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12 Years after The Great War, Invaders from another Universe Terrorize the Young Utopia |
12 Years had gone by since The Great War to liberate all Humanimals, Today all Genetically Engineered Animals were complete equals to the Humans, Aliens of all stripes were willing to trade with the Earth Federation and everyone thought the Universe was going to continue the Path of Utopia Forever...That is until the Day on Earth September 1st 2X12... But that was on Earth, on the Distant Planet Black Beauty, once the resort Planet Aroxia, then was renamed after the Humanimal Revolution to be a sanctuary, to fugitive Humanimals escaping slavery, Taking the Name of the Famous Horse of 19th Century Earth Literature today is one a Planet of Rustic Houses and Farms somewhat resembling Early 20th Earth, oh the citizens still had electricity, running water and all of course the Intergalactic Internet, But the Architecture was designed with a simpler time in mind to Maximize the Happiness of the Citizens, besides the Earthlings had learned from experience time and time again that to become too dependent on technology atrophies both body AND mind leaving the civilization open to attack like a fat beast laying on his back with his soft belly exposed and he is unable to get up. But I digress, our story, with Ichabod Crane, a Young Man of 27 Years...You would never suspect him of being a war veteran but he was the Great Hero who ended the Civil War between the Federation and the Wrangler Empire, returning a shard to the Alien Crystal that was helping Humans manufacture the Humanimals, the Crystal then returned to it's own dimension, today no longer can Humanimals be created out of Normal Animals, Humanimals can only be reproduced the Natural Way...But when Ichabod returned the Shard to the Crystal he neglected his Humanimal Friends' warnings to close his eyes and the blinding radiance of the Restored Crystal his eyes permanently messed up, forever 20/200 Vision which can only be remedied with special Space Spectacles made from bits of Saturn's Rings, otherwise he is 'blind without 'em' Rendered blind without his spectacles and his tender eyes unable to wear contacts, Ichabod decided not to become a Surgeon after the Conclusion of the war, too much risk so instead he became a Teacher, he worked at the Bluebell Middle School (Bluebell was the Town in Black Beauty where Ichabod, his Family and most of his Humanimal Friends moved to after the War) Ichabod was generally acknowledged as one of the best Teachers at the school, his Humanimal Students practically revered him, his Human Students, did not, it had become a tradition at the start of each semester to put a thumb tack on Mr. Cranes Chair, the Humans would laugh as Mr. Crane would jump up clutching his rear end in pain while the Humanimal Students would often ask to be allowed to find out who the culprit was, but Ichabod always declined, he didn't have the heart to become judge, jury and executioner for such a harmless prank, he had been given the Nickname 'The Fox' by some of his students for his bright red hair and general cleverness, this year it seemed his Human Students were growing less and less until after lunchtime all the Students in his class were Humanimals, Ichabod didn't question this, one day as he was explaining to his all Humanimal Class the Origins of the Alphabet writing down each letter in turn, he heard his door open, he turned, and what he saw made him turn pale but not from fear... He saw step in, Five very Familiar Faces from when he was an Adolescent Warrior during the Great War Years, they stepped in a Female Flamingo, a Male Chimpanzee, a Female Spotted Hyena, a Female Zebra and Male Giant Anteater, one might think they were Humanimals but in actuality they were Mutants Mutated by a strange canister of glowing ooze that crashed into their Zoo Nursery, Ichabod knew that because he had fostered them when they were small cubs with his Cat-Girlfriend and Today his wife Marzipan, Ichabod covered his mouth with his hand and tears started to sting his tender eyes as he saw how much the Five Mutants had grown Taylor the Flamingo had grown her Pink Plumage, all of them seemed to entering puberty and were all wearing the same uniforms of either Red, Blue or Green his Crew had worn during the War Years. Zeb the Zebra put her hands around her mouth and yelled "The Wax Paper Dogs are performing outside the school!" None of Ichabod students knew who 'The Wax Paper Dogs' were but they could hear guitar and drums outside so they rushed outside to see what was going on, the Five Mutant Cubs stayed "Cubs!" Ichabod gasped "W-What are you doing here?" The Five Cubs bowed to their Mentor and Idol "We have been sent here." Said Zeb "Because Earth has been invaded!" "We had all been learning at the Cincinnati Military School..." Said Julia the Hyena "When the invasion started everyone decided it was time to cash in on that 'Great Destiny everyone said we had..." "Bet, Dink, they're families and Penny the Panda came with us..." Said Caesar the Chimp, "It certainly is better then staying on Earth with what is going on..." "What is going on?" Ichabod "Who is invading?" "They are calling themselves the Destroyers!" Said Taylor "They seem to have powers beyond all understanding, they were able to summon hideous monsters out of the Earth...One of them..." The Flamingo started to choke up "Ate Cricking the Cockroach!" "We have come here as 'exchange students' Rye the Anteater said doing finger quotes with his claws "We will stay at your House because the Destroyers have expressed interest in Destroying 'The Greatest Hero in the Universe' Ichabod rubbed his bleary eyes "This is all happening so fast..." He said quietly, Then he quickly pulled himself together "Well...Find your desks my Pupils we have much to do." |