then she saw it, the light socket, she wrapped her hand around the bulb and crushed it, groaning again as it added a foot of muscle, height and titflesh to her body, she licked her finger and stuck it in the socket, "OOOOOOOOOH MY FUCKING GOD! YES! YESSS! GROW, GROOOWWWW!!" She howled in orgasm, Her body, shot up to 13 feet, her head about to hit the ceiling when suddenly her traps and shoulders exploded with size, rising way over her head and either side of her, she roared with pleasure, the ceiling around her cracking, even as she outgrew the room she kept her finger in the socket, when her chest came level with it she moved it to her nipple, squealing as it triggered her growth even faster, pitting her at 20 feet, the socket quickly slipped off of her nipple as her chest burst through to the second floor, her tits demolishing her desk and the wall behind it as they grew on, nearly the size of her entire upper body, drooping only slightly atop her massive sweaty pectorals that were hidden behind. Cum gushed from her vagina, every second more and more was seeping out, flooding downstairs, "ITS NOT ENOUGH, IT WONT EVER BE ENOUGH... *ruuuuuummmmmbleeeee* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" She shrieked as she hit another surge, her muscles, tits and ass, all roaring, filling with indescribable power, she couldn't ask for more, as it would simply just add itself to her anyways, her tits detonated again and ripped through the front of her house, her arms smashing through either side, and then also carrying on with their expansion to greater muscularity, her tits and ass doing the same as they burst through front and back, then there was a rumble that shook the entire house, followed by orgasm, after orgasm, after orgasm until, "HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK! DEAR GOD YES!!" Alanna burst through the confines of her house, her hulking, hyper muscled body so big and thick the house literally had exploded, she was way over 50 feet tall now, 60 feet, 70 feet, 80 feet, her growth wasnt wearing off just yet, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Was all she could fathom to speak at this point, whatever had happened had made her body, her muscles and tits grow beserk, her clit was a dead giveaway as to what might have happened as sparks were jumping from there to her pussy and back as another load of her love juices shot out of her like a tank shell, demolishing the roof of a house below her, she had grown to over 220 feet tall, her form detonated all over again and again and again until finally at 250 feet she stopped, "OOOOOHHHHH HOOOOOO THAT WAS SOMETHING, OH FUCK YEAH! SHIT AGAIN, PLEASE I WANT MORE BODY, MORE!?" She pleaded, but nothing happened, however her senses, all of them including sexual pleasure had heightened hundreds of times beyond human's capabilities, she felt like a god! And just to prove the fact to herself even more she quickly picked up on a voice below her, "Alanna! Aaaalaaaannaaaa!? Can you hear me!?" Shouted someone, someone Alanna knew unmistakably to be Caoihme, she couldnt see past her gigantic multistory size tits, but somehow she could sense where she was, kneeling down, her unfathomably large and hyper muscled legs coming down either side of her, bringing up tons of debris and concrete as they smashed in to the ground, Caoimhe was now right underneath Alanna's huge soaking pussy with a massive and pulsing rounded clit sat erect on top, shuddering from even the slightest movement, the smell, it turned her on, she wanted to see Alanna bigger, she looked fucking hot when she was huge is all that was racing through her mind. Alanna had a plan already, urging her to climb on to her hand, she eventually managed to climb on and Alanna took a good 30 steps before they arrived at the scene the crash took place, Alanna could sense there was more to be had, only in a small amount, she let Caoimhe down and pointed at the puddle, "Swim in it bitch, i need you!" Alanna said to her, Without even thinking she took off her clothes, releasing her tits and body to the world and just rolled in the puddle for a good minute before Alanna told her to stop, letting her back on her palm when suddenly she threw Caoimhe on to her clit, she instantly was stuck on there, both of them roaring unimaginably loud as Caoimhe's body grew over her electrified clit, it quickly grew to the size of a house, making it half the size of one of her tits, it literally dragged her down now, it was like a man's bulge in his pants, except this bulge was a massive sweaty clit, Caoimhe quickly exhausted all the leftover power surging through Alanna's clit and was picked up and plucked just by her head, at 20 feet tall she was just as tall as Alanna's head, making it perfect for the two to talk, however before they could say anything to each other, Alanna began to rumble all over again, "OOOOOH MY FUCKING GOD, ITS