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A fictional romance / drama story. |
The sun was barely out when Ariyah crawled out of bed to start her morning per usual, early and unwillingly Although she was her own boss and owned her own company and the right to be late every now and again . As she turned on the shower and plugged in her phone into her waterproof speakers she searched for the perfect song to start off her day , an hour later she was at her office ,Good morning Ms. Anderson said Joaquin Ariyah's assistant/ secret lover. Good morning Joaquin , how can I help you? As she looked up she saw he had a fairly large box in his hands, oh yes these are the office supplies I ordered , you can set it on the floor. Is that all? Asked Ariyah, yes that's all , said Joaquin. Ok thanks. He knew part of Ariyah's icy demeanor was due to the fact that she caught him and his "ex" in an compromising position the night before. since they hadn't had a chance to speak and make things clear joaquin was left to sit and wait anxiously till they had a minute to speak. Joaquin in all honesty wasn't really worried about Aryiah finding out about him and his ex because he was never entirely interested in Aryiah, what attracted him to her was the talk of there being a possible position opening in the company which came with a company car and a pay raise and better title. He knew what he was doing was wrong but this is what he was used to doing. All his life he had women lusting over him and that was never attractive to him but he did use it to his advantage. With his looks and charming personality he could talk his way out of a life sentence. But that all changed almost 7 years ago when he met his first and only love Adelia , she was extremely different from the rest she was adventurous, funny , charismatic, and a rebel and at first paid him no mind which sealed the deal for him. They first met while he was Out with some of his friends from his university and she was on stage , yes she was an exotic dancer but she was doing this part time at night during the day she worked as a NICU nurse she wasn't dancing because she needed extra cash because she always had money she was born into a decent wealthy family but she just likes the thrill of it and she loved the attention and having extra money to spend on whatever she wanted was good too. After that night they were inseparable and that's how it's been for the last 7 years up until he started gunning for this new promotion and that crushed her he's been her world , her best friend, her first love , and the only person she's ever been with and now he's sharing himself with another woman even if it is just to secure his position it still didn't hurt her any less. Joaquin had never really been as committed to Lia as she was to him , for her there was no one but him but for him he thought he'd never love her the way she wanted him to because he thought he just wasn't built for it ,but she was determined to change that , and for 7 years she stayed with him. through all the hurt and pain he put her through , she thought there wasn't anyone out there for her but him. But Later that night , Still upset from this morning not going as he planned Joaquin found himself at the apartment of his girlfriend and first love Adelia or lia as he liked to call her. Although he and Ariyah had gotten into a fight just the night before over her catching him with his pants around his ankles and Lia on her knees in front of him in his home which Ariyah had a copy of his key because he had given it her. Joaquin felt like Ariyah had left him no choice other than to seek comfort from His first love again since Ariyah was still rejecting his phone calls and sending to voicemail. Although Ariyah thinks Lia is his ex that was far from true but she will soon find that out. Adelia jumped when she heard the buzzer from her front door ring , she wasn't expecting company. She let it ring a few more times before reluctantly getting up to see who it was. To her surprise it was the love of her life Joaquin standing in front of the door. She immediately opened the door and told him to come in without asking any questions, once he was in she asked if he needed a drink , He said yes and she proceeded to make her way towards her mini bar for Cuervo and two shot glasses. She knew him well and knew when something was bothering him and she knew his favorite stress relieving drink was Cuervo After 3 shots in he finally spilled the his reason for coming to her place at 11 at night. After going into great detail, a few eye rolls on Lia's part and almost an entire bottle of tequila gone Joaquin now feeling like a weights been lifted off his shoulders after explaining what had been bothering him to lia ,and Aryiah's rejections because of their encounter the night before he was now in the mood for music and food where as lia was a bit livid and in need of a bathroom ASAP as she felt the tequila rise up to her