Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2083266-The-First-Day
by JXDkid
Rated: E · Fiction · Career · #2083266
Written in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Day.
         Small desks sit in columns and rows like a small army awaiting orders. In front of them, on the wall, hangs a massive white board that covers the wall from one side of the room to the other. On the board, a wonderful symphony of colors leads the eyes in a dance with the swirls and curls of marker ink on the board until they reach the center to see, “Welcome To the First Day of Class.” Your desk sits just opposite of the door. Papers lay perfectly stacked and ordered on your desk with a place for everything and everything in its place. The windows let in the morning sunlight, illuminating the back corner, warming the beanbag to the perfect temperature for reading. You stand in the center of the room. Letting out a sigh, you place your hands on your hips, smiling, proud, ready. You take a seat at your desk and patiently wait, wondering what they’ll be like.

Will they be polite? Will they be rowdy? Will they be patient? Will they be kind? Will they want to learn? Will they like to read?

Will they like me?!

Will I like them?!

         You take a deep breath, clear your mind, and remember what you know.

They will be good kids!

They will love me!

And I will love them!

         With those thoughts fresh in your mind, the warning bell rings, and children file into the classroom one by one. The class bell rings. You step in front of them with your clipboard in your hands. You introduce yourself, take roll call, and begin the lesson. All with a smile.
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