HAPPENING AGAIN, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO YOU AND MY CLIT, OOOOHHHHH IT TRIGGERED IT, YES! YEEESSS! MORE!" "OH GOD I WANT YOU TO HAVE MORE ALANNA, TO BE BIGGER THAN EVERYTHING, A GODDESS, BEAUTIFUL AND ALL POWERFUL" "MMMM OH FUCK KEEP TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT, YOUR MAKING ME CUM!" "I WANT YOU TO TOWER OVER SKYSCRAPERS, TO FUCK THEM EASILY, TO RULE THIS SHITTY FUCKING PLANET ALANNA, OH GOD YOU MAKE ME SO WET!" "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK YEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Alanna screamed as her pussy blew again, her body blew to 300 feet, 350,*BUUUUUULGE GROOOOOOW* 450, and then finally 500 feet, Alanna panting right on to Caoimhe's breasts, making her nipples harder than diamonds. ==========AT THE SAME TIME 20 MINUTES BACK============= Shania watched her sister walk off in to the distance and rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door to her home, "Shania, honey, where have you been?" Asked her mother, "Oh you know just out and about for the night" "Are you okay, your covered in something odd?" "Yeah I know, I'm going to have a bath and just soak in it" "Ok dear, don't have that dammed radio near you now, the kids are asleep too" "Alright mum, I got it" Shania said beginning to run a bath for herself. Shania then got herself undressed, standing over her bath as it reached about halfway full, she went to grab her radio from her room, just across the hall, she was completely naked too, her large bust jiggling as she walked across the hall, and grabbed it from her room, coming back in to the bathroom to see the bath was full enough, turning off the taps she plugged in her radio and leaned it on the side of the tub, getting in shortly after. Shania laid in the bathtub happily contented with the warm water soothing and relaxing her body. In fact she felt so calm and in her element that a good few minutes had passed since she had first slid in and she was now beginning to prune up; her tanned skin wrinkling ever so slightly. She lifted up her leg and sensually stroked down on her thigh biting her lower lip as she did. The chemicals from beforehand had all but been removed from her skin however they had only been diluted in the bathwater which means the were still being absorbed in to her pores each second she lay there. The radio had been playing in the background the whole time perched on the edge of the tub; a long black wire running out at the end of it connected to the wall socket out in the hallway. A song came on, Daft Punks’ Harder Better Faster Stronger. She loathed it immediately, it upsetting her tranquil mood. She extend her foot to play with the volume button with her big toe. She struggled as she began to hear her two children whine in the background. She sighed knowing that her happy little slice of paradise was now over. But how wrong she was. She let her leg down her foot still rested on top of the dial. As her leg began to submerge itself in the tub once more it was slowly being followed by the radio itself. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as Shania spotted the small black box entering the tub; the splash playing in slow-motion in her mind. A spark flung out of it, only a small one at first, but that was enough. It played up along the liquid and ran straight into Shania’s figure. She moaned as her libido heightened instantly, a stifled gasp leaving her lips. Then came the big one! The radio zapped off, the sound of the music now gone, drowned out, only to be replaced by Shania’s ever increasing sexual groaning and moaning as her children continued to cry out in the background for their mother. Little could there minds even know what was happening to her at that moment in time. An extra foot had been added to her frame, then another, then another and then another. Not only this but her frame was also filling out with rock hard gorgeous muscle. Her tits bulged upwards, her arms detonated bigger, a flush six pack had arose only to turn to an eight within seconds. The tub now began to strain with the 10’8”, three hundred pound teen mother of two knowing what was going to happen next. A suddenly crack appeared in the porcelain, then another, then another and then another, until boom. Shania fell on the her plump ever growing ass as the tube shattered into piece, the radio falling to the ground and doing the same only to allow the black wire to fully expose itself to the water still lining Shania at the ground. Her growth had begun to whined down to only inches. She was slowly coming back to her senses now, letting what had just happened sink into her mind, her children still whaled in the background. Her mother shouted to her to come to their need. “Shania!” She eyed the black lead in front of her, sat up and grabbed it. “I know were you can go! Haha.” She chuckled. With not another second wasted she shoved the exposed wire straight into her cunt. The effects were instantaneous and far more accelerated than before. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK, I’M… GONNA… CUUUUMMMMMM!” She roared as her head burst through the wall and into the kitchen only to greet the rest of her family; as ooze gushed from her womanhood. Terror came across her mothers face instantly and Shania knew why. It wasn’t lost on her one bit in fact. She, was, fucking, huge! Orgasm after orgasm left her mouth the rest of her plowed into the room further and further. Her mother sprang to life and grabbed the two infants from their cots, but it was to late now to make an escape, far too late. Her daughters glance had narrowed, her eyebrows raised up and a huge toothy smile crept across her face in light of her mothers inability to make it to the exit as more and more debris fell around her and her two children. “LOOKS LIKE…MMM, YOU THREE ARE PRETTY…OOH, PRETTY FUCKED!” she purred sensually to them. Her mother was taken back, quite obviously by her daughters current stature but even more so by her attitude. “Please, Shania, stop!” She half screamed as her daughter shoulder boomed out pinning her against the wall, her sofa size head right beside her now. “OH, WISH I COULD BUT… I DON’T THINK I CAN.” she halfheartedly said her eye dopey and pleasure filled, her mouth lax with a small amount of drool at the side of her lips. A few cracks began to form in the wall beside her head as her mother now began struggling to breathe. With one might heave she burst to the world outside. “OR WANT TO!” She said as her eyes shut fully and she grinned an almighty pleasure filled grin. Bones cracking, fainted splattering and muffled screaming could be heard from inside. Not that it deterred her one bit though, after all how could it, she was in heaven right now. The plug inside still feeding raw energy into her form allowing her to grow, expand and become more and more powerful by the second. Her tits burst through the roof, shortly followed by her arms and legs by the sides of the house. She thought about what it would feel like to flex this massive figure of hers, so she did and then an explosion occurred as brick, wood and all manner of things were sent flying as Shania’s now behemoth figure grew larger and larger and larger. She sat up, the seemingly simple task now requiring gallons and gallons of blood pumping through her veins to complete. For her this was a such a rush, it left her almost euphoric. The wire fell from her gash as she huffed and ceased growing at a mere 60 feet or so. She looked around seeing the destruction she had caused and breat hed heavily, her tits rissing up and down on her massive chest; and then she spotted it. The bloody remnants of her family covering her shoulder. She smiled and laughed slightly. “AWW COME ON! I’M ONLY AFTER TAKING A BATH, HAHA!” She giggled. Her families passing not giving her one bit of grief at all, and again, why should it? She felt fucking fantastic, what she just experienced was one hundred times better than sex. She wanted more, she needed more! Her body rumbled at the thought, almost as if talking to her. She clenched her fists and stood to her full height and gazed lustfully towards the horizon. “OH DON’T YOU WORRY BODY, THERE’S A LOT MORE TO COME!!!” She said playfully. Her 60 foot form rumbled in the middle of the street, hungry for more, muscles pulsing, aching, wanting more, to grow even bigger, she howled as she felt every vein pulse, send more blood around her bloated muscle body. ========AT THE SAME TIME AGAIN========= Leah stood inside still soaking, the contents of the truck tanker seeping into her. Being a young girl of fourteen she didn’t bother to wash herself straight away thinking to leave it until her Dad was up. How he managed to sleep past the ruckus of the incident out side, she didn’t know, but then again her was heavy sleeper. She stood there in the kitchen contemplating. Toast she thought to herself, I’ll make some toast. She got two slices of bread from the bread cupboard popped them in the toaster and waited. As she stood there she decided to smell the partially dry liquid that had seeped into her clothes. Not bad, she thought to herself. Being a little bit more adventurous she decided to suck the cuff of her self. And that’s when it struck her. Woah! she thought, this tastes fantastic! She looked to the window outside and went out. A large puddle of the substance rested by the side of the road with Leah now standing above it. She bent down on all fours, stuck her finger in it and then into her mouth. Her eyes lit up as a smile crept across her face. She looked swiftly around to see if anyone was there. All was clear, so she lowered herself to the liquid and began to slurp heavily and within a minute or so it was gone. She burped and giggled to herself before providing back