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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Comedy · #2078892
A ruthless dictator of the universe who decides to impregnate all women of the universe.
The Emperor of the Universe by Rory Smith

Chapter One
We are the crazy guys. Let us tell this story of horror and power. In your dimension you would not know us for we are small, insignificant and puny. Let us tell the tale of the ones of you, you putrid human wretches admire.

It was a long time ago in the future, that Zeus Palladium Sun The Magnificent, Twelfth Zogartion Emperor of the Universe, in the 3000th century of the Trans Dimensional Universal Galactic Empire of Freedom and Godly Supreme Commander of the Royal Galactic Space Force. The commanding reigning head of the Miterlost Dynasty, which replaced the vile dynasty of Agag the squalid.
The Emperor of the Universe was masterful in his charisma. A tall handsome sexy man of great power, the supreme fighting champion. There is that turning you on. Former secret agent, soldier, and elite number one martial artist, and street fighter. A quadruple first from the top university of Universe. The manliest man of all. The charisma of the ages, the power and stamina of a two hundred thousand mortal men. Light years ahead of the species, in evolution. A poet, and adventurer, a warrior and hero. A saviour of empire. Muscular and eternal champion of the beautiful body award from the bi monthly Manly Mystery Magazine.
On a urban hypersonic spaceship the size of the Earth’s Moon. The Emperor held court in his parliament. To announce his plan for the next galactic year. The State of the Galactic Union Judgement.
To order of business, the warrior proclaimed his yearly victories, over the charmless warthog people of The Beta Chant Solar System, his mighty revenge of the renegade comrades of Zobra Carn. He had removed the terrifying menace with quickening blows of his magisterial force. As his father, who begat him had, all enemies were cowed. In fear and trepidation of this King of the mighty.
The elected parliament cheered his total rule of the universe.
The Emperor announced, in name the sacred virgins he had deflowered, from all over the universe, and the married women he had conquered. The members of parliament cheered at his total power. Many at their daughters deflowering, and their wives repeated conquest. He was the manliest man of all. A 110% per cent all man.
The Emperor was ruler by divine right, and he decided that divine right. No man could defeat him. He was the ultimate hero of his age. I warn you now, no man would ever defeat him.
But nay for today he announced his new plan for his final complete conquest. The title was the Genetic Supremacy Act.
The Genetic Supremacy Act, declares all men other than the Emperor, will be sterilised on command, from this day on. All male children will be executed, as evolutionary rivals to the Supreme Commander of the Empire.
By process of physical act or artificial insemination, all women will be impregnated by the Emperor of the Universe. All women who refuse to submit to his will be sterilised or executed under command of the royal protectors force.
The Emperor’s plan had been widely announced in the media. The unquestioning media, and public accepted his every demand without complaint.
The 1000 corners of the universe, heard his speech in the moment of his talk.

The Imperial Galactic Guard once hurriedly began carrying his semen to all parts of the inhabited galaxy. His semen was the royal honour for all women. To carry his seed would be their evolutionary climatic honour.

The Emperor’s diatribe continued, ‘There are some amongst you who will not want to carry my seed. Some who do not want your daughter’s or wife’s purity stolen by me. I tell you are treasonous traitors who have no right to life. I am the supreme being of the universe. I am stronger, I am more intelligent. I am free of illness, and to carry my seed is your women’s duty. Free this society of the sub human inferiors.’

To all the lands of the universe the message was relayed. All men would learn their genetic survival was over. They would have no descendents or children. Yet most men accepted their fate.

Chapter Two - The Docker Arm
In the third planet of the Earthling solar system, the puny zorgotian humans cheered their Emperor and his quest for genetic supremacy. The Emperor was their ultimate leader, their fuehrer.
In the pub named the Docker Arm, five men sat drinking tionary whisky, and had watched as their media connection portrayed the speech of their Emperor.
Garth Fift proclaimed his loyalty to the Emperor and proclaimed that he would proudly supply the Emperor’s semen to his young daughters and wife. His male children would have to be executed.
Carl Parkes excreted his views that the Emperor was right to proclaim his genetic supremacy.
Terrence Prance was proud that his wife would give birth to the Emperor’s children and pointed out, ‘My wife is out of my league. I am lucky to have her. I am proud that she can have strong handsome kids without my inferior DNA.’
But two men disagreed, one whose name was Ketrin Fallow. Ketrin did not have children but wanted some, and was furious that thanks to the Emperor he would have no kids. He proclaimed his hated for the Emperor, ‘I will not subject myself to death or infertility. I have an evolutionary desire to have kids too.’
The other dissenter was called Dylan Taylor. He was furious and stood up in the pub proclaiming, ‘How dare this despicable tyranny call for the death and sterilisation of innocent men just because he wants to be the evolutionary winner.’
Some in the pub crowed out in anger at this disgraceful comment.
A man in the pub called Ned Tramp shouted out, ‘How dare you disagree with the esteemed word of the magnificent Emperor. He is our god and supreme commander who protects us from evil. He just wants to carry out his genetic manly act. For him not to want to impregnate all women in the universe, would be like finding a stag who did not rut. Are you guys gay or something? He is a man of power who has been chosen by God to rule over us worms. Besides by natural law, what ruler would not want to take advantage of his power to impregnate all women of the universe? Is that not what we all want? You are just jealous losers who won’t accept your place in society. Envy is a sin. I know my place.’

