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A Pirate gets sent into another dimenstion |
Captain Cutlass had no idea why his First Mate Starbucks was so fidgety today...Perhaps he had too much coffee (Actually they were drinking Squid Ink, they had run out of coffee ages ago) They came to the Island where there Treasure was, and Starbucks jumped from the ship, to the shore and ran into the Forest. "Why did Starbucks do that?" Asked Captain Cutlass "Perhaps he has a case of the Vapors." Said Pipsqueak the Cabin Boy "Or perhaps he wishes to have all the treasure for himself!" Said the Captain drawing the sword that was also his namesake "Well...I'll have none of that! That treasure be for all of us!" Captain Cutlass marched into the Forest to find his runaway First Mate, then he tripped over a root and fell into a Portal to another Dimension that was hidden in the Foliage. As Captain Cutlass through the Vortex he was bedazzled by all the vivid colors! Purples and Pinks! Greens and Oranges! He didn't feel truly real at that moment not realizing that as he was transferring to this other dimension his body was in flux, transforming to fit the other world he was heading to. When he popped out the other side, He felt...Strange...He felt he had arms where there were no arms before. He looked down and saw he did have an extra set of arms! He was covered in a dark exoskeleton and he felt a pair of gossamer wings on his shoulder blades, He immediately looked for a reflective surface,He found a clear pool of water and he screamed "Ye Gods!I've become a Giant Housefly!" That's when he heard some rustling in the foliage." Captain Cutlass turned and saw a Giant Termite head that was wearing the same bandanna that Starbucks always wore "Starbucks!" Exclaimed Captain Cutlass The Termite heard and he fled, Captain Cutlass gave chase, on foot of course for he was not yet used to his wings, Starbucks however was more accustomed to an insect body and knew this Forest much better then Captain Cutlass he quickly outpaced his Captain when he reached Hive Central an entire town of Anthropomorphic Insects! Captain Cutlass fell sharply on his abdomen as Starbucks vanished into the crowds |