inside. Not knowing what she had just ingested our what it was doing to her very being internally. Back in the kitchen her toast had long popped up. However it was still sunk in the slots, the springs having not worked properly. Seeing this she grabbed a knife and began to fiddle with it. Just as she did her dad walked in. She smiled to him and he returned a smile in hand and just as he did, ZAP! An electrical current ran from the toaster to the knife and continued all the way into Leah. She gasped as the effects we instantaneous. The once flat chested teen spouted to 7 feet tall, her bust filling out to FF cups, her arms, legs, taps and delts buffing out to beyond bodybuilder sizes of a male. Her hair sprang free and loose taking on a new sheen of dirt blonde. Her eyes lids were lazy, her eyes hazy and her mouth was wide open. What she had just experienced was her first heightened sexual experience. The first initial spurt being nearly twice that of the average female orgasm she found herself in pure bliss. The toaster still in hand she looked to her Dad who was frozen by the incident. “D..Daddy?” She stuttered. “Ah.. y..yes?” “Wha… why I feel so good now? Her dad took another step forward then another then another. Eventually he was standing right in front of her. His head directly in front of her massive tits. He looked at them in awe. “Are you sure you feel alright Leah?” his tone was slightly amiss, in fact it was lost one Leah, amidst her post pleasure filled spurt that he was acting strange he seemed almost mesmerised. “I’s feel so really good now Daddy.” Her speech was quite strange as well, had she gotten stupider thought her Dad? She dropped the toaster to the ground before touching the two massive orbs that were in front of her. Smiled down to her dad who returned the same smile. Unbeknownst to her, her father was in a trance. Leah had began to start excreting pheromones of all sorts that were driving him pure wild. So much so, her didn’t even recognise Leah as his daughter anymore. Connecting the dots he figured that her sudden growth must have been caused by the surge of electricity. Leah still stood there smiling giddily at her new form. Her father took her gently by the hand and sat her on the couch. Her gaze still unflinching from her figure. Hours passed, her Dad had turned off all electricity in the house and every wire her could extend to her he did and tapped them to her body. Leah didn’t know what to make of this, she really didn’t care either. In the process of gr owing her IQ had drowned substantially, so much so that she still hadn’t connected that her growth was caused by wing electrocuted by the toaster. Her Dad stood in front of her once more. She was in the middle of doing an upper body flex when she noticed him. “Me look hot!” She gleefully said. “Yes you do Leah.” he replied. Before flipping back on the mains to the house above and beside the fireplace. Leah went into a fit of screaming as she instantly burst to 20 feet her body bending forward as her back arched and cracked the ceiling. “No Daddy, too big, me to big now, stop, stop!” she cried her size and pleasure driving wild as she burst through to the next floor of the house. Her dad ran out side and saw his house begin to violently shake. before to large arms tore through the roof. He saw them and smiled and then looked above slightly to see numbers of telephone wires. Leah, he knew, was about to get very, very big! And with that alls heard in the early morning was his daughter screaming in pleasure struggling to cope with her new size and power. Still resisting, not aware as to what she was becoming and how lucky she in fact was. But that didn’t matter she’d accept this soon enough her Dad thought “OOOHHHHHHHHHHH I… FEEL… SO… GOOD!!! *bulge, groan, bulge* NO, STOP, PLEASE! STOOOPPPPPPPPPP!!!” Leah roared in resistance followed by countless moans of pleasure. But it was too late to stop now, her body neared the power lines above her, however in a fit of pleasure she stammered back, but this would still not save her, as now just her breasts were heading for the lines, as they finally made contact, Leah screamed again, her countless moans becoming countless orgasms as the lines snapped and tangled around her nipples, shocking her over and over, her ears ringing from the pleasure, eyes closing slowly as her head was thrown back in to her bulk, the pleasure unbearable but still too fucking good, Leah's body rumbled and shook so violently the whole damn street felt it, reaching 30 feet as the wires still carried on shocking her, "OHHHHHH F-F-FUCK GOOD SO MUCH!" She cried, taking a step forward and tripping, ripping 3 other poles out of the ground, each tangling themselves around her as she fell, crushing her father instantly, a small bloody stain on her back now, she rolled and thrashed about as she grew larger and larger, her cum only serving to make the