Ned Tramp then picked up a diamond bottle of Scotch high energy whisky and chucked it across the time and space toward Dylan.
Dylan reached his out a snooker cue and smashed the full bottle from it’s projection.

Tramp bounced on his feet in a battle against gravity toward the sinning upstarts of Dylan and Ketrin.
Ned the thug smashed one of Dylan’s dentures out. Ketrin projected saliva from his gob to Ned in retaliation, ‘Take that you drunken popinjay!’
Ned grabbed the snooker cue off Dylan then poked Ketrin with it.
Ketrin excreted more salvia from his gob toward the jousting Ned. Dylan clenched his fists and spirally waved his arms tapping Ned on his noggin.
Ketrin shouted, ‘Run for it Dylan. The space guards will be after us any minute. How can these maggots support a man for wanting to kill their kids and sterilise their own reproductive system? They be evil vile sinners of the highest order.’

Ketrin and Dylan ran from the space pub with a solitary aim of joining the rebellions against the evil Emperor.

Chapter Three - Media Furore
In the offices of the main media power, the state controlled Space Emperor Broadcasting Corporation, the editor named by the apologetic acronym SEBC, followed through the media demands of his Emperor to his citizens.
Secretary of State for Media Affairs Derek Jones forced through the demands, ‘The Emperor demands that the film showing him as supreme hero and god of the universe must be portrayed continuously for the next 3 days to drum home the message that he is supreme wise, strong and powerful, the evolutionary perfect being. I have demanded that my sons be killed on command of the Emperor. And if a man as powerful as me demands that all you lower urchins must do too.’
Chief North Post Reporter Tank Powell, agreed that these actions must be carried out. He reported in his column that only the weak and weird would condemn the actions of the Emperor, they should know their place. He personally would ask for himself to be sterilised, and he had already killed his own two sons on a sacrificial slab in his back garden. He had invited the neighbours to view this act in a party. He was one sick galactic space goblin. He would proudly place the semen of the Emperor into the reproductive organs of his wife, and he would go on TV to movingly explain that all other males should do this.

Chapter Four - Rebel Forces in the Trans Dimensional Time Warp
The forces of brave rebellion were lead by the power of the universe, the self proclaimed Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula. A 43 year old woman of the older ages. She hated the Emperor, she saw his Galactic acts of supremacy as an act of rape and war on the peace and integrity of the living creatures of the solar system. She would never carry the semen of such an evil man who proclaimed himself as genetic evolutionary perfection, and no woman of honour in her view would give birth to the child of this vile rapist, murderer and thug.
Ketrin and Dylan were welcomed with open arms into the rebel forces. A force provided with a starship and sidekicks galore. There was Sglodion the cat, Caws the cow, and the Gwanwyn the mouse.
But also on the ship were other brave rational humans such as Lord Benf the 30 year old, tall muscular, former soldier who had failed to carry out orders of a massacre in the Caves of Beauty.
Michelle Joey a 29 year old former lady of the night, from the lands of Qualwa, who did not seek to be the plaything of an Emperor she hated. She said she was a whore, not a slut.
Aled Carter a 28 year old former goalkeeper from the Super leagues of the solar system of Hopbath, who did not see why some Emperor should decide whether he or anyone else should have kids.
Fraser Hart a 50 year old gay hairdresser who felt that although he did not want to have kids, it was not an Emperor’s right to decide if he or his partners should have such honours bestowed upon them.
Pepe Di Stefano a 32 year old infertile man, who despite not being able to have children, did not want the pain of infertility placed on other innocent people.
But the ship was one sweet mother. It was an act of science. The most powerful ship in the universe capable of speeds, defence and attack that no other ship could manage. It had been the personal design and construction of the Emperor, but his vanity had left him refusing to use such a ship that mere mortals could not imagine.
The rebels had one mission in plan. They would use the dark connections to raise an army of thousands to attack the capital city.
Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula, Sarcy to her friends, proclaimed, ‘It is not in the hands of the Emperor. For we will assassinate him with our powerful weapons. We choose to die by our own enemy. We will sacrifice our lives to remove this demon from this universe, and free the universe to galactic supremacy.
The vast majority of men and women wanted to have children with the people they loved, romance and attraction, not with the some self proclaimed genetic natural selection survival of the fittest Emperor.
But the media industries had forced the vast majority of people to be too scared to admit their true feelings to even their closest friends. There were some brave heroes who could stand up to this. But only a small brave minority.

