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Damien and his two sons, get a new start in life but will his pasted stop this? |
~Chapter Two~ Pillow Fight? He woke to someone shaking him. "Hmm." he said. He didn't open his eyes but did hear a man snicker. "A man? Must be my brother or father." He thought to his self. He didn't want to talk to them so he tried falling back to sleep. Going back to sleep when someone starts poking him. "What?" He said bitterly. The man chuckled and started poking him again. "What the f....!" Shep stopped when he seen John. John had dark blue jeans on, a white tank top with a blue/white/grey button-up. He has short brown hair with light streaks, born with them. He liked to spike in the front. "Hi." Shep said sheepishly. John chuckled then said, "Hello, did you have a nice nap?" Sheppard growled at him and said, "All good and great until you had to come along and woke me. What gives?" Shep's shortest brown hair fell into his eyes as he rubbed them. "You have been a sleep for 5 hours. Alicia says dinner ready and you need to get up." John said. John got off the bed, turned around, pick up a pillow and hit Shep right in the head. "Ouch! What the hell John! Why did you hit me?" Shep said annoyed. "Because you starting to fall back a sleep." John said. "Whatever." Shep growled. Shep wore green cargo pants and a black t-shirt. "Oh," John started to say, "and stop growling at me you pup." He said as he hit Shep with the pillow again. John smiled, he kind for liked hitting the younger man with the pillow. "Stop hitting me with the pillow." Shep said. John couldn't help himself, he had to hit him again, so he did. "I think you like hitting me with the pillow." Shep said, giving John a look that so said, "Do it again, I dare you." John smiled and laughed, "What makes you think that?" "Your kidding right? Your possible getting a kick out of this." Shep said while getting out of bed. "No, I don't. I'm hurt that you think this Sheppard." John said innocently. Shep turned to the older man and seen he had this innocent, sad puppy thing going. "No, that may work on Alicia but that doesn't work on me." Shep said crossing his arms to seem tough, but failed when John smacked him with the pillow again. "This means war." Shep said grabbing a pillow off the bed and hitting John right in the head. This had gone on about 5 minutes, before Alicia walked in saying, "Acted your age, not your shoe size." The guys turned around and both had innocents written on their faces. "John I told you to wake him up not have a pillow fight." Alicia said while trying to hide a laugh. She wore blue jeans, cuffed at the bottom, a blue/black/pink tank top with a red undershirt, which her straps were seen on her shoulders. Her ash blonde hair flowing down to her neck. She thought this looked funny to see two grow man having a pillow fight, but again their Werewolves. She may have been living with them for 8-9 years but every day she learns something new from them. This may be something they do or it shows how childish they are. "I did, but he started to fall asleep again." John said. Shep growled at him. "Oh, and he wouldn't stop growling at me." He added. Sheppard looked at John with, "Oh, you didn't." He took the pillow that he had and hit John in the face and in the stomach. John turned to look at the younger man and hit him with the pillow. "You'll pay for that." John said with smile. "Oh yeah." Shep snicker. "Yeah." John said, but before Sheppard could say anymore John attacked with the pillow. Alicia stood there just watching them fight. She knew that John's just playing and not trying to hurt the kid, but she also knows that John can be rough sometimes. John is 19 years older than Sheppard, he is only 20 years old and John 39. John also is 5 inches taller than Shep and out weights him by a good 20 - 25 pounds. He also has more muscle than Shep. |