throat. Even though she was well aware of what was going on and why , doesn't mean she was ok with it. She excused her self and hurried off to the bathroom. After emptying her stomach of its contents unwilling, she felt a bit better but also felt guilty and overwhelmed. Not guilty For having invited the love of her life inside for drinks because deep down inside they both knew that neither one of them were willing to let each other go any time soon but guilty because she had found out this morning that she was expecting a child and she shouldn't be drinking knowing the effects it can have on the little one. But with only being 3-4 weeks along and throwing up what she had drank she felt a little at ease. But in the back of her mind the fact that she has to let Joaquin know that theyre going to be parents was weighing heavy on her shoulders but she knew tonight was not the night to let him know. After cleaning herself up she stepped back into the living room where there sat Joaquin scarfing down a plate of lo mein she had in the fridge and washing it down with the rest of the tequila. She chuckled a bit seeing him with food around his mouth and quickly wondered if their child will have his personality and goofiness. She then shook the idea out of her mind so her facial expression won't give her away. It was now 3 am and after another bottle of tequila and some more food Joaquin decided to put his drunken thoughts on to the table , in a slurred voice as he pulled out a peice of paper out of his pants pocket he said to Lia " when were you planning on telling me you're pregnant lia? " her face went paper white and her heart dropped. Where did you get that from Joaquin? Were you in my room ? Why the hell were you going trough my things ! When Lia ? WHEN!! Yelled Joaquin. She sat there in disbelief and anger , I only found out this morning relax. I was waiting to tell you when I was ready ! Well who's the father ? He asked drunkenly. Now filled with rage she yelled , how dare you ! Are you fucking serious right now Joaquin? You're really asking ME who the father of my child is ? Need I remind you we've only been broken up for a month because YOU decided you needed a better position at work so you fucked your boss to secure that chance you jerk ! And not once have we stopped having sex nor have I moved on to the next man or any man for that matter since we started this relationship 7 years ago! He now realized what he said and buried his face into his hands, I'm sorry Lia I don't mean that , he said as he walked towards her to hold her. She stretched her arms out and told him no , don't come near me. Please Lia , forgive me. I'm just extremely stressed out. She sighed and said I'm going to sleep , you can have the couch she said as she walked to the room locking her bedroom door behind her. Morning creeped up on the two and before she knew it Lia was face first in the toilet bowl dry heaving not from the tequila or a hangover but from the morning sickness that came along with carrying a child. Joaquin heard her and jumped out of his sleep and quickly walked to the kitchen to get her some water. Startled by his hand on her back she jumped and nicked him on his lip with the back of her head. She chuckled a bit and said it was ok before she could apologize. Although she didn't hit him purposely it did her some good knowing his lip hurts because of her , she was still a little upset about his reaction to her pregnancy and his response. She brushed her teeth , rinsed and walked into her bedroom where Joaquin sat with his laptop on his lap. She got onto the bed and laid down with phone in hand , after seeing that a few minutes had passed and they were both silent and Joaquin still glued to his screen she decided to glance over to see what he was looking at. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw he was looking up articles about pregnancy and fetus development , she couldn't help but smile. And then for an odd reason she felt the sudden urge to kiss him , she laid behind him and grabbed his right hand causing him to turn around as he did so she caressed his cheek with her other hand and they proceeded to share a kiss , the kiss grew long , heavier , and more passionate as the seconds went by. Joaquin then laid Lia down and proceeded to kiss on her lips ,neck , waist , then stopped right at her stomach and began speaking to Thier child. Although she was very much turned on she couldn't help but get teary eyed why hearing the love of her life tell their little one how much he loves it. After two hours of making passionate love the two slept the rest of the day away. Around 8 o clock that evening they were woken up by Joaquin's loud cellphone ringing non stop. He finally picked sleepily and not looking at who was on the other end , " hello " Joaquin said in a low raspy voice. "Can you come over in an hour?" Asked Ariyah , uh yea sure I guess said Joaquin. Good see you then. Lia could already tell