Chapter Five - The Emperors Clothes
The Emperor sat on his throne in the company of his dictator appointed court. His throne room was the size of half a football field. There were 8 cabinet members, who sat to his right. To his left sat his chief wife of his harem, and legions of government appointed butlers, maids, and a gaggle of sycophantic hangers on, celebrities in hook to his power.

The Emperor spoke of his pride at being able to be the ultimate being of evolutionary human.
He commented, ‘Artificial insemination is the intentional input of sperm into a living female animals species’ cervix, or uterus to get the female up the duff.’
The Emperor continued, ‘Until now the benefits of AI have been heterosexual couples suffering from male infertility, lesbians, and single women.’
The Emperor carried on, ‘My chief method of impregnating the population of women of the world will be intracervical insemination. It can be carried out by ordinary members of the public.’
The Emperor carried on, ‘Intracervical insemination will be completed by injecting my unwashed semen into the cervix of all women with a syringe.’
The crowd cheered, but the Emperor continued his statements, ‘Other techniques I will use and include, Intrauterine insemination involving the input of washed sperm to the uterus with a catheter. I will also instruct my army to fertilise women with my sperm via Intrauterine tuboperitoneal insemination, and Intratubal insemination.’
The Emperor had been a student of the history of artificial insemination. He spoke, ‘The start of artificial insemination was in 1884: when a Philadelphia professor of medicine put sperm from a student to inseminate an anesthetized woman, whose husband was infertile. This was followed in the nineteen twenties by the first sperm bank developed by the University of Iowa. My sperm will be frozen and sent across the galaxy to inseminate all women of the galaxy. I am the peak of evolution and women must never forget the natural justice that my sperm must impregnate them.’
All of a sudden the honourable comrade of the state hovered into the court on a flying buggy.
Emperor Zeus Palladium stood to attention and demanded his servant explain himself.
The accountant, a Mr Adam Douglas communicated his verbal mutterings, ‘I announce all palaces, castles, deserts, glaciers, mountains, farms, seas, and forests of the 500 inhabited solar systems are owned by the Emperor. He owns all the banks, energy industries, entertainment stations, mines, humans resources departments, oil exploration companies. He owns 50 per cent of every company on the stock exchange. As well as ownership of all trucking companies, and all unmarked Canada Geese. Furthermore no one but him is allowed to eat Zarthanan Geese without his permission.’
Emperor Zeus Palladium applauded the wise words of his accountant, then proclaimed him as supreme accountant of the Galaxy.
Suddenly the speech was interrupted by a messenger. It was General Rougvie of the 3rd armed forces of Yuhntly Star System. The General had bad news for the Emperor, ‘Today a ship carrying your frozen sperm to all women of the galaxy was attacked and destroyed by rebel forces who seek to end the Emperor‘s sperm. The rebels of the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula. She is holding your frozen sperm hostage, and is demanding that you immediately renounce your rule or else she will destroy your frozen sperm.’
The Emperor roared in fury, ‘Now I will have to ejaculate into a test tube again. Damn those rebels.’
The Emperor sat up in fury and proclaimed this a day of vengeance, against the rebel forces, ‘I ask all sane people to fight against the puny forces, who seek to end my genetic hegemony. They dare seek to destroy my seed. I will use the powerful fertility of my sperm to attack these vile maggots. I will use my genetic engineer experts to empower some of my sperm with powerful weapons, that will fight back against rebel forces. My genetic engineering will involve the direct modification of my sperm’s genome using biotechnology. It will be used to change the genetic makeup of cells. There will be genes removed, or knocked out, using a nuclease. Gene targeting will be utilised to change endogenous genes, introduce point mutations, delete genes, remove exons and add genes. My deoxyribonucleic acid is the most powerful force in the solar system. But it can be improved under my command. The first double helix, that was first discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick. And the more recent developments by the Emperor Zeus Palladium University and the Institute of Zeus Genetic Engineering, to develop all humans to have my DNA. Over 200,000 students, and scientists are working directly on my sperm.’
The crowd roared in approval.
The Emperor continued, ‘I will provide more of my royal, all conquering, and holy politburo sperm to the women of the solar system.’
One member of the crowd the honourable Member of Parliament Gordon Coughlin put forward the radical new idea by shouting, ‘Emperor, I put forward to you. That humans are not enough. Surely if you are the genetic supremacy being your sperm should by genetic modification be added to all animals, fish, insects, birds, and reptiles. I want to see every crocodile and Mute Swan with your genes. In fact we should also add your DNA to all plants, just to prove you are the genetic being of all time. So when I eat I know I am eating your DNA’
Emperor Zeus Palladium thought for a minute and then proclaimed, ‘Very well. I will provide more of my sperm for creating the realisation that all life in the galaxy must contain my DNA. I am the genetic supreme being. I will pay for another 50 million scientists to introduce my genes to every species of life in the galaxy, and then I will eliminate all life forms that do not have my DNA. That is the act of my life. I am the genetic supremacy, evolutionary perfection. Some will ask why I do this? But my answer is that all I seek is my manly macho testosterone filled desire to spread my seed. I will win. I will be the genetically supreme being.’
The Emperor then declared, ‘I will not allow the rebel forces to win. I will quash the dangerous ones to my fertilisation of all life in the universe. They are sick, sick depraved people. Do they not want their children to have the perfect DNA? Do they not want my descendents? Are these people creepy sick and weird? They are the most selfish creatures ever created.’
The crowd applauded, in terror. For if one of them spoke out they, and their wives would be killed.
But a lone woman in the court screamed, ‘This is sickening. This is sick. How can you want everything in the universe to be descended from you? This is sheer evil. You must be the most sick man in history.’
The Emperor laughed, and said, ‘If you think I am the most evil person in history. you obviously do not have a very active imagination.’

