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by M
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #2082795
story line excerpt
The Queen reunited with her ladies in waiting. The first duty was too unleash hell-fire, which was to be done immediately.

Tim was talking with Bert, he recalled some kind of gold coin or something as the last thing he remembered.

Linda had gone to see Brass with the information Daisy had given her. Rachel went to get more witches for the circle of power. The rest of them were still seated around the fire.

The Queen and her court set up for the ritual with candles, markings, oils etc. Finally they began to sing---Now it's time to start dealing with what is taking us under, it's like a storm brewing I can hear the thunder, but where is the lightning time to start a fire burning, not the time-to start foolishly overreacting, don't be delirious, time for action, we got to take this apart, take a stand, come from the heart, you can't be both, yes there will always be craps, but you've got to be one or the other, time will surely tell, were gone drag this wagon down to h-ll, and as the chips pile up, and what goes around comes back around, like a merry go round, you'll hear the sound of the flames, because we are unleashing hell fire slow burn

The fire began to blaze, everyone got quiet. Daisy began to speak, she looked a the fire which was mellowing. "She's about to channel something," one of the girls said, someone told her to be quiet. "There was a dream, Daisy said, that was designed by a witch. She wasn't a practicing witch, until the dream was stolen. She got lost in the wilderness. She cursed the thieves. She gave power to a soul that wanted the dark ability," Amaranth finished. Everyone was quiet then Jill began to receive. "She wants to give us a gift as well." The girls began talking among themselves their voices sounded like pollution in the still night. "But we don't know who it is,"Leslie said. "We know it's a witch," one of the girls said. "We try experimental things all the time," another said. "There is more than one type of magic," Blair explained, "what may be being suggested could be darker than any of us could deal with, the source is deceased if Daisy is receiving it. "It's a future reading," Daisy blurted out. Everyone just kind of looked at each other and became quiet.

Chris Fargo thought about the nights events. He was seated at the piano at 6 Muse 6. Rich Aldin had sat next to him and they had commanded the room with a selection earlier. He thought about Kara who was tall and blond and lovely, but she could not sing, he recalled. Luce had introduced Luna to him and then walked away to join another female. "Who is that," Chris had inquired of Luna. "That is my sister," she answered. "The two of you don't look a thing alike," Chris commented.

"I think we should accept the gift," Floral said. "What harm could a future reading really do?" Someone else said. The more mature witches spoke for a moment. Then they made the ritual markings in the dirt ground. Replenished the fire. Sat in a circle and began to humm. Eventually they noticed a dark element take the form of a woman. They fell silent but the humming continued with the shadow. Then a voice started to sing, When I look in the mirror I cast no reflection, I got this way by constant rejection, from an element with no easy detection, and I intend to move on when this carousel comes back around--around and around again, around with no end, around and around again--build my cane, get off of my window pane, I don't wanna go round no more, stop this chain, this time let the dark remain..............then it recited let this shadow be a new lord, let time fall backward, receive this curse of santanico, now unleashed.

Helen was going over her workload, she looked at the budget. Annette was in the adjoining office. She would be moving everything to the store location shortly, but she had to finish up putting together their first art gallery show. She knew Ruthie was not at the retreat right now so her sister Shari had been left in charge. She wondered if Ruthie would trust Shari to deliver her portfolio because of a time crunch, she also wanted to touch bases with the jilted half of the group Destined that she'd signed. She noticed something in her email notes, they wanted to showcase another artist with Ruthie.

Chris Fargo was at the hotel having brunch. He'd been at the club after closing. Antonia had shown up after closing with three models wearing her lingerie fashions. They descended the club stairs doing a quick fashion show for Luna etc.

Brass typed the numbers and symbols into the computer system. It was some kind of computer formula. He received more computer language on the view screen. He typed in the program. It was a hologram program. This gets more interesting Brass thought. Linda had gone to update computer files on her recent trip to the castle. Brass made the proper adjustments on the systems he was working with for a hologram projection. Soon a hologram human form appeared in the room. The form began adjusting in appearance into a woman the final appearance was---Velma. Velma after she had been restored at the home planet. He could see the mouth moving but there was no sound. Brass adjusted the volume.

Antonia was in the living room of the hotel room gathering up the lingerie that had been left strewn in various areas of the room. After the FBI had shown up at the door she had taken him and his associates into the room passing many women dressed in lingerie just hanging about and explained that they are a fashion catalog.
They approached Chris (Fargo) who had been talking with one of the girls. He was holding a glass of champagne, he raised his eyebrows as they approached. Agent Anderson this is Lucifer, Lucifer this is Luce Satan and associates. "Is this a raid?" Chris asked humorously. Anderson showed his badge and explained that actually he needed to question Antonia about someone they were looking for named Max Golden.

Luce was in the hotel Lobby sitting at a table with Martha who had spent the night at the hotel going over her lab data and getting some rest. They were waiting for Kara and Grace. "So what's the story behind your name?" Martha asked. "Is this a question that has been nagging you?" Luce enquired. Actually yes Martha answered. "This whole---sting was very interesting kind of like the mob, she said mildly. "You did not have to take part," Luce reminded her. "Yes I know she said biting into a breakfast sandwich that a waitress had just delivered. They were having brunch. "I'm kind of adventurous." She commented. "I admit I wanted to associate myself with the dark angel,"Luce finally said "he represents some cool things." Martha started to laugh, "you mean the angel that fell from Grace and became-------Lucifer? she further inquired." Luce confirmed with with a nod and raising of his eyebrows,"yes." Martha eyes narrowed a little, she rested her chin on her hand and asked, so do you know him personally? "I know he likes to be a cool cat."Luce answered.