by the look on his face who was on the other line. Before he turned around Lia was already up and out of the room. He got up and got dressed , when he was done Lia was in the kitchen making herself something to eat. "Babe loo-" before he could say another word she put her hand up and said stop I don't want to hear it just go , "bu-" but nothing damn it ! GO! Lia said as she threw a wine glass at him. He ducked ,sighed and left. 8Lia slid behind the door and proceeded to weap , she couldn't stand the thought of the man she loved running to be with his lover after making love to her , after she told him they're going to be parents. Her heart was broken and she was done with letting Joaquin put her as low priority in his life and she wasn't going to allow him to do the same with their child. She got up off of the floor , washed her face , and went to pack her things. She was leaving and going to start fresh , somewhere , anywhere away from Joaquin and Ariyah. Joaquin arrived at Ariyah's place , he sat in his call for a few minutes as he tried reaching Lia. He hated himself for leaving the way he did but he was also determined to finish what he started with Adelia , he knew Lia would eventually get over it and they'd be back in bed , back planning their future. Adelia's stomach was in knots while waiting for Joaquin to knock on her door. She wasn't sure where she should start , or if she should let him do the talking since he was the one sleeping with his ex. Ariyah heard a knock at the door , she checked to make sure who it is then opened the door and let Joaquin in. Hi Joaquin thanks for coming , Joaquin leaned in for a kiss but Ariyah quickly turned her face so his lips touched her cheek instead. He let out a smirk and apologized for being so bold. They walked over to the couch and sat in an awkward silence till Ariyah started the conversation. Well I guess you know why I called you here said Ariyah, Joaquin nodded. Well ? Aren't going to explain what happend even though got a pretty clear view. Joaquin heard the pain in her voice but even with that he was unmoved because his body was there but his mind and heart was with the woman he loves. She was nothing more than a pawn in his game for a better life , even more so now that he's going to be a father. But Joaquin new how to play this game and he played it well , he got closer to Ariyah then grabbed her face and told her how sorry he was and that adelia was nothing but a mistake that will never happen again but he knew that was bullshit and so did she but she also knew how much he meant to her and she wasn't about to let that go no matter who he slept with. He then proceeded to kiss her passionately then grabbed a fistful of her short red hair and pulled it back exposing her neck he then started to run his tongue down her neck , she let out a soft Moan both now breathing heavier. She straddle him and starting unbottoning his shirt , with her legs still wrapped around his waist he stood up and carried her into the bedroom. After having sex Joaquin crept out of bed while Ariyah slept , quickly got dressed and left. After calling Adelia more than twenty times he decided he'd stop by her place to check on her. As he approached her door he got a strange feeling that something was wrong. He started knocking and got no answer , the knocking turned into pounding, then calling out her name. He then remembered she kept a spare key inside of the flower pot on the porch. He went and go the key and opened the front door , he then noticed that Lia wasn't home , he went into her bedroom and his heart sank. Her room was practically empty. None of her belongings were there , all that was left was her bed and dresser set. She left no note just memories. As lia boarded the plane her eyes filled with tears as she remembered the person she was leaving behind , the love of her life. But those tears quickly stopped and her heart filled with anger because once again he chose Ariyah over her , even after finding out about Lia 's pregnancy he left her in bed while he ran to his other woman. No matter how hurt she was she knew staying There will only make things worse and all she wanted was the best for her child even if that meant raising it alone. Lia was headed to Australia, luckily for her having been born there she had dual citizenship so she could come and go as she pleased between there and Vegas. She knew back home was where she can go and live a comfortable life with her child and not have to worry about who she left back in vegas , although her and Joaquin were together for quite some time he never truly knew where she was originally from. As far as he knew she had always been a Vegas native. 12hrs later her plane landed and she was back in Australia and she'd be heading back to her city , Adelaide. Which of course was the inspiration for her name , given to her by her father. Back in Vegas Joaquin called every person he and Adelia knew and not one person knew where she was , he was at a loss . He didn't know where the hell to look outside of Vegas and being as small at it is it wouldn't be hard to find her but as weeks now passed he knew for sure she was no longer there. 