Chapter Six - Rebels Communication
But while the Emperor was speaking, his campaign was met with a powerful force. For the Galaxy, 30% of the media was covered by media station Bannock, which transmitted news, entertainment, movies, comedies, sports games, horror films, music, politics, soap operas. Most of the time the soap operas were based on the Emperor being a romantic hero seducing women, and played by handsome matinee idols. But today the Bannock Station was taken over by a force the Emperor could not have imagined.
The rebel force with an army of 10,000 invaded the Bannock planet, and subjected the communication media station to their message.
For this time the message was sent that most people in the Empire did not want to have their children killed, or be raped by the Emperor’s sperm.
In one moment the Emperor’s lost 30% of the people of the Galactic Empire. The people rose up now no longer fearing the Emperor. The army, police and adults of the people decided to rebel. Although seventy per cent of the Empire was still controlled by the Emperor and his evil plan.

Chapter Seven - The Emperor Reacts
When the holy Emperor discovered this news he was sickened. He could not grasp why any man would refuse their wives to carry his seed. He could not comprehend why any woman would want the sperm of a lowly ordinary man, or even a less than ordinary man. And too any woman who did not want his seed. Well magnanimously they deserved his sympathy, but the only mercy they deserved was an end to their pitiful lives of wasting the space and resources of the universe that deserved only to be that of his royal seed.
The mighty Emperor Zeus Palladium delivered a key note speech to the public across all communication channels, and in a stadium housing 250,000 souls, he announced, ‘Rebels have declared war on the future of the universe. A new age of primitive races, without my superior genes are threatening the power and progress of the universe. These men and women do not know their place. They are weak and have the burdens of primitive moralities. We must suppress their vile and depraved ways. We must go forward, and punish and suppress those who do not want my superior genes to take over the universe. Every corner of the universe must be inhabited by my genes. No living creature should be left to have genes that do not have my DNA. I am the future and the onward march.’

