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Rated: 18+ · Novella · Drama · #2090536
In 1980's Massachusetts 8 mutual friends are threatened by lies, sex, deceit and murder.
It’s May 1985 and the city of Ellen, Massachusetts is happy because summer is right around the corner. With the apple trees in full bloom it is the perfect time to give your teacher one. In the Haley Falls neighborhood lives the Livingston couple. They live in a two bedroom Gothic style house. The owner of the house Edward Livingston is in bed with his neighbor and best friend Tyler Dawnings. Tyler is pressed up against the headboard looking Edward in his paramour in his eyes. Edward has pale skin with freckles. His black hair is tussled and messy. His radiant sapphire blue eyes are consumed in lust. He is hovering above the smaller framed Tyler. Tyler has medium brown hair and clear green eyes. He has his legs wrapped around Edward’s while his hands are latched onto his biceps.

“Do you love me?” Edwards asks panting while thrusting deep within Tyler.

“Yes Edward I do” Tyler moans before pressing his lips against Edward’s. Edward’s thrusts become more rhythmic and sensual and before long Edward finds his climax and ejaculates into Tyler. Edward places his chin on Tyler’s left shoulder. When their breath evens out Edward removes himself from Tyler and they lie down next to each other. Edward looks in Tyler’s eyes smiling happily.

“I love you so much” Edwards says delicately grazing his thumb across Tyler’s face.

“I love you more” Tyler says and Edward plants another kiss on Tyler’s lips. After lying in silence for a while Edward looks over at Tyler seriously.

“Why couldn’t I have married you?” Edward asks making Tyler chuckle.

“You know why, gay people aren’t allowed to get married. Monogamy is good enough for me anyway” Tyler says satisfied before getting out of bed. Edward sits up and looks Tyler’s backside over lustfully.

“Well I’m going to shower and go to work. There’s a new script that my boss wants me to see” Tyler says before going into the bathroom. Edward lies back down with his hands resting behind his head.

“Damn life is good” Edward says cockily before exhaling heavily.

At Lori Love Women’s Hospital Sunset is lying in a hospital bed surrounded by her best friends. Sunset’s hair is covered by a clear hospital cap. She is wearing a white and blue plaid hospital gown. She is crying, but they aren’t tears of joy.

“I’m so sorry Sunset” Sunset’s friend Katherine Taylor says sadly in a Nevadan accent holding her hand. Katherine has light brown hair that is styled in a sixties flip without a bang. Her hazel eyes are speaking a language that tells Sunset she is truly hurt by her loss. Katherine is wearing a blue top with black slacks and a pair of black shoes. In her ears are a pair of diamond stud earrings. Around her neck is a matching diamond necklace.

“He has to work so him being here was inevitable anyway” Sunset says optimistically in her Arkansan accent making Katherine shake her head resentfully.

“He’s a lawyer of his own law firm. He could have taken off and come here to be with you. What kind of man doesn’t come to be with his wife during her labor” Katherine says furiously and Sabrina places her hand on Katherine’s shoulder soothingly.

“Calm down Kat it’s nothing to get worked up over” Sabrina says coolly in her New Mexican accent and Katherine sighs looking back at her.

“Yes it is Sabrina. Edward knew his wife was expecting and he wasn’t here. That’s unacceptable” Katherine says sharply standing by her conviction.

“I know but what’s done is done” Sabrina says neutrally before squeezing Katherine’s shoulder.

Sabrina has a bright complexion with sea green eyes. Her brownish blond hair is styled in an afro. She has on a red sleeveless string top with blue bell bottoms and red ankle length high heels boots.

“Sabrina’s right Kat, I lost my baby and there’s nothing we can do about it. On the bright side Edward and I can always try again” Sunset says happily making Sabrina laugh. The door opens and in comes Hayden with four bottles of water. Hayden has black hair that is pulled back into a large bun. She’s wearing a waitress outfit that consists of a red vest, white long sleeve, a knee length black skirt and a pair of black penny loafers. She hands each of the women a bottle and stands at the foot of the bed looking at Sunset.