5 months later....... Joaquin still stuck with his same job title as Ariyah's assistant and was still sick over losing Lia and their child. They both seem to have fallen off the face of the earth he didn't know if Lia was ok , if she had kept their child , or even if the child was still alive inside of lia's womb. After losing his the position he put before his relationship with Lia to his co worker who in all honesty was better qualified for the position he lost all interest in continuing his affair with Ariyah. Now he was literally left with absolutely nothing but his job as Ariyah's assistant which will come to an end by the end of the month because Ariyah finally saw what his true intentions with her and decided to let him go. Adelia now 6 months pregnant with her son whom she will name Israel sat on her balcony in her condo stroking her belly with her fingers talking to her son once again telling him how much he meant to her from the moment she found out about his existence and how he will want for nothing, although deep down inside she knew money would never buy what he will want the most which was a relationship with his father. But she knew keeping her whereabouts unknown was best for them both because who's to say he wouldn't leave again and choose another women over them again , and she wasn't having that. She could barely handle him breaking her heart but she wouldn't stand for him breaking their sons too. So with a heavy heart she vowed that she will never tell Joaquin her whereabouts nor would she tell her son the truth about his father. Back in Vegas Joaquin is now single , jobless, and an boarder line alcoholic. If it wasn't for his savings he had been saving so he could buy a house with Lia and the fact that his roommate/ best friend was covering half of the rent he'd already be homeless, but at this point he couldn't care less about that. All he wanted to do was turn back the hands of time and take back all the wrong he did to Lia and all the hurt. Valentino who is Joaquin's roommate and best friend hated seeing him this way and would do whatever he could to help him find Lia. Lia was unpacking her sons soon to be crib, Even though she enjoyed preparing her sons room for his arrival but she couldn't help but shed a tear daydreaming about doing this all with Joaquin, going to doctors appointments , hearing her sons heart beat , feeling his kicks and helping her set up. But she also remembered that her sons needs will come first and since Joaquin couldn't come to that conclusion on his own she did it for him by removing herself and her son far away from him so he can continue living his life both relationship and child free. Valentino was self employed and had already come from money so hiring a PI to look for his best friends girlfriend was nothing to him. Later that day he had given PI McClinton all the information he had gotten from his bestfriend which included her social security number, last known address , and credit card numbers. 3 Months later on May 21 st ,2016 at 6:59 am Israel Ryan Smith was born to a very tired but very excited Adelia Melissa Smith. She was anxious to go home with her son and finally be able to hold him in her arms , that she was unaware that her location was on when she posted a picture of her son for the first time on social media not knowing that it would bring the man she once loved but now ran from , a step closer to meeting his son. Valentino received a text from Mr.Cage regarding the search for Adelia , it was short and to the point. Hello Val , I've found Adelia's current - address 57 Mills Street .Brisbane Adelaide S ,Queensland ,zip:4000 Phone number (07)33431458. She had a boy Israel Ryan Smith last week. Val was thrilled with the information he received and couldn't wait to share it with his best friend , but he may have been too late. Immediately after receiving that text Val called Joaquin but to his surprise a tearful Ariyah answered the phone. What's wrong ? he said where's J? we're in the ER , your neighbor found him unresponsive in front of your apartment. I came over to drop off something's he left at my house and I saw them putting him in the ambulance. I couldn't get into is phone , he never gave me his passcode. Please come now they've been asking for his next of kin. Val raced to the hospital , he could barely think. all he could picture was his friend dying because he was drinking himself to death over losing the love of his life and how he didn't do much to stop or help him . Back in Australia Lia was oblivious to what was going on in her old city and in love with her son. She couldn't ignore how much he resembled his father and how badly she wished he could be here to experience this feeling of being a parent