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A variation of the Jack and the beanstalk fairy tale with a little twist. |
“It looks like he is finally coming around” someone whispered. Bryan Flynn rubbed his eyes, blinking as a small group formed anxiously around his bed. He tried to sit up but a light touch on his shoulder held him back. “Easy now. You were hurt pretty bad; been out for several hours.” Bryan shouted, “we must chop it down. Our lives may be in peril. She could come for us!” A large man stepped forward from the crowd. “It’s all right Bryan,” Constable Denehy said soothingly. “You were missing for over a day and unconscious for the better part of this one. Why not tell us what happened.” Bryan sunk back into the bed and began to slowly explain what had happened... It started a week ago. We were all drinkin’ over at Kelly’s. Me, John, Dave, Mikey, and that Yank, Jack. I admit we had downed a few pints when jack told us he had these magic beans he’d gotten from some Gypsy woman. Well we all thought it was shit, and told him so. He was persistent and pretty soon we had managed to drive out to his farm. He planted the seeds and sprinkled some water over them, then stood back like he expected something to happen. Of course, nothing did. We staggered into his house and had a few more pints and decided it best to just spend the night there. Well, I tell you the next morning, Mikey came running in screaming “They worked!” We got to our feet and stumbled outside. There beside the house was an enormous bean stalk that traveled up through the clouds. Jack claimed that there was a giant that lived at the top. Said the Gypsy woman told him. We were all pretty skeptical but, then again, the beans had worked. We had some discussion over breakfast and decided to climb to the top. We gathered some packs with provisions and rope and began the climb. There were actually several stalks kind of entwined around each other and it turned out that it was really fairly easy to climb. It took most of the day and was late afternoon when we finally reached the top. The stalk ended right outside a large window in a huge house. Easily something that could house a giant. Mikey wanted to turn around, but we talked him out of it. The rest of us were too curious and we reasoned with him that it would be dark soon and not a good idea to try to climb down after that. We huddled on the open window sill and looked into the room. It looked like a dining room. There was a table against the far wall with three chairs around it. Behind the table was a large tapestry, like a quilt that hung from up near the ceiling to almost the floor. On the outside wall there was a fireplace and on the wall opposite that, was a door. We could hear occasional clattering and clanking sounds coming from whatever lay beyond that. But otherwise it was quiet. Jack was the first to notice what was on the table; several stacks of gold coins. They fairly glittered in the light from the lamp above. Mikey and I wanted to just let it be. Find a place to spend the night then get out. But the others wanted some of that gold. Just one of those coins each would have made us rich. There was a long curtain on either side of the window and it was easy enough to climb down. Mind you now we had been there on that sill for a half hour at least and hadn’t seen a soul. We made our way across the floor which was easily a mile from where we started. We stopped at the base of the table to get some water and a bite to eat before making the climb up that tapestry to the table. We scattered out across the table each to a stack of coins. The stacks were about half our height and much heavier than we had thought. Mikey was trying to carry his while the rest of us were sort of rolling them along toward the edge of the table when we heard a shout. “Thieves!” a giant woman shouted. She was carrying a plate and some silverware. She dropped them to the table. Before Mikey could drop his coin, she was on him, snatching him up coin and all in her grasp. The coin dropped to the table with an ear shattering clatter. And I watched, horrified as she tossed Mikey into her mouth and swallowed. John was the furthest from the tapestry running for the edge of the table. The giantess picked up a butcher knife and slammed it down, the edge barely missing John. He turned and began wildly running the other direction. The giantess, clearly playing with him at this point, slammed the knife down again and as John turned to run, she grabbed him; casually tossing him onto her plate like you might put back a speck of food that had fallen off onto the table. With her attention focused on John, Jack, Dave, and meself managed to get down the tapestry and disappear. “Don’t worry the rest of you. I’ll get you soon enough.” Her voice boomed. We managed to scurry under a cupboard on the adjacent wall and watched as she ate her dinner. We didn’t actually see her eat John but she finished her dinner and we could only assume that he was gone as well. She finished off her meal with several drinks of what looked like whiskey or bourbon. She removed her plate and utensils returning a short time later with several empty cloth bags. She sat at the same spot she had occupied earlier and began counting and sorting the coins placing them in the bags. As we watched, I couldn’t help noticing that despite being of enormous proportions she was actually an attractive woman with dark, nearly black hair and an olive complexion, dressed quite simply in a long broomstick skirt and a red blouse. Several hours must’ve passed as she sorted and bagged her coins while humming to herself and continuing to drink. Eventually she got slowly up from her chair, nearly tripping, and disappeared through the door. “Now’s our chance,” Dave whispered. Let’s get out of here.” Jack grabbed his arm. “Look,” he said, “what if they’re still alive?” “I don’t care” I replied. “Even if they are, they won’t be for long. We need to get out of here before she catches us too.” “We have to at least check. Maybe we can help them.” “Join them more likely,” I added. “Look, she’s been drinking all night and it’s obvious that she’s pretty drunk. I think we can do it. Plus I saw the way you both were looking at her. When will you ever get a chance to study a woman’s body that close.” We tried to talk Jack out of it but he wouldn’t back down. We couldn’t just go off and leave him, so we both reluctantly agreed to come along. It took a couple of hours to make our