Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2090546-Chapter-One
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Dark · #2090546
This is the first start of chapter one. Explaining more from my preface.
It was early in the evening, I had just entered into the kingdom of Aelasmore. Having recently finished school. Thankful to be back home. When a strange wind blew. One that normally would be followed by a storm. However the skies are the most beautiful shade of cerulean blue. I got this overwhelming sense of sadness. Feeling as I could burst into tears at any moment.
I remembered the dream I had the night before. Concerning dad but I could not get ahead of myself. After all I just got home and for all I know dad was home waiting for me along with mom.
Forgive me for my rudeness. My name is, Ginessa O'Caellaigh. I am the only child of King Aedan and Lady Esabelle. I am eighteen years old. Princess and the future heir of this beautiful kingdom, Aelasmore. I was born during the time of a great war which is known as Kingdom Wars. I will explain more about this later. The carriage dropped me off in front of the castle.
I took a deep breath. Bart comes out greets me, "Welcome home princess. Your mother wanted me to tell you that she is in the cottage. She is looking forward to seeing you."
"Thank you Bart. I will catch up with you later then." I replied as I smooth down my long honey honey brown colored hair.
Bart bowed as he turned to enter the castle again. I picked up my bag and took another deep breath as I made my way to the cottage behind the castle. Where I now stand trying to muster up the courage to go inside. Praying that I will see dad as I walk in. I have been standing here for several minutes.
So here goes nothing. Opening the door to be greeted with the smell of dinner. . "Mom! I am home." I put my bag down. "Something smells wonderful."
Making my way to the kitchen. When there she is, my mother walking out of the door. In a beautiful burgundy gown. Her hair fixed so neatly.
Ginessa, you are home. My sweet girl. Home at last." She embraces me tight.
"Yes mom. I am finally home. Where is dad?"
"He has to go out on a patrol. But he us expected to be back tonight."
I feel all the color drain from my face. Remembering my dream again. I need to explain something about myself. Ever since I was twelve I have been having strange dreams. They are not ordinary nightmares though. They have a strange habit of actually happening. So I am having a very hard time in believing that dad will return safely.
"Ginessa? You must be starving. Come with me."
I follow her to the dining room. I notice the large mahogany table is sit with mom's fancy china. In the center is a big pan of roast beef with potatoes, onions, and carrots. Everything looks and smells amazing. Mom has certainly been hard at work preparing all of this.
"It looks delicious mom. Thank you."
"Go ahead and fix a plate your dad should be back any moment."
I take a seat and start to make a plate. When there is a knock on the door.
"Gin, are you expecting any one?"
"No mom."
"Hmmm. Then I wonder who that could be?" She stands up and goes to the door. Taking a deep breath and opens the door. Standing outside is Bart, dressed in his dress blue uniform. Standing tall. Something is on his mind, it can be seen in his brown eyes.
"Good evening ma'am. May I please come in for a second. Sorry to interrupt your dinner like this. However it is very important concerning Aedan."
I freeze suddenly in the next room. Oh no! I think to myself.
"Yes won't you please come in," she invites him. "Ginessa would you please come here for a moment." Bart enters the as I come around the corner. Although I noticed he isn't alone there is a second person standing behind. The stranger has eyes that could cut right through you with just a glance.
Who is this and why is he here with Bart?
We all took a seat in the living room all accept for the visitor. He chose to stand. His eyes fixed on me. Watching my every move.
"Bart you said you had some news... Is he going to be okay? Will he be home soon." Esabelle asked frantically.
"I wish I could answer those questions for you. Truth is that I received word from Hal that something happened while the patrol was just outside of the Whimsical Grove."
"Oh goodness." Lady Esabelle gasps before she places a hand on her chest. "Please tell me."
"Well," Bart clears his throat as he looks away for a moment. "There was an ambush. A man called, the Dark Prince had words with the King before he killed him. I am very sorry to have to deliver this news to you. If there is anything that I can do please let me know."
Mom freeze as her mouth falls open. All the color that was once in her face is gone.
"Your majesty." Bart says as he leans forward, "the king acted very heroically as he stood face to face with the Dark Prince. Not only had he threatened to attack the kingdom but he mentioned both you and Ginessa personally. There was not another choice."
Tears fall from mom's eyes. The room grows quiet. As a smile emerges upon the strangers lips. As he holds a finger to them.
"Please leave." Mom says in a soft tone.
"Excuse me your majesty."
"I said leave." She shouts while looking up at him pointing to the door. "Leave now! Get out of here. I want to be alone."
I just sit there as everything sinks in. I had to know what happen in detail. As I seen flashes of the dream in my mind. The look in his eyes in the end. I blink a tear as I stand up to show the men out.
I open the door Bart bows politely before exiting the house. Closing the door easy behind me.
"Hey Bart. Wait up."
He keeps walking like I had not said a word.
"Bart! Stop please."
Finally he stops and turns to look at me. "Yes Princess? What is it?"
"I need to talk to you. It's important."
"Okay. I need to speak with you as well. I hoped to be able to talk back there," he motioned to the house. "Although your mom is clearly, not in the mood for company."
"Well let's see. We just learned that dad died. So no. I guess we would not be very hospitable. Sorry about that." I retort back.
"Yes I apologize for the last remark I made. However it is about you. Although, I gave some other business I must attend to at the moment. So how about in three hours? Meet me in the War Room please."
"Three hours. Okay. I will see you then."
"Thank you Princess." He says as he makes his way back to the castle. I watch as the second man follows but suddenly disappears.
I stand there for a moment as I rub my eyes. Then I shake my head as I turn back to the cottage. Just as I was outside the door I hear a loud noise come from inside.
Mom no I think as I pull the door open.
© Copyright 2016 Sammee Rose (sassywriter85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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