but she also knew her sons heart meant more than her feelings. little did she know she may be faced with an even harder decision involving the two people she cared for the most in this world and her choice will be a matter of life or death , a choice that only she can make. Wh-why didn't you tell me sooner ? where is she ? where are they ? where's my son? Said Joaquin I didn't tell you because the day I was going to tell you were on life support in a medicated coma , how exactly was I supposed you ? said Valentino. Well this is all besides the point , the PI has gathered a years worth of information since youve been in a coma . But please don't do anything crazy.you're still recovering and you're still going to be living in an outpatient rehab for the next three months I don't want this to set you back again ! remember SHE left YOU. I doubt after being away from you this long changed what you did to her and how you chose another woman over her and your child. I know that , please let me just see what's in the folder. fine Val said reluctantly Here ,. Take care of yourself and ill see you tomorrow. - Adelia Ryan Smith - 27 y/o - 1 Child born Male 5/21/16 Israel Ryan Smith - Emiliano Andres Vega A Billionaire investment banker from texas ( fiancé of Adelia) -Now residing at 26 S La Senda Dr, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 – Laguna Beach -Phone Number (714)975-1693 I have a son?! joaquin said to himself tearfully , she really moved on she doesn't love me anymore he sighed. 3 months later..... Good morning Israel , how’s mommy’s big boy doing Lia had her hands full , he was no longer this little baby who would sleep for hours amd would stay put. Now he’s walking , crawling , and babbling all day long. But of course she does have help with him between the nanny and night nurse she was barely with him except for the times she plays with him and tucks him in at night. She was a wonderful mother , but now with her upcoming wedding she had her hands full. But once they’re a family things will go back to normal well as normal as can be. Lia and Maximiliano met through her parents despite him being their close friend and her fathers and business partner they have never met each other prior to their first introduction at her parents anniversary dinner, Lia was 15 years his junior but they hit it off rather quickly and after 3 dates he asked her to marry him and she accepted. He loved everything about her and knew her past in its entirety and accepted everything about it and he absolutely adored Israel and he has been the only father in his life since he and Lia met just 4 weeks after his birth. Maximiliano never got a chance to have kids of his own , after a childhood accident he was left sterile and as a result he will never be able to have his own child. Maximiliano was born and rasied in Corpus Christi , Texas by his parents Maria Elena and Emiliano Vega from Jalisco, Mexico. They left Mexico for a better future for their only son. Unlike Lia he did not come from money his parents were hard workers , his mother worked 12 hours in a factory making shoes and his father worked at a construction site. although he never really knew what it was to struggle because his parents made sure he had what he needed within reason , he went to Harvard University to study business and graduated top of his class. He went off to be a very wealthy investment banker and became friends with Lia's father Daryl while on a business trip in Australia they were both in the business field and in due time they decided to open up banks together. *Incoming call* Number Unknown Hmmm that must be the wedding venue said Lia , hello?...... Lia?! I-its me Joaquin , how are you? hows my - our son? how did you get my number ? wh- , please don't call me again , we don't need this we don't need you. Please don't hang up please.... Hello? HELLO?!?! AHHHHHHH yelled Joaquin what the fuck!!! Why is she doing this ? why? Fuck this , I'm going to go over there. J wait ! you still havent been discharged! J!!! Val yelled at his best friend who was headed towards the elevators despite still being a patient in the rehab facility hes been in for the past three months to help with his alcohol addiction. Hello, my name is Adelia Smith I'm calling because I'd like to change my number. Ok Ms.Smith no problem , just give me a minute to pull up your account info. Lia was on the phone with her cellphone company , she wanted to make sure Joaquin and no way of getting a hold of her again. As she sat there waiting for them to change it she couldn’t wrap her brain around what just happened and how he was able to get a hold of her after a year plus since the day she left within hours of having her world shattered by the only man she thought she will ever love. “Ok miss Smith your number is set to change in the next 30 minutes we’re sending you a confirmation email now along with your number” thank you so much goodbye. Should i tell Max? We