“So where’s the baby?” Hayden asks in a West Virginian accent breaking the silence.

“The baby didn’t make it” Sabrina says sadly and Hayden places her hand on Sunset’s foot.

“I’m so sorry Sunset” Sabrina says looking at Sunset who smiles weakly at her.

“There’s no need to apologize. I’m so used to people leaving me” Sunset says dejecetedly looking her friend in her eyes.
Soon silence falls over the room. It is immediately broken however when the doorknob turns. The group of women look at the door curiously. When it opens they see Edward come in. He shuts the door lightly and walks over to Sunset’s bed.

“Hello sweetheart, I’m sorry I was late. I was held up at my office” Edward says apologetically taking her hand into his. Sunset looks at him smiliing.

“It’s okay baby, what’s important is that you came” Sunset says before kissing his hand. He then looks at around the room at the others.

“Hello Sabrina” Edward says and Sabrina smiles at him.

“Hello Edward” Sabrina says sweetly.

“I’m doing fine thank you” Edward says happily. Sabrina nods her head in satisfaction and Edward sets his sights on Hayden.

“Hayden how are you doing on this lovely afternoon?” Edward asks perkily and Hayden nods her head.

“I’ve had better days” Hayden sighs looking Edward in his eyes.

“Well I hope your day gets better” Edward consoles making Hayden smile appreciatively.

“Thank you” Hayden says and Edward nods his head proudly. He then looks across the bed at Katherine. When their eyes lock instantly fire erupts.

“Katherine” Edward says happily.

“Bastard” Katherine rebutts bitterly gripping the bed rail.

“Katherine that’s not nice” Sabrina whispers and Katherine keeps her eyes fixated on Edward.

“I’m not going to change. He knows I doesn’t like him” Katherine says sharply and Edward smiles smoothly at her.
“Why?” Hayden asks curiously looking in between them.

“You’ll know in due time” Katherine says bitterly before giving her attention back to Sunset.

“Well none of you were there when we were going through our rough periods so don’t act like you care now” Edward says looking Katherine in her eyes.

“You had better be glad your wife is in this room. If she wasn’t your ass would be in the intensive care unit” Katherine says icily making Edward chuckle.

“You do know that I’m a prosecutor right? If you do anything to me I’ll have you put away for life” Edward says seriously staring Katherine down.

“Have you forgotten that I’m a Registered Nurse? I know all about medications. Don’t try me because I will end you without regret” Katherine threatens and Edward rolls his eyes and looks back at Sunset.

“So where’s the baby?” Edward asks and Sunset looks him in his eyes sadly.

“He didn’t make it? He was born dead” Sunset says before covering her mouth and resuming to cry.

“He? We were going to have a boy?! Damn it all” Edward says angrily and Sunset stops crying and looks Edward in his sapphire orbs.

“Honey it’s okay. We can always try again” Sunset says trying to cheer Edward up.

“But what if it’s not a boy, what if it’s a girl? I don’t want her to go through what you went through” Edward says and Sunset shakes her head.

“So what if it’s a girl, life is full of surprises. Some good and some are bad. But that’s what makes it so interestng and beautiful” Sunset says and Edward sighs heavily before leaning forward and kissing her on her lips.

“You’re right, we can always try again” Edward says starting to calm down.

“That’s the spirit” Sunset says happy she was able to calm down her rosued husband.

“When are you being discharged?” Edward asks and Sunset smiles.

“Tonight at six” Sunset says relieved.

“Good, I can’t for you to get home” Edward says shocking Sunset.

“Aren’t you going to stay here with me?” Sunset asks saddened by Edward’s urge of wanting to leave.

“You know I want to but I want to make sure my surprise ready for you when you come home” Edward says making Sunset clap her hands in excitement.

“Oh my gosh Edward you shouldn’t have. I can’t wait to see what it is” Sunset says anxiously looking up at the ceiling.