growth better and faster as it channeled power straight in to her pussy, "MMMMM OHHHH SHIT, NO, NO MORE GOOD, FUCK, OH GOOD SO GOOD, PLEASE, NO-NO MORE OHHHH!" Leah cried, muscles still over growing on her tremendous frame, pitting her at 50 feet tall when finally a huge mega orgasmic surge hit one so powerful it made her eyes roll back, she couldnt even moan, she couldnt even orgasm, or even cum, she just bucked and writhed as the power made her grow so much fucking larger, 100 feet came in seconds, as did she, the lines had snapped seconds before but she still lay on them, she rolled over and tried to stand, gaining great pleasure from the process, and when she finally did, she began to aimlessly walk towards the city, not knowing what was about to unfold. Shania was unbelievably smitten by her new found size, she felt so wild, so sexy as if absolutely nothing could get in her way. Her huge, glorious, sweaty muscles glistened in the heat of the sun as she loomed over the remnants of her destroyed home smiling wickedly. Her massive orbs a top her chest gradually rising and falling with each breath she took. She swung her hips a wee bit and bit down on her lower lip as she could feel her huge ass sway over and back multiple feet at a time. People from neighbouring houses began to come out and as the did the were all shocked and scared stiff at the massive pinnacle of sheer gorgeous womanhood that towered before them. Shania raised both her arms to the point were she could see her hands and began flexing outwards. This was almost like a dream to her. The burden of her family ties had all but been eliminated along with every other responsibility that she once knew. Now all that existed for her was pleasure and she knew this! She eyed the long tower like church in the distance and smiled. How fitting it was that the place were most people on Earth come to worship their, supposed, god was now going to the source of her latest string of orgasms. She laughed giddily and began walking towards it and into town. The people below being shaken from their fear by her large booming foot steps that cracked the pavement below. Some though continued to stare at her, mesmerised by her beauty. Mainly men. They could barely take their eyes off her massive over hanging tits that seemed to cover her entire multitude of packs that bulged out of her stomach. As she continued to walk she began to snag herself on more and more over head, well waist level, wires. Each one sending her up a few more feet as her body burst through them, however she didn’t notice this at all. She only had her eyes on the tall structure in front. Her libido which was increasing with her growing she assumed was purely due to the anticipation of the soon to be dildo structure that was going to be inside her. But how wrong she was, though, nevertheless, all she wanted at this moment in time was pleasure. The towns folk saw the mountain of muscle approaching now some 150 feet in height. Again there was a mixture of panic, chaos and sheer awe; as before which people had which was very gender specific, as we already know. The booming steps ceased as Shania came to rest in front of the long phallic like structure; her pussy dribbling, her tits leaking slightly; their nectar running down her mounds and mixing with her lower fluids creating a pungent cocktail that only served to drive the male viewers below even wilder. She mashed her tits together again and rubbed them playfully before positioning herself over the church point and letting her hungry love hole lower on to it. It slid inside her perfectly and she whined a little at how well in filled her. Bliss soon began to overtake her as she started to hump. Moaning and groaning she couldn’t help but sense all the men around her, in fact this only served to turn her on more and more and more. “FUCK YEAH! *moan, pant, pant, groan* ALL EYES ON ME BOYS!!! MFFPT YEAH, RIGHT THERE, THAT’S IT.” she purred. Shania’s pace began to quicken. Faster and faster she trusted shaking the structure, beginning to destroy it’s founds due to her tremendous girth. Her eye’s glistened with joy. She was so happy now, this was all she ever wanted. Even her stupid cousin Alanna getting onto her about responsibilities! She gave a small chuckle at how much things had changed since that conversation not only hours ago. How far she had come, pun intended. The only responsibility she had now was only to make sure she was always well filled up and that was the way things should have always have been. “HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA… *moan, pant, pant, groan* …AND DON’T I FUCKING KNOW IT!” All this thinking though was distracting her from the most important thing here, her getting off! She began to bounce as fast as she could which wasn’t very quick given her size. But then again any girl who could take this shaft wouldn’t need too either. Inside