Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2079251-Tokki-Rouge
Rated: GC · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #2079251
Vengeance is a bloodbath when served by the hands of a demon spirit

There is a time in everyone’s life where everything you’ve built to sustain your sound state of mind and protect your morals, of which were being built even before you uttered your very first words as a toddler, crumbles into nonexistence. All the ropes and strings that held your mind and soul together, keeping you afloat during all the mishaps in your life thus far, become undone. All walls built to protect you and keep you from going the wrong way shatter like stones to glass. You look around and realize that there is not a single soul out there who can pick up your pieces and help you to your feet. Not one volunteer. Not one loved one. Just you and the strange demons that surfaced in the sudden darkness that has become your world. At this moment there are two paths presented to you. There is the path of the weak buckling under the pressures and folding into the depths of the broken will. Then there’s the path of the strong where fighting is the only option leading to a new stability and outlook on life. Though the latter is the most favorable outcome it is not always achieved. For some it means a millionaire’s gone bankrupt or a piano prodigy ends up selling fast food on Fourth Street until they’re in their late 50’s. For others it’s something far more life altering than any of the above mentioned. It’s a state where the old self dies completely so to speak and a new being is born entirely.

1 (\/) Incident

Rows of soldiers lined the entry way of a building in decay as it was forgotten long ago. At one point in time it stood as a massive pentacle of societal justice for the inhabitants of this once corrupt city and the iron fist of judgment for those who chose to disrupt its core. Named after the creator who fathomed this fortress it was simply called Cell Riddik. It was one of the nation’s top maximum security prisons but it was so much more than that. Built almost entirely underground this intricate facility in particular housed not just the most notoriously dangerous inmates in all surrounding areas, but also was home to hundreds of deranged psychopaths whose minds were far too twisted to stay in the light of any normal asylum. To run such a high security facility efficiently it required over 220 prison guards, 44 doctors, 88 RN’s plus five front desk clerks, two vice wardens, and of course the founder of this magnificent establishment Dr. Riddik Caigne.

The Idea was to keep all things direct with and surrounding Cell Riddik within the walls of this foreboding fortress. Taken quite literally a miniature city was built within housing all who were employed. This included several apartments, a market, a small hospital, a school for grades k-12, a few restaurants, and even a small shopping district resembling a miniature mall. All employees were under contract stating that if they work within the facility they were to live there as well. There was plenty of room for each employee and his or her family to stay comfortably and each employee was granted a standard two week vacation away from the prison twice a year.

Although it ran strong for a solid 21 years it has been and still is abandoned since 10 years ago due to an unexplainable incident. Witnesses say that a convenience store employee of Cell Riddik was about to ascend the large stairwell that lead to the main lobby of the facility when a thick dark fog spilled into the courtroom from beyond its doors. Frightened he stumbled backwards. Something that can only be described as an invisible force grabbed him by the ankle. Panicking and struggling trying to break free he was dragged aggressively down the stairwell where his agonizing screams were drowned out to a gurgle followed by silence. Blood began to spray out like water from a gardening hose from within the dark abyss of the corridor. Seconds later the doors slammed shut. Mysteriously they were welded shut from the inside trapping all prisoners and employees alike. No man has treaded near its tremendous steal double doors since then until now.

A small platoon of armed men took formation in front of the main entrance of the building. The plan was to blow the doors from its frame to allow access to its lower levels. As the charges set off the large foreboding doors fell shaking the ground with an echoing thud. An indescribable odor immediately filled the air bringing great disgust to those within range as a dark miasma filled the room. The man in charge gave the order to enter the stairwell. Lining the old massive staircase were light fixtures barely functioning well enough to reveal the slate grey concrete walls that matched the melancholy of the staircase. Looking down into the darkness you could see a small light at the head of yet another great door. Many shaken with fear held their guns tight and close unknowing of what awaits them in this endeavor. Slowly they began heading down keeping formation and staying on high alert. As they ascended they began to hear faint laughter followed by small screams and childlike whispers. The stench grew much more pungent as they finally reached the bottom of the first stairwell. The leader made his way to the front of the lined formation. Standing in full attention he began to debrief his men.

“We are here today to bring the events that happened here to light and finally clear this city from being buried in the depths of this superstitious witchcraft nonsense that has dragged our name for 10 years.”

He spoke in a deep disgruntled tone as it rose with his last statement. For the past ten years the city went from being praised for its impressively low crime rate to being infamous for the several claims of it being cursed. He cleared his throat with an abrupt cough as he continued his speech.

“There is no telling what we will find down here so stay on guard at all times and be on the lookout for any survivors. Fair warning this is they city district of this facility. Soon afterwards we will reach the doors to the asylum/ prison ward district. Once inside I advise you shoot ANYTHING that moves. Do not take my words lightly. On that note let us move forward!”

Approaching the door he found that even he himself was quite uneasy. Hands slightly shaking he grasped the doors handles. A bit slippery from the sweat from his palms he managed to push the doors open. The moment they pried open a seismic scream followed by a violent gust of wind assaulted the unsuspecting soldiers. Some were slightly blown back by the mere force others began backing up shielding their ears from the horrific sound. As the wind subsided the men were able to clearly see the piles of bones and dried blood splattered across the walls and floors of the hallway. Skulls, rib cages, spinal cords, femurs and more mangled and scattered throughout. The men stood still eyes frozen and fixated on the dark figure standing at the end of the hall. It began to inch closer becoming more grotesque and disfigured as its shadow spread across the walls and grew immensely in size. The men frantically began firing their weapons in quick concessions spreading dust and debris throughout the hall. Through the smoke cloud a piercing shadow shot through pulling a man into the hallway. Screaming for help he scrambled for his dear life until claw like ligaments tore through his torso ripping him apart. Starting like a tidal wave the rest of the men stumbled over one another in panic struggling to get back up the stairs. Two more were grabbed as their screams resonated and echoed throughout the corridor. The soldiers barely making it to the surface dropped to their knees in the sheer terror and confusion that overwhelmed every aspect of their beings. The large twin metal doors were swiftly lifted by a force unknown. Then as if being played in reverse the former miasma that filled the room was pulled back down the stairwell and the doors were forced back into place and sealed once more. All that remained was the faint cackle bouncing off the walls of the courthouse and the trembling husks of the broken men that survived a nightmare beyond their imagining.
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