“When you see it you’re going to love it” Edward says confidently before pecking her on her lips. He then gets up and leaves the room.

“I’m so sorry honey I have to head to work. I’ll see you this weekend” Hayden says coming to the beside and kissing Sunset on her cheek.

“Okay darling see you soon” Sunset says understandingly returning the sentiment. Hayden then hugs Katherine and Sabrina goodbye and leaves.

“Speaking of work I have to get to work in two hours. My patients get a little cranky when I’m not on time” Sabrina says coming and hugging Sunset. She then kisses her forehead.

“I love you Sunset and again I’m sorry for your loss” Sabrina says apologetically squeezing her hand.

“It’s fine you go on to work” Sunset says smiling at her.

“Okay” Sabrina say and lets go of her hand and leaves. Lastly is Katherine who is still sitting at her beside.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Sunset jokes making Katherine chuckle wholeheartedly.

“Today is my off day. I go back in tomorrow morning at seven. So until then I’m going to stay here with you” Katherine says making Sunset smile.

“I appreciate the gesture but I’m fine. I’ll be home later tonight. Besides you’ll see me this weekend” Sunset says and Katherine sighs softly getting to her feet.

“Okay I’ll leave if that’s what you want. But I will be at your house this weekend so us girls can plan a girls day” Katherine says and Sunset nods her head happily.

“I’d like that” Sunset says feeling fuzzy and warm.

“Okay see you later Sunset” Katherine says walking to the door. “I love you Kat” Sunset says as Katherine grabs the doorknob.

“I love you too” Katherine says sweetly before opening the door and walking out. Once she’s gone Sunset lets herself fall apart and mourns the loss of her baby boy.

Tyler is in his boss Simon Nakamora’s office looking over the script. Simon is in early forties. His eyes are grayish-blue. His toned build makes Tyler aroused but is hidden by the desk. He’s wearing black rectangular frame eyeglasses making Tyler even more attracted to him.

“So what do you think of the script?” Simon asks curiously with his chin resting on his hands.

“I love it. Do we have a female lead?” Tyler asks placing the script on Simon’s desk.

“Yes we do have a female lead. Her name is Nancy Kingston. She’s already out onstage waiting to meet you” Simon says and Tyler gets up and leaves his office and heads down the hallway to the stage area. When he walks out onstage he sees a woman standing in the center of the stage talking to a man. Tyler walks over to them. When the woman notices Tyler the man leaves and Tyler stands before her. Nancy has long blond hair styled in a mullet with gray eyes and red lipstick. Her eyebrows are thin which paints her face to appear as a villainess. The woman extends her hand towards Tyler who shakes it.

“Hi my name is Nancy Kingston and I’ll be the female lead of this production” Nancy says shaking Tyler’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Nancy my name is Tyler Dawnings and I’m going to be the male lead of this production” Tyler says surprising Nancy.

“Oh you’re the lead? I thought I was going to see a tall, muscular raven haired all American boy” Nancy says and Tyler places his hand on his chest pretending to be offended.

“Oh so I’m the sidekick type and not the superhero. Were you looking for the superhero type?” Tyler asks making Nancy look away blushing.

“Well, sort of. But I mean you being the lead doesn’t bother me one bit. Life is full of surprises and twists. So lets make the best of this opportunity so we’ve been affored it” Nancy says optimistically when Simon comes onstage.

“Okay everyone this is play is about a street hustler who is trying to juggle his gang life with his life as a father. But he can’t seem to decide because both sides pose great rewards. We’ll do a table read in the writing room and then you’re dismissed. By the time you come back in two days I expect you all to know your lines” Simon says and everyone goes to the writing room and does their table read.

Jamesetto is sitting at the lobby desk of the Grand Ellen Hotel. He is wearing a gray security uniform with black stripes. He has a pistol and handcuffs on his waist. He has dark auburn hair with striking gold amber eyes. He is sitting at the desk going doing a word puzzle when he is approached by a male customer.

“Welcome to Grand Ellen Hotel how may I help you?” Jamesetto asks in a upstate Michigan accent.

