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Jessie, is celebrating her 121st birthday as a vampire, in Vegas, finding new secrets. |
The night is still young for me to be out, usually all the vampires are out around at midnight. So far life as a vampire really sucks. I can’t do the things I used to be able to do. Like, actually hang out with old friends. Sadly, they were alive a hundred years ago. Life back then was a lot easier than it is now. At least I have seen the world grow and slightly mature. But the people are still assholes to everyone else around them. At least there are still good people around. For my 121st birthday, my new vampire friends are taking me to Las Vegas, to drink the blood of people who are drunk off their asses. I don’t really see the point in it, but I agreed to go anyway. “Jessie, why do you look so bored? You should be happy that you are going to one of the greatest cities in this country!” My friend Sharon says. I look at her like she is the craziest vampire on the entire planet. “Don’t you know all the shit that goes on in that city? Please tell me that you are not that stupid. Everyone knows that it’s also called the city of crime.” She may seem really smart when you meet her for the first time, but when it comes to travel, she never does her homework, ever. All four of us are on a train, heading to Las Vegas. I may not be too happy about going, but at least I can ditch the old house for a while. Claire is sitting next to me on the train. She is the quiet one of the group. But she is fast as hell. From what I know about her, she recently turned, my friends told me it was one hundred years ago. I know that may seem like a long time to the human race but it is not that long to a vampire. After a few long hours, dawn begins to break the horizon. “OK, girls, you all have the rings right?” I ask. They all show me their hands, they all have the daylight rings that we almost died for, literally. We all look at the sunrise, now that was a big mistake. Partially blinded by the sun, I pull down the small curtain on the window and everyone is fine again. “Well, that was very pleasant,” I say sarcastically. Everyone smiles and laughs at me, just for being a smart ass. We finally reach our destination and get off the train. We get our bags from the carrier above us and walk off, high heels clacking on the boardwalk. Which can get very annoying at times. My friends practically yelled at me for not wearing the only pair I have. I was forced to go back to my house and get them. They can be a real pain at times. We start to walk into the city of death to find our hotel, I wouldn’t be too surprised if there was a faint scent of blood in the room. I am one of the more sensitive ones to the scent of it. When we get to our hotel, I am very disappointed in my friends. They told me that we would be staying somewhere plain and simple. We are staying on the third floor of a luxury hotel, I hate my friends. “I thought you said that our hotel wasn’t fancy, why would you lie?” I ask, getting really angry. “Woah, there Jessie, we just want you to get used to the greater things in life, you don’t have to live in the crappiest of places.” Alexis says, she has always been the girl to pick out the most expensive places or things to buy. Most of the time she isn’t any help at all. “You should know that I hate being lied to.” Fire burns in eyes and around me, my friends look at me in fear. After a moment the flooring around my feet begins to burn. “Jessie! Calm down there is no need for you to act like this!” I look over and see Claire’s frustrated face. I calm down and the fire dissipates, leaving scorch marks on the indigo carpet. Whenever Claire says anything, she calms everyone down, as if she has a calming power. Then again, no one really knows what her power is. I walk into one of the empty rooms and plop on the bed. “Why does everything have to be so pretty, I just wish we were somewhere else. Maybe a bar will calm my nerves.” The intriguing thing about humans, is when we drink their blood, and it’s gone, they turn to dust. And I thought that was what happened to us, but my friends say that we turn into our birthstones. Some of us are worth a lot of money, depending on how long we live depends on how many jewels we turn into. Before I decide to leave for a bar or a casino of some sort, I unpack my things and put them into the white dresser with floral designs. Surprisingly I unpack quickly, and leave the hotel, I don't blame myself for wanting to get out of there. All that fancy stuff, just makes me sick. The sun is very bright and it hurts my eyes, luckily I brought my sunglasses. I brought a few other things, but those will come in use later. Right now I will just look around and get used to the territory. I have heard that vampires only come here for the alcoholic and blood that has drugs in it, but honestly I find it ridiculous. By this time the sun is setting and the night life here is becoming more active. Right now I am walking down an alleyway taking a shortcut to a