Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2078960-Wolves-Of-Chasma-Chap-3-4
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2078960
3 Small Cuts A Big Problem and 4 New Problem New Mistakes
As I was breathing hard I wondered why I had those dreams at all. I hoped that this was real life this time so I made sure and felt the scar under the bandana and felt no wetness just a small lump and the double L line, I can feel a small bit of fur growing back. "Why was it like it was busted open?" I said to my self just sitting there.

"Hey pup you okay?" Spike said with Nova and Buttercup "You were kinda moving around a lot, mostly grabbing for your neck like you were choking or something." Spike said with a big smile

"Yeah, you okay?" Nova said

"Not really..." I said sitting there

"What's the matter Tiny, I know you man?" Spike said

"It's personal." I said

"Is it Scrappy?" Spike replied

"Spike shut up its personal, it means he don't want to talk about it!" Nova said

"Actually yes and no, yes cause I have that nightmare still, and the other thing is our past. Something we vowed never to say to anyone." I said sitting down.

"You sure you okay?" Buttercup said "We can take that to the medical cave or something."

"Nah, I'm okay just been thinking." I replied to Buttercup's suggestion

"Well what is it? You can tell us. We trust you no matter what." Nova said

"You sure?" I said

"Yeah man we been friends since pups." Spike said with excitement

"Okay but promise not to tell anyone." I waited for their approval

"Of course man." Spike said

"You helped us I'm sure we can help you."

"Okay, me and my brother when we were younger before you guys found us. We were part of The Lawless. But that was so long ago, we left after we got closer to the DuskPack. Then from there to here." I said with a big knot in my stomach I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Wait what? You were a part of the Lawless!" Spike yelled loud

"Shut up!" I yelled at him

"How can I tell your not lying and just trying to sound cool?"

"Here does this tell you I was part of them." I said as I showed the scar

"Man that's awesome!" Spike said in excitement

"No, it is not awesome. This can get me killed or I might end up with my brother out there in the Land Of The Lawless. I don't want to be anywhere close to that!" I explained to Spike

"Yeah this can get him killed so keep your mouth shut Spike." Buttercup said

"Hey I will, I've known Tiny since he first came here." Spike replied

"You could have told me I wouldn't have never told." Nova said

"Thanks guys, it means a lot to me." I said as they looked at me for a second.

"Hey you helped us, we will always have your back Tiny." Nova said

"So you were apart of the Lawless?" A wolf came out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" Spike said taking out his knife made of a rib cage of a bear.

"Names Rory and if you want to stay here and maybe alive. Then you need to give me half of all your kills." Rory said "Also Spit I say put that rib away otherwise I will tell and say you all are apart of it."

"Fine, it's Spike Rory." Spike said putting his knife in the leather skin sheath

"That's not fair! He feeds families with that food. He has a good heart he would never stop seeing pups die of starvation!" Nova said grabbing Spikes knife

"Well Tiny it's your choice either I tell or half of your food."

"Go a head and tell them then, they will have my back cause I helped all their families out" I said slowly pulling Nova back

"You can get worse for harboring a lawless, no offense Tiny." Nova said

"None taken Nova." I replied to her

"Either give me half of all kills or else!" Rory said

"Or else what!" Spike said getting in his face

"You will see."

"Okay I will see how about!" Spike took his knife and stabbed him in the gut! "Never mess with me or my friend!" He said as he stabbed him repeated amount of times!

"Holy hell Spike stop! Your gonna get us all caught!" Nova said

Spike just kept stabbing him until he went limp to the ground. After a while we finally got him to calm down but we have a bigger problem then me being or was apart of the LawLess. He just went back to the dead body and started to stomp on it!

"Never... Mess... With... Me... Or... My... Friend...!" Spike said as he stomped on Rory's dead body!

"Spike we have a problem!" Nova said as she pointed to a few guards

I thought of a plan but it was gonna be risky and I don't really have much of a choice. Either get thrown out or risk my life and like I said I would rather die then to go out there with those Lawless. So I grabbed a sharp stick and started to cut the double L open grunting in pain. Finally I took out my knife and slowly cut it open more with blood gushing out like my dreams.

"Got it covered..." I said stuttered pretty bad with blood leaving the newly formed wound like a knife and used the bandana as a bandage holding it there. Spike saw what I did and whispered it to Nova.

"Well there is a way to look like its self defense." I heard Nova whisper to Spike

"Hey, hey there sir you okay?" The guard came down and helped me up and we went to the medical cave.

After about several hours at the waiting for him to finished stitching my wound back up. "Rough fight you were in Tiny." The doc said

"Yeah I'm lucky Spike showed up when he did." I said as he started to finish stitching it up. "If he didn't we all would be screwed."

"Yeah you help out wth food around here right?" The doc asked

"Yeah, I think I am the only one well for now who hunts."

"Do you know that wolf who was trying to kill you?"

"No not really." I lied "He was threatening me, told me if I didn't give him half of my kills he would kill me."

"Hmm, very interesting. So Tiny just to let you know. I already saw it. But I didn't see you do anything. So you can trust me to keep a secret but if I catch you doing something like trying to kill someone I will kill you if it's my family. Got that!" The doc said

"Wait, how did you?"

"I take notes from the dead lawless the last time they tried to take this place over. Plus Scrappy, apologies but your brother was always a idiot and I saw it around when you guys first came here." He said "Only thing that disturbs me is why is it on the neck, and I do see some resistance in the fur so it proves you were in a fight so I will help if it becomes known that a murder happened."