tell each other everything, but how will he take the news ? What if Joaquin finds us ? What am i supposed to say ? What do i do ? Lia mind raced as she paced back and forth in her walk in closet , “Mi Amor ?! My love where are you ?” Maxemiliano called our . Shit , um I’m in the closet hun I’ll be out in a minute. I’m going to tell him tonight, after dinner. He needs to know. Maximiliano knew all about Joaquin and how he treated Lia and how he broke her heart several times , needless to say he was no fan of his so the news that he got a hold of Lia’s number won’t sit well with him but what will come next might push out a side of him even he didn’t know was there. Hola amor " muwah" how was your day ? Lia asked trying to find a way to tell him what was going on , it was ok . Had a few set backs on the opening on one of the new banks in Rodeo Drive but now everything should run smoothly after this and it should be opened by the end of this year. That's wonderful! I'm glad its all working out. uh , lets go get ready for dinner. I had Julia make your favorite dish. "later that night" Umm Max , I have something I have to tell you . Ok? mi Amor , you know you can tell me anything. she took a deep breath and began telling him about Joaquin. Joaquin called me this afternoon I don't know how he got my number and I've since changed it but he didn't get to say much. he asked where I was and he asked for Israel, and that's what confuses me the most because even though he didn't ask for him by his name he said " my son" you know when I left Vegas I was barely 5 weeks a long so he never got to know what I was having. Lia was so exasperated she didn't notice that Max was sitting at the foot of their bed with his face in his hands. Babe please say something she cried , it hurt her to see him so hurt and at a loss for words. I - I'm sorry Lia but I'm at a loss. so am I , she said . We just have to rule out how he got your information Max said . Well no one knew we were moving back to the states except for our families and neither my parents or yours know him , and I don't have any friends from Vegas so I'm not sure what's going on. well then that means he hired someone to look for you and Israel said max while pouring himself a drink to ease his nerves. But he doesn't ha- shit ! VAL it had to be his bestfriend. he has that type of cash and connections. He had to have hired someone , then that means he knows where we are. What if he comes here ? what if he tries to take Israel!? Max what are we going to do!? cried Lia Don't worry ill handle it , he wont touch him or you . I promise, now please go get some rest baby , go lay with Israel. ill be in the study handling this ok? Ok love. Thank you. I love you , I love you too mi Amor.Lia went to her sons room , held him tight and cried herself to sleep. Max on the other hand was too anxious to sleep, all he could do was think about how his future wife must be feeling and just the thought of another man being near her or Israel no matter if he was his father , it infuriated him to the point where he knew he was wiling to kill or die for them. No one meant this much to him besides his parents. But the news of Joaquin's return isn't the only reason he's wired and anxious Max has his own demons he battles with daily and now this news had them running free. Max although very bright , determined , and a good person despite his flaws he struggled with substance abuse. His drug of choice was cocaine , he's been addicted since college but he was very good at hiding it , even though they were extremely close his own parents had no idea. And since he and Lia had separate bank accounts until after the wedding , she had no idea. He used daily to help him get through the day but used just enough to keep him functional and productive throughout the day. but this news will push him over the edge and when he was pushed hard enough the side of him he tries daily to keep at bay will come forth and nothin from then on will be the same. I have to see them Val ! I'm going to see them! they're my ONLY family and I wont let some old man take that from me! she will be mine and she will come back with me and so will my son. I promise you that! Well he's not that old said Val , Joaquin shot him a dirty look as if to tell him " you're not helping". I get it I do Val said to Joaquin . but for fucks sake slow down before you kill us both on this damn highway ! And with that being said they continued on there way to Los Angeles. Lia slept in and when she woke up no one but the house staff were in the home, Max went to a business meeting just 15 mins away from home incase Lia needed him and Israel was at his daily swimming lessons. she went down to get something to eat when she heard one of the staff members at the door. She figured it may be some things for the upcoming wedding , and then she recognized a familiar voice. " Por favor senora dile a la senor de la casa que estoy aqui , soy in Viejo