club my friends decided to go to and decided to text a few hours later. I sigh. “Why are my friends so stupid and unbelievable?” “Maybe they are just looking for a good time, you can have some fun with us instead of hanging out with stupid friends.” I hear someone say behind me. “Actually,” I say turning around, there are four thugs in front of me, “I am the only one who gets to call them stupid. And there is no way I am going to hang out with some people I just met.” They stare at me for a moment, the one in front looks like the leader. Then again, they don't seem to friendly anyway. “I wasn't asking you if you wanted to come with us, you're going to be forced.” I shrug my shoulders. “Well you leave me no choice, I'm going to have to kill you now.” The leader laughs, “How are you going to do that? A small girl like you doesn't have a chance against four men with knives in their pockets.” “Well, then you guys are lucky that you don't know what I am.” The leader charges forward, at first I dodge his attack and kick him down to the ground. The other three are standing there, just gaping at what they just saw. After a moment they all charge at me, almost at the exact same time. All of them are so easy to kick down, but just for fun I leave them conscious to show them not to mess with me. I walk up to the one that attacked me first. “Are you the leader of this small group?” I ask. He nods, I only broke his legs, for the others in his group, I just broke their arms. “Great, now I am thirsty again, why do you humans always want to fight so much? It doesn't help in the end.” The other three sat themselves up. I just smile at them. “Now I want you three to see what is going to happen, no one will believe you but I just want you to know not to mess with me ever again.” I grab their leader by his head and lift him up, I lick my lips and sink my fangs into his neck. His friends scream in fear, and one of them calls the authorities, like they will get here in time to catch me. When I am done, I search the man’s body and find some cocaine in his pocket, luckily there are three little bags. I toss them in front each person who is left alive. I drop the body and grab some napkins out of my small bag. I wipe my mouth. “If your friend lives, you should tell him that he needs to eat some sweet foods.” I walk down the alley and head for the club. Just as I leave the authorities get to the other men. I enter the club that my friends are at, I look down at my shirt and luckily I don't see any blood on it. Now no one will suspect me of killing anyone. My friends are in party dresses, I am only in jeans and a t-shirt with sneakers. When they see me they wave me over, then they see what I am wearing and they give me looks. “You should have at least put on something nice.” Sharon says. “Do I look like I want to be here? I only came because I wanted to make sure none of you were doing drugs or anything else in this club. All of you should know that I won't tolerate that shit.” I begin to get a bit frustrated with them, Sometimes I think I am mistaken for their mother.They all act like children anyway, so I guess I could act like their mother. They all shrug and continue drinking. Sharon is drinking a Bloody Mary, Claire has some shots of tequila, and Raven, I think she is having some Yeager Bombs. I didn't know she was willing to come out, she usually doesn't like to go on trips with us, unless she thinks it's important. Raven has white hair like to true vampire would, but she thinks it's nothing to special. “Raven, I didn't know you were here. Why didn't you say you were coming out with us?” I ask. “I told your friends that I would be taking a later train because I had some things to deal with. I told your friends to tell you I would be a little late in coming, they never told you?” I look at my friends, and they order more drinks, I will have to deal with them when we get back to the hotel. Raven comes over and she hands me a Tequila Sunrise, She knows that I will only drink that. She smiles at me. “I am only going to ask you to have a little bit of fun, even though I know it's not your style.” She puts her drink on the bar and heads to the dance floor. Does Raven know how to actually dance? I watch her for a few minutes, no, she definitely does not know how. I put my face in my hands, attempting not to laugh. I swear she will embarrass us all at one point in time. I just wait at the bar for my friends to say that they want to go home and sleep, but then again, we are vampires and we are creatures of the night. So I doubt it will happen any time soon. Right now I am slowly drinking my sunrise, and the bartender comes over and decides to talk to me. “Hey, you look a little down, what’s up?” He asks. I am surprised to see that he appears to be really young, and he has black hair that is combed really nice. Honestly he looks a little cute with his uniform on. “I am Jessica, will you please come with me to get coffee sometime?” I cover my mouth and I can feel myself blush. Why did I blurt that out? That was not