“I locked my keys in my car and I was wondering if you could help me?” the customer asks desperately and Jamesetto smiles at him getting up.

“Sure, could you show me where your car is parked?” Jamesetto asks curiously grabbing a lock pick.

“Sure” the customer says as Jamesetto comes from behind his desk. They then walk out the front door to the parking lot. The customer then points to where his car is.

“It’s the red convertible parked under the tree” the customer says and he and Jamesetto walks to his car. He carefully slides his lock pick through driver window and pulls the handle and opens the door. The customer and grabs his keys and Jamesetto shuts the door.

“Thank you very much sir” the customer says gratefully looking at Jamesetto.

“You’re welcome sir. I’m glad I was able to assist you” Jamesetto says and they walk back inside the hotel. As Jamesetto is placing his lock pick in a drawer his boss Clarence Banks is standing at his desk. Clarence is wearing a gray blazer with black slacks and white button shirt. He is a bit chubby with black curly hair. His dark brown eyes scream friendly and gentle. When Jamesetto sees him he jumps.

“You scared me Clarence” Jamesetto says with his hand on his chest.

“I’m sorry I should have told you I was standing here” Clarence says apologetically and Jamesetto smiles.

“Could you please? So what are you doing here anyway? It’s not like you to be here at this hour” Jamesetto says confused, surprised and happy.

“Well I came to tell you that the hotel is terminating the contract with your company. You’re last day is today” Clarence says sadly and Jamesetto’s smile disappears instantly.

“But I’ve been here for a year and a half” Jamesetto says angrily and Clarence expression changes to that of sadness, sympathy and anger.

“I know but I’m just assistant manager I don’t have the final say so. But I did defend you during the meeting. My boss feels like the security officers here don’t give a damn about their job. I’m so sorry Jamesetto” Clarence says and Jamesetto clenches his fists.

“You don’t need to apologize good people always finish last” Jamesetto says as his voice starts to crack. Clarence comes around to the back of the desk and hugs Jamesetto.

“I’m going to miss you so much. You were one of the best officers to grace this facility” Jamesetto says on the verge of tears himself.

“Don’t cry Clarence. All good things must come to an end” Jamesetto says philosophically as they separate.

“What are you going to do now?” Clarence asks curiously.

“I’m very resourceful, I’ll figure something out” Jamesetto says smiling at Clarence.

“Okay, well I have to get back upstairs to my office. Come back and visit us sometimes” Clarence says and Jamesetto chuckles.

“I will” Jamesetto says wiping his tears away.

“Again Jamesetto I’m sorry” Clarence says seriously and Jamesetto places his right hand on Clarence’s left shoulder.

“Don’t be. I’ll be fine” Jamesetto says amd Clarence smiles and walks away sniffling. Jamesetto then resumes working on his word puzzle.

Hayden is at her register looking over the previous cashier’s balance when someone approaches her register.

“Good evening” a man says getting Hayden’s attention.

“Welcome to Koda Lee’s American Buffet. I’m Hayden and I’ll be your cashier for the evening” Hayden says perkily looking at the man. She immediately notices his breathtaking clear green eyes and pink full lips. He has black hair that is combed over with slight flares on the tips. He’s wearing a sweater teal and beige sweater and a white long sleeve shirt and brown khaki pants. His prep attire is topped off with a pair of orange and black rectangular eyeglasses.

“Thank you Hayden my name is Conrad Portier and I’ll be dining alone this evening” Conrad says and Hayden hands him a dark red tray.

“You’re total is going to be five dollars and thirty cents” Hayden says and Conrad tenders the exact amount and hands it to Hayden. After placing the money in the register Hayden prints him a receipt.

“Thank you for choosing Koda Lee’s American Buffet” Hayden says and Conrad smiles at her exposing his braces.

“Thank you for providing me with excellent customer service” Conrad says Hayden giggles.

“You’re welcome” Hayden says and Conrad goes off to the buffet. Hayden turns around looking through a window blushing as red as a fully grown Louisiana bell pepper.