Chapter Eight - Battle of The Solar System of the Cat
The war had begun in the galaxy. Was there to be a phoney war? Well yes, at first. And for a week no battle was fought, as the Emperor summoned his forces for the rebels around the Galaxy.
The Emperor discovered using his secret military intelligence the Zeusian Might, the main base of the Rebels. It was the Solar System of the Cat. A solar system of three inhabited worlds. The first the Manx, the second the Leopard, and the third the Wildcat. All 3 plants housed over 2 billion people each.
The planets were worshippers of the Cat Gods. Houses were shaped like pyramids, capital cities dominated by 10 mile high skyscrapers over the majestic planets. Mountains covered the Manx Planet. Deserts covered the Leopard Planet, and Wildcat Planet was covered by rainforests tropical lands. The capitals sprawled over lakes and islands. The rich histories had been built over eons of peace. But when the rebel forces based their HQ on Manx Planet. The mighty Zeus Palladium fought back with vile ruthlessness. First came the atomic bombs that rained down on each planet of the solar system. Destroying every city and town. All the bridges, roads, and spaceports, airports, satellites, cities, and skyscrapers were bombed to destruction.
All 6 billion people were obliterated and it seemed the rebel forces had been destroyed. This was the end of freedom. Freedom had been defeated with a ruthless evil.
Yet the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula, had survived. Would this be the biggest mistake of the Emperor?

Chapter Nine The Breakdown
In the sperm bank, the Emperor finished off having sex with the beautiful sex goddess of Woor. He and the goddess emptied the sperm into a test tube to be frozen and sent around the galaxy.
He was also the third most ambitious creature in the universe. But there was something waiting in the extreme that would outbid the Emperor for ambition.
But in the sperm bank the Emperor had not figured on the genetic supremacy of other rivals. A corrupt employee of the Royal Sperm Bank decided that instead of the Emperor’s sperm being sent around the universe. It would be better for his sperm to be transported around the galaxy. His name was Kyle Jeriya. The Emperor was the most powerful and strong force in the universe. But Kyle had something that sometimes defeats ability, superior levels of ambition. He had built up 3 litres of his own sperm in the sperm bank. And immediately destroyed the Emperor Zeus Palladium sperm. Replacing the computer programmes with his own private sperm. Now if this carried on then the Emperor would not be the ultimate species in history instead it would be Kyle Jeriya. The millions of employees involved in this scheme would be destroying every life form in the galaxy that did not have the Emperor’s DNA.

Chapter Nine The Breakdown 2
But Kyle was then defeated by an even more powerful force in the universe. The most ambitious, and cunning force in the universe, Plock McBroara. He was a 46 year old, who was next on the sperm chain of the sperm bank. He had collected 2 litres of his sperm in the sperm bank. Not knowing that Kyle had replaced the Emperor’s sperm with his sperm. Plock decided to supply his own sperm to replace what he thought was the Emperor’s sperm but was in fact Kyle sperm.
Once again the computer programmes were this time changed by Plock so that all living creatures in the Universe would be replaced by the DNA of Plock McBroara.
Now the Emperor’s plan to replace all creatures DNA with his own sperm would simply benefit that of the lowly sperm bank employee Plock Mcbroara.

Chapter Ten - The Dying of the Light

Nothing is as safe and dangerous, as that which is hidden.

Now the forces of the universe would be ripped to shreds. Emperor Zeus Palladium also declared that all fossil evidence of previous life forms before him would need to be obliterated, for his control, to never be questioned. But as all men were either to be killed or sterilised, there were still pockets of rebellion against the vile Emperor.
In the hidden planet, the Planet of Plenty, housed in the trans dimensional time warp created by the genius astro engineer Albert Nuwell. A brave band of rebels led by the ancient warrior the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula, took the last remnants of freedom and morality to fight for justice.
The Emperor Zeus Palladium would send out search parties for this Galactic Brigadoon. But try as he might he could not find the place.
It was a land of peace, and preparation for war. It was a land of lush green coniferous forests, fossils of dinosaurs and megladons littered the planet. There the people built giant cruise liners and tall ships that sailed the tropical oceans who giant crocodiles would snap at. I remember as a little boy being on one of the ocean liners. I looked down 300ft from the edge of the ship to see a giant 40 ft croc jump up while white sharks swamp surrounding it. And it breaks my heart every time I dream of that croc and know I will never see it again.
And the leaders of this land were sworn to celibacy to be the opposite of the Emperors quest for feudal overlord of the Universe. This was a land of army, and great academic studies.
The Emperor meanwhile colonised the universe with what he thought was his seed. Little knowing that it was merely his cunning servants seeds.
The Emperor would use all the technology available to his empire to live for as long as possible but he had already selected a favourite descendent as his successor. His name was Zeus Gold, the domineering chief of the Soloquital Planet. A planet that was spreading the Emperor’s supposed seed at full rate.