way through the house to her bedroom. The bed was opposite the door and we cautiously crept over. The sheet draped down to the floor making it easy to climb up. The giantess was sprawled across the bed partly on her right side with the sheet draped over the lower half of her naked body. The moon was just a few days from being full and her dark hair glistened in the light. Jack made his way down to a spot just below her large rounded breasts and listened. He heard nothing other than the gentle gurgling of her digestive system. Not satisfied to quit, he shouted, “Mikey, John, can you hear me?” I cringed expecting her to awaken any moment. But the giantess didn’t move and Jack motioned for us to come down. We all heard it; a faint voice from inside her. “We’re here, in her stomach. John’s hurt but I’m all right.” Jack looked at us “We’ve got to get them out.” “Get them out. Are you nuts? How are we going to get them out?” Dave and I both said almost simultaneously. “We have over 100 feet of rope.” “Well smart guy,” I laughed, “there’s no way you’re going to get her to swallow the end of that rope.” “I don’t intend to. I’m going to take it to them.” Jack was so matter of fact about it that it almost seemed plausible. “I’ll tie it around my waist and crawl down her throat. You guys can give me a few minutes to get them and then pull us out.” “This is insane,” Dave exclaimed in a low voice. “She could wake up.” “Listen,” Jack said, “I talked you guys into coming and it is my responsibility to get us all back. Besides with as much as she had to drink, she’s passed out. I doubt that she will even notice.” Although I was beginning to agree with Jack, I had to laugh because the entire situation seemed so ridiculous. The three of us discussing how to extract our two friends from the stomach of a giantess and having that conversation on her bed leaning up against the nipple of her right breast. We crawled up to her mouth. Fortunately it was slightly open and we tried to look inside. Her breath was shallow coming in hot waves over us. It was too dark to really see much of anything other than the tip of her tongue and the glistening white of her teeth. I fished the rope from my pack and helped Jack tie it around his waist. “When I was a kid back home in Kentucky, we used to go caving. That’s all this is, just a big wet cave.” Jack smiled. He said “Here goes” as he began to cautiously crawl inside. On some unconscious level she must have sensed him because she stirred, her mouth closing for a minute or so before opening again. Dave was shaking “What if she closes her mouth again? How will we get them out?” I didn’t have an answer other than “Let’s hope she doesn’t.” The rope began slowly moving again. Judging from the amount of rope, I figured Jack was probably near the back of her mouth when she let out a soft moan. Her lips closed again and suddenly the rope began to stream through our hands as she reflexively swallowed. A moment later the rope stopped. That was good because we didn’t have much rope left. The rope began to move again in slow, jerky starts and we both figured Jack was moving inside her stomach. We waited for what seemed like an eternity but in actuality was probably only a few minutes. The giantess was becoming more restless and we decided we had to act. We both began pulling on the rope. The first few feet came easily but then abruptly stopped as though they were caught on something. We dug in our feet and began to tug the rope. At first there was no movement, then suddenly it began moving more easily. We had pulled maybe another twenty feet of rope out when the giantess rolled onto her back and sat up. “What the…” she gasped feeling the rope hanging from her mouth. I was closest to the end and when she began to move I let go. Dave was dangling from the rope just below her chin holding on for dear life since he was now high above the bed. She grasped he rope and pulled it making a kind of gaging sound. Jack popped out of her mouth, alone, and was hanging from one end with the rope still tied around his waist and Dave was hanging from the other. “Look what we have here; two more morsels.” She smiled, tipping her head back as she slowly lowered Dave into her mouth. I could hear his screams until her lips closed sealing him inside her mouth. She slowly, teasingly pulled the rope out leaving Dave inside and I watched the muscles in her neck undulate as she swallowed. I’ll never forget the expression on her face. It looked like she was in a total state of bliss. It was clear to me that she had savored what she had just done. She turned her gaze to Jack. “Well did you think you were going to rescue your friends? That was so brave of you. Don’t worry, you’ll join them soon enough but it has been a long time since I’ve had someone to play with. I will need to thank that Gypsy woman for sending you my way.” I had retreated, unnoticed and was obscured in the shadows beside her pillow. I watched as she held Jack dangling from the rope in one hand as she leaned back against the headboard and slid her free hand between her legs. After a few minutes, she put her fingers in her mouth then resumed rubbing and patting herself as she began to softly moan. “Now it’s your turn,” she said as she lowered him between her legs. I couldn’t see him but it was obvious from the way that she moved her hand that she was rubbing him along the lips of her pussy. Then she said “in you go” and softly moaned “ohoo that’s nice.” Her hand emerged and she put her finger into her mouth, sucking as though savoring it. She was becoming increasingly excited and began rubbing her breasts and nipples with her now free hand as she continued to rub herself with the other. I had enough and decided dark or not I was getting the hell out of there. I made my way back to the window sill and began the climb down. I was scared and exhausted. I remember falling then blackness until I woke up here in my bed. The crowd looked at Bryan in stunned amazement. The constable coughed and rubbed his face. “Bryan, the thing is we have searched the area and there is no beanstalk. Your uncle found you laying in the side yard unconscious this morning. Your arm was broken in two places, your leg was fractured, and you had a concussion. But Jack, Mikey, John, and Dave are all missing sure enough. We haven’t found a trace of them.” Maybe no one believes me or they think it was a crazy dream brought on from drunkenness, but I know what I saw and I for one believe in giants. |