Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2078866-The-Seashell
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2078866
Writer's Cramp short story prompt for March 22, 2016
"I think I am going to be sick, Mom," the little guy leaning over the side of the bobbing boat started to retch.

"I thought you were going to be a sailor like your dad," she smiled, remembering on more than one occasion she had held her husband on the side of the boat. His secret was safe with her.

"Ok, maybe I am not having fun. Can we go see Aunt Sophia and pick up seashells?"

"Ok, maybe we do need to meet Grandpa before he leaves for work..." she nodded, realizing they were running out of time before the sun started setting. "Jeff, can you take us to Sophie's house?"

They were fortunate in this part of Maine to be on the water, and everyone had boats along the coast. If the family wasn't in fishing, they were in some government job. Her dad was a navy rescue diver, and she had been on boats since she had been talking.

The dark blue Ford pickup was pulling down the driveway just as Jeff put the boat in at her sister's dock. The flashlight was perfect to send her dad a signal, a trick he had taught the girls when they were younger to indicate they were safe and wanted to chat. The truck stopped, and her dad got out.

"How is the little sailor doing?" the older man asked, smiling.

Thoughtfully, she dodged the subject, and proceeded. "It was getting a little choppy out there, so we came by to see Sophie's beach. Are you heading to work?"

"Hey mom, look at that shell!!!!" the little guy bounding down the beach ran toward a glowing seashell. It was a perfect nautilus, laying in the pebbly sand that was characteristic of Maine this time of year.

"Hey, that is the second one I have found this week." his grandpa added. "I wonder..." stroking his chin, as he examined the shell.
"We've had some really warm water out there for this time of year. The lobsta have been molting early....You might have something there..."

The little guy, excited that he had found something that was new, held it up to Sophie, the blonde matron of the house. Not as enthused by another sea creature being held up to her face, she stepped back...."Ew. Keep that thing away from me."

Amused, her husband, Jerry, following right behind her, raised his chin and looked down his nose so he could examine the shell.
"That is something, isn't it? I had a fella up here last night that was asking about this sort of thing. He said he was from the Institute. Might be interesting to him, mightn't it?"

The cell phone was to his ear, and he was calling the number on the business card he had just pulled from his wallet before anyone could say anything.

"Yeah, it is Jerry from the Bigelow place, we just found something you might be looking for....(pause)....you are on your way." Jerry looking down at his nephew, smiled. "I have a young scientist that might like that. See you in a jiff."

Her dad, looking down at his watch, made his apologies he couldn't stay...he was going to be late for work if he stayed any later. The sun was turning quickly toward the horizon. He left while the adults exchanged small talk.

The Ford Explorer had a big sign on the side of the driver's side door, "The Institute". A young enthusiastic man with a flannel shirt jumped out of the driver side with a big smile.

"I think you might have what I am looking for," he smiled as he saw the treasure being held in a shoebox by the little guy. "We are researching the warm water offshore. There are new life forms and mutations, and we are tracking them at the Institute. It might change the way we fish the waters. Let's see that a little closer," as he pulled out a magnifying lens with a light. "Ahhh...it is a warmer climate shell. We don't see these up here that often, which means the gulf stream might be changing it's patterns. We might have a little research project." Looking down at the little guy, he smiled. "I guess that means you are already making a career as a scientist. I have to give you the credit for the discovery."

"Does that mean you have to take it with you?" the little guy sullenly questioned.

"What is it that makes it glow like that?" his mom asked.

"It is a form of algae that we usually see in warmer climates. It might be one of the few passengers on the gulf stream to make it from the Florida coast. It is worth mentioning that there is a really good chance your son may have found a new mutation of the species, I can't be sure until I get it in the lab."

"Oh." She shivered and looked at the sun as it was closing down on the treeline behind the house. "We better start heading in. Can we stay with you tonight, Soph?"

"Sure. Jerry has to run to the market, but I have enough to get some food on the table for supper. Would you like to stay for dinner," she asked the flannel shirted man politely.

"I had better get back to the lab so I can put this in the specimen drawer." Smiling down at the young scientist. "I have a young guy that I have to get back to tonight as well."

The family waved to the Explorer as it headed down the gravel road, carrying their discovery with them. Little did they know that it was the first of many.

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