Chapter Eleven - The Black Hole of the Universe
The Emperor Zeus Palladium was furious with the remaining rebels who had escaped the cull of extinction or sterilisation. He commanded Zeus Gold to come up with an operation to end the Planet of Plenty.
Zeus Gold met with his top military scientists, and together they came up with a devilish plan.
The Plan was to construct a planet seeking black hole that would use a warping of time and space to seek out the Planet of Plenty and end these miserable inferiors.
The construction of the device took 3 years, But eventually under the tutelage of General Professor Fal, and the legendary astro engineer Curt Zule, the engineering work was completed. The hole was piloted by the Prince, Zeus Gold, himself. And for months they seeked out the Planet of Plenty, through many light years of space.
To their amazement, after 3 months they discovered the planet hiding in a dimension of Suldor the Vengeful. But to their shock the planet was protected by anti black hole force field of such great strength that if destroyed it would destroy the universe.
Still alive on the planet was the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula.
The Emperor ordered that the Planet of Plenty surrender or he would destroy the universe.
On proclamation of the people, the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula, was sent to negotiate with Emperor Zeus Palladium, on the decision of how this matter should be solved.
The Emperor and the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula both agreed that the matters arising should be addressed. After all the wealthiest Emperor in the history of the universe, deserved such.
In the golden eagle palace of the western plains of the Rhagfyr Planet in the Tachwedd Asteroid solar system, the masters of the universe met. They were accompanied by 10,000 unarmed soldiers, and genetically created monsters of the hateful ones.
The moderators of the Churches of Zeus Palladium, and the Planet of Plenty acted as co-judges for the treaty meeting.
The rebels put forward their case that all genetic battles should be suppressed. That the primitive love matches of the past must remain. That the Emperor must accept he is not the pinnacle of evolution. That love must be retained as the motivation of human evolution.
In counter to these statements.
The Emperor put forward that his genes were superior to everyone else’s, and that his DNA must be added to that of all living creatures, and that all trace of beings before him must be destroyed. That after all was his right, as Emperor of the Universe, to be the sole creator of the universe the god above all, that history books must be rewritten so that he is the original creature of the universe and prodigator of all.
There was no agreement between the two leaders of the respective campaigns. There were oppositely pillared.
For 3 days the two shouted and screamed at each other in fury at what was what, and who was who?
But self interest took forward when Prince Zeus Gold came up with a radical, if selfish, idea.
Zeus Gold ranted, and raved for two hours that the only way to solve the debate was to have a battle to the death between Zeus Palladium and Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula. He was so overwhelmed by his idea that he nearly exploded out of his mighty head.
Zeus Palladium was delighted by the idea, while the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula, saw it as a major way to provoke the enemy to defeat.