the church brick and plaster came loose only to fall to the ground and mix with her milky pre cum mixture. Shania was getting more and more flushed around her face, her panting increase. It had been too long since she had this good of a fuck. Too long really which is why she didn’t last much longer. Cum roared out of her gash and painted the streets below as she screamed to the heavens above climatically. In the process she gained an extra hundred feet, most like from the circuitry within the building, but again this didn’t matter to Shania. What mattered now was her next way to get off. Being as big as she was, although liberating beyond all extent, left her somewhat at a loss when it came to her needs, which had only grown with herself. Withdrawing herself from the building which was practically demolished at this point she looked to the rest of the town before continuing to slam herself into the smaller buildings below and slowly begin grinding. “FUCK, I NEED MORE! *moan, pant, pant, pant, groan* SO… MUCH… MORE!!!" She looked around, houses and church spires would only keep her cumming for so long, when all of a sudden she heard a loud gasp from behind her, she slowly stood and turned her hyper body around, to see a girl not much smaller than herself standing below her, she looked about 16 from Shania's guess, but it didnt matter anyways, "YOU! YOU'RE GONNA.. MMMM OH HELLO.. OH, OHHH, OHHHHH!! YEAH RIGHT THERE, MMMM MORE LITTLE GIRL, MOOooOOooOoRrrRRrRRrreeEEEeeEee!" Orgasmed Shania, cum seeping once more as Leah made another clumbsy mistake, not even remembering what a clit looked like or did she walked straight up to Shania's and started to knead it, kiss it, lick it, it felt nice in her hands, and Shania clearly didnt mind either, "OH! OH FUCK! WH-WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU GIRL, D-DO-OHHHHHHHHH!-DONT YOU KNOW W-WHAT YOU'RE MMMMM DOING TO ME? OH FUCK THATS GOOD!" "THIS GOOD TO YOU? THIS NICE FEELS HM? I WANT NICE TOO" Said Leah up to her, Shania looking down through her cleavage at her, her tits werent as obscenely huge as Alanna's that they mashed together, they were huge but still rather spaced between, sticking out more to the sides that direct front, Shania to this almost request happily obliged, suddenly turning aggressive, pushing Leah to the ground so that she toppled on to buildings and the likes, "ITS TIME BABY!" Shania said, And suddenly Leah wanted no part in it anymore, wanting to get back up she was stopped as Shania's soaking pussy slammed down on to her chest and stomach, grinding ensued, Leah's massive breasts had entered her pussy, shaking around in there as Shania ground faster and faster, huff and moans escalating, faster and faster, louder and louder, she really hadnt had action in a long time as only a mere 40 seconds from starting she came again, drenching Leah in her juices, her pussy gushing, exploding, making her surge a little larger to 160 feet, Leah down below struggling to resist how good it felt to her too, "N-NO PLEASE, MORE NO, FEELS TOO GOOD!" Leah said, "OH DON'T YOU WORRY, ITS GOING TO GET EVEN BETTER FOR YOU, LUCKY IM THE PLAYFUL TYPE!" Shania said, As she lowered two fingers to Leah's pussy she smiled, it was all a game to her, and Leah was just a fun little fuckdoll, as she thrust her fingers in and out over and over, she could hear Leah's screams for more and then no more over everything else, the cars swerving and people running, all blocked out by her multi-orgasm cumshot straight on to Shania's 60 pack abs, "OH YOU DIRTY GIRL, MY TURN AGAIN!" Shania said to her, raising her pussy over the now 110 foot Leah, and lowering it on to her face, Leah was forced to lick, or the cum would drown her inside her pussy, Shania spasmed and roared from the pleasure, she could feel it building again, "GOD DAMN FUCK YEAH! I HAVEN'T HAD IT SO GOOD IN SO LONG, OOHHHHH GIRLS REALLY ARE THE BEST AT THIS!" She screamed, the scream, grabbing the attention of Alanna across the other side of the city, she turned her body towards the sound and made her way there. Alanna's attention was focused on the sound of orgasms from a little ways out of the city skirts, she smiled, she knew those moans, she had to put up with them enough times to never forget them, it was Shania, but why was she that loud, Alanna thought, "Ohhhh Alanna, you could get so much bigger than this, just think, ruling the world with all your immeasurable size and power, the feeling of growing, besides, you might need to again, what if she's bigger than you?" Said Caoimhe, egging Alanna on, Alanna shuddered at the thought of more, she was in the city after all, why shouldnt she get bigger, there were so many outlets, she walked up to the closest pylon at the town like areas, the pylon came up to just under her tits and because of this she could barely see it once she got closer, her 250 foot form dwarfing it, Alanna grew