Sabrina arrives at Ellen Haven Hospital and parks in the garage. She’s wearing red and white scrubs with foxes on them. She takes her key out of the ignition and grabs her purse and heads inside. She takes the elevator to the psychiatric department. When she gets off she heads to the break room to clock in. When she finishes she walks to the nurses station. When she sees the station is empty she checks the stats of each patient. After checking it she goes to the eighth floor. When she steps off the elevator she heads to room eight hundred. She softly knocks on the door.

“Who the hell is it?!” an agitated male adolescent voice says and Sabrina opens the door.

“It’s Sabrina” Sabrina says softly shutting the door. When she sees her patient Shawn Pennel sitting in his bed she notices he’s looking down at his lap. Shawn has black hair that is swept over his forehead. His pale skin is covered in bruises. When he looks up and sees Sabrina his deranged looking eyes soften and start sparkling with happiness and relief.

“How are you doing today?” Sabrina asks curiously walking over to his bed.

“Better now that you’re here. The other nurses here mean and don’t give a damn about me. You’re the only one takes time to figure out what’s wrong with me” Shawn says looking Sabrina in her eyes.

“Not all nurses are mean. You have to get know them” Sabrina says sitting down on Shawn’s bed.

“That’s a lie. They all call me crazy and that I should kill myself” Shawn says huskily shaking while gripping the white bed sheets. Sabrina wraps her arms around him and pulls him to her chest comfortingly.

“I’ll have a talk with the other nurses and see what’s going on. But I most definitely don’t want you to harm others, but most importantly yourself. I love you Shawn and you know that. You’ve been here since you were eleven years old and now you’re fifteen. We have a special bond that no one can break or will understand. You have to stay strong in order for you to be acclimated back into the outside world” Sabrina says in a motherly tone looking at the blank television screen. After a few moments of silence Sabrina glances down at Shawn.

“Have you been taking your medications since I’ve been gone?” Sabrina asks and Shawn looks up at her teary eyed.

“Don’t you trust me at all?” Shawn asks about to cry.

“Of course I do. That’s why I’m asking if you’ve been taking your medications” Sabrina says seriously looking Shawn in his eyes.

“Yes I have” Shawn says placing his head back on Sabrina’s chest.

“Good and keep up your routine, you’re doing great” Sabrina says rubbing his shoulder soothingly.

“Well I have to go and check on my other patients. I’ll be back to check on you later. I promise ” Sabrina says getting up from the bed.

“Okay and don’t forget that you promised” Shawn says giving her two thumbs up.

“You have my word” Sabrina says giving him two thumbs before leaving. When she’s gone Shawn lies back down in his bed with a smile and a renewed hope. Sabrina heads down the hall to the next room.

On the west side of town is the Jameson Cars Dealership. The founder and CEO Lewis Hawkins is sitting in his office talking with a potential customer. He has a fair complexion with light brown eyes. His black hair is slicked back giving him a menacing look. He’s wearing a black suit with a white button shirt and black tie. He’s looking at the customer smiling with an underlying cunning.

“If you get your car financed through my dealership I assure that you’ll get a low interest rate” Lewis says looking the woman in her eyes.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” the woman asks unsure of the whole thing.

“I promise you won’t get caught up in anything. You’ll get a three percent interest rate and you’ll get a three year seventy thousand mile extended warranty. It’s the best deal you’ll ever get” Lewis says and the woman liking the sound of that signs her name on several signature lines. When she’s finished Lewis slides her a pair of keys.

“Enjoy your new vehicle” Lewis says standing up to shake her head.

“I will. Thank you Mr. Hawkins for everything you’ve done” the woman says and Lewis smiles at her.

“It was my pleasure” Lewis says and the woman leaves his office. Lewis sits back down in his chair and props his feet on top of his desk.

“What a sucker” Lewis says before laughing at the woman’s ignorance.