Brass adjusted the hologram sufficiency device. Velma became solid like flesh. A device created as a result of a hologram that had once become a sentient being. He agreed not to tell Linda for the time being. He was still trying to grasp the situation.

Suzy Blake would take Ruthie's place with Allena and Ella so that Ruthie could return for her artist reception. Linda had checked in with Annette to let her know they needed more witches for the circle. Annette sent out an Email.

The Queen needed to move to her second duty. To initiate Tim Nelsons situation. She ordered Tim to the Castle, Bert followed.

Anderson completed a new file on Chris Fargo and had it given to Abby. He then discussed the new case with Helen.

There was a great deal of blood. Two males and 2 females hacked and sawed at the giant carcass. "Be very careful not to damage the organ," a female voice said. Another female said. "I don't think I can get it out without tearing it." The males hurried over to help. Zin Cowplant wok up.

Velma remembered the nightmare she had sent the dragon. She was in a hospital bed. Brass had her transported to the medical quarters. Being back in the hospital bed again was frustrating. It would be easier to conceal her situation this way Brass had explained. This would also be an unprecedented condition to monitor.

Brass was going over the intercom box he had created to communicate from different dimensions. He had yet to get it operating and receiving transmission.

Chris was getting ready for dinner. He was early. He had already showered and dressed. He looked at the clock. It was just an hour since lunch had ended, but he wanted to be early. He wanted to attend a show first. He had a lot of ideas spinning through his head and wanted to think. He was adjusting his tie in the mirror, when there was a knock at the door.

Allena was at Hotel Alivia sitting at a restaurant table. She had finished lunch, she was waiting for Rich, who was running late. Asier Marquez the hotel owner and manager had told her he was on his way. Allena thought about the last time she had sat at the table waiting. She had remembered her first performances. She had sung Blue-I am feeling blue, and Unlimited-It's dreadful to be poor and in need, hostility under the surface, it's boring to always be mundane, but whats it take to go through a new door to be Unlimited, Unlimited, we want more than just basics, so we take risks, and we make a fist to be Unlimited.......... After her performance Rich had come to meet her backstage and invited her to dinner. He was kind of a star here, she had accepted, they had been hanging out for a few weeks now. She was becoming a bit spoiled, and here she is sitting at the table waiting again. On his tab of course.

Standing pretty close to eye level was a woman. Classy. Beautiful. Slender. Red hair piled up on her head in a cascade of curls. Most interesting were her eyes they were bewitching. "Hello," Chris said. "I'm Dana Cloud she introduced I heard about your Lingerie designs. "Please come in," Chris invited.

Someone threw up, the darkness fanned out and dissipated into the night. Daisy was still channeling. Suddenly Rachel popped up through some brush four people following her.

At the club Allena had performed a solo of Free- I own my soul when I am free, flying high over the sea.

Chris looked at Miss Cloud. He assumed she was unattached for lack of a ring on her finger. She looked like she could show him a few things.

She called to the power of dark magic, the dark arts in it's true form. "Reveal a way," she chanted. Miranda looked as images of four women appeared, all of them were commanding something to walk, "It's a curse," a shadowy form said in a sharp whispery voice. Immediately the way came to her understanding. She assumed the form of the vessel closest to her true shell Sofia Hernandez. She now looked like Sofia. She knew there would be a price for this but right now she needed to survive. She heard an awful laugh that reminded her of the demon she had come across in her apartment.

The nausea was still present. Daisy had Rachel and the new group of four join the circle. One of them was a male. Floral pointed this out. "The darkness is still present," Daisy hushed her. One of the new females started to laugh," what does she mean, it's night?" Daisy and a lot of the girls started to shoosh them. Daisy whispered something sharply to Rachel. Suddenly the male spoke "All right, time to get started, everyone just calm down, and lets start this fire, hellfire, this is the year 2000, for the record, and the word, no triflin-g--All the loony tunes they want to follow I say it's a long walk but they don't swallow, the warning they don't heed, trippen into a bunch of weeds, with word and rhyme, I'm erudite, mature with time, like fine wine, hell bound, with the hound, I'm jive turkey your turkey jerky, the competition I hook to a wire, and hang them over hellfire, to get past the tread of an old tire, a whole lot, don't look back, I'm eve of apocalypse ....., .................something shifted one of the new girls started to sing, this is Velma's world, designed in ink, so don't blink because your a loon, complete with stars, black roses, hard boiled eggs and the moon--reload the magazine, with Reality, this is what I am, cause I am what I am, olive oil, dirt and soil, a ghost a spook, boo----You hate cause your a hater, now and always, I'm through with your way, go on face D-day, you hate because your a hater, you want me afraid, a constant experiment in fear.

Chaos happened as one of the new girls shook the one singing. The male had his hand on his heart, "what?" he said the word escaping from his mouth like a reflex action. Blair finally settled everyone down. "Calm down," she repeated. "We can bring men here now Floral questioned. "I didn't really think about it, Rachel answered. Leslie was helping to calm the new people down and somewhat explain what was happening. Blair turned to ask Daisy something. Daisy was not there. Rachel noticed, "Where's Daisy?"

It was awful the memory. People with no boundaries, awful experiments or compromises leaving them in malfunctioning bodies. It was like hell. Velma became aware. Had she been asleep. Where had she been?
© Copyright 2016 M (elsriley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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