wetter as the seconds passed, her pussy closing in on the bare wires, she bit her lower lip, she could feel sparks shooting at her, making her clit pulse, spurring her growth in tiny amounts, enough to feel it, "Go on Alanna, think of the power, the pleasure, you'll cum and grow so much, so fast, dont you want that? I know you do, i sure do, to see you fucking huge, bigger than the tallest of buildings!" "F-Fuck Caoimhe, stop, you're turning me on again, its so fucking good, ughhh, i want it.." "Then do it! Why are holding back, let yourself grow!" Thats when Alanna snapped, she stood back and bit and reached her muscular arms round her tits, there enormity making the act of grabbing things in front of her difficult, she grabbed the ab high wires and tore them from the pylon, "I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN GO!" Alanna moaned, her growth already set off from the contact, She bundled the wires in to one hand and rubbed her pussy with them, her head thrashing about amongst her bulk, Caoimhe kissing her cheek and biting her ear sexually, fueling Alanna's want even more, her muscles erupted in all directions, her tits bulged out and made contact with the pylon themselves, electrical energy running up her nipples and fueling her orgasmic growth even more, her back and shoulders rose up and bugled out even higher, her form filling out with even more impossible muscle, her tits and ass bulging out, accentuating her figure even more, a hyper muscle filled hourglass of perfection, her body detonated and she let out a howl of pleasure, 300 feet had been reached in just a minute, rubbing her soaking vagina even faster, sparks flying all over her pussy as she let out scream after scream, followed by surge after surge of more and more muscle, "OHHHHHHH GGGGGOOODDDDDD YEAHHHH!! THE P-POWER, MORE! FUCK YES, OH GOD MORE! I CAN FEEL EVERY MUSCLE EXPLODE WITH SIZE, I'M A FUCKIN' GODDESS!" Alanna screamed, Her body hit one final surge to 350 feet, her crotch too high up to be pleasured on pylons anymore, her muscles in response to the last overload of power exploded all over, making her throw her head back as she doubled in width to 300 feet with raw unstoppable woman beef, her entire body was packed to the brim with shiny, sweaty hyper muscle, a goddess in her own right now, her back arched over with so much muscle it looked like a mountain on its own, Alanna's beautiful, radiant face, untouched by all the mass, smiled and glimmered , huffing and puffing in unspent ecstasy as she slowly recovered from the surge. "I think its time we found your phantom moans hm?" Caoimhe said to Alanna's mulitstory sized face, to which Alanna smiled grimly and began taking step, after heavy, ground shaking step. Shania was just about done with Leah, her new toy was pretty much used up and left lying on the ground, Shania stood full height and stretched, coming back round to her senses once more, but before she could even do any more she was greeted by shaking ground, she heard the trembling footsteps coming from behind her, as a shadow crept up on her hers, eventually the thudding stopped as the new persons shadow engulfed her's in darkness, feeling fear for the first time in a while Shania slowly turned, her head movement restricted by her immense bulk, until she finally turned round completely, revealing a woman so huge she didnt even measure up to her crotch, Shania heard the laughs and mumbles of this massive woman before her and stammered back a bit in fear until the woman said, "OH SHANIA, SO SMALL, SO WEAK AND FRAIL COMPARED TO ME AND MY GLORIOUS BODY..", Shania could tell that voice from anywhere, so loud and sinister, yet angelic and gentle, it had to be Alanna, "A-ALANNA? MY GOD HOW ARE YOU SO BIG?! HOW CAN YOU SEE ME?" "BECAUSE YOU PATHETIC FUCK, I HAVE GROWN SO LARGE AND POWERFUL THAT MY SENSES ARE WELL BEYOND ANY OTHER PERSONS, IM A GODDESS AFTER ALL, I CAN SEE EVEN WHERE I CANT, SENSE WHERE OTHERS THOUGHT NOT POSSIBLE HAHAHAH!" "B-BUT THIS MAKES NO SENSE?" "WHAT MAKES NO SENSE, THE FACT IM BETTER THAN YOU AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, THE FACT I HAVE ALL THIS POWER THAT YOU COULD ONLY DREAM OF HAVING? NO! IT ONLY MAKES NO SENSE TO YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE A STUPID WHOREISH WASTE OF A WOMAN THAT THINKS IT SHOULD ALL GO HER WAY!" "A-ALANNA WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" But Alanna didnt reply, instead she brought her massive arms down and grasped her cousin by her massive bulked thighs and brought her up to her face like a large teddy bear, she smiled amidst all of her bulk before tossing Shania in to the air, Alanna nearly came at the reality of having so much power, Caoimhe on her shoulder telling her how powerful she was all she could hear as she watched Shania drift off a good few miles out, a large dust cloud being brought up as she impacted the ground. |