Katherine is at home in bedroom looking at television. Suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her chest. She gets up out of bed and tries walking to the bathroom but falls to her knees. She then begins panting heavily and rethinks her idea of going to the bathroom. She climbs back in bed and grabs her glass of water from her nightstand and drinks it. The pain starts to subside and Katherine sets the glass back on the nightstand and lies her head down on her pillow. She looks out the window. Five minutes pass and a knock comes on her door. Katherine straightens herself up and looks at the door.

“Come in” Katherine says and the door opens revealing her only child, Tory. Tory is in his early twenties. He has black spiky hair and gray eyes. He’s wearing a black tank top, black, white and gray camouflage pants and black tennis shoes. He walks over to her bed.

“Hey mom, how are you?” Tory asks kissing her left cheek.

“I’m doing fine, how are you?” Katherine asks returning the kiss.

“I’m doing fine” Tory says sitting down on the bed.

“What are you doing here?” Katherine asks surprised.

“Can’t a devoted son come and check up on his darling mother? Besides school has let out for the summer” Tory says making Katherine smile.

“Oh okay, will you be staying here for the summer?” Katherine asks curiously.

“Do you want me to?” Tory asks looking her seriously in her eyes.

“No, plus you’re young. You need to be out having fun, not being here taking care of me” Katherine says looking off into the distance.

“Well I’m in the next town over if you need me” Tory says getting up and kissing his mother on her cheek.

“Thank you. I love you Tory” Katherine says looking him in his eyes.

“I love you too mom” Tory says affectionately looking her in her eyes. As he leaves Katherine keeps her smile intact. Once he’s gone Katherine sighs heavily and places her hand on her temple and looks off into the distance.

“What in the hell am I going to do about this pain?” Katherine asks herself breathing slowly.
At six o’clock Sunset gets in her car and heads home. During the drive home Sunset can’t stop thinking about what Edward has in store for her. When she pulls into the driveway she turns off the engine and grabs her purse and exits the car. When she unlocks the front door she slowly opens it. When she walks inside she realizes that the house dark. “Edward baby I’m home” Sunset says excitedly shutting the door. When she looks down on the hardwood floor she sees rose petals. She smiles tearfully and follows them to the dining room. When she gets there she sees a candlelit table with food on it. Lastly she sees Edward sitting at the head of the table. He is dressed in a white suit with a black bow tie.

“Good evening honey” Edward says suavely getting up and walking over to Sunset.

“Wow Edward you really pulled out all the stops for my homecoming” Sunset says wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately on his lips. When they part Edward hugs her while wearing a devious grin. Edward then leads her to the table and pulls out the chair for her. When she sits down Edward begins kissing her on her neck. Sunset leans her head to the side allowing him more access.

“W…wait Edward I want to taste this delicious food you prepared” Sunset says looking at the food on the table. Edward stops attacking her neck and fixes her a plate.

“So was this the big surprise?” Sunset asks looking at Edward.

“It was part of it” Edward says placing the plate before her.

“Oooh I like the sound of that” Sunset purrs looking at Edward. When Edward walks to the end of the table Sunset places a blood red napkin in her lap and starts eating her food. Edward watches her closely while imagining Tyler sitting at the opposite end of a table in a red suit. Imagining that makes Edward smile. When Sunset looks up at him his smile is intact.
“Aren’t you hungry Edward?” Sunset asks looking at Edward’s plate.

“Yes I am but I can’t get over how beautiful you are” Edward says making Sunset light up.

“Oh stop it. I was just discharged from the hospital. I look like a plain Jane” Sunset says brushing off Edwards compliment.

“No I mean it. You look beautiful without your makeup on” Edward says surprising Sunset.

“Thank you Edward. That really means a lot to me” Sunset says teary eyed before resuming to eat her meal. Edward starts eating his meal with his paramour Tyler on his mind.

It’s fifteen minutes after eight and Jamesetto is doing his nightly patrol of the hotel. When he gets back downstairs to the lobby he hears screaming. He rushes out the door and sees a woman being harassed against her car. Jamesetto rushes over to the woman and pulls the man away from her and shoves him to the ground.