supposed to happen. But he just laughs, I think he has been asked that question many times but not by a girl like me. As far as I can tell he is human, so it might not work very well. At least he looks cute with his outfit. “I don't know, I usually don't go out with someone I just met at a bar on the side streets.” He says. I can feel my entire face going red, maybe redder than the color of human blood. If I could turn him into something like me I wonder what gemstone he would turn into. Only few humans are turned into vampires, because the council has forbade it, honestly you can only have a human turned if you and that human are truly in love. When that happens you have to go through a series of tests in order to prove your love for that human. For example, you have to fight other vampires who were submitted to death row by the council for unforgiving crimes. The jewels that the vampires you kill will then be kept and your lover has to wear them, not all of them but at least one of each, then both you have to go through a ritual, it is a special one, when the jewels are worn you have to persuade your lover to drink your own blood. That is the hardest part, blood to humans is not satisfying and to them it is disgusting. That is if you both survive, long enough. Raven comes back over when she is done dancing, luckily I wasn't watching her embarrass herself. “So, are you having fun for once in your life?” She notices that I am still red from my conversation with the cute bartender. She smiles an evil grin, she has always been jealous of me whenever I find someone I like. “Oh, I see, you like someone here don't you? Tell me who it is! I demand you to!” “No, I will not, we both know what happened with the last guy I liked.” When I liked someone back at my hometown, it was the same time I meet Raven too. I had introduced him to her, I couldn't get his name out and she killed him, I have to admit, he did taste really sweet. Yet I know that is a really weird thing to say, especially about someone I liked. Well, I was young then, and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I was trying to be human when I wasn’t . After that I never really fell in love with anyone ever again, because I know it will get them killed. I get up and take my sunrise and attempt to hid on the dance floor, I just hope that she won't be able to find me. I find a small corner, and sit, at least I am still next to a small bar. If he doesn't know how to make a sunrise, I will kill him. I just hope that it won't come to that, since there are a few humans here. To my surprise all the bartenders are vampires except for one. Why isn't he dead or turned by accident yet? That is a bit surprising, but then again he will catch on at some point and he will die. Unless I secretly take him away from here, and hide him in my house for a while, but he will have to find out the truth about me as well. What the hell, I guess it's worth the risk right? What is the worst that could happen other than one of us dieing or being put on death row by the council? I slowly make my way to the bar that the young man was stationed at, Hopefully I can get him out of here without anyone noticing. But it all depends on whether an good song comes on and they all leave to dance like crazy people. I will have to be careful and not get caught, to be honest, this club isn’t really of my taste. For me, I like it when they are a lot bigger and they have better and louder music. I sit and wait for almost an hour, until a good song comes on and everyone goes to the dance floor and dances. I somewhat run and walk over to the bar where the human bartender works. When I get there, he is wiping down the counter top and cleaning some glasses that will hold another drink. “When is your shift over?” I ask quickly. “What?” “When, is, your shift over?” This time I’m a bit frustrated. “Okay, okay, sorry, I get off in a few hours why?” He asks curiously. “Well, let's just say that I need to get you out of here, before you end up dieing.” That is all I can really tell, even though it is mostly the truth. He looks at me funny, but it changes when I give him a ‘I’m not kidding’ look. “Do you want to go now?” I can tell that he is very nervous, not by the fact that he might die, but I haven’t told him by who. I nod and he sets the drink down. After a moment, he comes out from the other side of the bar. “Are you ready?” I ask. He only nods. I look around to make sure that nobody is watching us. Then I put one of my arms around him and also put some of my weight on him as well. “What are you doing?” “I am acting as if I am drunk and leaving in a cab, I would suggest that you play along with it.” I whisper to him. He nods again, I am getting the feeling that he doesn't like the situation. I don't blame him though, I used to be that way when I was human. We go out the door without anyone even noticing, which is really surprising. I finally get off of him and brush myself off, sadly I know that I am blushing. I didn't think that he would take too well to that. We stand there