amigo" Said Joaqiun Her eyes grew wide and her body froze , suddenly she passed out. The maid rushed to her side and so did Joaquin , he franticly tried to wake her up. she finally woke up to a terrified Joaquin cradling her in his arms. What are you doing here she yelled , get out ! how dare you come back after all this time ! She yelled , really ? he responded How dare I? You fucking left me and took my chances to be a father with you ! I needed to see you I need to see him and I need to know why you LEFT He yelled. you don't need to know anything about him , he's not yours! he's Max's Luia yelled back , Wh- what?! you're lying , you're just saying that to throw me off. you left pregnant. yea well I lied I printed some papers off of the internet and just changed the name. she was lying of course but he didn't know that , he believed she would never hurt him like she said she wouldn't , but so did he. He couldn't believe her ,all these months that he drank himself nearly to death over the thought of possibly Seeing her or their child again couldn’t have been over nothing. He was hurt she would continue to try and keep him from his son despite him finally being there and wanting to see him, but he wasn’t stupid and he knew her better than that. So if i went tomorrow to court to request his paternity be established it’ll say I’m not the father ? He asked her knowing he’d hit a nerve. GET OUT!! Now! She screamed , or what Lia ? What’s going to happen ? Is your fiancé going to hurt me ? Huh? What’s going to happen if i stay here till my son comes back!? He yelled back at her. You can’t do this to me Lia , i made mistakes but so did you. I never once gave you a reason to act this way , i never put you in danger so why are you treating me like I’d hurt you or my son ? You know if i go to court i will get visitation rights , and there’s nothing you or your new man can do about it. If you never want to see me again that’s fine but i will not disappear from my sons life to please you ! Never! He’s my number , I’m staying in a hotel in the area with Val call so we can discuss this more and calmly. Goodbye Lia. Lia just laid on the floor bawling because her once seemingly perfect life was falling apart right before her and she couldn't do anything it because in part it's what she created. She knew she was wrong ,she knew she shouldn't have ran out that way and taken their son. In reality he wasn't a bad enough person to have to keep him away but unfortunately her ego and hurt had gotten the best of her and now she has to figure out the mess she created. Although she no longer had feelings for Joaquin she couldn’t just walk away from this again. She needs to face her issues head on and do what’s best for her family. Max came home for lunch and wanted to surprise Lia and have lunch by the pool with her and talk their options over. After speaking to his long time personal lawyer he learned some things they can do to keep Joaquin away from Israel. But to his surprise she wasn't home , and he realized in the all the commotion from yesterday he don't get Lia's new number. He asked the housekeeper if she knew where Lia went , "si la senora salio de compras casi vente minutos atras" Ok gracias Ramona. But Lia was not out shopping. she was on her way to confront Joaquin about his pop up this morning and demand he stay away from them the only way she knew how with money , she knew he loved it so much so much so that he once chose it over her and their unborn child at the time. "boom boom boom" Who the hell is knocking like that? said Val while jumping up from the bed. No one knows we're here . Except for Lia Joaquin said his eyes lit up. He couldn't believe he was going to see her again and so soon , he thought for sure the next time they saw each other would be in court. Well ill be at the pool , you two have a lot to discuss val said grabbing his towel and heading out through the door of his adjoining room. He was able to sneak pass Lia without her noticing. She knocked some more then Joaquin finally opened. You came? look I'm not here for small talk I'm here to make a deal with you and go back to my family! Lia said with such anger in her tone. I want to be in your lives again please you don't know how long I've been waiting for this day you don't know what ive been through this year and change , how much ive beat myself up over losing you. I was at my lowest after you left I almost died! You what? what do you mean you almost died when was this? what happened ? and just like that Lia was no longer there just to get Joaquin out of her life she was legitimately concerned about what happened to him and in a way felt a little guilty that he could've died and she might've never known about it. I-I'm fine now Lia , I was just in a bad spot. I went back to our place the next day and it looked like you've been ransacked I was shocked and hurt. you? lia interrupted Joaquin you left me crying alone and heartbroken after I