“Get out of here” Jamesetto says firmly looking at the man on the ground. The man gets to his feet dusting himself off. Jamesetto looks him menacingly in his eyes and the grits his teeth before running off. When Jamesetto is sure he’s gone he looks back at the woman.

“Are you alright ma’am?” Jamesetto asks.

“I am now. Thank you” the woman says blushing.

“It was no problem. Let me walk you back inside to your room” Jamesetto says and walks her back inside the hotel. When they get to her room she looks at Jamesetto intently.

“Could you come and stay with me? Only for protection, I don’t want that man coming back to attack me” the woman says and Jamesetto remains firm.

“I’m sorry ma’am I can’t do that. If you need anything I’ll be downstairs in the lobby. My extension is four thousand one-hundred” Jamesetto says firmly yet politely declining the woman’s offer.

“Okay, well thank you for saving me” the woman says sadly looking down at the ground.

“You’re welcome. You have a good night” Jamesetto says before walking down the hall to the elevator. The woman unlocks her hotel room door and goes inside. Jamesetto goes and sits down at his desk sighing.

“I dodged a bullet there. That woman really was trying to get me in bed with her. I guess my homosexuality isn’t obvious” Jamesetto says before chuckling and pulling out another word search puzzle.

Sabrina is sitting at her station when she gets up and goes to the eighth floor. When she gets off the elevator she heads to Shawn’s room. She knocks on the door lightly. When she gets no reply she walks inside and shuts the door with equal lightness. When she comes around the corner she sees Shawn is sound asleep. She goes over to him and pulls his cover over him and kisses him on his cheek.

“Sweet dreams Shawn” Sabrina whispers in his ear before leaving his room.

At ten o’clock Hayden closes her register and counts her money. She places it in a red leather zip bag when Conrad approaches her.

“Hey Hayden” Conrad says and Hayden looks at him startled.

“I thought you were already gone?” Hayden asks confused looking at the man across from her.

“I don’t like being home there’s nothing to do there” Conrad says sadly and Hayden feels sad for him.

“Would you like to go out sometime? Like to a movie or a theme park?” Hayden asks piquing Conrad’s interest.

“I would really like that” Conrad says and Hayden writes down her phone number and hands the paper to him.

“There’s my number. Give me a call sometime” Hayden says and Conrad folds the piece of paper and puts inside the front pocket of his shirt.

“I most certainly will. You have a good night Hayden” Conrad says waving.

“You too” Hayden says feeling her cheeks tint up again. She goes to her boss’s office and turns in her money.

Edward has finally cleaned the kitchen and is walking down the hall to the master bedroom. When he walks into the bedroom he sees Sunset lying in bed wearing black lingerie. Her long black hair falls elegantly over her shoulders. When she sees Edward she bites her bottom lip lustfully and motions for him to come over to the bed. Edward imagines Tyler and that gets him in the mood. He walks over to the bed and gets in. Sunset helps him strip out of his suit and lies him down on his back.

“Should we be doing this? I mean we just lost our baby?” Edward asks and Sunset looks at him unsure of what to say.

“I’m sorry baby I’m thinking about myself and not what you want” Edward says apologetically placing his hands on her petite yet curvaceous hips.

“No you’re right I don’t think we should be doing this” Sunset says getting off his lap.

“No, no, no don’t stop on my account. You got all sexy for me let’s not let it be in vain” Edward says and Sunset looks back at him crying.

“Are sure Edward?” Sunset asks and Edward cups her face.