"Gee thanks man... I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. Just keep low and do what you used to do, unless you slowly poisoned all the food in which case then..." He did a small smile and I did too but it was awkward. "Well I am finished." Slowly he started to put the bandage on. "It was kinda difficult trying not to hit your important veins. Kinda surprised he didn't even hit it. So just take this and mix it in with tea and it should help with infections, plus hiding it will be a snap cause it don't look like it anymore." The doc said handing me a small pouch of this herb to help with both the pain and infection.

"Okay." I said as I got up and walking out of the medical makeshift wall there I saw Nova but without buttercup this time. "Okay umm." Was all I could say before the practically dragged me to a private place!

"You bloody idiot! You could have killed yourself back there!" Nova said really pissed

"What do you mean?" Was all I could say

"Doing that was pretty stupid, next time think before doing!" Nova said

"Look I... I would rather die then to go out there!" I yelled back

"To stay out there with nothing, those Lawless seems not to give anything but a slow torturous death that makes you wish that you were executed"

"Look I get why you did it but they have Spike locked up right now. They are thinking of executing him cause he did more then self defense. He murdered and plus he was stomping a dead corpse."

"Wait he is locked up!" I said as I shoved her aside and ran up looking for that cage.

"He is by trial rock!" She yelled as she followed me we both ran together to there

"With this he will be executed!" With that they were about to shove it in pit of water doing down deep."

"Hey, guys please give me another chance!" Spike was resisting

"Wait!" I screamed as I just barely got on Trial Rock. "Wait he is innocent, it was self defense he was threatening me. He would have killed me and all of you guys. I'm sure you guys would have done the same."

"How so?" The pack leader said

"He told me to give him half of my kills or he would have killed me, that would lead to your kids dying of starvation, which would lead to possible lawless invasion!" I yelled at the pack leader

"But he still murdered a high class wolf." He said back

"Still he would have killed me you your pups everyone's pups." I said

"Fine I will let him out, but if I catch him committing another crime I won't hesitate to execute him!" He said as he opened the gate and Spike bolted out and ran to me. Pretty much tackling me he laid there and just hugged me.

Chapter 4 New Problems Big Mistake

"Hey Tiny you okay?" Nova asked

"Maybe saying no was a mistake Nova." I said sounding a little down

"Hey he threatened you, you said what you felt was right. I know you even though I met you just last week." Nova replied, "Plus he had it coming either from me, you, or Spike. I'm glad Spike did something. He looks out for you."

"I know Nova, Spike was my best friend and the first person I ever met here. Plus ever since he did that. People have been acting different around him. Saying he is a murderer, and that he should be out there with the lawless." I said replied

"Yeah but still at least your problem, no one knows..." She tried to keep her voice down

"Yeah but still. He didn't have to do that. I could've."

"So... You realize something?"

"Like what? Everyone giving me the 'you don't belong here' face then yes I do! People actually rather see their pups starve then for me to give them food."


"Hey you guys. Pack leader wants a word with you." A guard said pointing at both of us.

"What does they want now? We were up there several times this week?" Nova asked

"Classified till you get up there." He said taking out his spear

"That spear is not necessarily!" Nova said

"Well for the Lawless it is!" The guard said jabbing me in the back gesturing for me to start walking.

"Hey, hey that is not necessary I can walk without getting my spinal cord jabbed out through my stomach!" I said walking

"Well for a Lawless you sure are smart! Let's see how smart you are!"

"Okay." I said as we continued to walk. It took us a good while to get up to the alpha's den which consisted of the alpha male, alpha male's wife and their two kids.

"I got this Lawless and his hider up here!" The guard said as another guard came in and shoved us both into the den. "Good luck with them!" He said as he left

"Well I guess this is your friend!" The alpha wolf shoved a Spike to the ground and his grunt of pain sounded really bad. Like he broke something!

"Spike oh my god what they do to you!" Nova went on "What the hell did you do to him!"

"We just took useful information out of him. We didn't beat him too bad." The girl wife went on"He had some interesting stuff to say about the both of you guys."

"Mmm!" Spike tried to speak but a cloth wrapped around his mouth with something else in his mouth preventing his speech.

"Shut it!" The girl wolf said as she stabbed a sharpened stick into his wound on his leg!

"Mmm!!!" Spike screamed with all he could after that!

"Leave him alone! If you want to throw someone out throw me out they don't deserve this!" I said

"Actually if a wolf harbors a Lawless. Any and all wolf is thrown out with them. And any and all pup is taken away from the parent." The female wolf read out loud from a small book made of birch bark and thin pieces of leather. "So Buttercup is gone from you and gonna be given to another wolf who is more responsible for the parenting job then you."

"Woah Amber keep is down Buttercup might hear!" The alpha wolf said with a smile.

"What!?!" Was all Nova could say in shock! "You can't do that! I never knew Tiny was a Lawless!" Nova lied

"Nonsense Paige the Puppysitter saw that in your notes and why Tiny was caveless." The alpha wolf said

"Now come on Pip like you said, she could hear that." Amber said

"Well I'm done with it. Guards escort these three out of here!" Pip said as the five guards came into the den. Two to pick up Spike and the other three to bind our wrists behind our backs and started to shove us out.

After a while of walking we finally met up with a small group of people who heard the rumor but didn't believe it. But when they saw Spike and Nova they freaked and ran frantically towards them trying to talk them into stopping and letting them go but the guards just shoved them aside, but with in seconds Buttercup saw this and she was sure upset!

"Mom! Mom! Let her go! What you doing? bring her back!"she screamed shoving her way through or at least trying to but one of the guards just picked her up and threw her aside and she landed and tripping down screaming and crying for them to let Nova go.

"Stay calm honey I will be back!" Nova screamed trying to break free. "Please let me say good bye to my daughter! Buttercup! Honey! Let me go!" Nova screamed and cried her hardest trying to make them let go.

I did the same and tried to break free but then I felt a hard hit on me and a flash I was out.
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