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Rated: E · Fiction · Contest · #2084577
Daily Dialogue Contest Entry, Conversation between a Priest and a Condemned Man
“Your time is almost done Theron, and I can say that I am very pleased of that.”

“Jarod, you Priests are all the same. You think the King is swayed completely by your mysticism and deceit? There are some in Court like me who will resist you and stand against your plans.”

“Perhaps, but I think you trust too much in your companions. My men are rounding them up as we speak. Soon the King will not be misled by your Courtiers and your desire to overthrow our Order. We are the Masters of the Ladyn Tide. I have the ear of the King and soon I will have his heart. You are condemned not only as a Traitor to the King, but a Heretic as well.”

“You cast your net too wide Priest.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, that like all who do Evil, you have looked so hard for enemies in the shadows and in the lands outside these walls, that you have missed those in plain sight.”

“You will not laugh so merrily when your head is separated from your shoulders! We shall not fail. This is our Mandate and our Destiny.”

“The tighter you close your fist, the more that slips through your fingers.”

“Enough! You will shortly be escorted to the yard in the presence of the King and his Court. You will then be executed as you deserve. You were the important one, without you resistance will crumbl--”

“You’re wrong.”


“I’m not the most important one. Do you think I came to this by my own machinations? Do you think It's just for the love of the King?”


“Princess Alynna Priest, you forget your place.”

“Impossible! She—“

“Hear that Priest? The sound of fighting down the hall isn’t your men rounding us up. It is the sound of Princess Alynna’s Elite Guard coming to free me. Coming for you.”

“It, it cannot be as you say!”

“Run Jarod! It is too late for you! Who is condemned now Priest! Ha ha ha ha! I will marry Princess Alynna! That is my destiny! I will wed her and you won’t be at the ceremony! Run Jarod! Ruuuunnnn!!!!!”

WC 367
CC 1559
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