just told you we were expecting a child to FUCK YOUR BOSS! and you want to sit here and tell me abut being hurt you asshole!? her guilt quickly turned to anger , how fucking dare you. Lia no I'm sorry I - I didn't mean to upset you I'm jut explaining myself the best I can . I became an alcoholic ,lost my job , I drank myself into a literal coma for nearly a year. I had to learn how to walk and talk again. and when I thought I didn't have anything to live for Val found out where you were and our son and that's what pushed me to get better and come get my family back. Joaquin said while standing over the only woman he ever truly loved and starring into her eyes with such passion and even she had to look way in fear that she might fall right back into the very place she got away from the very thing that brought her into the life she's in now engaged to a man who in her eyes couldn't anymore perfect even he tried. I'm sorry that all happened I truly am but you can not and will not use m leaving as an excuse for you drinking yourself almost to death. I left you because I was never your priority , you never felt the same for me as I did for you. you were my life I would've killed for you I would've given my life to save yours and even then I was never good enough for you her voice cracked fighting back tears she turned to go I cant do this I have to go. Lia please don't go Joaquin said as he grabbed her gently by her wrist please don't leave me again. she turned to look at him and saw their son in his face and she immediately wept she knew no matter what he did or what she made herself believe all this time she was sill just as in love with joaquin as she was the day she left Vegas. Heheld her and for the first time cried in front of her I'm sorry Lia I'm so sorry for everything he said while holding her face in his hand and wiping her tears from her face I've only ever loved you , I know my actions have never shown it and maybe that's why it took you really leaving to make me realize I could never be without you. I love you Adelia I always have and always will , please forgive me . I cant she said with such pain in her voice I can't set myself up to be hurt again I will not do it to myself and I wont do it to Israel he doesn't deserve it. You've never learned how to love someone the way I love you and you never will. she said You -you love me still ? he said truly shocked he knew she might still care for him but didn't think that after all of that she still loved him. What? no she said nervously knowing what she just said might change everything. that's not what I meant. yes you did lia stop putting up this hard front , you I'm the only youll ever truly love and our love brought a child into this word you cant tell me there isn't a reason why he was put in our lives , were ment to be together you know that , if yiu didn't you woukdnt be here! I was here to tell you to leave us alone and pay you to walk away she screamed while throwing her bag full of $100 bills at him. he was stunned. You know you don't mean that he said while walking towards her , she was siting on his bed and when she saw him coming she stood up.im leaving this conversation his done. No its not he said as he stood in front of her , move out of my way J! she yelled , No not till you look me in my eyes and tell me youre no longer in love with me , tell me that you hate me and want me out of your life. go ahead and tell me! he yelled back. Now face to face and chest to chest se looked him in his eyes and before she could get a word out he grabbed her by her waist pulled her closer and kissed her so passionately she had forgotten why she was there and forgot that she had a family at home and a fiancé who had no Idea where she really was at or how to get in contact with her.it may have been the fact that they've been apart from each other for so long or the fact that their love for each other died down but instead got stronger but their kiss lead to the most intense love making they've ever had so much built up tension and love for each other and the fact that Lia has never been touched by anyone but Joaquin , not even her fiancé . Which made the sex even more meaningful. After two hours of passionate love making the pair fell asleep, it felt just like before but that feeling wouldn’t last long. Back at home Max was furious. It wasn’t like Lia to just disappear like this for hours without a word and to not even leave him the her new number , he couldn’t help but think the worst. She’s probably meeting with that motherfucker while I’m here worrying about her like an idiot. I always knew this day might come but I never thought it’ll happen a week before our wedding. What is wrong with her , what's wrong with me? Joaquin! this is all his doing . if he would've stayed his stupid ass in Vegas Lia and I would've gotten married and Israel would legally be my son. This isn't staying like this, one of us will not be leaving California alive. |