Chapter Twelve - The Battle of Eternal Victory
It took two years to build the millennium coliseum, a generous 1,000,000 seat stadium located in the Beta Chant Solar System, orbited by three suns.
The Emperor had genetically modified various monsters for the battle. The battle would be superseded by various warm up fights, one a four headed 20 ft tall dragon would fight a 40 ft tall super sized tyrannosaurus rex, There would also be a fight between a pack of giant wolves from the Planet of Storms, and a pack of Wizarian Bears. The other battles would include super sized rats and super sized extra long vipers. There would also be battle between a team of Pashian Sabre Toothed Mountain Gorillas, and the Alpha Sun God Raptors of Coortvlan. Then finally after these fights to the death there would be the final battle of evolution the fight to the death between the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula, and the Zeus Palladium the Emperor of the Universe. The winner would decide the fate of the universe, would it be inhabited only by the seed of the emperor or would all creatures of today be allowed to pass on their family line. At stake was the hereditary rights of all galaxy’s creatures.
The Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula had undergone 2 years of training in every martial art, fighting technique, from karate, to boxing, from Greco roman wrestling to bare knuckle boxing. She had had a third ear fitted to the back of her head, to improve her hearing. She had been trained by the greatest fighters of her world. Undergone steroids, and organ replacement operations to improve her muscle strength, she had even had even had retractable claws fitted to finger tips, and her skull had been operated on, over the course of two years, to be thick titanium. This would hopefully give her a massive boost in her already vast warrior ability.
The Emperor of the Universe was equally fitted with improvements, his skull was replaced with a bullet prooth rigid carbon material. His hands were switched to metallic 15 fingered super strong jagged edged flexible metals, capable of ripping through metal like a knife through butter. His chest was operated on so that his body was covered by a metallic armour under his thin skin. His feet were changed to a strong flexible bio-metal genetically engineered structure modelled on the feet of the fighting birds of prey of Ochtar. On the back of each leg he had a sharp pointed curved talux.
The two would wear full knight body armour, and be armed with 6 ft long swords so sharp and strong that the edges could not be seen by the naked eye but were still strong enough to cut through iron.
The crowd roared in delight as the master of ceremonies Zargtock VX, presented the warm up performances before the fighting. Singing and dancing together before the fights were the top selling musicians of the orchestra the Wild Geniuses of the Sleeping World of Broken Hearts. They sang and danced through two songs. This was followed by the Band o’ the Old Emperors Imperial Guard. Followed by top piano player Managh Utton.
By now the show was ready for the first battle that of
a four headed 20 ft tall dragon against a 40 ft tall super sized tyrannosaurus rex.
The dragon v tyrannosaur match lasted a full 30 minutes of blood curdling, bone crunching, flesh biting and finally wrestling as the two bloodied bodies fell to the floor. Then the dragon let out a powerful swish of it’s tail finally crunching off the tyrannosaurs neck. How ironic that the ancestor of ancient times had confused multi million year old tyrannosaur skulls with those of dragons. And now eons later the dragon born of myths affirmed had defeated the real antagonist of humans ancient pre human ancestors.
Next up was a pack of giant wolves from the Planet of Storms, against a pack of Wizarian Bears.
20 animals fought another in a fatal quest of animal dominance. The battle was close with equal numbers bears and wolves battling each other, at the end 3 bears and 3 wolves. But in a game changer one of the wolves took out two bears at once, leading to 3 against one at the end. The final bear was defeated in through ruthless battle.
Next up was the super sized rats and super sized extra long vipers. In a 1 hour battle the crowd cheered with delight in an epic elite battle of trans dimensional prey fighting. This was the planetary based apex predator conqueror struggle of the decade.
The battle saw all 15 creatures in the battle fight literally to their death. Even the last alive had suffered such serious wounds that they could not carry life on.
The crowd cheered the fight, as the fight they had paid the entry fee for.
Then came the stadium announcement, from the Master of Ceremonies, ‘You have been greatly entertained, but this is simply the warm up for the feast of the century. Today you will see the battle of the titans, as The Emperor of the Universe, takes on the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula. Each armed to the brim, with lethal force.
It was now night and floodlights shone over the stadium, while hundreds of drone cameras hovered above the field of battle in the stadium. They darted to take broadcast of the fighters in every angle imaginable. They had normal vision, as well infrared, x-ray, microwave sensing technology, to measure the heat from the battlers minds and bodies, and the damage to the bodies. The task was to film this moment of history for everyone. A record of the past for the future. It would be held for posterity.
The Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula entered the arena via parachute from a large two bladed helicopter. She received a deafening support from her 400,000 supporters in the crowd. They sung, cheered, and ranted their support. Some of the crowd waved a 60ft tall banner with her picture on it, reading the slogan, ‘The Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula is the lady of our hearts.’ While the Emperors’ 400,000 supporters booed and hissed, shouted out sexist rants. And bullying comments. The remaining 200,000 tickets had gone to the corporate brigade. They just ate their food, drunk their emperor brewed alcohols such as scotch, champagne, wine, and rum, and smoked high quality drugs, that people should not take, while they entertained their corporate business partners. To them the most important thing in life was to make money, and this was just a high profile junket.