for a moment and it's definitely awkward as hell. “Hey!” Someone yells behind us. “Look I need you to get on my back.” I tell the bartender. “What!?” I roll my eyes and pick him up by the waist. Then I jump onto a roof of a tall building, I think it was at least five or six stories tall, I wasn't counting. The boy is clearly in shock, and he decided to start squirming as soon as I get onto the roof. “Who are you? What are you? Look, whoever you are, you can't take me anywhere. I won't allow it.” He starts talking to himself. We can only stand here for so long, that is until someone decides to follow us onto the rooftops. Eventually another vampire jumps up, and he doesn't look very happy with me at all. “Now, what would a pretty little vampire like you, want with a bartender like that?” He asks. When it comes to vampires like him, there isn't much to talk about. He clearly has a jacket on, and from what I can see there might be some rings on his hands. I smirk. “Nothing scum like you would want him for. I am in a good mood still so I will ask you why you hired a human bartender.” He waves his head back and forth. “Well, if you knew anything about what we do, it would be the usual. We would use him as a blood maker, since we don't want to get our hands dirty.” “Do I want to know what happened to the last one you had? If there even was one?” I put my hands behind my back to start a small flame in my hand. “Well, he didn't last long, and neither will you!” He lunges toward me, his nails have only gotten longer. Pathetic, he doesn't even use his true power, but some vampires don't get one. I sigh, I grab his throat with my only free hand and lift him up. “You see, it's little vampires like you,” I squeeze his neck, “that really piss me off!” I use my flame and kill him, when he is truly dead, he turns into the aquamarine gemstone. He was born in March as a human. Not only that, he has only lived for at least fifty or so years, there are only five gems. I gather them and put them into my pocket, for safekeeping. When I turn around, I notice that the bartender is standing there gaping at me, and from here I think he pissed his pants. “Ready to go?” I ask. “Do I have to?” He asks, scared. “Well, do you want to live for another twenty or so years?” He nods, then I move towards him a step, and he steps back. I take another step and he does the same thing. “Do we really have to be difficult? I mean I risked my life for you, doesn't that mean anything to you at all?” Now I feel myself starting to cry, I don't understand why my emotions are being this way, it's never happened before. I wipe them away, “Sorry.” Now I know that I am really blushing, I have never cried in front of a guy before, and it's embarrassing. “No I should be sorry, I should be thanking you for saving my life and all I'm doing is standing here shaking in fucking fear!” He says, I can't really blame him, he's in shock. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. “I promise that I will explain everything when I get you to a safe place. Just bare with me.” I grab his wrist and drag him to the edge of the roof, put him on my back and we head to the hotel. When we get there we head up to my room, to keep my friends out, I take his tie and put it around the door handle, I'm not too proud of this but it works and I've done it before. “Okay,” I say as I shut the door, “what do want to know?” “Where do I start? What are you?” He asks, the effects of being in shock seem to have subsided. “Lets just say that I'm a vampire, since it's a bit more complicated than that, I'm not going to get into detail with you just yet.” He nods. “Then what was that at the bar?” “Look, all I can say is that all the bartenders you were working with, were vampires. When they bring a human into work with them, most of the time it means that they plan to kill that human.” I wait for him for a while, he is trying to understand. “Hey, just sleep it off tonight, right now it's the best thing you can do right now.” “Okay, at least I can easily understand that, and it is really late.” We both look at the clock, dawn is coming soon, I’ll have to find some food before the sun rises. It's three o’clock right now, I must be quick. I open the window. “I need you to stay here for a while, I have to do something really quick for the sun rises.” “Where are you going?” “Don't worry about it, I won't be gone long, at least an hour, if the girls come home and they knock on the door, don't answer it just ignore them.” I jump out the window and land in the street, luckily nobody saw, after I realize how much of a mistake I made. It takes me almost half an hour to find someone, luckily he is male, I can use my other powers. “Hey.” I just ignore him, and continue walking, surprisingly I can use one charm that a succubus can use, I call it Attract and they call it Love Charm. I use it on him but the effect is only small, I can't give to big of a hit, if I do that some bad shit will definitely happen. I was never told what would happen, but I don't think I want to know. |