“Of course I am. Now get on over here and let me show you how much I’ve missed you” Edward says and Sunset climbs on top of him and starts kissing him. Before long her lingerie outfit comes off and Edward is sucking on her small brown nipples. When he feels them harden he moves to her breasts. Edward then flips Sunset on her back. He kisses his way down to her vagina. While Sunset is in ecstasy thinking about Edward, Edward is in ecstasy thinking about Tyler. As Edward swirls his tongue around her vaginal walls Sunset curls her toes in elation and pure pleasure. When Edward finishes his cunnilingus he inserts his membe into her hungry and sex deprived womanhood. He buries himself inside her to the hilt. His thrusts start off slow and sensual. While he thrusts into her Edward bites and sucks on Sunset’s neck.
“Edward oooh yeah” Sunset moans airily as Edward hits her clitoris. When he hears her moans of ecstasy Edward’s thrusts become rough and needy. He takes her out of the bed and pins her against the wall. As he thrusts into her Edward imagines pounding Tyler’s rectum with the utmost domineering control and passion. When he feels himself about climax Edward pulls out and ejaculates on the floor. Seeing his semen on the floor Edward carries Sunset over to the bed and lays her down. He lies down next to her smiling.

“That was wonderful sex Edward. It’s like you’re someone else when you get rough” Sunset says making Edward nervous.

“What do you mean someone else?” Edward asks curiously.

“It’s like you have something to prove, it’s almost like you have to let me know you’re in control” Sunset says and Edward kisses her on lips.

“Well I don’t want it to get dull and boring. But if you don’t like rough sex than we can try something else” Edward says and Sunset smiles at him.

“I never said I didn’t like it. I love it actually” Sunset says elatedly.

“Good I’m glad you did” Edward says before kissing her on her lips. They then wrap themselves in each other’s arms.
“I love you Edward” Sunset sighs blissfully.

“I love you too sweetheart” Edward says back. His lips were the perfect puppet for his mastermind heart. They then fall asleep.

Tyler is on the floor with his hands in his pants. .

“That was epic. He screwed the hell out of her. Who was that girl anyway?” Tyler says getting up and going to the drawer and getting some more underwear. He then goes into the bathroom and changes underwear. When he finishes he pulls back on his pajama pants andwashes his hands. When he finishes he dries them and goes into his bedroom.

“Well whoever she is she’s not Tyler Dawnings. I know he was thinking about me when he was banging her. But of course he’ll be pounding into me sooner than he thinks” Tyler says arrogantly before going into the kitchen to fix himself a snack.
Once Sunset is sound asleep Edward gets up and throws on a dark gray t-shirt, black sweat pants and gray tennis shoes. He looks at Sunset bitterly before going next door to Tyler’s house. He rings the doorbell. Tyler is in the living room looking at a scary movie eating ice-cream. When he hears the doorbell he sets his bowl down on the table and goes to the door. When opens it he sees Edward standing there.

“What took you so long to get over here?” Tyler asks looking Edward over. Edward smiles before picking Tyler up and capturing his lips in a chaste kiss. Edward shuts the door and carries Tyler to his bedroom and slams him down on his bed. Edward removes his shirt while an aroused Tyler looks him over hungrily with lust.

“That’s it. Now get in this bed and make me yours” Edward says possessively and Edward climbs in be. He removes his shoes, pants and underwear. Tyler takes off his pajamas while Edward kisses him roughly. Soon Tyler is in the doggy style position with Edward having a fistful of his hair.

“What’s my name?” Edward asks huskily before biting Tyler’s ear.

“Daddy Thriller” Tyler says before shoving Tyler’s face into the comforter.

“And what’s yours?” Edward says and Tyler mumbles incoherently into the comforter. Edward pulls his head back and Tyler moans in passion filled ecstasy.

“I didn’t hear you” Edward says domineeringly.

“Mrs. Livingston! I am all yours for the taking” Tyler moans as Edward drills harshly into his rectum. Edward then turns him over on his back and gets in between his legs and thrusts into him more.

“That woman you were screwing can’t compare to this ass” Tyler says before Edward captures his lips in a heated kiss. They rolled around for the next three hours doing several positions with Edward still managing to dominate Tyler from the bottom. At five in the morning Edward returns to his house and slips back into bed without waking Sunset. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. He kisses her neck before going to sleep.
© Copyright 2016 VagabondPrescott (vagabondlee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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