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Contest Entry A Man and his Not-Girlfriend Discover some bittersweet secrets |
Dr. Jebediah Theorem and Eva, who was totally not his his girlfriend were journeying across Egypt to find rare artifacts to bring back to England, a Guide had led them seemingly to the middle of nowhere. "Here." Said the Young Man "Is Egypt's most closely guarded secret, the Young Man to a shovel and began to dig, and the smell of chocolate prickled Theorem and Eva's noses "Oh my..." Eva said as she tried not to drool "Jebby My Dear...Do you smell...Chocolate?" "For the last time..." Theorem said trying not to raise his voice in front of the Egyptian "I am not your Dear and yes my nose does detect the scent of Chocolate...I can't imagine where it is coming from through..." After some digging the entrance to an ancient Tomb was revealed "Noble Ones..." Said the Young Egyptian "Enter this Tomb and we will find treasure." Theorem grabbed his archaeological tool bag and Eva folded the umbrella she had to keep the sun away and followed the Young Egyptian into the Tomb,the deeper they went, the greater the smell of chocolate became, Theorem found his mouth watering against his will "Here!" Said the Young Egyptian "Is the Great Chocolate Tomb of Egypt!" The Young Man's Torch illuminated a Chamber that for all intents and purposes seemed to be made entirely out Chocolate! "How can that be?!" Exclaimed Theorem "Chocolate is a foodstuff of the New World and further more how is all this Chocolate not completely rotten and disgusting in the desert heat?" "We have many secrets here in the Ancient Desert..." The Young Man chuckled "The Chocolate is not spoiled it is perfectly fine for eating...Have a piece." "Oh my..." Eva said coming forward "I know I shouldn't spoil my appetite but I suppose in the name of science..." She took a piece of chocolate off the door frame and ate it...It was the sweetest most creamy chocolate she had ever eaten...She broke off another piece to eat "Eva!" Theorem exclaimed "You're eating the artifacts!" He ran into the chamber but the smell of the delicious chocolate was simply too much for him and he began to eat as well. The Young Man quickly exited without their notice and he was greeted by his Uncle "I lured them into your trap Uncle." Said the Young Man "But tell me...What will the Enchanted Chocolate do to the English Invaders? Other then make them fat I mean..." "The Enchantment will do two things."Said his Uncle "It will turn them into beasts since that is what they are within...And they will be transported to a World full of Beasts like themselves." Meanwhile in the Chocolate Tomb Theorem tore the mask from the chocolate sarcophagus and underneath was a vortex...Theorem had no idea what he was looking at but he felt it couldn't be good That's when the vortex sucked the two of them in. As they traveled through the Vortex Theorem and Eva began to transform, Theorem, looked at his hands and saw his fingernails turning into claws, and he saw he was growing a furry snout. He looked at Eva and he could see she was transforming as well, in fact he could see her growing long white fur and her ears were moving position on her head and becoming pointed, she was staring at him in horror at whatever he was becoming They dropped with a thud on hard desert ground, for a moment they thought they were still in Egypt then they saw the sky had TWO suns instead of one. "Oh Jebby!" Exclaimed Eva "Where are we?!" "How in hell should I know?!" Exclaimed Theorem, so shocked at this point it didn't matter weather he swore or not "You...You look like a White Persian Cat!" He said to Eva "And YOU look like a Black Backed Jackal."Eva said to him "A Jackal!" He exclaimed he felt his long thin snout with his furred hands and looked at his rear and saw a bushy tail, they were still wearing their Victorian Era clothes, though there was some wear and tear from their transformations such as where their tails poked through Eva clung to him "Oh Jebby!"She mewed "What shall we do?!" "I see a Caravan...Up Ahead..." Jebby's voice seemed hopeful then in horror "The Carriage is drawn by Giant Insects!"" Meanwhile the Leader of the Caravan, a Black Mamba Snake,noticed in the Distance a Domestic Feline and a Jackal...Both Species not found this Far North into Sarpah Territory, they both looked terrified and confused...Despite being a Snake...The Caravan Leader felt obliged to help those in need, he halted his caravan and dismounted and walked towards them "Great God All Mighty!"Exclaimed Theorem "A Man with the Head of a Snake!" "Or is it a Snake with legs?!" Exclaimed Eva "Hail!" Called the Snake Man when he got close enough "My Name is Ilium and I will not harm you!" As he got closer he noticed what strange clothes this two Vajrah wore, they both clung to each other trembling violently "Greetings...Snake-Man..." The Jackal said in a trembling voice "Man?" Ilium was confused "What is...Man?" This instantly raised suspicions in the Black Mamba's Mind "Where are we?" Asked The White Cat "The Most Northern Edge of the Sarpah Lands." Said Ilium "How did two Vajrah like yourselves get here?" Neither Theorem nor Eva recognized the terms 'Sarpah' or 'Vajrah' it became abundantly clear they were on other world all together so they could do the only thing they could think of...And fainted |