Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2086123-Underwater-Danger
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2086123
Think Jonny Quest. A female Jonny Quest.

Underwater Dangers

     Jaskim and his ten-year-old daughter Poula looked like they were walking on air. Only they were actually walking underwater. Suddenly Poula spun around. “What was that?”

     “Are you seeing things again?” Jaskim asked as he joined her.

     “It was over there.” Poula pointed to the side of them. Then moved her finger around in front of them. “It ended up over here. At least I thought I saw something.”

     “I didn’t see anything. All I can see is Koonon about a mile from here.”

     “There it is.” Poula pointed at a small creature in the water near them. “What is it?”

     “That’s a seahorse. There aren’t too many of them around anymore. They aren’t usually in this part of Unnina though.”

     Jaskim walked right through a giant head as big as he was, that suddenly appeared in front of him, when he turned and started walking again. “Sorry about that. I didn’t see you.”

     They both turned to face each other. “It’s okay. I should be more careful where I pop in.”

     “What do you want? Is it another adventure for me and Poula?”

     “According to you Locator you are near the Land Caves. Is that right?” When he didn’t respond Monni continued. “We need you to check them out.”

     “He’s back. Isn’t he? What is he up to this time?”

     “We don’t know. But whatever it is we think he’s using the Land Caves again.”


     “Why is he always trying to destroy us?” Poula asked as they walked toward an underwater cave near them.”

     “We both know the answer to that. It’s you. He didn’t like it when a kid stopped him from destroying Koonon a couple of years ago.”

     “Every few months since then he’s been trying to kill us. Each time he does I’m the one who ends up stopping him.”

     “I wonder what his masterplan is this time? Whatever it is we are about to find out.”

     Poula pointed at three large water waves near them. “I think I know what the threat is.”

     Jaskim looked at where Poula was pointing. “They are headed for Koonon. I better contact Monni so she can warn them.”


     Looking at Koonon Jaskim and Poula could see that the latest threat was about halfway between them and Koonon. “We had better find Daggov fast,” said Poula. “The way those things are floating we have about an hour to stop him – if we are lucky.”

     Jaskim and Poula turned and walked into those Land Caves. Poula started to hug the walls with her back, but Jaskim pulled her away. “You don’t want to get burned. These cave walls are extremely hot.”

     “I know. I’ve been sweating ever since we came in. Why is it so hot in here?” Poula brushed some sweat off her forehead.

     “It’s because on the land above us there is a large Fire Mountain. It hasn’t fired any fire balls in centuries. But the fire is still down here. That’s good for us though. We, Koonon, uses it to power our city.”


     “I know why he hates me. But why is he trying to kill everyone else.”

     Jaskim didn’t answer Poula for a long time. They just continued floating down that cave tunnel. “I don’t know why he hates us so much. Maybe this time when I ask him he will tell me.”

     They continued on in silence. After a few minutes they saw that the cave tunnel was about to end. Jaskim and Poula stopped just before they entered a large cavern they could see from where they were at. Each took a side - and every carefully peeked around the corner.

     “There’s that old woman again. Why is she always here?”

     Jaskim looked at where Poula was looking. Sitting in a chair rocking, that shouldn’t be rocking, she sat next to a door leading into a large metal building. “I’m not sure. I think that she is related in some way to Daggov. Which means he is definitely behind this.”


     “Did Daggov really think we would think that’s where his Wave Weapon was? He probably set it to blow up as soon as we got in there.”

     “I doubt that since whoever she is was right outside it. You are right though. It was a trap of some kind. Whatever it is it would definitely be deadly to us.”

     Jaskim and Poula crouched behind a large rock looking at a big machine near them. Poula was looking around that much smaller cavern they were now in while Jaskim was staring at that machine.

     Suddenly Poula stepped out – and threw a large rock at that machine. It bounced off a shield that appeared after that rock hit it. Daggov walked out from behind his machine laughing. You’re not going to destroy the Wave Maker that easily. In fact, you aren’t going to destroy it all.”

     Stepping out next to Poula Jaskim walked toward Daggov. “I know you will never tell me, but I really what to know why you are doing this.”

     “If you really, really want to know I will tell you. It’s because you are human too. Only you live, and breath, underwater.”

     “Half the population of Unnina live underwater. Are you going to kill us all?”

     “That’s right. I am. Starting with you thanks to your kid. By the way, where is she?”

     While Jaskim kept Daggov occupied Poula sneaked away. She now stood right next to that machine – staring up at the jagged rock ceiling. Poula threw another rock at machine. When it bounced off too Poula smiled. “Just what I thought. It doesn’t go completely up to the rock roof.”

     Poula threw another rock between two jagged rock in the ceiling. It got through. Causing that roof to cave in on that machine. Destroy it with a loud explosion. When it did a small sand dollar came rolling out of it. “So that’s the power source you used for his weapon this time.”
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