Then the Emperor of the Universe entered the stadium in a even more impressive manner. A giant 50 ft tall tyrannosaurus hex entered the stadium then it roared in pain. And ripping from inside the belly of the t hex, came a powerful sword and out of the genetically engineered dinosaur came the Emperor of the Universe who roared louder than a lion, to his screaming fans. While to quality stirring music played, and the T Hex fell to the floor dead behind him. He was covered in dinosaur blood, but then a drone carrying water arrived and washed the Emperor to free him from his grime.
The fight referee was a woman Avril Lohan. A 19 year old blonde actress who had been chosen as the reward for the Emperor’s supremacy. Once the Emperor won she would be impregnated in natural fashion by the Emperor.
Avril introduced the fight, ‘Will you now give a loud cheer to the Emperor and the Virgin. The future of the universe depends on this final battle of genetic supremacy. Will the universe be impregnated only by the Emperor, or will the Virgin enforce choice on our population.’
The fight began and the Emperor charged at the Virgin who quickly bounced up 10 ft in the air over the encroaching Emperor, as she did the Virgin’s fans waved their banners.
The Emperor though quickly fired one of his 30 metal fingers like a bullet toward the Virgin, it struck her in the stomach entering her body through the armour she wore. The Virgin flinched but in retaliation she dropped to the floor then darted toward the still other way facing Emperor.
The Virgin sprung her claws out to full length then ripped through the back of the Emperor.
The Emperor roared in pain then automatically jamp 10 ft in the air for self defence, he landed on top of the virgin. He sat down on top of her chest with his legs splayed to force down her arms, so her arms were useless, then he started punching the Virgin. He crowed to her, ‘Now we will make sure you will no longer be called the Virgin.’
The Emperor dug the halux on each leg into the side of the Virgin ripping into her sides.
The Virgin was losing consciousness and it looked like the fight was over. But she managed to lift her legs up in a double jointed fashion and pull her legs around the Emperor’s neck. Where she used her flexibility to pull him back, she sprung up on the floor and pulled her sword out, then she charged again toward the still lying Emperor. She stabbed through his chest into his heart, then into his groin, ripping his privates apart. The Emperor let out a massive yell of pain, but in a deep voiced shock. The Virgin yelled in delight, ‘Yes the Emperor is defeated, and his seed will not be sown over the universe.’
The Virgin turned around to cheer to her fans. But the Emperor was not dead, he had had his two more hearts fitted inside his body by genetic engineering and once one heart was destroyed one of the others would kick in. Silently he lifted himself up, and sneaked up on the Virgin. Just as he was about to rip his sword into her, she sensed, him with her genetically engineered provided third ear. She turned and punched the Emperor in the face, but her claws had been retracted so he did not bleed. Then the two grabbled with each other for a minute. The Emperor got hold of the virgins head and started smashing her face against his vile child abusing knee. Once again the Virgin was losing consciousness, but she quickly ripped her right claws into the Emperor’s knee tearing it off with a force that would destroy a skyscraper. The knee of the Emperor was ripped off. And the Virgin lifted up the severed lower half of the Emperors left leg. She then picked up the sword she had dropped and ran toward the Emperor. The Emperor screamed, ‘No, do not kill me. I will give you a 100 planets to control if you spare me.’
The Virgin with blood pouring out of her broken nose and smashed up mouth. Repeatedly shouted, ‘I and my integrity, will never be bought. I do this for the survival of my fathers line.’
There she ripped her sword into the head of the vile Emperor, repeatedly smashing into the Emperor so there could be no return for this vile monster. After 10 repeated blows to the conquered Emperor. She let out her final roar of the fight, and decapitated the Emperor’s head. She lifted the decapitated mashed up head of the Emperor and then, turned around and chucked it high 20 ft into the air, like a shot put.
A drone doctor robot then linked to the media streams, commented for the whole of the Universe to hear, ‘The Emperor of the Universe is now dead, the Virgin of the Universe Sarctock The Glocbula has won.’
The 400,000 fans of the Virgin cheered in delight. Then to their shock the 400,000 fans of the Emperor cheered to, for they had only supported strength and once their Emperor was seen to have lost his strength, they claimed the victory for themselves.
The Emperor’s plans to genetically engineer everyone to have his genes in their DNA, were destroyed. The Virgin was proclaimed the new Empress of the Universe. But she decided to install a federal constitution for the universe.
She took her role to install democratically elected governments across the universe, with two term presidents, and three house parliaments. The president was banned from holding too much power. The Empress declared she would only serve two terms of 5 years as president.
And so the universe returned to decency, and fair play. The people realised that to have one genetically supreme leader was against the laws of morality and decency their forefathers, and foremothers had supported. Of course there was still evil committed. There were still murderers, rapists, paedophiles, homophobes, racists, bullies, snobs, inverted snobs, wife beaters, trolls, con artists, people who fancy bullies, and thieves around. Life would never be perfect and that is a shame. But vast numbers of people would struggle for values of decency, tolerance and respect. The law would punish the evil. The law would try to protect the weak and the vulnerable.

All across the universe the governments, helped to protect the wildlife, ecosystem, morality, cats, wealth, and happiness of their populations.
And the statues to the old Emperor were knocked down and replaced after the Virgin’s death with her statue. She would have been to humble to ask for such an honour, and that is why the people built the statue to the selfless heroic woman who stood up to genetic tyranny and intolerance,

The End of my Story.
© Copyright 2016 RorySmith (roryfsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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